The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 1040: Baigang City is destroyed

The five major ports of Westeros: the largest old town, the second largest on the Heishui River, the third largest Lannisport, the fourth largest seagull town, and the fifth largest white port.

Baigang, the largest coastal port for foreign trade in the north, connects all parts of the north through the inland Bailen River. It is located at the mouth of the Bailan River.

The city of Baigang is neatly located on the east bank of the Bairen River. The spacious and straight streets are paved with large pebbles, and the houses are built with whitewashed stones and covered with dark grey slabs as the roof.

When the first ray of sunlight hit the city in the early morning, there was a white glow everywhere, and Baigang was named after it.

The city of Baigang is divided into two parts. The first part is the old fort, which is also known as the Wolf's Den. It is an ancient fortress and is now a prison for prisoners. The old fort is located outside the newly built city wall, close to the waterfront, and contains ancient sacred trees.

The second part of Baigang is Newcastle.

The New Castle is the residence of the Lord Mandalay family, located on a hill within the high walls. The old castle and the new castle are connected by a road-the castle ladder is a wide white stone staircase that connects the old castle on the waterfront and the new castle on the mountain. There are many marble mermaids on both sides of the street. The mermaids hold a burning whale oil bowl with their hands to provide lighting. From the top of the castle ladder, you can have a panoramic view of the harbor, and the inner and outer harbors can be seen at a glance. In addition, there is another secret passage.

The Mermaid Palace is the hall of Newcastle, where the Mandalay family handles affairs. The walls, floor and ceiling of the palace are cleverly spliced ​​with thick wooden boards, which depict various marine life.

The obese Earl of Mandalay has trouble sleeping at night. He has developed a good habit of eating to fall asleep. While he gets up to eat in the middle of the night, he likes to stand at the window of the Mermaid Palace overlooking the inside and outside. The port, then, he was stunned, in disbelief—

In the sea outside the inner and outer ports, there is a gray turquoise rock that rises from the bottom of the sea and stands more than 30 feet above the sea level, blocking the access channel of the outer port. There is a ring of weathered stone wall on the top of the rock, which is a ring fort built by the Mandalay family.

In order to prevent the invasion of pirates or other military forces, ballistas, fire-breathing crossbows and crossbowmen guards were erected on the ring fort.

Because of the successive civil wars, after the civil war, Prime Minister Will ordered all the major families to send troops to fight against the ghosts. The Mandalay family’s strength was wiped out by 90%. There used to be a hundred-man crossbowman on the ring fort. The team’s ballistas and fire-breathing crossbowmen, but now, there are only twenty soldiers on the ring fort.

The twenty soldiers are fighting with unknown characters.

On the gray turquoise rock, there are dozens of dark shadows dangling, although they look small, or almost can't see the specific figures, but Mandalay knows that there is fighting there.

Someone sneaked up on the gray turquoise rock in the middle of the night and was massacring the twenty soldiers on it.

In the cold weather, just after fighting the ghosts and winning a big victory, the soldiers of the night watch like to burn charcoal fire in the ring fort, and drink a little wine. The Earl of Mandalay did this when he was young. He was very familiar with everything inside and outside the gray green rock upper ring fort.

In the days of victory after the ghosts were eliminated, the Seven Kingdoms were unified, and the queens of Essos and Westeros were in Winterfell. They fought against the ghosts together and formed a friendship. The Earl of Mandalay lived his life. Be cautious. With no ghosts in the north and no enemies inside or outside, he didn't expect such a thing to happen suddenly.

Where does the enemy come from?

This is a problem!

Mandalay shouted: "Guard!"

No one answered him.

Damn it, he must have drunk too much and fell asleep again.

Above the ring fort, a flame was burning, and a torch was shaking.

There was also a torch shaking in the port of the outer port, and then the Earl of Mandalay saw a torch shaking on the embankment of the inner port, which was sending a signal.

The enemy is sending signals through torches.

The ports of Baigang are divided into inner and outer ports, separated by breakwaters. The outer harbor is larger, but the anchorage of the inner harbor is better. The inner harbor relies on the city wall on one side, and the wolf’s den on the other. A 30-foot-long stone wall is built on the breakwater. There is a tower in 100 meters. The inner harbor can accommodate dozens of battleships.

Where did the enemy come from?

Naturally, it is the fleet of more than 300 Daenerys that came today.

