The next day.

It is an underground warehouse in the castle of Zytheas.

"[Iron Wall (Wall of Iron)]!"

By my spell a steel box appeared higher than my back length.

Inside a complete cube that can't even be 'opened' without a joint is a portion of the treasure I put out of my backpack (infinity bag).

"... how do you retrieve the contents of this?

"You can destroy every box with [Destruction] when you need it."

In response to my reply, Crawla flaunted her shoulder with a frightened face. I guess it wasn't because my tone was too shattered.

Nothing, it's not like the two of us have developed into friends overnight alone or anything like that. I'm simply saying that my perception of her has changed to about 'strangers - colleagues on the team in the field - personal associates'. There's no wind she cared about, either.

To finish, since we last lifted the castle as well in [Change the Earth (Renovation)], we set out for the city of Lellis (I didn't feel like spending another night here with this body like a boulder).

They say the streets that lead from the far north kingdom (Shrendal) to the city of Lelis and the village of Yule are called 'streets of the law'.

Sedham told me earlier that the Kingdom of the North (Schrendal) was set up throughout the continent 200 to 300 years before it boasted the largest print. The kingdom of the North (Schrendal) declined and split due to the chaos that began with the Great Dark Outbreak, and the region is now under the rule of the Lewis Alliance. When I heard the story, I thought, 'Well, is it a super ancient civilization that tends to be fantasy', but it was actually a scale within common sense.

However, substantial control has been lost, but its authority seems daunting due to the fact that it is the oldest civilized country. The Knights of Calvinella and others still swear allegiance to the royal family of the northern kingdom (Schrendal) (but have not paid taxes), and Crawla seemed proud to say, "The Andel family's bloodline traces back to the northern kingdom (Schrendal)." I thought it would be like the Muromachi Shogun of the Warring States.

I relaxed on foot on the 'streets of the law' because Crawla didn't like to take the streets on two rides of phantom horses.

The generally flat streets were walkable and peaceful, albeit with some twists and turns. Occasionally, they were all relaxed expressions, unlike herds of livestock, caravans and travellers pursued by pastoralists. Sure, this street should have been deserted by bandits for a long time... and when I asked the merchant I camped with wondering, 'I'm talking about the villains getting away because there was going to be a great wizard living around here', he kindly told me.

It would be too quick to pass on information! And I thought it was a later festival. I don't suppose around the Knights Commander is purposefully spreading rumors, huh?

Fortunately, it didn't even seem to convey the fine appearance of The Great Wizard.

I don't know, it's been decades since I've just walked so relaxed. No, you can call it the first time you're born. Traveling with beautiful women, albeit loud, looking at the pastoral sights reminiscent of the area around Central Europe... kind of smudged, it was good to transfer, I thought. I apologize to my colleagues and friends at work.

Three days after leaving Giteias Castle.

No matter how serene and enjoyable the journey, I'm just getting tired of the monotonous scenery as it continues. Damn, this is why modern people are in trouble.

That's when.

"If you can climb that hill, you'll see Lake Lewis and the city of Lellis."


To Crawla's words I hurried up without merit and went up a gentle gradient. I do feel the wind pumping water. When I reached the apex, my vision widened all at once.


The ocean! I really thought so at first.

The terribly vast blue of the water covered my sight. Is this Lake Lewis? I can't see the opposite shore in the sumptuous. I've seen Lake Biwa from the observation deck before, but it would certainly be more than that.

"Wow! Castle fort city!

And at the end of the street, the city of Lellis was spreading to lean against the lake. Robust stone walls surround the city doubly. The area bordering the lake is a port, and you can also see the shadow of a large sailboat. The city building looked almost stone built, and the color of the roof was colorful and entertaining to the eyes.

Exactly Castle Fort City. I was also excited when I saw Whitesword Castle, but this scale was a misdigit.

"... hey, it's too soon. Wow!

