The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 291: Sataya's Girl's Nest·Faceless Duo

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Into the night.

Dick Weishui walked into the girl's nest of Taya, the most famous girl's nest in the old city. Two girls who were as dark as the night came to greet him. He was not sure who one of them was the boss, Satya.

Sataya comes from the Midsummer Islands, an island in the sea south of the mainland of Westeros. The people on the island have dark skin like night and wear feather ornaments.

It was a little closer before Dick could tell that the two women looked a bit like sisters under the dim candle light.

Dick took one of the women's hand gracefully and kissed the back of her hand: "Sataya." He said, "I am willing to send out five hundred golden dragons. I just want to spend the night with you."

"Sir, my daughter only needs three hundred golden dragons." Sataya pointed to the younger girl beside her.

"Miss Barbara, I'm honored." Dick hugged Barbara and kissed her lips. "Madam, I want to insist on you. Barbara is more delicate and I should leave it to young people."

"My lord looks very young!" Sataya and Barbara's mother and daughter hugged Dick up to the second floor.

The guest lounge on the second floor is where the benefactors choose the girls. There are several benefactors who are drinking and teasing with the girls, talking about dirty jokes.

The benefactor and the girls all laughed together.

Several of them are Dick Weishui's goals tonight: the new leader of the Warriors Bancroft, the deputy commander Bazel, and the three guards around them.

Dick Weishui will single-handedly pick this warrior group tonight. ——Kill the group leader and some of the most powerful little bosses first, and then go to the villa of the Warriors group to set fire in the early morning when everyone is sleeping soundly, blocking the way out of the gate. -Block the passage with a sword.

"Hey!" A very kind and soft voice sounded behind him, "Sataya, I want you tonight, no matter how many golden dragons you want, I will."

Dick Weishui, who was holding Sataya and Barbara's slender waist in his arms, saw a small round table in a dark corner of the hall. The man walked out from the small round table. It was a very elegant, expensive velvet. The man in the jacket, half of his hair is white and the other is red, he has a leisurely look and a sweet smile.

Dick Weishui's pupils shrank.

"Jakun Hegar, I can't do it tonight." Sataya chuckled, "My lord, I will arrange two girls from Reese for you. Do you like hot or pure tonight? Either they are barbaric, or they have both, their skills are the same as the girls last night, they are all superb. I promise you will be satisfied!"

"Whoever this friend wants, whoever I want." Jakun Hegar laughed.

Barbara stepped forward to hug Jia Kun, and touched Jia Kun's leg: "My lord, you are really joking. This adult is my new benefactor, so stop joking. It affects the one that I finally fancy. Handsome knight, you make me sad."

"No, Barbara, tell you this benefactor, who he wants tonight, who I want, and I have one more golden dragon than him, or two more." Jakun Hegar laughed .

Dick Weishui said faintly: "I don't want anyone tonight. Goodbye, Sataya, I'll come tomorrow." He took out a handful of golden dragons from his pocket, maybe a dozen, maybe twenty. So, he put it in through Sataya's chest, causing Sataya to giggle.

"I don't want it tonight, but my tip is twice that of this friend." Jakun Hegar took out a purse, opened Barbara's skirt and tucked it into Barbara's private parts. "Fifty Golden Dragon, Barbara."

Dick Weishui touched Shataya's lips, gently pushed Shataya away, turned and went downstairs.

Jakun Hegar patted Barbara’s little **** with his hand and said, "I want to go out and chat with my friend, Barbara, when I come back, I want you to look good tonight."

"My lord, I'll wash it clean and wait for you." Barbara chuckled.

As soon as Dick Weishui went out, he was hidden in the shadow of the building, as if disappeared. He walked forward. Jakun Hegar followed slowly behind.

The two climbed over the Renice Hills, and Dick Weishui walked towards the flea den.

The flea den is a place where there is almost no black armor patrolling at night. Cross streets sell a famous brown soup all night long. The price is cheap. There are delicious big and small pieces of meat in it. Don’t ask what meat it is. Maybe it's mouse meat, maybe it's the meat on the leg of some unlucky ghost, in short, the soup is delicious and cheap.

