"... I see"

What would have happened if I had used my magical powers as I wanted them to be.

You must have either become a tyrant less than the Duke of Philsand in front of you, or you must have fallen asleep before that.

Now I have company that I can safely entrust to my back. The Duke, on the other hand, is a life where children cannot even be trusted and are not trusted.

It's obvious he doesn't regret that life, but I have to say, 'I'm glad it didn't happen', at least as soon as I'm seeing the two victims who just got it.

"Oh, okay. I'm not going to complain about your way of life. Any man would want to live a life like that once."

"Damn, it just sounds ironic when you tell me you have more extraneous powers than I do."

This is also true.

Even I admired the villains of comics and novels and the warlords of warring nations who burned in their ambitions.

The Duke is definitely a bad guy when it comes to modern Japanese standards, and I would have fought and defeated him without hesitation if he ever unilaterally attacked this one.

But for whatever reason, me and him are arguing and talking about alcohol.

More importantly, he's the other me.

If in the future either one of us tries to get in the way and defeat the other, let's do all we can by then.

"... by the way, we're talking about a succession. You're not going to retire 'til recently' now, are you?

"Oh. I wish I could have an alliance of great power called you. Instead of retiring, it seems to revitalize the old days."

Is it because I was actually sure with my eyes that I saw the power of magic? Even more so than when we first met, the light of ambition behind his eyes was strong and tight.

"Then do me a favor... no, I have an order"


I dare to order, this one said above.

Inside, he felt angry and humiliated, but he wants my power even if he suppresses it.

Our goal in the first place is to start a deal with Philsand, to form an alliance against the dark.

The former may be said to have already been completed.

But as for the latter, I see the Duke seeking a more aggressive military alliance, and if he forges a military alliance, he intends to use my magic to rebel against the kingdom of Felde.

Is his ambition enviable in one way or another, but he can't manage to steer it in another direction?

My head had not started spinning violently in a long time.

"Even if you and I work together to win the world, we need something called local power."

"You think this Philsand wealth and strength is not enough?

"On the contrary, are you satisfied to the extent that you can grab the current fillsand?

"... ho"

I told him provocatively, and he stared at me with a stronger gaze.

I tremble when my spine hits me.

"It will be a long and 30 years for me and you to be on active duty. The question is how effectively we can use those 30 years."


"You know we need a lot of competent people to use our time effectively. And all your children should be capable of each other. Firstly, nothing but a waste of time if you get stuck on your feet because of the inheritance problem."

"... you are the best"

His expression was a little soothing. He seemed to accept that I was going to lend him a hand in his ambition.

"Then take care of the kids first and be happy to work for you in the future. This is my first order."

In short, if you want a selfish person to do something, you just have to explain to him that it's in the other person's interest.

I know Elizabeth has more emotional problems with the Duke of Philsand, but only to this extent can she remain with me in others.

"... I see. Okay. It's a hassle to be skirmished in front of you. I'll talk to Agbail and Elizabeth tomorrow. But what about Balzard?

Unsurprisingly honestly he nodded. Reading the inside on the ESP medal isn't a lie. Instead, internal protests seemed to be meant to stop from the moment they withdrew from retirement.

"As for Lord Balzad, why don't you take the prisoner exchange with you? If you use the princess of the Schulz tribe that I personally took prisoner, isn't that possible?

"Hmm...... Of your order, too? Then let me use it."

Beyond this period, the way you say you don't owe me is a whole lot, but, well, it doesn't matter.

Okay, here's the next problem.

I'm having a conversation with the Duke about a lot of things...

"So, what's your second order?


Is there any proposal to point the Duke's ambitions in a constructive direction?

Somehow, there was a blur in my head and one thought coming together.

Turning away from the gaze of the powerful Duke as ever, staring at the map around the walled kingdom of Felde......


A flashing appeared in my head.

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