The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 514 The Racial Replacement Plan and the God of the Forest Shepherd

The Hearthstone Witch whispered to Ivita: It seems that there is indeed a big problem in the Frankish Kingdom now. The heirs of Aquitaine are an important part of the Frankish Kingdom. Aquitaine has given birth to many famous people in Frank, but this way An important chess piece has actually fallen into our hands, so we must control it carefully.

Ivita nodded slightly.

The heir of Aquitaine fell into his hands, which was an unexpected gain. But since he was able to gain such gains at the border of the Frankish Kingdom, it means that if he continues to penetrate deeper into the Frankish Kingdom, he should still gain new gains.

The Hearthstone Witch used full transformation to turn the group of people and their carriage into toys the size of pebbles, which were then placed in her pocket.

The heir who lost the Orb of Aquitaine had no ability to protect himself.

Follow me. Ivita said to the Hearthstone Witch.

The two flew along the border of the Frankish Kingdom. Along the way, they saw many Franks infected with the special Black Death. These Franks had all kinds of strange and abnormal limbs.

But in a very small number of Franks, this new type of Black Death seemed to have undergone even more peculiar changes. The backs of these Frankish farmers seemed to have been cut open with a knife, and a thin line appeared.

Then, their original bodies turned into human skin, and a luminous person emerged from the human skin.

Under the influence of the new Black Death, these Frankish farmers turned into dazzling people of light.

Moreover, these light beings are not all of the same color, they are all kinds of strange and strange.

Their light is also radiant, and if it shines on a certain area, there is a chance that a certain area will be polluted by this light.

These light beings float above the vast fertile farmland of Frank. Whenever they encounter people, they will make terrible whistling sounds and attack normal humans.

In just a moment, the intense light would kill the Frankish peasants.

The Hearthstone Witch found that there were five light people following her all the time, and she couldn't help but panicked: Your Majesty, what kind of black death is this? Why does it turn humans into these ghosts, and they are still following me!!

Ivita observed that she and the Hearthstone Witch were frantically attracting the people of light around them, and said: These people of light seem to be some kind of life form born from human spirituality. The Black Death has a curse of flesh and blood, which will make Inanimate objects become alive, that is, after the Black Death virus infects the human body, it pollutes the person's spirituality and gives life to the person's spirituality. Human beings become placentas, and the Black Death will turn all human beings into The placenta gives birth to a human being.”

They will follow us because of our great spirituality.

Ivita looked at these light people with light souls. I remember that there was a degeneration during the Titan era. According to the data of the druids, the Titans who cooperated with the druids at that time encountered a virus. That virus would degrade the Titan's all-round capabilities, but the degraded It was not them who were infected with the virus, but their next generation. And so humans were born. Now the Black Death has the same symptoms.

Those light beings were created by the Black Death and were used to replace current humans. It is indeed a world-destroying crisis.

The Hearthstone Witch was stunned. Is this creating a species that can replace humans? Or is it bred from ourselves?

Ivita did not answer, but looked down at the ground. He saw another wave of refugees who were seriously infected with the Black Death, and he also felt the law holder among this group of refugees.

However, the law that this law holder held before should be weaker than the Orb of Aquitaine, and it was probably the law of some inconspicuous uncle.

Iveta did not choose to go down and block the road directly this time, but stretched out her hands to the ground. Suddenly, the phase of the place where the refugees were was changed, and they became separated from the original space.

The refugees screamed. They wanted to turn around and escape, but found that they and the land they were on were shrinking rapidly, and then turned into a model and fell into Ivita's hands.

This group of villains screamed in terror on this piece of land no bigger than a palm.

From their screams, Ivita knew that she had captured the Count of Fransky, a seaside swamp country that had always remained independent among the feudal lords of the empire, where they created a A very mini Frankish Swamp Law. The law is simple and simple because of the small size of the country, but it is indeed an independent country and independent law. It can be a nominal ally of the Frankish Kingdom, but in fact it is just a vassal of the Frankish Kingdom. .

