"Then don't worry... come on!

The Schulz female warrior, who looked the same as the Duke of Philsand's Lady, has been slashed here without hesitation.

The giant blue dragon (Huge Blue Dragon) of purple power behind me has no eyes either.

It's brave compared to the other warriors threatening to escape.


"Hi, princess."

"... princess!

The warriors around me take me back to the cracking mood of "The Head of the Martial Arts".

And that's precise behavior.

I guess you're going to shield my body by pinching me between the dragon and myself.

If this were another dragon, her sword might have reached me.


"Blue Dragon! Mourning Thunder (Stan Lightning)!


To her eyes, it would have seemed as if the blue dragon behind her had spread her mouth wide to devour herself with each of me.

And the sight of a blue and white spark splashing behind its mouth, becoming a dazzling shower of lightning to envelop itself.


The female warrior, struck all over her body by lightning, fell down with a short scream.

Mourning Thunder (Stan Lightning). Blue Dragon's special ability, a kind of lightning breath (lightning brace), in short, an attack that paralyzes the subject with an electrical shock. I dared to choose Blue Dragon because I was going to use this ability to win a duel intact.


Thanks to her exquisite positioning, Mourning Thunder (Stan Lightning) had to shoot in a way that involved me too.

Naturally, lightning had showered me too, but there is a 36-level wizard resistance (saving). I feel a little paralyzed but rather better in blood circulation. Of course, I wouldn't have been able to easily shoot this far without the characteristics of Mourning Thunder (Stan Lightning) 's Failure to Resist: Stun (Stan), No Damage if Success.


"What the... you can't beat that..."

The Schulz warriors, who reduced the majority but were still stuck, are also stunned.

I slammed the ground hard in front of a fallen female warrior and with a wizardry staff.

"As you can see, the winner of the duel is me, the wizard Geo Margils! By agreement, I'll keep her figure! Uh... let's promise never to scratch her as a loser in an honorable duel! Schulz warriors, this is a good place to leave!

"... Ugh"

"Damn... I can't abandon the princess like this..."

The warriors' reaction was divided into two parts.

Those who give up and lay down their weapons, and those who fight fear but come closer to us. One way or another, there are many of the former.

Looking back, the Blue Dragon existed as it was and kept intimidating them by slowly circling their necks. Still, let's go for it, so I guess this kid's hopes are considerable.

Convincing them for a long time is too much work, and don't bother getting further reinforcements.

"Blue Dragon, it's Mourning Thunder (Stan Lightning) again. Stun them all."


In the end, all the remaining Schulz warriors were struck by lightning and fell.

It was a little rough, but, well, I've been shooting arrows over there without asking questions at first, and let's just have this much patience.

Together with my companions who came out of the walls of the force field, I left the scene and returned to my original route.

I really wanted to check out the traces of the dark in this settlement or something, but I'm forbidding it because there could be an extra Schulz coming.

Of course, the princess of the Schulz tribe, Deane, had been brought here as a prisoner.

A few hours back on the mountain road to Philsand.

According to Fibble, who also serves as a guide, it's time to get out to the flat and walk four or five days from there and you'll arrive.

"And I was surprised. I can't believe they even served the dragon..."

"Absolutely. Lord Margils' power is one army… no, it will be comparable to all the armies of the great Powers"

"It's the same thing because giants and worms can serve."

Elizabeth and Fible talked to each other when it became clear there was no sign of a pursuit. Whatever Fibble is, his face is red as Elizabeth was even excited.

Well, even 'D&B' is the strongest class monster and it would have had an impact.

"Master Margils is the Lord of our flow (Orli). There's no such thing as making."

"Hey, I thought it was odd that Dark Elves were serving humans, but I'm convinced"

Rayha speaking proudly to Fibble. These two were wary of each other at first, but they seemed to get along a little.

And, as I was walking smoothly, the curse of my new face echoed.

"Hey, come here. Whoa! What the hell? This is how you treat me. Whoa!

"It doesn't hurt or hurt, does it? As far as the treatment of prisoners is concerned, I think it's quite humane."

"What's so humane about this humiliation, you bastard!

Disgrace is rude.

I'm just transporting it by [Invisible Carrier (Sprite Porter)] with my arms tied so I don't get run off or busted.

Well, "Carrier" seems to be carrying her on her shoulders, and from the side, the princess of Schulz looks fluffy floating with her buttocks raised high and her body bent.

It could be a little embarrassing indeed.


Elizabeth watched Deane on the road with a complicated face.

Deane also noticed a girl with the same face as herself, but this one is the opposite of a totally ignorant attitude.

I wanted to ask you about 'The Mandate' and so on so I took him prisoner like this, but honestly I also feel like it would only be a source of trouble...

When we bypassed the big rock where it was time for the mountain to end, our sights widened at once.

You can see the vast plains and the ocean stretching south. I was under the impression that it was rather less green and lean than the flats around Lewis.

and shining pieces of paper fell from overhead as I enjoyed the outlook for a little while.

"Hmm?... Oh, is this a [secret postcard (arcaine postcard)]"

The pieces of paper that fit into nature and palms were magical postcards that I sent a few days ago to Sedham in the Castle of Zytheas. This postcard has the ability to send back replies as a reciprocating postcard only once, so I guess Sedam used that.

"What..." Two battles for the elimination of thieves. Also, a small group of demons emerged, working with the warring clans, the Calvinella Knights, to destroy this. Damage is minor. Everything else is going well 'or'

"… the appearance of darkness seems to be increasing again."


Crawla whines about the idea when she hears a report from Sedam.

Reid stares at me silently, and Reich tows it silently again. I also thought I'd gotten a little carried away in Battle Axe Township with Reid, but the only way to make a real settlement with him would be to clear up the charges against me.

"Man, it's been a long time since I've crossed your mountain."

That night.

Fibble squeaked smudgingly as he rubbed his beefy legs after a meal at the camp. Just fine, so I decided to ask him a question.

"I meant Dwarf sanctuary around there, but will the dark still emerge?

"The darkness is boiling everywhere, so hey... Of course, as soon as you find it, the House of Battle (Barbadoron) will wipe it out."

Doesn't seem like there's been any sign of the dark at all before.... In short, I think it doesn't mean that there's a ghost because I'm here, so I'm a little relieved.

"What about humans living on their own?

"Of course I don't feel good. If you find him, you'll still kick him out. I'm not even free to go out of my way to find out what I live in."

"... Philsand has been raising taxes considerably over the past few years. So I heard that some of our citizens are bankrupt, enslaved, fleeing."

"Tax increases enough for citizens to flee? I heard Philsand is a rich city..."

Ill look worried about Elizabeth's capture description.

"The dragon man is destabilizing the southern route, isn't he? And King Felde has also demanded extraordinary taxes on several occasions... So the story of developing a trading route with the War Axe Township, plus Zytheas..."

"Ha! They're not making enough money to take it away from us! Seems like a greedy Felde!

Deane, who was feeding us a short distance away (asking Leiha for surveillance and care), flew wild out loud.


Except for Elizabeth, there's nothing particularly familiar with Philsand, but I'm talking about the other guy who's going to make an alliance and trade. Everyone is frowning.

I don't feel comfortable, but I took him prisoner for it. Looks like she's done eating, too, and let's talk a little bit.

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