Three days have passed since "The Great Wizard" Geo Margils led the Schulds to Philsand.

Kaneigin Sel Ladle, court magician of the Duke of Philsand, is an English genius studied at the College of Mages in the Kingdom of the North (Schrendal).

The ability to use top magic with ease was also praised at the College of Magicians Main College as entering ten fingers.

He has been drilling even since serving in Philsand 10 years ago on the brink, and has also experienced many real battles with the devils and barbarians.

The magician of Hundred Wars Smelting was now at the command post set over the Great Gate of Philsand City.

Look south from the top of the main gate, close to 20 meters high. I saw an army of pitchblacks filling the dry earth neatly forming and approaching the main gate.

Needless to say, the Darks, an army that buries itself from the edge of sight to the edge. Legion of the Dark.

Directly beneath the main gate, beyond the moat around the city wall, were the Knights of Philsand and infantry units laying formation. But from the number of overwhelming legions of darkness (Legion) I don't rely too much.

According to Kaneigin's memory, the composition of the Legion of the Dark (Legion) consists of four to five thousand little ghosts, two hundred giant ghosts and five rock ghosts. And a huge new breed of darkness than a rock ghost.

Historically, it can't even be said that it happened twice, "Big Breed" (Breed), but about one of the countries is doomed and of its natural size.

"Well, I left the rest to you."

"I'll take care of it"

On the throne in the center of the command post, the Duke of Philsand. The man holds a pitch-black armor and sits on his back.

Standing to be the Duke is currently Margirus, the most vigilant and fearful figure of Kaneigin.

"Take care"

"You really don't have to help me either, do you?

Two melons and two girls put words on Margirus that cared for each one.

Blonde twintail is the Duke's daughter Elizabeth. A silver-haired shortcut is Deane, the daughter of Chief Schulz.

Good luck.

The woman, who was more concerned about Kaneigin than the two girls with both extreme attractions, also drooled her head (Kobe) with respect to Margils.

Kaneigin also knows the name of the sorceress Crawler.

What surprised him was that Crawla bowed with her hands over her chest. This attitude is called "sacramental salute" among magicians, and is a courtesy to those who are far above the ranks of the Master.

"What, it'll be over soon"

From what Kaneigin has heard, that sorceress is from a prestigious family that leads to the great aristocracy of the Kingdom of the North (Schrendal) and is also high on the Sorcerer's Guild in the city of Lellis. She was also a rare beauty in court, having a noble beauty and a curved limb that drinks saliva, on top of all that family style and talent.

It is not Kaneigin that such a beautiful woman turns her finest gratitude and admirable glance.

"I didn't know it was plain to let all those beauties be thankful close to proof of obedience... A hell of a man..."

"Hey. What's up?

Besides, Margils is not on the spot, but the dark elf beauty is also in the subdivision.

As a man, as something involved in witchcraft, the duke's suspicious voice was echoed by Kaneigin, who was feeling jealousy gushing his belly hot.

"Whoa!? also, I apologize"

"No matter how many military flags you left with Lord Margils, it's not if you're in love. If you're a magician too, burn the magic of Lord Margils in your eyes."

"... Ha ha"

Kaneigin greeted the Duke with a cold sweat.

Again, turn your gaze to the army of the dark beyond the Daimon (Legion). An international conspicuous giant among the armies of the pitch-black...... admitting the supermassive dark figure that was in the scout's report, I realised there.

"What the hell am I... Such an unprecedented threat is imminent, but jealousy about a woman..."

"... [phantom horse (phantom hose)]"

Approximately the chaos of Kaneigin, Margils had cast a spell and created a pitch-black horse on the spot. From among the Duke's escorts and heavy ministers, a small blurring occurs.

No matter how much the court magician gazed, he could not feel 'magic' in the wizard's body or in the surrounding space.

A sense of disillusionment strikes me as if the knowledge and skill he has learned by risking his life was in fact a very small being.

"But, yes... I fear... no, I could forget for a moment the existence of the Dark One..."

"Okay, gentlemen, wait a minute. I'll clean it up."

"Yes, because there was that man. I was convinced that the man was on my side, so I..."

Kaneigin remained silent, dropping off a wizard who ran out into the universe across the black horse.

"Hey, too, already, Squirrel"

"Oh, I know."

Long Spear Soldier of the Philsand Infantry, the motorcycle raised its voice as up as Bond next door.

He was now in the front row of the squares shaped by 1,500 infantry troops.

I've been in the army for three years. I've been in action and my family made it easier with that salary. I don't want to escape now.

Still, fear cannot be ignored.

The sight as if a black wall would push over was a nightmare itself.

"What the hell is that big fat ass! Better than the Duke's statue in the square!

How many times should I multiply the statue of the Duke that stares at the central square of Philsand?

Among the black walls made up of darkness, the flying and huge shadows are higher than the city walls.

My legs are thick and short, on the contrary my arms are long and I walk round my back almost on all fours.

It was a heavy and dull move that resembled a giant, but if that reached it, the city walls would be easily destroyed.

The impact of the supermassive darkness is too strong to be overlooked, but there are also about five rock ghosts about half the back length of the city walls, and many giant ghosts who are taught the power of more than 20 cohort soldiers.

"Are you sure you're okay? I've seen a squadron halfway down a giant ghost before, haven't I?

"Ko, the Duke is watching me there...... I guess it's okay...... I know"

I told Bond it was okay, but I didn't think the motorcycle itself was at all.

Where the captain explained to them beforehand, the Duke's guest, The Amazing Mage, defeats the Legion of the Dark (Legion), so the army's job was to exterminate the Dark from escaping......

"Look, see, the magician who called the dragon to that castle will do something about it!?

"Ah, oh. Maybe..."

It was a rumor that the citizens of Philsand also had a far-sighted view of the 'dragon', and the knights and others seemed to believe it.

"Nah, there's no way he's here. The duke at the command post is a fake, and we're being held back..."


The thought of a motorcycle was blown away by a roar of supermassive darkness, like rocking the atmosphere to the earth.



"Gohh! Gahh!

"Hi, hi, no, no."

As summoned by the roar of the supermassive darkness, the whole legion of darkness (Legion) made the cry of hatred.

Numerous light dots lit the formation, also visible on the black wall. When those are dark eyes, the motorcycle understands by instinct.

A supermassive demon shook up its long arm high.

The moment it's swinging down on Philsand, countless darkness full of intent to kill will begin the assault.

"Ku, ku, they're coming."

"Do it, let's do it!

"I'm not going to die."

The expression of the soldier's death, including the motorcycle, proved that the Philsand Infantry was not a lawless man.

Almost reflexively, they tried to put up a spear, at that moment.

The motorcycle caught sight of something, a white, shining mass, going over their heads. There were eight trajectories created by the white glow.


And the wind-cut sound was heard after the trajectory.

Eight lines of light pierce an army of demons (Legion) centered around a supermassive darkness, into an army like a black carpet -.

The bike's vision stained bright white.

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