The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 182 Red Robe Hunter [Christine] and the Ashes in the Cemetery (5062)

In a small town south of Ambrose, Pan and the old witch walked in and found that the place was full of corpses lying horizontally.

The old witch opened the wooden door of a small cabin, and suddenly a body covered in blood fell towards her.

God Pan thought for a moment and said, It seems that the Baron Alliance has brought the war here.

Everyone here should have died from this.


The Hearthstone Witch dusted off the blood on her wizard robes in disgust. There are thousands of people in this town. The war will not kill every household here. It is the lucky ones who have latecomers who kill all the remaining people here.

This should be some kind of sacrificial ceremony.

God Pan nodded and said, That's right. If you want the Iron Thorn Fairy to appear, you must devote enough blood magic.

Those latecomers who committed murder should all be wizard apprentices from Kapa Town.

God Pan said to the old witch: We must step up our pace, otherwise the people in Kapa Town will kill more mortals along the way. It is best to find them before they use blood magic to find the Iron Thorn Fairy. And kill them.

I guess that's what you're thinking too.

If Ivita were here, he would agree with my decision.

God Pan thought that the Hearthstone Witch thought so. After all, allowing the situation to develop would be of no benefit to anyone except the wizard group in the small town of Kapa.

Who would have expected that the Hearthstone Witch would directly reject Pan. No, I'm going to let them collect blood magic.

Pan Shen looked incredulous, I thought you and Ivita were from the same group.

The Hearthstone Witch laughed sharply, I never said such a thing.

I want to let them collect blood magic. This blood magic can be used to summon the Iron Thorn Fairy, and it can also be used by me.

Pan immediately understood the purpose of the Hearthstone Witch. She wanted to intercept the blood magic power collected by the Cemetery Wizard and use it for herself.

This made Pan even more curious about how Ivita controlled this cruel and vicious witch.

The Hearthstone Witch looked honest next to Ivita, and Pan was still fresh in his mind.

Why did Ivita feel like a different person after being away from her for a few days?

Is this still the obedient old witch?

Pan Shen thought for a while and found that although this was a bit of a waste, the situation was still within his control.

As long as the people in the cemetery are not allowed to actually summon the Iron Thorn Fairy, that's all.

He was interested in observing the Hearthstone Witch, so he said to the old witch smoothly: Okay. Then I will listen to you.

But I hope Ivita knows about it and won't blame you for it.

The Hearthstone Witch laughed so wildly, as if the person who was submissive to Ivita before was not her at all. As long as no one tells him, he won't find out. As long as no one knows that I have done bad things, it means I haven't done any bad things!

I've been so depressed during this time.

This blood magic power can be absorbed just enough to help me advance to a senior witch in the future!

The Hearthstone Witch said to Pan, I want to use the corpses of this village to cultivate Piranha, so let's stay for half a day.

The Hearthstone Witch tried to suppress her excitement, threw a blood-red seed into the corpse, and then recited a spell.

Pan Shen was almost speechless.

He really didn't expect the old witch to be this kind of person.

He thought that a witch who could follow Ivita must be an honest person.

If he had known this, he would not have teamed up with the old witch.

Although he is cunning, he does not like killing and only does it for the sake of civilization and druids.

But the old witch's cruel style made Pan Shen quite unhappy.

Pan sighed as he looked at the Hearthstone Witch who was busy performing dark magic around the corpse. It is precisely because of the retreat of the druids that these evil witches are allowed to run rampant on this land.

Being with these witches, I understand better the truth that the druids must come back.

No matter what the means.

He closed his eyes and went straight into Pan's Sleep to wait for the Hearthstone Witch's dark magic experiments to be completed.

Facing the two city guards who intercepted him, Iveta used her left hand to spin the ring of desire on her right little finger. He thought about it. If he used a charm spell, he could control a person and let him in directly.

But the problem is that there are two guards standing in front of him, and there are at least dozens of people around him.

So, in order to enter the city and rendezvous with the Ice Witch who is now unknown where she is, and prevent the Cemetery Wizard from inviting Puss in Boots, he has no choice but to attend the Masked Ball.

Ivita said to the guards: I can attend the masked ball. You can go in now.

The eyes of the two guards suddenly changed from unwelcoming to intense.

Dear Sir, please tell us your name, the location of your family and territory, your age, and give me a copy of your family crest.

Ivita hesitated. Are there many nobles coming to this city?

Don't end up going to their masked ball by yourself. Wouldn't you be embarrassed by then? !

A guard with a beard on his face said: I am Hook, sir. Of course there are many nobles here. Because our little princess [Maddalena] is very kind and beautiful, she seems to be immune to dust. The sapphire, all the adults want to decorate themselves with this gemstone.”

