The Wise Lord

Chapter 105

Chapter 105 – Thousand Year Mission (2)

Lucuria’s malice that engulfed the space was greatly stirred.

An unknown darkness seeped in between them.

The veiled malice overtook the darkness.

It was absolute malice that even annihilated Arya’s divine power.

Malice ruled by the 7 demon lords.



The malice that dominated the realm is extinguished.

Malice rises and resists, but is torn apart by the torrent of power.

A new darkness takes over the space.

A demon that cannot even fathom its depth.

As if to announce that the true owner of this place has returned.

The darkness spreads, swallowing up Lushria’s malice.

At the same time, Lucuria’s fatal instinct warns her.


Lucuria unwittingly let go of Arya’s hand.

At the same time, he took a big step back.

resistance and defiance.

I didn’t even think of that.

If I don’t let go of this hand now, I will die.

If you don’t get out of this place, you will die.

Only this fatal instinct came to mind.

Luciria’s hand and Arya’s body are separated.

Lucuria’s body leaped greatly.

And almost at the same time.


A huge slash passed between Luciria and Arya.

As if it split the whole world apart.

He scratched the ground and carved a huge scar.

【What is this…!】

Luciria’s eyes widened and opened.

The flesh that had been crushed by that violent movement suddenly fell off.

But Lucuria didn’t care.

I couldn’t care.

A slash that is now carved into the skin of the ground.

And the power I felt in it.

This was because Luhuria had met her once before.

But that was impossible.

It was something that should never have happened.

Luciria’s gaze turned to the front.

And I could see a person.

A man with blonde hair.

It was none other than Xian.

Xian approached the fallen Arya.

“are you okay?”

“Keek…! Cool cool! Kekek…!”

Arya let out a painful cough in response.

A clear handprint was engraved on the white jade-like nape of her neck.

Arya coughed and coughed for life.

It looked quite painful, but…

Fortunately, there didn’t seem to be any major problems.

really fortunately.

It’s not too late.

Sian let out a small sigh of relief.

【You… you just…!】

At that moment, an evil voice was heard.

the place you looked at.

There, a rotten woman was glaring at Xian.

To be precise, something that was a woman was glaring at Xian.

Xian looked at the woman quietly.

Instinctive warning rings incessantly.

The terrible malice I felt was letting me know that the woman was not human.

The aura of plague was bursting from the rotten flesh.

That is the source of the plague.

This was the cause of the plague that spread through the South.

That’s why I couldn’t dare to explain it with words that were terrible.

Is there a concept that defines that existence?

Only by bringing together all the negative words that exist in the world will I be able to describe that woman.

That’s why that being is not just a demon.

Demon 7 Lords.

However, it was not clear what kind of sin the demon had awakened from.

But Xian could roughly guess.

A woman with a demon.

Because Xian knew who that woman was.

That demon is the source of the plague.

And that demon was conceived in none other than Muriel’s remains.

So, I was able to guess the identity of the woman.

Over the distant years, he became a terrible being covered in malice.

A woman who was once nobler than any other being.

Arnaise, the six people who saved the world a thousand years ago.

It was the divine woman, Muriel.

Originally, it had to be completely rotted and rubbed over time.

However, the demon occupying Muriel’s body.

It was as if that demon had prevented me from being free even from death.

So, it is easy to guess.

The other day, Xian heard about the characteristics of the 7 demon lords from Leah.

It was easy to guess.

First of all, there was no way the devil would dare to use an existence filled with divine power as a vessel.

Even so, there must be a reason for using Muriel’s body as a vessel.

For example, transcendent beauty.

There is only one demon that can take advantage of that beauty.

The demons in front of me are the 7 demon lords.

The demon of lust, Luxuria.

【You… you just…!】

Lucuria looked at Xian with a shocked look.

Lucuria couldn’t believe the sensation she was experiencing.

crushing malice.

Luciria’s malice was suppressed by Xian’s darkness.

However, Xian’s momentum that I felt was mere human.

I don’t know what level it is among humans.

However, in the eyes of Lucuria, it was pathetic.

