I am a 42-year-old single man living in a local city. The occupation is company employees.

There is nothing notable about appearance or ability. Well, I think we've reached an average score. Unfortunately, we only had no connection to the marriage.

When it comes to hobbies, it's about a game.

Especially in the minor genre known as Table Talk RPG, he played quite deeply hosting conventions and making peer magazines. Although I have barely been able to play in the last 10 years or so.

But such a mediocre life suddenly ended.

Right now, I'm in a space of nothing.

I can't recognize my body, neither up nor down. Only the consciousness of 'me' is floating in the void, that's the image.

"I wanted to live another 20 years..."

Somehow, I only understood that I was already dead.

companions, friends, relatives and neighbors of the company. A job to do. Novels and TRPG books you haven't read yet, games you haven't played.

The emptiness that they were all lost was wrapping me up.

I'm not dissatisfied with the 20 years I've worked patiently with my favorite games as well, but I think I could have done more of my favorite things when this happened.

There was something to talk about to me, which was also losing my sense of time.

"I am the Watchman, the end of it"

I can't see him, I can't even hear him. But the word came to me.

"From now on, we want you to move from this world to what we call a different world, a world that crosses the limit."

"The other world? Metastasis?"

There are so many things you want to hear that you can't tell them well.

"We searched for information about this dimension, but the word transworld metastasis is the closest concept."


I understood reflexively.

I wonder what it's like as a society, but I guess I originally accepted this situation somewhere in my mind.

I know that kind of genre is popular in Lanobe and cartoons these days. In the first place, transworldly metastases and reincarnation genres existed even in an era when no term existed, such as Lanobe. "Yankee of King Arthur's Court" or "John Carter Series"?

"What happens when you do a different world metastasis?

"Please provide the necessary information as we prepare the flesh for activities in different worlds. The other world is what we call a" fantasy world of swords and magic, "so hopefully you're adapting to it."

"Flesh in the fantasy world......"

Fantasy world? New flesh?

It was the character of Dungeons & Braves, an overseas TRPG that I had been obsessed with playing with for years as a student, that immediately came to my mind when I heard the word.

The most attached character, who took seven years to grow to the highest level of super rules.

"The Great Wizard (Wizard)" Geo Margils.

"You searched. Reproduce the physical and mental abilities and possessions of" Geo Margils "based on the rulebooks, supplements, configuration notes and character sheets in your own room. However, we will not change your appearance because it adversely affects your spirit."

So you're saying that I was seen in this god or transcendental being with a notebook that spelled paranoia when I was a student? I don't feel anything now because I am unnaturally calm, but it would be a stuffy situation if I were to slap my head against the wall.

No, more than that...... really?

"The production of Geo Margils is over"

At the same time as the words of The Watchman, my senses returned to my body, which was empty.

Carrying bag on black robe, wand on one hand.

Because the appearance remains the average Japanese with dark hair and dark eyes, it is full of cosplay. However, the contents did seem to be changing and I felt incredibly vibrant.

"Are there any impairments in consciousness or memory?

"... looks ok"

Certainly in my mind, the magical abilities that a character named 'Geo Margils' possessed, techniques such as creating magic items, and how to use possessions… the various' settings' that I once wrote down in my notebook myself in collaboration with the Gamemaster were engraved as' knowledge '.

"You really are a TRPG character..."

"Geo Margils" is a 36-Level Wizard and is also the strongest level character in the super rules of "D&B."

Excitement and anxiety about having become such a being (...) wraps me up.

The game "D&B" explores soggy dungeons where rats, bats and goblins are the main enemies, as the characters of HP3 and 5 say hiccups, and is thought to be a game where some characters are always dead where they dominate the dungeons.

It would be hard to believe from those who are accustomed to TRPG these days that emphasize flashy characters and delicate stories, but that's actually what the game called 'D&B.' is all about.

However, the sobriety is a matter of basic rules. As the character grows, the adventure changes with reluctance. There are four basic, intermediate, advanced, and super rules depending on the level rise, and it is natural for every character to have his own kingdom or guild if it is also to be a super rule, jumping out to different dimensions and universes for a historic battle with God and the devil. In some cases, you can even take an adventure to become a god.

I needed to do the scenario at least a hundred times to grow to that point, and it took me over seven years to grow Geo too.

If this was a single TRPG session and I was a gamemaster, I wouldn't admit to using a character like this.

Unless it's a specially crafted scenario for ultra-high level characters, it's visible that the game will collapse.

"You do this and you tell me what to do?

"We will not interfere or instruct you in your behavior after metastasis."

You want me to go out of my way to transfer the other world, and then let you go free?

There is definitely some intention behind it.

It wasn't just words, it was there in the atmosphere I felt from being named the 'Watchman'.

"... it's not a fall that you can't use Geo's magic in different worlds, is it?

Maybe this isn't a 'transworldly metastasis', it's a black SF. I asked The Watchman because of the habit of a company employee who first suspected a delicious story.

"The magic of this game is different from the magic of the world over there because of fundamental principles, but still capable of processing within the law of the world over there. The same goes for physical abilities and knowledge."

"Are you sure that's good? Maybe I'll ruin your world, huh?

"I don't care if you want to."

No, I'll take care of it.

I did have a dream of trying to be a geo, but I don't have the strength or desire to take great action to save or destroy the world with that power. If this had happened 20 years early, it would have been different again.

Or is it like retiring a little early?

Whether it's different worlds or Japan, it would be nice if we could eat good food every day and go into the hot springs and live a life where interesting books can be read. Speaking of luxury, it would be better if we could play with TRPG. I don't think even women want anything else because they're old enough...

That's how I convince myself, "The Watchman" said.

"We will now move you to a different world… a place called the 'Continent of Sedia' in your local language"

My consciousness dimmed at the end of the word.

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