Another guard said sadly: The little princess of our [Maddalena] city is a very kind child, she is a very good person, but because her father offended a witch, she was actually killed. The curse is that if you don’t get married before the age of fourteen, you must marry a beast.”

This is so unfair.

Hook, the bearded guard, said: Lord Ivita, I am not afraid to tell you that the envoy of Viscount Winchester is in our city at the moment, because Viscount Winchester also wants to marry the little princess of our city [Jenny] ].

He needs a continuation.

So, our little princess is welcomed by everyone. But you can still take advantage of the opportunity. Maybe you will also have a chance.

Ivita was speechless.

Even if he wants a political marriage, he will not marry the daughter of the largest guild president in [Madalina].

However, Viscount Winchester wants to renew his relationship and marry the daughter of the guild leader of [Maddalena] City. This must be because Viscount Winchester wants to marry [Maddalena] City Make an alliance.

This move is cruel.

[Maddalena] city is one of Ambrose's top five cities.

If the city of [Maddalena] surrenders to Baron Winchester, then the city of Ambrose will suffer a big loss.

I'm afraid Ambrose's city council won't sit idly by.

Ivita instantly realized that today's masked dance was not simple, and it might be another bloody storm.

And if Puss in Boots is really in [Maddalena] at this time, then it may be attracted by this dance, so Ivita thought that maybe it would be good to go to the Masked Ball by herself.

While talking, Ivita had already written down her information in a thick notebook handed over by the guard.

The two guards glanced at it. In fact, they were not illiterate, so they just looked at it and didn't say anything at all.

At this time, Ivita heard the rapid sound of horse hooves coming from a distance. The sound came from far to near, and it sounded like at least several horses.

Soon, three hunters on horseback appeared in the eyes of Ivita and everyone.

Among the three people on horseback, the leader was wearing a bright red felt cloak with a hood, and a scarf made of the skin of a flaming red fox around his neck. However, the person wearing these clothes was only A girl of about fourteen years old.

So these clothes looked a little too big on her, as if a younger sister had stolen her older sister's clothes.

The girl has a very smart appearance, with thick eyebrows, big eyes, a small nose, fair and rosy skin and white porcelain teeth.

But there was a lingering anger in her eyes.

When she came to the city gate on horseback, she reined up her horse just before she was about to hit the crowd, then jogged towards the city gate, and led the people directly into the city.

Ivita heard the guards calling her [Christine Alison] in a low voice with some fear.

[Christine Alison] When passing by Ivita, she glanced down at Ivita and said, Wizard?

I can warn you, don't act recklessly in the city I am responsible for, otherwise I will make you regret becoming a wizard.

Iveta chuckled lightly, and completely ignored the little girl in the worried eyes of the soldiers, Little sister, you must be polite. A little sister who likes to jump in line, it is better to go to school obediently.

And I am a distinguished guest in your city. Without the courtesy of hospitality, there is no place for people to stand.

The expressions of the two hunters on horseback behind Christine suddenly changed.

Kristen was not angry. Instead, after hearing this, she looked Ivita up and down and said, You look younger than me, but you actually have the nerve to call me little sister.

You'd better go to school by yourself.

I... Ambrose's greatest hunter, the merciless hunter - [Red Robe Hunter], no one in this world is worthy of being my teacher.

But as a wizard, you actually know what etiquette is. You are quite interesting.

After saying that, she rode into the city on horseback.

Her two little followers stared at Ivita, snorted coldly, said a few words to curse the wizard, and then followed her into the city.

The two guards standing next to Ivita were breathing heavily. When they saw them leaving, they said to Ivita: Lord Ivita, you are so impulsive, red-robed hunter Christine ·Alison is not easy to mess with.”

She may not dare to kill people in the street.

Iveta asked her groom to drive the car into the city first, and then stood at the edge of the city to let the people in line behind her be inspected and enter the city.

Ivita curiously asked them why the little girl dared to claim that she was the most powerful hunter in Ambrose at a young age.

Guard Hook explained to Ivita: Well, it's hard to say whether she is the most powerful, but she is definitely the most merciless.

When Christine was ten years old, she became an official hunter and hunted more than thirty werewolves in Ambrose, wiping out the largest werewolf group in Ambrose.

Kristen's parents, grandparents, and grandparents were all killed by werewolves. This also made her hate non-human races very much. She is a complete human racist.

I've heard about it too. It is said... the soldier whispered: Someone said that Christine is the most talented hunter in Ambrose. There has never been anyone who fits the path of a hunter like her.

She is cold-blooded, proud and cruel, and extremely hates all non-human creatures. She once said that after she hunts all non-human creatures in Ambrose, she will break the limits of a hunter and become the first to reach the level of Ambrose. A fourth-level hunter.”