Rather, the nauseous girl over there was better.

But the malice was running out of steam.

If you try to encroach on Xian, you will be swallowed.

What this word means is one thing.

This meant that there was a fundamental difference in class.

I couldn’t.

It couldn’t be.

But the huge slash that was seen just before.

These two facts reminded Luciria of a terrible nightmare.

The devil recalls a nightmare.

Where is this irony?

However, this memory made the contradiction a reality.

a very distant time.

The nightmares and fears of demons that even other demons could not touch.


Lucuria screamed out loud as if she had been overcome with evil.

That literally made no sense.

That being is dead.

A mere mortal, he disappeared, buried in time.

So it’s an illusion.

It’s just that it’s been a while since I woke up.

That guy is just a human being like a worm.

【dare···! dare···!!】

Lucuria shouted as she clenched and clenched her fists.

Broken flesh falls between your fists.

It was a body that had barely been occupied for a long time.

This goddamn b*tch is cheating and this is what it looks like.

Sooner or later, this body will rot away.

So, I had to change my body as soon as possible.

However, if the force was used excessively here, the body would collapse before then.

Even now, he was forcibly blocking the disintegration of his body.

Even so, flesh will fall here and there.

He had to refrain from using his powers before changing his body.

Lucuria’s expression grotesquely distorted.

Then, he turned his head and turned around.

With that kind of sight, Luhuria saw the Holy Knights, including Garrett.

Lucuria shouted at them.

【Get those b*tches under my feet right now!】

Garrett and the holy knights responded to Luciria’s cry.

Then Garrett took a slow step.

And seeing Garrett like that, Xian was able to realize the situation at once.

I thought it was weird from the start.

When Sian first saw Garrett.

Sian could sense a certain discomfort in Garrett.

It is nothing but a holy knight, but not using divinity.

I mean Garrett using powers similar to Aurors.

A holy knight who uses divinity cannot use aura.

An aura is the result of the knights’ beliefs.

Ignoring the laws of the world and phenomena.

It was an unbelievable force.

However, those who use divinity have seen holy power since they were born.

It would soon prove that ‘God’ exists.

The miraculous power he performs is borrowed from God.

Since it exists before our eyes, its faith is also firm.

However, Auror twists the laws of phenomena.

It is only the product of a firm belief that humans have.

one miracle.

However, a god who works miracles already exists.

How could a human being be able to wield that miraculous power?

Those who were born with divine power had no choice but to deny the phenomenon of Aura.

So priests and holy knights couldn’t handle the power of Aura.

However, Garrett was clearly using the power of the Auror.

that means that.

Garrett means he doesn’t believe in God.

However, the power seemed to be similar to that of divinity.

Garrett is a contradictory being who believes in God but does not.

That’s why Xian just thinks it’s strange.

I had no other doubts.

But now.

“I will obey your command.”

Garrett got down on one knee toward Luciria.

At the same time, the holy knights knelt at the same time.

“My, my God.”

Xian was able to realize at once what was going on.

Garrett slowly rose from his seat.

At the same time, the Holy Knights rose from their seats.

Garrett raised his sword.

A dark red aura shimmered between them.

A madness different from the power Garrett had shown during that time.

And Aria, who watched it.


Arya couldn’t bring herself to speak.

I was still out of breath.

It was because he couldn’t believe the terrible power he was feeling right now in Garrett.

Garrett, swallowed up by the power of madness, surpassed his ability.

And it wasn’t just Garrett.

The members of the Holy Knights lined up.

They also felt the power of clear madness.

The clear and vivid madness is directed here.

Arya felt like she was about to go insane.

Master level Garrett.

Nearly 100 divine knights.

On the other hand, this is Aria and Xian.

There are only two.

can’t win…

can’t resist

Arya thought about it.

It’s hard for Arya now to handle even Garrett.

It was even more difficult if the holy knights were added.

Even if Xian joins in…

The results were not likely to change significantly.

No, even if we can do something.

But that was all.

The demon of lust, Lucuria.

Now, for some reason, it didn’t come out.

