The Witch of Zongwang: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 317: Disasters escalate, unknown disasters (two updates!)

Why did you bring back a gourd? It looks so good.

When Yi Jiao returned home, her mother was watering the flowers.

They have a flower shop at home.

It’s both a business and a hobby.

When she saw the dejected Yi Jiao running out and coming back with a gourd from nowhere, Yi's mother asked curiously.

The gap of the times will divide certain views between parents and children.

But parents always know their children—in most cases.

Yi Mu understands her daughter:

From babbling, to standing tall and graceful.

She has always been a very proud child at heart and has her own opinions.

There aren't many times when you can see the other person frowning.

This made Yi Mu feel a little bit new.

Yi Jiao, who had privately exchanged many experiences with her neighbors on how to educate her children, felt as if she had learned the skills of slaying dragons in nothing.

This time, it seems that it can be used?

Yi Mu had a subtle sense of déjà vu that was gearing up.

But it seems that the problem has been solved?

Brother Yi gave it to me.

Yi Jiao pointed to the quiet alley across the street and shook the gourd in her hand.

Yimu looked at it carefully and found that the style was quite good.

But it seems to be just an ordinary gourd, not too valuable.

Not worried, I looked at it carefully.

After finding nothing unusual, I felt relieved.

Don't ask for items that are too valuable, even if they are gifts.

Yi Xia knew it.

Although I have never visited in person, I have heard from neighbors for a long time.

He seemed to work at a nearby slaughterhouse. He ate quite a lot and was a regular customer of the breakfast shop at the intersection.

The quality of the meat he delivered last time was quite good.

I just don’t know what kind of meat it is…

It tastes pretty good.

How old are you, and you still like these?

Have you said thank you to anyone?

After Yi Mu finished speaking, she continued to water the flowers.

It's always good for a daughter to have friends, let alone neighbors across the street.

Upon seeing this, Yi Jiao felt as if she was being pardoned and slipped directly into her room.

Mothers in the world are always nagging.

Yi Jiao felt that if she became a mother in the future, she would definitely not be nagging...


Yi Jiao, who was still worried about the green friendship in her youth, thought so.

Then, she leaned on the bedside and looked at the gourd in her hand.

Before leaving, Yi Xia told her.

This thing can have a sleep-promoting effect under special circumstances.

If it is what ordinary people say is a sleep aid, Yi Jiao thinks it has the same effect as soaking her feet in hot water.

But that was Yi Xia, a being with powerful extraordinary power hidden in this city.

Yi Jiao felt that it was definitely not what she understood.

Maybe after drinking it, he fell asleep directly.

Leaning on the quilt, Yi Jiao opened the stopper on the gourd.

Using the light of her mobile phone, she looked inside.

All I saw was clear and cold.

It's like, it's just some pure spring water.

Yi Jiao didn't hesitate and poured some into her mouth.

There seems to be some sweetness, and there is a hint of sourness from time to time.

In the end, it becomes tasteless.

There is only the moisture between the lips and the coolness in the throat.

It proved that she had indeed drank something just now.

The next moment, Yi Jiao suddenly felt a sense of sudden enlightenment.

It was as if the problem that had been bothering her suddenly had a solution, and it was as if she was walking through the sleepy night with her parents.

Those obscurities and difficulties have not disappeared.

It's just that in my heart, there is a little less hesitation and confusion, and a little more determination and determination.

Yi Jiao was stunned.

After feeling no sleep, she covered the gourd heavily.

She understood Yi Xia's intention behind it.

Maybe Yi Xia wanted to tell her:

Only with the strength of your own heart can you face all difficulties and disasters alone.

She will not abuse this gift...



Naturally, Yi Xia didn't know what Yi Jiao was thinking.

At this time, he was eating stew in the dragon head statue space.

While eating, he took out today's portion of unstable high-intensity flame active material.

Then, suck directly into the nasal cavity.

After devouring these two flame active substances, his Doom Star Spirit can be upgraded.

If it weren't for the fact that the crater didn't have much material to burn, Yi Xia's Protoss of Disaster would have improved when the battlefield was settled.

Murlocs are good old friends, except they like to live in the water...

This prevented Yi Xia from setting fire wantonly.

Sure enough, with the two unstable flame active substances, Yi Xia continued to become darker as she sucked.

Within Yi Xia's body, the power of the stars belonging to Hu Dou began to stir.

The next moment, that restlessness reached a certain limit.

In Yi Xia's consciousness filled with endless fire, Hu Dou, who was retreating behind the roe owl and Fei Zhi's shadow, began to roar.

Invisibly, the fierce fire began to become turbulent.

They gathered around Fu Dou, twisting into a horrifying posture of disaster.

Disaster - an ancient sign of fire, for unknown reasons...

Tips from the Internet: The character Star Spirit: Fu Dou's improvement progress meets the relevant improvement conditions, and the Star Spirit is being upgraded...

The upgrade was successful, the character Star Spirit: Fu Dou was upgraded to lv2



Change: The character gains the ability to eat fire and the ability to be immune to fire (similar to advanced fire elements), and all fire damage receives a significant bonus based on the power of blood.


No changes/new additions

The power of evil spirits:


Fire: All units damaged by fire-related fire will enter a misfortune roll.

If the test fails, the subject will need to suffer an additional bad luck penalty of -1 (can be stacked, the maximum stack is: -5). Each time the bad luck effect is added, the duration of the bad luck will be refreshed.

Level 4 (unlocked): When the stack of misfortune punishment reaches the full level, the subject has a certain probability of triggering fire misfortune: Yin Fire (once triggered, it cannot save, cannot be blocked, cannot be purified, ignores divinity, and cannot be removed through fate-related abilities) .

As the prompt information refreshed on the retina, the image of Fu Dou in Yi Xia's sea of ​​consciousness was updated.

It was supposed to be a bright and hot fire.

At this time, it turned into some dark and deep colors, they lingered around Hu Dou, telling some kind of filth and ominousness.

Yi Xia read the relevant change information about Fu Dou.

I didn't expect it to be opened in this way...

Yi Xia looked at Huo E's lv4 related effects.

Yin fire...

Yi Xia once reluctantly used this dangerous and disastrous power through the Great Witch Dharma.

Of course, that's just an illusion.

It is far from being called a true Yin Fire.

In the extraordinary civilizations of the Eastern lineage, Yin Fire has many related and corresponding meanings.

But if it is related to disasters, its most profound and terrifying concept is what Taoism calls the three disasters.

This yin fire is one of the three disasters.

Even those who have attained enlightenment and become immortals are also afraid of extreme dangers and disasters...

But then again.

How did you get the title of Great Witch...

The witchcraft level has reached level 10, and it’s time to unlock the great witchcraft phase...

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