"... in such a state, I don't think I will endure the actual battle. The training of magicians should be stopped."


I said to the executives gathered in the Mage's Guild hall.

Branch manager Helidor, deputy branch manager Yarman in the second seat, and Nasalia in the third seat. A face I found out to Crawla in the fifth seat with up to two magician soldiers from the escort, but today there was also a man named Tassin in the fourth seat.

Their faces were uniformly distorted when they were publicly crippled by more than a decade of projects...... there were none.

Helidor and Yarman did suffer through it. Helidor in particular manages to smile, but I can see he's biting his back teeth off. Meanwhile, Nasalia and Crawla are frowning and still nodding. Tasin was, on the contrary, an interested face of what I would say next.

"Surely you may not say that the magician's power at the moment is sufficient. Depending on your upcoming research, you should be able to improve it."

Yarman tells me to take a look at me and Helidor alternately. I guess it's not in their eyes about a child who dies or suffers a disability during that 'study'.

"Isn't it hard to improve your fighting power? Originally, the plan was to mass-produce soldiers who could use weak magic, right? Mass production of soldiers capable of using strong witchcraft, then collapse from that premise"

I argue with a slightly taller voice as Tasin fixes his glasses. This guy's the type who doesn't read the air...... ok, good.

"So how do you expect a magician to have the power to fight!? You want me to gather even soldiers?

"Well, aren't we going to have to increase the current number of sorcerers in quantity over quality?

"Um, in the first place, Lord Margils can help us to strengthen our sorcerers, right? Teach them magic..."

I don't think I've heard Nasalia in a long time. I was just about to say that, too.

"I was shown my witchcraft training at the training center... but I can tell you that there is little chance that I will finally be able to use one or two witchcraft that way. Even if I could, yes, it would take five years to be able to use the most preliminary spell once. Besides, there are at most two students who can be taught at a time.... Do you think it'll be practical?

The first half is an excuse I was forced to put on, but the second half is serious. Anyway, we need them to give up the practical application of the sorcerer himself.


"I understand you are saying harsh things to all of you who have worked so hard. But I want you to look directly at reality."


"Now, if you stop training magicians... You're going to lose everything you've ever spent."

Helidor keeps his mouth shut as he stares at me.

When Yarman finished claiming all the way through instead, Crawla flickered her mouth.

"Call it off, it's easy for you to say by mouth. Is that what you think? You think you can have a stronger, lower cost force than a sorcerer?

"Yeah, that's what I'd love to hear."

"... there is"

The moment I assured him, Helidor's shoulder shivered tingly.

I took out one magic item and threw it on the floor of the hall.

Along with the dull sound, the metal mass just at your fingertips rolls onto the six floors.

"What is it, is it...?

"Stand up, faithful soldiers"

When I uttered the command word, the magic item Soldier of Bronze (Soldiers of Bronze) was activated.

Six metal masses swelled as they pulsed, instantly turning into six equally sized soldier statues.

As the name suggests, it is a Roman heavy-duty infantry-style design equipped with a bronze body, a shield, a spear and a helmet.

"Oh my..."

"This is amazing...! Even though I don't feel magic...... is this a golem, Mr. Margils!?"


No, I'm sorry. It's actually just this kind of magic item, not a golem. Let me use it as a demo because I just use it the same way.

"What I want to offer the Mage Guild is the technology to create the Golem. This… pure technology that saves explanations but has nothing to do with the ability to use magic, so anyone can surely master it as long as they have the motivation and time"

Golem Making is a Mastery included in "Man-made Monster (Construct Monster) Making Mastery". This is a special skill added in the D&B Super Rulebook.

The rules determined the experience and cost needed to master, but there was no particular tying by profession, and there was an NPC called 'Celebrities who are not wizards but make golems'. If "The Watchman" has reproduced it accurately all the way around it, it should be masterable even by the humans of this world (Sedia).

With the golem, you can mass produce as much material, time and technology as you want, and repair it even if it breaks. Nor does it incur labour costs. There is a drawback that someone always has to order, but as a 'force of war' it would obviously be better than a sorcerer.

There's actually another advantage to that.

"Any proof that that golem is stronger than a sorcerer?

"Knowing both sides, I assure you, I can deal with 10 sorcerers who have finished their training with one of these golems. If you think against the Dark Ghost, you can defeat 30 or even a giant Ghost."

"I'll give it a try... it won't even happen. I'd like to see it purely."

Tasin is totally obsessed with the golem. Helidor and Yarman are pale.

"Is there any prospect that I (I) will be able to master the art of golem making?

"Yes. Pretty good odds. The period is looking at a year and a half before we can create a wood golem that will be the least amount of power. However, I also need to prepare myself to teach people something, so I'd like to give you a little time to start training."