Iveta was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the hunter profession was created because an ordinary person made a wish to the Black Rose Fairy in order to save his daughter who was snatched away by a witch.

Therefore, there is an upper limit to the hunter profession.

No one in the hunter profession has ever broken through to the fourth level.

After knowing this information, Ivita thanked the Hook guards and prepared to enter the city.

The Hook guard smiled at Ivita and said, Welcome to our city.

I actually don't know why the president of the Weavers Guild must hire people like Christine to protect our city. She is really too rude and has never taken us guards seriously.

You are still approachable. Although you are a noble, you do not look down on us people at all.

Ivita smiled at him.

In his eyes, everyone is equal.

It would be too arrogant for a person to feel that he can dominate others and take away from others at will.

Only if a person is not arrogant to the weak, will he not be flattery to the strong, neither humble nor arrogant, this is the truth.

Only in this way can people be independent, self-respecting and self-reliant.

Otherwise, a person who is harsh to the weak will almost certainly end up currying favor with the strong.

After entering the city, Ivita quickly inquired about the accommodation in the city. He found the cheapest hotel and agreed to let him stay at a price of one shilling a night.

Then, Ivita asked the groom to pull her carriage to the stable.

At the same time, he looked up at the sky and had a question, that is...

How could he contact the ice witch?

Forget it, let's go to the dance of the Weavers Guild today. Ivita walked around the street a few times, and after not finding any figure of the ice witch, she had no choice but to make this plan.

Because he is in this city now, the people in the cemetery have probably been in this city for several days.

They may have been looking for Puss in Boots, and maybe they have clues now, so they need to take action.

If you can't wait for the ice witch, you might as well do it yourself.

Maybe Puss in Boots will also attend this ball where many big names are invited.

You have to try your luck. If Puss in Boots is not there, you will have to think of other ways.

In the witch cemetery in the small town of Kapa, ​​Hugo listened to the report of Frankski and another wizard elder with a dark face.

Leader Hu Ge was furious when he heard that twelve wizard apprentices had died.

This made Hugo Russo, who was already upset because of the previous divination, even more difficult to control his emotions at this moment. He even regretted not going out to find the Iron Thorn Fairy himself. Maybe he should make himself immortal.

That fish-man monster actually dares to hunt us outside our base camp!

It's time for the Ember Man.

After Frankski heard this, he questioned: Ashes magic is the foundation of the cemetery.

The Ash People need to extract the ash magic from under the cemetery. The ancestors will not allow us to use it.

Leader Hugo roared angrily. This is the fastest way to deal with the troublesome monster outside. And the ancestors will agree. Your beloved ancestors, just let me drive you.

Even the ancestors are just my puppets.

Frankski and another wizard elder looked at Hugo Russo in shock. Their eyes seemed to say, how dare you talk about your ancestors like this.

Everyone, I'm sorry. I'm just a little anxious. Hu Ge knew he had made a mistake. After all, sometimes even if it is the truth, you don't need to say it.

There are some things you can do, but not say.

If you do it, nothing will happen.

If you speak out, there will be big consequences.

Frankska hesitated and said: What if... I am assuming that the Ash Man still cannot destroy the fish man in the outside world? Then wouldn't you have damaged the foundation of the cemetery in vain?

Perhaps you can find Milani and ask her to think of a solution for you.

Hu Ge sneered. The Ash Man is a unique summon from the cemetery. How could it not defeat the extremely spiritually chaotic monster outside the cemetery?

As he spoke, he walked to the deepest part of his laboratory room and tapped the wall three times with the back of his hand.

Suddenly, the wall suddenly cracked open, and a door appeared from it.

Hu Ge walked straight behind the door and walked along the stairs inside the door for about five hundred meters.

The ladder goes all the way down.

In other words, he is now about four to five hundred meters underground.

And Hugo came to a dark place, where there were only some sporadic red dots that could illuminate the darkness.

Hu Ge glanced behind him and found that two elders were also following him. Facing the worried elders, he said, This time I am going to resurrect the hatter's student Crook.

He will dominate the consciousness of the Ashes.

This can be regarded as resurrecting our students.

Frankska and others' expressions softened slightly.

If they could defeat the murlocs from the outside and resurrect their students at the same time, maybe that would be good, even if it would damage some of the foundations of the cemetery.

But Frankska still had doubts, because among the three people present, no one knew better than her the terrifying nature of the fish-man guarding outside the town of Kapa.

Perhaps this crude solution was wrong from the start.

Hu Ge clenched his hands into claws, then squatted down suddenly, pressing his hands toward the black char pile on the ground.

Suddenly, powerful magical energy turned into some kind of storm, sweeping through the space five hundred meters deep underground.

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