The Witcher’s Nightmare Wagon

Vol 2 Chapter 114: Remember to apologize after hitting someone


Warrington Street.

As the most famous financial and trade district of Abetus, almost all the merchants in the kingdom of Elam are proud to set up their companies and shops here.

Henrik's Telephone Communications Company.

In the room, Rebecca was immersed in a large number of report documents. She looked thinner, but her eyes were very bright. She experienced the establishment of a company for more than a month, and it was also for Rebecca. Rare experience.

She has changed a lot, and her hidden business talents have been thoroughly stimulated. For this girl, Ashley, who is her companion, also sincerely admires her.

"Sit down and have a cup of coffee and take a break." Ashley persuaded. "The work is never done."

"I know, but this job is too important, Xi, he values ​​it very much, and..." Rebecca smiled bitterly, "All my money is invested in this company, and if it fails, I will only I can go back and continue to be a lawyer."

"Not necessarily." Ashley smiled, "I can open a private detective agency and hire you as my assistant, just like we did before, but now I'll send you your salary. "

dong dong dong.

Just then there was a knock on the door, the door opened, and a young girl with glasses and short hair came in, "Ms. Rebecca, Miss Marianne came again with her people, Now waiting in the living room, she asked me to tell you, this time she is with the sincerity of the gentleman."

"Marianna?!" Ashley frowned. Of course she knew this woman. A month ago, because of some connections with Lieutenant General Pablo, she was brought back by Demon Hunter Conan for investigation.

Although she didn't have much contact with her, Ashley could also see that Mariana was an extremely powerful and mean woman. In Rebecca's past life, she created many conflicts.

Because of Rebecca's reasons, she received some preferential treatment during the investigation, and later investigations also confirmed that they did not have anything to do with Pablo's betrayal.

But because of problems in trade, Rebecca's family suffered some losses in that incident, and the family wealth shrunk by half.

In addition, she saw Princess Charlotte invite Rebecca with her own eyes, so since then, when facing Rebecca, Marianne put away her pride and carefully inquired about Rebecca every time. relationship with Charlotte.

And the so-called friend who acts as a bridge connecting the two.

For this kind of person, Rebecca is naturally unwilling to pay attention to it. There are a lot of things to do when the new company is established, and she is also busy. She rarely goes home and has little interaction with Marianne.

Until not long ago, Marianne reappeared.

She regained her former pride and made a direct request to buy Rebecca's shares in Henrik's Telephone Communications Company.

Offered at 70,000 gold pounds.

Rebecca naturally refused without hesitation, but the woman did not give up, and came to the door several times, and Rebecca and Ashley also learned about Mariana's real plans through some of their news channels.

"Let her wait, there's enough coffee and snacks, don't pay attention to them." The lawyer rubbed her forehead tiredly.

"Miss Rebecca, Miss Marianne has asked me to tell you that if you do not comply with her request, you will lose that gentleman's friendship forever, and at least in Abetus, you will be hard-pressed to find a company willing to give large sums of money to the telephone company. bank that lends money."

"I see." Rebecca waved her hand without answering.

The staff closed the door and backed out, while Ashley stood up and walked to the window. It was already dark outside. Through the gap in the curtains, she saw a carriage parked under the street lights.

In an extremely conspicuous position on the carriage, Ashley saw a golden badge, which was the emblem of the Scarid family. Most of the people in this family became the treasurers of the Elam Kingdom.

Principal Secretary to the Treasury, Financial Secretary to the Treasury, and someone has even been the Second Chancellor of the Exchequer.

At least in terms of financial influence, there is no family in Abetus that can rival Scarid. This long-standing family is even called the noble of the nobles.

"Marianne didn't lie, the Sculled family's carriage is parked below." Ashley sighed, "Financial villains are everywhere. They want to buy your shares for 70,000 gold pounds. They are crazy! "

"But the influence of the Sculled family is undeniable." Rebecca sighed, "In addition to the 50,000 gold pounds I provided and the loan I borrowed at the beginning, I have been in contact with several people recently. Banks, but they are not willing to help us.”

"Would you like to find Princess Charlotte?" Ashley suggested.

"It's useless, this kind of thing can't be solved even if the princess comes forward. If it's her personal help, how much money can she give? You can't let a princess sell the assets in her name."

"You're right." Ashley nodded, "Henrique's plans for this company are extremely detailed. The early development requires a lot of financial support. Businessmen who can come up with a large amount of money will definitely interfere with us. and the bank has been dragging its feet on this issue because of the Sculled family."

"It's so weird. Sigmon's plan doesn't seem to be for making money. This is something that those businessmen who are willing to invest cannot accept it." Rebecca was also a little helpless.

Just as the two were talking, there was a sudden noise outside the door.

"Miss Marianne, you can't go in. This is where we work. It involves a company's secrets. You are... oops!"

"Don't get in the way!" A rough voice came, and then the door was slammed open.

The burly man stepped out of the door, and then Rebecca saw Marianna who was smiling.

"My dear sister, keeping your guests waiting in the waiting room is not a lady's way of hospitality."

"You all go out." Asking all the staff to leave the room, Ashley helped the girl who was pushed down, "Who pushed him down?" Her face was, but there was an undetectable anger in her eyes. .

"This is just a misunderstanding, we have already apologized just now." Marianne said indifferently.

"Who?" Ashley repeated.

"It's me, she blocked our way!" The burly man replied impatiently.


In the next second, a figure suddenly appeared in the shadow behind the man, his face sinking like water, Ashley was like a ghost, giving no chance to others around him to react, and kicked the man's lower back.


The man let out a scream, and hit the wall in the distance like a cannonball. When it bounced to the ground, everyone saw the cobweb-like cracks on the surface of his body.

That's a sign of hardening and breaking.

"Sorry, you're blocking my way." Ashley turned to look at the man, "I apologize now, isn't it too late?"

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