But that is an absolute demon that no mere human can dare to do anything about.

so you can’t win

everything is over

But why?

“Arya, take care of yourself. I know it’s not good, but… I have to fight now.”

Xian did not break that fighting spirit.

Arya tried to say something, but no voice came out.

Xian trudged and took a step.

When I looked up, I could see Xian’s back.

Xian took that step confidently through the exploding madness.

He grabbed the sword with his right hand.

He stretched his left hand out to the side.

And something that can be seen on Xian’s wrist.

A distant voice leaked out of Xian’s mouth.


That moment.


A thick darkness bloomed from Xian’s wrist.

Before long, a ghost-like entity emerged from my wrist.

and at the same time.


A terrifying scream erupted in all directions.

screams of the dead.

scream of the dead.

It had an eerie feeling that could not be explained by anything.

A pitch-black darkness creeps in.

The pitch-black darkness engulfs the space.

Thus, it indiscriminately swallows the blinded madness.

Between them, numerous lumps of pitch-black mist were formed.

【This, this, this power…!!!】

Lucuria’s astonished cry bursts out.

From nob le mt l. co m

Jjoeok, countless pieces of flesh fall from between the gaping mouths.

【Nonsense!! Nonsense!! How are you guys!!!]

Xian trudged and continued walking.


A jet-black fog poured down around Xian.

They came together to form a single figure.

A being tainted with thick darkness.

Death Knight, Death Knight.

A total of 31 Death Knights bloom in the pitch-black fog.

Arranged in an orderly manner behind Xian, emitting dark blue eyes.

Xian paused for a moment.

Then she lowered her gaze and looked at the bracelet on her left wrist.

A monotonous bracelet with no other decorations.

It was none other than the legacy that Xian had found in Muriel’s tomb.

Kyle’s Inheritance and Muriel’s Inheritance, which are rewards from story-line quests.

And this bracelet ironically.

It wasn’t Kyle’s legacy, it was Muriel’s legacy.

Kyle’s legacy was different.

This bracelet is none other than Muriel’s legacy.

Muriel imprisoned the Black Lion Knights.

They also left behind a legacy that could free them.

As if he had guessed that some of them would be resurrected as Death Knights.

It’s not accurate.

So I also don’t know why.

Muriel, who knew the answer, was right in front of her.

Muriel, who was supposed to answer, had already died and disappeared.


– Please, my lord.

said Kendrick, stepping up next to Xian.

Xian shook his head.

questions later.

Now focus on the situation in front of you.

Xian took his eyes off the bracelet.

And he looked at the Holy Knights, who radiated the power of madness.

Although they were holy knights representing the Holy See.

Now they could no longer be called holy knights.

Xian looked at them.

he spoke softly.

“Kill the people of the Vatican.”

– John’s name.

Kendrick lowers his head and steps back.

Then Kendrick drew his sword.

After that, all 30 Death Knights pulled out their swords.

The shimmering demon encroaches on the surroundings.

A pitch-black darkness hangs over the space.

A force that cannot be defined.


Above the swords of Kendrick and all of the Knights of the Black Lion.

The master’s symbol, the jet-black aura blade, is engraved.

A total of 31 Death Knight Master Knights.



Embarrassment was engraved on the faces of the holy knights who faced that figure.

Garrett’s eyes open as if tearing.

【no···! It can’t be…! You guys shouldn’t be here! It can’t be!!]

Lucuria shouted with an expression full of astonishment.

facing all those things.

The leader of the Black Lion Knights, Kendrick, slowly raised his sword.

The Death Knight is a demonic existence that was resurrected by the resentment of a knight during his lifetime.

And the grudge that resurrected them as Death Knights.

The dark blue eyes of Kendrick and the Knights of the Black Lion burn all at once.

Its eyes are directed exclusively towards the holy knights.

a thousand years ago.

A task that was never completed.

-Kill the people of the Vatican.

However, it goes back a thousand years.


With the words of Kendrick spitting out softly.

– Carry out.

The oppressive demonic spirit.


a terrible liberation



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