Therefore, facing this group of people who were using the flag of the Frankish Kingdom and clamoring to him to let them go, Ivitari ignored them.

Yvetta gave the land to the Hearthstone Witches. My current complete transformation technique is extremely powerful, and ordinary wizards may not be able to compete with me.

Moreover, in this alien world of the Black Death Lord, the influence of universal law: cause and effect seems to have been weakened. I just used magic to forcefully subdue these people, but it didn't involve too much cause and effect.

As a result, the lives of ordinary people will become more difficult. I hope that the laws I have can protect the people of my countries.

The Hearthstone Witch said bluntly: Your Majesty, with the laws you have now, I'm afraid you can only take care of it roughly.

Without universal laws, it is impossible to prevent the Black Death Lord from harming ordinary people in this other world.

Ivita glanced at the Hearthstone Witch and continued to move forward with her. Along the way, there were almost no soldiers, knights and witches to stop them, which showed that the Frankish Kingdom was already in extreme chaos.

In the entire Magical Black Forest, Frank was the most seriously infected by the Black Death. This was all thanks to Louis XI's attempt to manipulate the Black Death Lord.

Ivita and the Hearthstone Witch came to a Frankish country path. On that path, a group of defeated soldiers wearing silver full body armor were passing by.

These knights had mirrors on their vambraces.

It is the Knights of the Law who are listed in the middle reaches of the Franks - the Knights of the Mirror.

This knightly order comes from a former earl country in the Frankish region. That earl country had a law of mirrors. However, after the country was destroyed and the government collapsed, the law of mirrors was absorbed by Frankish law and became a small part of Frankish law.

Encountering the Mirror Knights of about a hundred people, Ivita instantly used an invisibility spell to hide herself and the Hearthstone Witch.

‘The Law of the Mirror seems to have been suppressed, which caused us to be so close to these knights, and these knights did not notice us. ’ Ivita thought.

On the path, the leader of the Mirror Knights sighed. These monsters are so powerful that our mirror shields cannot fully reflect their attacks. I heard that we would not have encountered these disasters originally. It was the nonsense of the senior officials above that caused this situation to happen.

Those glowing monsters are ravaging our homeland, and the Black Death is also ravaging our hometown, but we can't do anything. I used to think that without the nobles, the people in our country would be able to live a good life. Well, it didn’t work out. Now I’m wondering if it’s because there is still a king.”

Some Mirror Knights in the Knights felt that this topic was a bit sensitive, so they all remained silent and did not answer the question.

But there were also some knights who obviously had high status among the knights, who took up the conversation. Louis XI is completely different from our previous kings. When the previous kings succeeded to the throne, they would pardon all criminals except death row inmates in the country. However, when he ascended the throne, he issued a special edict not to pardon any criminals. Because of him I don’t want anyone to get any benefit from his time on the throne.”

There are also many cruel rumors about him. I heard that there was once a dirty little noble boy who stole a button with a sapphire on his coat, and he beheaded him. Oh my god. , he had so many clothes with so many decorations and jewels on them, but it turned out that he still cared about that one button, and he was not even sure whether it was stolen or not. Now our country has become like this , it was also the king who did it.”

A mirror knight said: Perhaps this country would be better off without the king. Why do you say that if a country does not have a king, the country will be a headless walking dead? This makes no sense. Every time there is a major event in my hometown town, Decisions are all voted on by the town council. Perhaps the blood of the republic left by ancient civilizations has never disappeared from our country.

The Mirror Knights disappeared at the end of the path, and Ivita and the Hearthstone Witch removed the invisibility spell and used the flying spell to fly in the air.

Ivita said: The Frankish Kingdom is far from being so controlled by Louis XI as Louis XI thought.

