The Wise Lord

Chapter 127

Chapter 127 – The Demon King

A space that has been shattered and shattered.

In an instant, the scenery changed and the eyes became confused.

The raging blizzard disappeared without a trace.

The scenery in front of you is a vast plain.

It was also a desolate wilderness where vegetation and vegetation had been twisted with dryness.

The sun in the sky blazed and dried up the creatures of the earth.

It was not a landscape that could be seen in the cold northern part.

I don’t know if it’s a desert.

Rather, the scenery of the blizzard that had just been raging could be said to be the northern environment.

Was the broken space really a fantasy space?

Perhaps this is also a new fantasy space.

Interfering with space means interfering with the most basic laws that make up this world.

That’s why it’s called illusion, and it’s called hallucination.

It shouldn’t be seen as mere gimmick.

The moment that completely intervenes and interferes with the space.

It is no longer a gimmick, but a distorted reality and becomes a fact.

The senses were jumbled together.

My brain is complicatedly twisted.

“Why can’t you understand me?”

A distinct voice came from between them.

the place you looked at.

There, a man was walking across the wilderness.

A man with dark black hair.

A dark elf resembling Aslandis and Sera.

But unlike pure Sera.

The atmosphere felt cold and dark.


Aslandis’ voice came.

The son of Asrandiz and the older brother of Sera.

And now, the main culprit of this northern avalanche, Dyson.

Dyson stopped walking.

As if scanning his surroundings, Dyson’s gaze moved from left to right.

Soldiers of Battenberg and the Arcanic Magic Corps.

and the knights of Xian and Leuven.

Lastly, Aslandis and Sera.

Upon reaching them, Dyson’s gaze stopped.

“Did you join hands with humans?”

A cold voice escaped Dyson’s mouth.

At the same time, a terrifying spirit erupted.

Betrayal, anger, anger.

Magical power based on negative emotions boiled over.

A red glow shone around Dyson.

The trembling and vibrating light couldn’t be called the magical power of magicians.

Nurbia, the demon of indolence. The demon of lust, Lucuria.

It was much closer to the madness and fraud of the 7 demon lords.

Dyson’s madness shimmered, and bright red eyes turned to Aslandis.

“Did you join hands with humans to kill your son, your own people!!”


With Dyson’s cry, tremendous madness erupted.

From nob le mt l. co m

Just seeing it makes me dizzy.

Fear hangs over you as if you were looking at the other side of the abyss.

For an instant, Aslandis spread one hand upward.

At the same time, thick darkness formed on Aslandis’ hand and swallowed Dyson’s madness.

The madness that had been casting slows down and is pushed away.

Dyson’s lifelike eyes turned to Aslandis again.

The dark elves’ forest keeper, Aslandis, had black eyes.

On the other hand, Dyson’s eyes were red.

father and son.

A dark elf with the same black hair.

The eyes of the two meet,

Magical powers with different powers collide.


The entire space trembled with a loud explosion.

Even the incantation, the degree of perfection of the magic formula.

I didn’t need anything.

Will, the magic that kills each other with just that alone was being cast.

Dyson spread his hand out wide in front of him.

Red magic formed on his hand, and countless magical windows were created in the air.

Aslandis quickly waved his hand. A black magic curtain rolls over the surroundings

Whoa! Damn!

The moment they met, the magic spear could not pierce the darkness.

“Your father is also your father.”

Dyson was quick to concede.

Aslandiz, the forest keeper of the Dark Elves and the 8th-tier archmage.

At the current level, he cannot afford Aslandis.

Dyson quietly closed his eyes.

Spreading his right arm out to the side, he drew out the mana he had.

At the same time, gripping—!

The space around the hand distorted, and something long protruded from within.

The world tree that contains the energy of life.

But now it has a darkness that is stronger than anything else.

Elodie’s Staff, Instiz.

The exploding madness and magical power far exceed the range of human cognition.

“This, this can’t be…”

“How… how could this power…!”

A look of astonishment appeared on people’s faces.

At the same time, fear is felt.

From nob le mt l. co m

Jigsaw Jigsaw—!

Instiz emits a red thunderbolt and is caught in Dyson’s hand.

A bright red mana hangs over it, encroaching on the surrounding space.

Before long, Dyson stretched out the Instiz in his hand.


Indescribable magical energy is condensed at the tip of the staff and explodes in all directions.

Terrible madness erupts in all directions.

It dyes the spirit of existence black and erodes consciousness.



Screams of pain erupted in all directions.

Soldiers of Battenberg.

Wizards of the Arcanic Magic Corps.

All of them were screaming, unable to withstand the bursting madness.

Even Osley and Panat were unable to move hastily.


Aslandis hurriedly raised the darkness and fought against the madness.

But it was not enough.

I couldn’t afford it.