The Earl of Mandalay is too fat and he walks on a sedan chair. If he is allowed to go by himself, he will not be able to walk from the New Castle to the Old Castle. The stairs are too high, his body is too fat, and his legs cannot bear the weight of the body. After a few steps, he needs to stop and breathe.

Only traveling in a sedan chair is the best choice and his only choice at present.

Mandalay was inconvenient to move. He knew that what he had to do now was to sound the horn of an enemy attack. But he couldn't make a sound, he had to let the guards do it.

The guard fell asleep in the room outside.

This was absolutely impossible in the past. Mandalay remembered the fleet officers that he had warmly entertained Daenerys today. The guards also drank with him, obviously they drank a little too much.

Suddenly, Mandalay hated herself because, no matter how much Daenerys exerted in fighting the aliens, he should be vigilant against the troops from across the narrow sea, and he should not let them in without authorization. The port thought everyone was their own.

The ghost is gone, who will sit on the Iron Throne, whether Daenerys has any ambitions, can now be seen. The Earl of Mandalay walked to the door, opened the door, and threw the dinner plate in his hand on the door of the guards.

This is the advantage of getting up to eat in the middle of the night, the dinner plate can be used to smash!


The dinner plate broke into pieces.

The guards woke up immediately, and several guys ran out of the room, really drunk, but fortunately, they were fully armed, and the sword was on their waist.

"Enemy attack!" Mandalay shouted, "Blow the horn."

The guards looked at each other.

Enemy attack?

Isn't the war over?

The Seven Kingdoms were unified and the Ghost War was also won. Where did the enemy come from?

"Blow the horn, **** it. If you hesitate any more, I will chop off your heads." The count roared.

"Where is the enemy? Your lord."

"Go and see for yourself."

The guards rushed to the window and looked outside. In the outer harbor, there was already a ship on fire and the killing sounded. In the port of the inner harbour, the Mandalay-flag warship is also on fire. Soldiers are pouring ashore on the more than 20 warships from the other side of the narrow sea that stopped into the port during the day and are taking over the military towers on the embankment.

The guards were stunned!


woo woo woo woo!

Ohh Ohh ohh!

The low and solemn horn of the people in the north rang.

The whole city was asleep, the civil war ended for years, and the war between ghosts ended, the hearts of the people in the north were relaxed, and the Mandalay family's Baigang was no exception. Whether it is a soldier or a civilian, everyone enjoys the night with peace of mind and relaxation.

No one is wary of fighting, and no one is wary.

The horn blew, the highest point in the city, the new castle, the horn can be heard throughout Baigang.

The people in the city were awakened.

It's been too long since the horn of the enemy attack was heard.

But it was too late.

On the breakwater bank, the Earl of Mandalay saw the soldiers stand up to fight, but there were too many enemies, and ants swarmed up the bank and into the tower. Each military tower used to be guarded by thirty soldiers, now there are only seven.

Soon, the tower fell, and the enemy still carried kerosene. The kerosene was spilled on the tower and ignited. All the military towers on the embankment burned.

As if suddenly, the shouts rang through the night sky.

The enemy burned merchant ships, fishing boats, and patrol warships of the Mandalay family in the outer harbor. The two patrol warships were set ablaze, and the soldiers on board were naturally killed long ago.

The enemy took control of the gray-green rock. That rock was called Seal Rock because it looked like a seal. The ring fort above was replaced by enemy soldiers.

After the enemy took the embankment and towers, they set fire to dozens of battleships belonging to the Mandalay family. In the days of war, the Earl of Mandalay hid some of the warships in the White Blade River to prevent the enemy from being swept away by the enemy. It was also a backup for emergencies. But because of the end of the war, he relaxed his vigilance and moored all the warships in the White Blade River in the inner harbor.

There were only a few sailors and soldiers on duty on the battleship. Hundreds of enemies swarmed in. They shouted and raised their swords to slaughter the sailors and soldiers, and then poured fire oil and lit every Mandalay family mermaid warship.

The inner and outer harbors burned into one piece.

Hundreds of enemy warships, before the fire ignited, first blocked the open sea and then the internal and external ports. Looking down from the highest window of Newcastle, the sea is full of ships with various flags.


The enemy ship!


The flag on board!

What did Mandalay see? The three-headed dragon flag of the Daenerys family he saw during the day turned into a pirate flag with a skull and two crossed swords.

