retroactively a few days before the Festival of Creation.

Sorcerer Guildrellis City Branch.

With domed ceilings, it is a training ground called the 'Place to Try'.

So the two witch magicians were staring at each other.

"Are you insane?

the extreme of grumpiness, the brunette mage with the face is Perry Shra. A woman who is the head of the Sorcerer Guild Ryushuk branch and at the same time stands at the top of the Sorcerer affiliated with the Ryus Alliance as a Super Sorcerer.

"I'm more sane than ever."

Not a single step toward Perry Shra is the blonde sorcerer Crawla. An elite in the elite, the fifth seat in the Relis branch, a famous adventurer, the eldest daughter of the prestigious Andel family, and now also a magic adviser to the Zitheas Nation.

"The promotion to Super was based on the recommendation of two or more Super Mages, or winning a match against one Super Mage… [Trial of Secrets], right?"

"I'm not recommending you super. Something that doesn't have enough magic or research."

"Those two should not have been absolutely necessary conditions. So I challenge my teacher."

Sedia's sorcerer is finally recognized as an elementary orthomagician after an apprenticeship, introducer, or trainer. From there, he gets promoted even more intermediate, advanced, and super as a mage, but in fact most mages' promotions end up intermediate.

Because in order to be promoted to advanced, it is necessary to have a huge amount of magic and difficult magic letters, plus a proven track record as a magician. If this were super, conditions would be tougher.

Conditions are recommendations from two or more super magicians or winning a magic match with one super magician, as Crawla just said. And most supermagicians don't raise the red others to the same level as themselves. It is common practice to recommend a successor when retiring.

Therefore, if Crawla wants to be promoted to super, he'll have to win a game with the super magician - [a secret magic trial].

"You said the [glowing] magic letters were expressed?... Sounds like there's more magic than before, and Lord Margils' spill (...) is selling his name?... So you're on track."

Perryshra said without hiding her frustration. Well, jealousy is mixed.

Magic characters are characters as concepts for controlling magic, projected onto a magic board, and magicians increase their variety through learning and training. In his adventures since he met Gio, Crawla had expressed [glow], a rare magical letter. In addition, the amount of magic power has also increased significantly over last year's measurements and is now more than three hundred.

And the track record, needless to say.

"I'm just aware of the facts."

"In a kind of rare magic letter, with a magic power of three hundred and forty? It's a little better than the advanced ones there, right? Super isn't that sweet."

In fact, being Luus' most powerful sorcerer, she possesses more than a dozen rare sorcery characters and has the highest magic power in history, five hundred and sixty. Even Helidor, number one in the Relis branch, remains advanced, with such things as three hundred critical amounts of magic.

"... I can't. You can't beat Master Perry Shra for anything you want."


The men who were watching things sideways away from the two beautiful women nodded. Helidor and Yarman, head of this branch and No. 2. Most of all, it is completely ignored by the flirting crawlers and perry shrugs.

"Why is Master Perryshra here in the first place!? Even she would be busy overseeing the Ryushuk branch"

"Hi. Looks like Crawler was calling in advance. Damn, you can wear the authority of the Zytheas and the Andels all you want!

Sedia's common sense is that everyone is busy this time of year near Creation Festival, but Crawla dared ignore it. Perryshra has no obligation to respond to calls from understated magicians, but that would be what Zitheias-Gio's prestige would be. Using authority is a natural idea for Crawler. Of course, I'm not doing this here for my personal gain.

"Oh, good. If it's true that if I win, I will recommend it to the court magicians of the country of Zitais."

"There is no lie or falsehood. Because the most powerful sorcerer deserves a courtroom sorcerer in Zytheas."

"Combined duties with the head of the Sorcerer's Guild seem daunting, but you're in a position to be worth it.... Ok. I'll deal with you."

"Very good."

Perryshra had a belligerent grin. The slightly blue crawler nods and takes a few steps back.

Perryshra told Helidor, and Crawla deposited her own cane with Yarman. The two canes are placed on the altar of the god of sorcery. The rule was not to use items that assisted in the exercise of magic, and the ritual was to leave victory or defeat to nature.

"... So, are you sure you want both names? Perform the [Secret Trial] with the promotion of Crawla Andel, a senior magician. The stand-up is Helidor Cyram # 1 and Yarman # 2 of the Relis Branch."