Behind my back, the sweaty crawler made me uncomfortable, but I don't care. It didn't bother me, but, well, it sure was bad.

"Sorry, I wanted to see the city of Lellis soon."

"Yes, it's good but...... But you're a good leg that year, aren't you?

"That's an extra year."

I haven't told her, but my boots can keep walking at the same pace as a passenger horse if you care about that with a magic item called 'Traveling Boots', and they don't get tired. So even this past year, the walking journey wasn't painful...... Maybe this isn't good for your health.

The city of Lellis was surrounded by water moats utilizing a wealth of water resources.

There are large bouncing bridges that are likely to be about two lanes, with a large number of caravans, pedestrians and peasants who have pulled their luggage.

The "streets of the law" seem to stretch not only east but also north and south towards the village of Yule, where the number of people is different from before.

The main gate at the end of the jump bridge was open, but naturally the guards are conducting security and entry screening. The guard is equipped with a promise of a spear on a matching clasp and a small sword, but the movement is stiff and the morale seems high.

Around twenty minutes in line, me and Crawla stood in front of the guards. Beyond the daimon was a beautiful cobblestone square, with bard-like men and women playing music around the fountain.

"... Look, write your name, identity and place to stay"

Crawler elbows me over the main gate. The guard was giving away a traveler's ledger (though it was a wooden board) with a bitter smile.

By the way, Crawla was presenting something like a pass.

"Oh, I'm sorry. … His name is Geo Margils. Identity? Civilian… Where to stay…"

"Magician Guild is good, isn't it?

"Ah, yes. Then..."


The guard who was giving him the ledger gave him a sobering voice.

"Geo Margils!? Are you sure!?"

"... but"

Yeah. Speaking of which, my rumors were pretty widespread.... I kind of have a bad feeling.

"So you're the Great Wizard!? I helped the Calvinella Knights destroy the Dark Nest!


"Dear Great Wizard!?"

"It's Master Geo Margils! A hero!"

"He's the Great Wizard who defeated the Dark One!

Not only the guards, but even what was lined up behind them and the people inside the main gate shouted out. Ugh. The embarrassment makes my face red.

... For a moment I dreamed that the crowd would screw me up, but the movement of people was unexpected.

A circle of people is formed around me and Crawla (and the guards), and I can turn my enthusiastic gaze.

"... you look kind of normal..."

"But dark hair is rare..."

"Well, he said he came from a country beyond the sea..."

"Is that the wand that shoots out the meteorite?

I hear people bluffing, but nothing tries to move off the spot.

"... they won't move until you say something."

Crawla sighed but was flat outside. I don't know what kind of tail fins to put on that one... well, I can't help it. Why don't we just give up living mediocre as ordinary people in this world for the moment?

"... sorry to disturb you, gentlemen of the city of Lellis"

I set up a wizardry staff and slowly looked around. I can't reach it in a very small voice, so put your strength into my belly......

"It's an honor to visit the beautiful city of Lelis.... By the way, is it time to go through?

"Ah... And I'm sorry! Please, come through! Welcome to Relis!

Regardless of the way you put it, it is the middle aged Japanese company employee who has a dialogue with extreme nature to lift the opponent. In the second half, when I turned my gaze to the guard, everyone, including him, simultaneously struck the floor with a spear stone clash and gave me the most salute. You look great.

"Well, gentlemen, I'm sorry..."

I guess people were relieved in a way that I admitted who I was and spoke up to them. It paves the way for Daimon, even as he says welcoming words and bows to his mouth.

Come on, let's go.

Crawla just walks out. She only went out so far to invite me to the Sorcerer's Guild. I should hurry up a little too.


"Ahhh! Mr. Gio! Mr. Gio!!


A small figure then jumped out of the crowd blocked my way. Specifically in a way that gives you a hug with a tackle-like momentum.


It was Maura, a brown-haired girl, who locked her torso with both arms and looked up in tears.

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