Instiz with Elodie’s power sealed.

Even Asrandis couldn’t control that power.

Right then.


Dense and thick demonic energy hangs in all directions.

A jet-black fog like dark clouds blooms.

Darkness that dyes all around.

The madness of Dyson, which engulfed the space, is greatly excited.


The magical power that dominated the realm dissipates, and a new dark space is taken over.

“Heo-euk…! Heo-eok…!”

“Did I just…?”

At the same time, the minds of the people stained with madness were awakened one by one.

“What is this…?”

Dyson panicked and raised Instiz’s power.

Magical power deepened and madness painted the darkness red.



In the end, it is torn apart by being caught in a torrent of power.

‘Tear… lost? With the difference in strength?’

no. It’s not like that.

Dyson shook his head firmly.

It’s not a difference in power.

It is a difference in rank.

This happened with a difference in class.

That, too, is the price of existence.

‘But how…?’

Dyson gave a look of disbelief.

The power Dyson used now was not ordinary power.

The absolute power that resides in Instiz.

It is the power of Elodie, who was called the Great Mage a thousand years ago.

Exceed was reached by only 6 people in the long history of the continent.

It is a transcendent force that cannot be expressed in terms of concepts.

It’s not the power to dare to do anything.

Even Aslandis, the forest keeper, could not come close to this power.

Of course, over the years, much of its power has been lost.

However, as Elodie’s power was lost, a new power was contained.

That power is not something that beings dare to do.

To be precise, even the power of Elodie, after a thousand years, succumbed to that power and was eaten.

The power of such transcendence is torn apart by the difference in rank…?

The darkness continued to spread, swallowing Dyson’s magical power.

Dyson’s gaze naturally turned to one side.

And one existence that rules the darkness.

Through Dyson’s field of vision, he saw Sian, a blonde man.

It was the human in Dyson’s memory.

The fantasy space that Dyson has developed with Instiz.

Because he was the one who broke it.

But it was strange.

Dyson’s blonde haired human.

That’s why, the level of Xi’an was terrible.

Even if it wasn’t lousy, it was too lousy.

Such a lousy human being Dyson opened up the space of madness.

That’s why this Elodie’s power surpasses Elodie’s level?

‘No way.’

Dyson shook his head firmly.

That was something that could never happen.

It was impossible in any case, so it was something that could be defined.

But something is unsettling.

Whenever he saw Xian, an unknown anxiety rose in Dyson’s heart.

So, to be honest, it was the one I cared about the most here.

Among the tens of thousands of soldiers, that one person was so anxious and worried.

I can’t believe it, but even more so than Asrandis.


“I will kill you.”

Dyson raised his mana and swung the Instiz.



Xian raised his head at the vibration of the space.

Terrible magic that blooms through Dyson’s body.

Even Cian’s cognition could not dare to estimate the dark red magic power.

Perhaps, it was the power of Elodie dwelling in Instiz.

But something was strange.

Elodie’s power was different in nature.

Even if they were swallowed up by madness.

The power you have is ultimately based on your magical power.

However, the power I feel right now is not magic, but malice.

The 7 demon lords were very similar to them.

Ironically, however, it is not the 7 demon lords.

Malice is felt, but it is different from malice.

It is infinitely close to malice, but not malice.

Even so, the exploding fraud was infinitely horrifying.

Demon King.

Dyson was not lacking at all even if he was called the Demon King now.

“What the hell is this power…!”


Fanat and Osli looked at Dyson with shocked expressions.

But Xian didn’t answer.

explosive power.


Xian threw himself through the vibrating space, clutching his sword.


Thousands of fireballs filled the sky.

The scorching heat blazed like the sun and poured down on Xian.

An attack focused on firepower with no skill to speak of.

I don’t know why all of a sudden.

There was a hint of his will to kill Xian.

It’s impossible to hit that firepower head-on.

Evil, Xi’an’s body instantly turned into darkness.

He avoided the pouring space by unfolding the Mahonmuyeongbo.

Dyson swung his Instiz following Xian’s body as it scattered.

It was like a conductor’s hand gesture.

Sure enough, thousands of fireballs moved simultaneously along Xian.

That moment.

Kwak Kwa Kwa Kwam!

The fireballs that were pouring down on Xian exploded all at once.

A thick darkness descended between them, and the figure of Aslandis was visible.

Dyson gritted and chewed his teeth.

“You disturb me—!”

Dyson’s words cut off at once.

And boom!

A loud explosion erupted around Dyson.

Osley’s huge greatsword pushed back the rolling red curtain.


A small incontinence began to be carved into the red curtain.

Master Intermediate level, Osley.

Befitting the size of a giant bear, he was the one who specialized in strength among the Masters.

Dyson looked down at the outstretched Instiz.