A black pirate flag with a white skull and two white swords fluttered on each bow.


Never possible!

This is just a trick played by the enemy.

The Earl of Mandalay watched as the enemy set fire to all his ships, took down the ring fort at Seal Rock, took down the tower on the breakwater bank, shouted into the old fort, and fought with a dozen soldiers in the old fort. How could those soldiers block hundreds of enemies? But after a short while, the old castle was ignited and a fire started. Then, the sacred woods in the old fort. Those enemies refused to let go of the trees in the sacred woods, and they lit the sacred woods.

A team of enemies went up the stairs and attacked Newcastle, the place where the Earl of Mandalay lived.

In the city, on the streets, there are enemies chasing the people to slay the city. Every street is burning, the whole city is crying, and every place is fighting, but that is not a close battle, it is a battle of courage before the northerners fall.

On the highest stairs of Newcastle, the Earl’s guards were already standing. The servants and the bachelors gathered beside the Earl of Mandalay.

"All the ravens have been released?" The Earl of Mandalay Bachelor.

"Yes, my lord, the raven will bring news to every part of the Seven Kingdoms. The enemy has nowhere to run. Lord Will will avenge us."

There were tears in the eyes of the Earl of Mandalay: "I hate myself very much." He looked at his fat body, he could not participate in the fight, he even had to sit in a sedan chair to walk.

The count was holding a long sword in his hand, but he knew that he could not kill any enemy. This was his biggest regret before he died.

The enemy shouted and began to attack. The battle started on the high stairs of the New Castle. The last bit of troops in the city was concentrated on the stairs of the New Castle. Numerous arrows covered them from below indiscriminately. The soldiers' shields blocked it.

On each step, there are five fighters, a total of 30 fighters, firmly guarding the ladder.

The first attacking enemies were defeated, leaving more than a dozen bodies on the stairs, while the defending soldiers, but two were injured.

Thirty spears were formed into dense spikes, aimed at the invading enemy.

In the hall, the bachelor suggested that the Earl of Mandalay go down to the old fort through the secret road. The old fort has a secret basement that can protect the Earl from being discovered by the enemy.

The Earl of Mandalay shook his head. The people in the city are fighting, boys and girls, old people and children, even though they are invincible, the people of the North are so hard-spirited. When they cry for their relatives, they also have the courage to take up swords and die with the enemy.

"My lord, water and food are prepared in the secret room," said the bachelor.

The Earl of Mandalay cannot do without food, he needs to eat constantly.

But the words of the bachelor made the earl feel ashamed.

Yes, shame!

The Earl of Mandalay said: "Bachelor, you lead the maid and the children to take refuge in the basement. I want to be with the people in the city." He raised his sword at the bachelor and said, "Go, bachelor, this is an order. When one day Lord Will seizes the enemy for trial, we need someone to stand up on behalf of the people in Baigang and testify against those enemies."

"This is what you should do, my lord," said the bachelor. "The old fort has been burned into a sea of ​​flames. The enemy will not search again in the fire. The underground chamber is safe, my lord."

"Bachelor, if I disappear, the enemy will tear down the new castle, and finally find the secret passage, and then find the basement. I must stay, cover you, and go quickly." The count said, "The enemy will just grab me. No more careful searches of Newcastle will be carried out. They will set fire to it. That way, you, the children and the maids will be safe."

Seven or eight maids and three or four children have cried into tears.

"Now is not the time to cry, go, bachelor, I need you to avenge me and all the people in Baigang."


The enemy besieging New Castle suffered heavy losses. Thirty Baigang soldiers defended the high stairs and repelled dozens of enemy attacks. The battle lasted from night to day. Thirty soldiers of Mandalay defended the stairs. , Any enemy who wants to attack the ladder will fail miserably.

So the enemy decided to set fire.

They tied the arrows with kerosene, and when they were fighting, they poured kerosene on the soldiers. They used the flamethrower to burn 30 warriors to death.

But up and down the ladder, thirty warriors killed at least three hundred enemies, and countless injured. A thousand-man team of the enemy suffered heavy losses here.

The enemy finally took the New Fort and opened the gate of the New Fort. They captured the Earl of Mandalay, cruelly tortured and humiliated him, and finally hanged him on the window of the New Fort.

When soldiers from other parts of the northern border arrive at Baigang, this most prosperous big city in the northern border has become a ruin in the fire!

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