"How much does it cost to make that wood golem?

"I think Wood Golem would probably be about 1000 pieces in gold. You'll need a little special material, so you'll have to collect it. But I think it's pretty cheap if you think of it as a soldier that can be repaired even if it doesn't need a break or pay and is slightly damaged"

"Excellent! Be sure to teach me how to make it!

"No, no, no, wait. What can I explain to the nobles and citizens who have helped me train magicians so far? This is the Alliance's Fujiko Marubashi!?"

Tassin has embarked on himself, but Yarman turns around and pulls back to his seat.

"I feel sorry for the applicants and their families"

I bowed my head to two sorcerers stretching my face behind a helidor. We must also think about their future.

"As for the 18 current candidates, I want to take care of them. Of course, if the three graduates have any hope, I'll take responsibility and find a place to go."

The sorcerers didn't break the tenacious look when they heard my words. Well, naturally...

"The 'origin' of Golem's technology is certainly me, but if it comes to the fact that only the Mage Guild can 'manufacture' it, can it maintain the authority of the Guild?


Helidor kept his mouth shut the whole time, but in those eyes came confusion as well as anger.

"Don't you manufacture golems? You could also organize your own army of golems."

"Well, you may make a few to the extent of escort, but at least you don't have enough time to produce them in bulk to be used as a force of war. I'll leave that area to the Mage Guild. If the golem could be manufactured not only by this branch, but by any guild, would it be a pretty comforting force as a whole?

"... only, is the guild dominant,"

"I want to defeat the dark... because I just want to protect people. As for the golem, I'd rather have the guild stand on the arrow."

The look on Helidor's face was quite soothing. vs. the Dark One, opinions on the point seem the same.

"Yes, no, Branch Manager! When it comes to authority and so on with technology borrowed from others...... The council is also giving us quite a bit of funding, isn't it?

This deputy branch manager, he was acting like a helicopter hipster, but don't come here and weirdly resist?

"Deputy Branch Manager?

"Hey, what's up?

Crawla, who had not pinched her mouth for a while, spoke to Yarman with a troubled look and tone.

"Are you concerned that I was being funded by the council? … then I (I) will give you a number to explain to the council exactly how we spent the funds, and you will understand?

This one word pinned me down. I thought I was a dirty adult.

"O, don't say anything extra! I'm in charge of fund management!

"I (I) also have a few connections in the council…"

When Crawla whined with the same (purposeful) troubled face, Yarman's face caught on again.

I mean, I guess Yarman was embezzling or something about the funds he was getting from the city to train sorcerers. Well, I don't want you to call it off.

"What do you mean? It wouldn't matter now."

Helidor didn't seem to grasp the meaning of Yarman's conversation with Crawler.

"No. I (I) just said what I was willing to offer. I will still leave everything to the Deputy Branch Manager to explain to the Council."

"Oh yeah...... also, if it means discontinuing, I will explain responsibly"

Contrary to the tone, Yarman nodded with a cold sweat at the crawler staring with a stabbing eye.



As Helidor meditated and contemplated his eyes, he remained silent until then, Nasalia in the third seat reluctantly raised her hand.

"Lord Margils' suggestion, I think it's very wonderful. The only thing I'm worried about is, isn't Golem's army too powerful (...)? Wouldn't it be like a sorcerer's guild would be endangered by the world?

"Yeah, he said he couldn't care less."

"Yes, no, we do worry about that."

Don't this woman follow the core quite accurately.

"I'm also thinking about that. To use the golem, set a dedicated command word. You can share this with Guild and Relis City. If we do the same in guilds in other countries, we won't be left with extra vigilance"

"Ho... Sure, that's a good idea if the premise is not to use it on a human opponent"

Conversely, it cannot be used for a human opponent's war. This is another advantage of using the golem.

"If you're worried, you can check with the city on a regular basis.... Well, I don't think they trust me that much."

"Very well, thank you"

Nasalia giggles and bows to me, telling Heridor.

"Branch Manager. I believe we should take Lord Margils' proposal."

"... so am I."

"Of course, so am I."

"Well, I... will follow the Branch Manager's decision."


When Helidor slowly stood up, he first lowered his head to the sorcerer behind him.

I'm sorry, you guys.

"Yes, Branch Manager."

"It's bad we're weak."

The magician boy and the girl knelt down and drowned their heads, their voices both trembling.

Lord Margils.

According to [Hostility Breaking (Ditect Enemy)], hostility towards me still remains. But he did nod.

"I appreciate your suggestion. Sorcerer Guildrellis Branch thanks Lord Geo Margils for his friendship"

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