The curtain that had been wrapped around Dyson instantly turned into a sharp awl.


Enormous magical energy was released, and Osley was pushed back greatly.

And that empty space was filled with blue magic.


Blue flames soared around Dyson.

Flames and flames connected each other, burning and eating the awl of magical power.

Fanat and Arcanic Magic Troops.

It was the fire created by the magic they spread.

“We will help too!”

“Everyone help the Marquis!”

After them, Sera and the Dark Elf Keepers.

And the Battenberg troops rushed in unison.

Dyson swung his Instiz again and exploded his mana.



The ground trembled, and a fierce battle unfolded.

At the end, Dyson hesitated and took a step back.

“To be bothered…!”

Dyson gritted his teeth and chewed them.

Deep anger rises and dark red magic explodes.

blooming madness.

“Truth that has disappeared on the border of infallibility…”

Dyson’s mouth twitched.

chant magic.

Magic that is simply implemented by will is quick to cast, but its power is halved.

It is because the magic implemented quickly is shaken by the spell.

For that reason, the magic of the shadowless spear is called the ultimate state.

Even in the midst of shaking magic, it was necessary to have a high level to complete the magic.

That is why it is said that martial arts are called the ultimate state.

It didn’t mean that it was more powerful than chanting magic.

A chanting magic cast by a high-level magician who can use incantation.

That’s because it brought about an explosive increase in power.



The oppressive feeling of the enormous weight weighed down the entire space.

For an instant, Sian’s knees gave out and almost collapsed.

However, he managed to withstand the pressure by biting and biting his teeth.



But others didn’t.

Unable to withstand the pressure, he collapsed to the floor.

Dyson’s Instiz headed forward.

“Distortion of no work, distortion in the intangible…”

Dyson’s muttered incantation is heard again.


A tearing tinnitus was heard, and countless magic circles were created in all directions.



A loud sound incomparable to the muttered chant burst out.

Dense dust rose, obscuring vision as the explosion engulfed it in all directions.

A terrible power that seems to have destroyed the entire space.


I heard someone coughing up blood.

The dust haze settled, revealing what was inside.

And what was seen was not the corpses of countless people caught in the explosion.

darkness and magic.

A black and blue magic shield was protecting all directions.

Aslandis and Panat.

And Sera, the Keeper, and the Arcanic Magic Troops.

With all their might, they unleashed magic against Dyson’s incantation magic.

Dyson, who uses the power of Instiz, was no different from the Demon King.

It was not easy to block the chanting magic he used.

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Jureuk, red blood flowed from the corners of Panat’s mouth.


Eventually Panat shouted.

At the same time, a thick darkness soared above Panat.

Xian once again unfolded the spiritless dance and shot toward Dyson.

Dyson is worthy of being called the Demon King.

However, Dyson was unable to fully use Elodie’s power.

It is said that Elodie’s power is transcendent.

Dyson’s bar capacity was not able to fully draw out its power.

Maybe that’s why I didn’t take action in haste.

It seemed that he had been hiding himself in it while spreading illusion magic.

So Dyson was alone.

There were no barbarians stained with madness, no Dark Elves following him.

I guess he didn’t know if he could find his location.

And that too quickly.

However, Xian found Dyson’s location at once.

It broke his expectations and made him unable to properly defend himself.

On the other hand, this is a lot.

There was also an army accompanied by many troops.

“You boy…!”

Dyson’s face contorted.

Moving his hands quickly, Instiz swung around.

Every time Instiz scanned the air, red magic exploded.

At the same time, thousands of magic arrows floated around Dyson.

Paba Baba Park.

Thousands of magic arrows were fired at the rushing darkness of Xian.

Xian faced the approaching magic arrow and did not avoid it.

That moment.

A group of people in black armor rushed in front of Xian.

Knights of Ruben.

Each of them raised their swords and cut down arrows of magical power pouring down.

Kang-! Cacan!


“These are…!!”


Along with Dyson’s rage, red-hot magic exploded around Instiz.

Almost infinite magical power.

The world of endless magic unfolded and engulfed the space.



The hanging darkness engulfed the magical world.

The blooming madness and magic were swallowed up without being able to resist the darkness.

“What the…!”

A distinct expression of bewilderment was written on Dyson’s face.

“Mahonsura Sword.”

and a distant voice.

Where I looked, there was a thick darkness that had approached me at some point.

Eventually, the darkness took shape and a human figure, Xian, came to mind.

The pitch-black darkness that blooms.

a raised sword.

“Type 1.”

The power of the far beyond felt in between.

Facing that power, Dyson was able to recall once again the anxiety that had come to his mind earlier.


Anxiety deepens.

It spread as an ominous, very eerie foreboding.

blooming from the depths of the heart.

With a very ominous premonition that he might die here.


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