His reckless and mean plan has made this country full of complaints. My previous idea was also wrong. I should not regard the Frankish Kingdom as a potential enemy. My enemy is still only the Frankish king. While the nation-state is becoming more xenophobic, It will also be more conservative and less aggressive.

“Something in the logic has changed.”

For a king, expanding his territory can make him famous; but if the main body of a country is a certain ethnic group, then for this ethnic group, although the increase of land is good, it will not increase their interests much, and it may even be because of the Accept more people and pay some price... Then we deal with the Frankish Kingdom just like we deal with the Empire, we only need to deal with the interest groups led by them.

The Hearthstone Witch smiled and said: Louis XI is about to die. After his death, the adopted son of the Pope will take over. The Frankish Kingdom may completely fall into the hands of the church.

Ivita shook her head.

Things are not so rosy.

Ivita said: Since we will encounter Frank's Law Knights here, it means that the Frank Kingdom has gradually begun to react and try to clean up this mess.

let's go.

There's no benefit in going any further.

Hearthstone Witch said: I think so.

The Hearthstone Witch was about to leave here with Ivita, but suddenly Ivita stopped, because at the other end of the country road, near the mountain forest, a half-man, half-deer walked out of the source, his whole body shrouded in the light of divine power. The gods below.

This god should be a god of the natural god system. His whole body is filled with powerful natural energy, almost like a walking forest. However, half of the body of such a powerful forest god is in a state of incomplete shadow.

Ivita realized that this was a god with powerful power, enough to fight the Black Death.

The God of the Forest Faun said to Ivita: Please wait a moment, King of Arthas, God of the Weave, owner of the Iron Crown and Thousand Years of Fire.

You know, the Magical Black Forest is in extreme danger now. I hope you will abandon the behavior of those stupid conspirators and politicians and think about this world and the creatures in this world. Don't be like the emperor and the Frank king. That would add too much burden to the world.”

Your Highness Ivita, you have three ordinary voting rights in the Imperial Parliament, and you are also the most powerful wizard in the Magical Black Forest. This world needs to be saved by you.

Ivetta raised her eyebrows, noncommittal.

Due to the long history, there are countless secrets and powerful people in the Magical Black Forest. The one in front of me is one of the powerful people who has been hidden in the southern countryside of the Frankish Kingdom.

The Hearthstone Witch immediately said sarcastically: Then why don't you go and save the Enchanted Black Forest? Why do you still need us to go?

The God of the Forest Shepherd was not angry, but said calmly: I am also prepared to participate, but this requires a lot of manpower. The Druid crisis, the Black Death Lord crisis, and even greater crises are coming.

It takes many, many true heroes who give up their fame and wealth to form a team to deal with these world-ending crises. The worst among this team will also be the king of a country.

Ivita frowned and said: The emperor may not be a world without heart.

The God of the Forest Herdsman said: During the time when I was sealed, I became a mortal and observed the world. I learned the fate of many people, including that of Oyo III. In order to show his dignity as an emperor, he He does not hesitate to let his burden be tied to the world. But he is unable to deal with the trouble that is the Frankish Kingdom. Damn the Frankish Kingdom, this entire country should be wiped out.

As long as you can give up your throne and work for the world, you can join our team.

Ivita and the Hearthstone Witch looked at each other.

It seems that this expert in this magical black forest is a bit extreme.

Ivita only thought for a moment and said to him: Please let me reject your proposal. In my eyes, power is a means to realize one's ideals.

The power of fighting alone is limited after all. If you really want to protect the world, you should use your status as a king to gather the power of countries to protect the world, instead of giving up your position as a king and becoming an adventurer. Form a hero team with you.

After listening to Ivita's words, the face of the Forest Shepherd God instantly turned gloomy, and he no longer had a good look on Ivita. Then it seems that you are the same person as Emperor Oyo III. I misjudged you. I originally thought you would be a more classy person.

You people...

It's you people who are ruining the world!

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