Helidor really didn't seem to want to announce the start of the game.

Battles between magicians are similar to shooting guns at each other in life.

The sorcerers, who did not want to die or be seriously injured in any game or training, strictly laid down the rules of the game. In the case of [Trial of Secret Arts], 1. Silence is forbidden 2. It is a win on the side that renders the opponent incapable of combat or out of magic. This is a rule to compete for "possession of powerful magic characters," "precise choice of magic," and "accuracy and speed of magic exercises" as pure magic techniques ("magic amount" can be measured with a magic tool, so emphasis will be placed on whether it can be used more effectively than a simple amount).

It should be noted that 'incapacity for combat' in matches between magicians means that magic is rendered unusable mainly by witchcraft of restraint or magic inhibition, as well as loss of will. It is naturally acceptable to injure him with offensive witchcraft, but it is a stone to keep using defensive witchcraft at all times, and in most games he is out of magic and can compete.

"Crystal wall!


Thus, the two beauty mages deployed defensive magic on each front. From here, the next hand begins the rush to break the opponent's defense, use inhibitory magic, or thicken your defense.

"Ice Fang!"

"Come on, Windwall!

Perryshra was calm.

My crystal wall prevents Crawler from attacking magic. Then naturally, the choice to take is an attack. He slammed the ice fangs and gently removed the wind barrier of the crawler. In the current clash, ice and wind are mutually reinforcing. but Icefang is an advanced magic trick for Perry Shra to do small hand checks. Crawla also reads the thought. She used defensive magic and rolled out the storm barrier again. We used two witchcraft against each other, and the same situation we had at the beginning, but for Crawler, Windowwall is the strongest defensive witchcraft. The magic drain is definitely greater on the crawler.

"You already have a battle for this. It's clear that Crawler's defensive witchcraft will not defeat Master Perry's offensive witchcraft."

"You should've known that from the beginning, right? Crawler shouldn't be able to use inhibitory witchcraft... are you betting on the example [glow] witchcraft?

Wild Horse...... No. Two men who are present whisper.

A lot of inhibitory witchcraft requires [dark] witchcraft characters, but Crawla doesn't have them. The magical letters of [Light Light] presided over light, heat and brilliance, and should have been able to constitute powerful offensive magic. It is the view of the helicopters, experts in magic, that Crawla has no choice but to use it against Perryshra.

"Even if you attack with [glowing] system magic, you can offset it with a crystal wall. And my super-attack magic penetrates your wind barrier.... if you want to stop it, now is the time?

"If you don't trust me, I'd love to hear it!

"...... Nha!?"

Crawla shouted with a gleam of guillary intent to kill in her blue eyes.

As a magician, Perry Shra is definitely superior, but Crawla is overwhelming in terms of the number of training fields dived. That super mage is also pressed, his legs step back.

"Oh my...! I've had enough muddy water, too! Prepare yourselves!

Perryshra exercises immense sorcery with his palms facing to his feet. On the dial of vision are rare magical characters such as [Ice] [Coffin] [Rage].

"Ice Coffin!"

It was super-attack magic ringing in the Continent of Sedia, rather than the Luus Alliance.

Countless pieces of ice appear as much as a person's head in the space surrounding the crawler, swirling a point... into the crawler itself... Hardness, mass and velocity of crushing the human body were included in each and every ice mass. It can crush numerous enemies and trap them in huge chunks of ice.

Perryshra, who had not lost his reason and pride as a super magician, had added or subtracted power. To the extent that Crawler will not die if he uses defensive magic at all costs.

"Hey, you! I'm gonna die!?"

But Crawla stood up. He eats his back teeth, narrows his blue eyes, and concentrates to the extreme.

"Defend, Crawler!

"We have trouble dying in the Alliance."

As the two men scream, the ice tornado undoes Crawla's blonde hair......

"Laser Wip Tornado!"

torn from the inside by the rays of burning heat.

"What the hell!?"

"This is...!

Both Perryshra and Helidor opened their eyes and shouted.

The lines of light that emerged along with Crawla's sharp and beautiful chants... no, the whip rambled around her, smashing and evaporating all the ice cubes.

"The magic of [the light]! But that's..."

"That's not the kind of magic you use!