Dick stopped in front of the cauldron of tan soup: "Jakun Hegar?"

"it's me!"

"I invite you to have a bowl of brown soup."

"Okay, why don't you have two bowls of soup, you have one bowl for me, I'll treat you." Jakun Hegar popped a golden dragon, and the golden dragon fell into the yellow-brown soup with a popping sound. The boss' eyes pointed. Saw the dragon on the gold coin.

A golden dragon is enough to buy such a few large pots of brown soup.

The boss was overjoyed and hurriedly stretched out his spoon to catch the golden dragon.

Dick's heart was shocked. He had poisoned the yellow brown soup just now, but the opponent's golden dragon coin was thrown into the yellow brown soup, but the poison was solved instantly. Poisoning is easy and difficult to detoxify. You have to know the secret recipe of poison to detoxify the poison.

Dick said, "Thank you boss, I suddenly don't want to drink."

The boss picked up the gold coin, overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "My lord, have a bowl before leaving." He said this to the generous book author Jakun Hegar.

"Thank you boss, I suddenly don't want to drink." Jia Kun smiled, friendly, sincere, and likable.

Dick Weishui quickly walked into the darkness and into the narrow alley.

In the flea den, a person enters a narrow alley, at night, basically looking for death.

In the darkness inside, there may be everyone, but there will be no good people.

Jakun Hegar followed into the darkness of the narrow alley.

The strange thing is that several people in the narrow alley took out their knives, but slowly inserted them into their scabbards and left quickly.

Just because Na Dick Weishui stood still and said: "Brother, take this place to do something, do you choose to die here or choose another place?"

His narrow sword was not unsheathed, and he spoke softly. The desperadoes put away their swords and left.

Jakun Hegar came over, one sword distance from the narrow sword, and stopped.

"Don't force me." Dick Weishui said.

"I didn't force you."

"Then why did you stop me from killing the Warriors?"

"The warrior group is a knife. It depends on whose hand it is in. If you want to kill, you should kill the person who holds the knife."

"Are you the one holding this knife?"

"I was, and I am not anymore. The transaction between me and the person holding the knife is complete."

"Then I'm free, you don't need both of us for your mission?"


"Then I can go?"


Dick Weishui slowly walked past Jakun Hegar and out of the narrow alley. Under the bright torch of the street, he finally stopped: "Jakun, why are you looking for me?"

"You are the disciple we taught. I don't want to see you die. I'm here to save you."

"help me?"

"You can't enter the Red Fort to get revenge. The Red Fort has the mark of the dragon's flame magic, and our darkness cannot enter."

"Then how did you get in?"

"The ancient spell scroll of the Pyromancer is needed."

"I know where the Pyromancer Guild is."

"Yes, I know too, but there is no Pyromancer in it, and no scrolls."

Dick Weishui shook. He turned around and looked at Jakun Hegar who was slowly following him: "Who can take away all the Pyromancers and their scrolls silently?" This is really shocking. . People from the Pyromancer Guild were evacuated, and he didn't even hear any news in this regard.


"The Warriors are also Will's sword?"

"Yes, this knife was temporarily lent to Stannis I."

"Will is a night watchman."

"Yes, all the members of the Pyromancer Guild have been invited to the Great Wall. Your Cersei is also in Will's hands, and your two children, Toman and Messiah, if you want to fight with Will See, you are not his opponent."


"He can also change shape. When two people can change shape, what's left is swordsmanship."

"I can't beat his swordsmanship?" Dick Weishui smiled slightly. He was fifteen years old, and swordsmanship had no rivals in the West. Calculating now, he has practiced swordsmanship for another seventeen years. After learning the Narrow Sword Sword, his swordsmanship improved again and reached a higher level.

He believes that in one-on-one duels, swordsmanship will not be defeated by anyone.

"Unless you have a Valyrian steel sword!" Jacquen Hegar smiled, as warm and friendly as Dick's relatives.

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