Yes, the whip of light stretching out of Crawler's palm is a magic trick to rally away a wide range of enemies or to restrain and burn them down. There was no idea of using it in defense to the top magicians of Lewis. In the first place, it's hard to use even just a whip for defense. You can call that a divine trick, such as smashing all the ice cubes coming down at high speeds from all directions. Speaking of modern style, shooting down a machine gun bullet is also equivalent to shooting down a machine gun.

"I'm used to working with whips."

Yes, in her experience as an adventurer, Crawla had acquired a number of ways to use magic that was not trapped by stereotypes. It can't be measured with simple magic or knowledge, it's her only strength.

"Shit! With a bend! Rockmite!"

Perryshra struck his next hand as he pounded his tongue. Powerful moves to slap huge chunks of rock. It is a decision to push the defense of the whip through with an overwhelming mass. The wall of crystals I just stretched is still alive. Still, Perryshra's advantage was clear.

Crawla didn't use any new sorcery. Swing the whip of light quickly. To the ceiling.

"This is how I use the whip!

The whip through the ceiling of the training field lifts the Lord with sufficient strength and force. Crawla rocked her body wide and jumped over a rocky mass crashing to the floor.


Unfortunately, Crawla is mild but not a master of physical surgery. Failed to land and roll onto the floor...... right in front of Perry Shra's crystal wall. The walls, no more, were shielded from the magic of Perryshra to clola.

"... Huh!

Surrounded by a wall of blurry crystals, Perry Shra lifted her lips and laughed mightily. Shockwip witchcraft is inferior to other super witchcraft in one blow's destructive power. You can't break the crystal wall in one blow. Then you can restrain it with a small move and retract the crawler. Even if not, that magic consumes magic according to the time it takes to make the whip appear. Perryshra's brains were popping out the time before Crawler's magic ran out.

"You've only got ten seconds of magic left."

"Hiccup, that's enough."

"Again, this is what happens when the amount of magic is too different..."

That was the opinion of the watching male mage, and so was Crawla herself.

"Ten seconds... that's an infinite amount of time for me (me)!

Crawla rolled up the dust and stood up. A whip of light wraps a vortex around the right arm of a blonde sorceress, converging and increasing her radiance. All of the magic to form the great whip concentrated on one point.

For Sedia magicians, witchcraft is a technique that creates a 'predetermined' phenomenon by combining witchcraft characters. It's impossible to use the magic you've already activated for another purpose than it should be.

"Hey! What is that?!?"

"I won't even call this!!"

Crawla punched the crystal wall with a glowing bullet and a transformed fist.

... I don't think Perry Shra, too, has the idea of a crawler overshadowing common sense of witchcraft coming from The Moving Picture Story (fighters, spaceships and idols come into play), which Geo told in a chat.

"Damn, that's not magic anymore...... cum!?"

The stunning right straight with the hips pierced Perry Shra's wall. Attacked by fragments and shocks, Perry Shra covers her face with both hands and falls back. Right in front of him, Crawla's fist flickered out of the hole in the wall.

"Fire Arrow!

"Hot! Come on!

Seriously, the elementary fire magic unleashed with the last magic burned the most powerful magician's robe. Perryshra panicked and rolled down the ground.

"Pei, Master Perry Shra!

"Oh my god!

Helidor and Yarman rushed to rescue Perryshra with water magic.

Perry Shra, who can't stand up with more amazement and fear than damage, looks up at Crawla.

"... you're gonna do incredible things... I'm gonna make whip magic a barrier, I'm gonna bundle it up and hit you.... Well, what's a punch? What about being a magician?"

"The magician is the one who guides others in the art of controlling magic. Can you name the Master without the temper to go above the guild's teachings and common sense?

Looking down at the three, Crawla put her hands on her hips and said (as usual) greatly.




Perryshra takes his breath all the time, Helidor nods unexpectedly, Yarman distorts his mouth.

Leaving the two men alone, Perryshra stood up as she paid the robe. 'Come on,' he muttered. The brunette magician, with a slightly tired grin, tells Crawla.

"I can't even tell you to do that... Ha, loser, loser. It's all right, you're super."

"It's a pleasure."

Perryshra shrugged her shoulder to a crawler that was flat enough not to be at all pleasant.

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