You're here to protect me

When I left the villa, my face was still a little red, with three distinct fingerprints on it, and I felt dizzy all over.

You want me to protect Sang Ming?

I'm about to take on a very important role.

I need to use all my strength to deal with this unknown danger!?

Ah, I'm a little nervous just thinking about it!

"Zi Sang Ming, how long do we have to walk for before we're in danger?"

I was so excited that I kept my attention focused, afraid something urgent was going on that I didn't notice!

It was not that he was afraid of being punished. It was just that he felt extremely excited.

"I don't know." Zishan Ming replied coldly, "Danger has always been unknown. Only when something unexpected occurs can it be considered a danger."

I hastily nodded. "That's right, that's right. All the dangers I encounter are like this. If I'm not careful, I will …"

Before he could finish the last part of his sentence, the ground suddenly caved in with a boom.

I took a step forward, leaving my hind leg in the place of collapse, and immediately lost my balance and fell backward with my face to the sky.

This crow's beak of mine must have unwittingly lit up before, why is it so clever these few times!


I screamed and waved my hands around me as if I could tear myself out of the air!

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Zishan Ming floating in the air with a dark expression as he hugged his shoulder and followed me towards the crack.

Her terrified heart instantly trembled. If I were to continue like this, wouldn't it be too embarrassing?

The powerful strength in his body was not for show!

He raised his hand and formed a hand sign. A barrier that could block our bodies appeared in the middle of the rift and stopped us.

I sat down on the barrier with great danger, as if I was sitting on a glass bridge.

"Fearsome, this is too dangerous, I'm scared to death!"

I panted heavily as I patted my chest to calm myself down. Fortunately, I was able to react in time, landing on the barrier. Otherwise, who knows where I would have fallen to.

I looked down, and a sheen of white sweat ran down my back.

The place that was less than two meters away from my barrier was actually filled with upside-down rock spikes. The rock spikes struck the bones and corpses were already filled with gaps. On many of the rock spikes, there were even fresh and broken corpses hanging.

So dangerous!

Looking up, besides the sullen face of Zi Sang Ming, there was an exit three stories above us.

When we landed, we didn't feel anything. We actually landed so far away.

Then how do we get up there?

I moved to Zishan Ming's side and said, "Look, it's not a big deal for us to always be here. Should we go up?"

Zi Sang Ming looked at me coldly. He didn't say no, nor did he say no.

However, the content in his eyes was clearly a single sentence: "It's up to you."

What should I do? If I could fly, could I walk in the passageway with my feet? I would have already flown and stepped on this unlucky mechanism!

I pouted. It seemed like it was impossible to ask for help from Sang Ming. Fortunately, I had the book.

He sat on the floor and summoned the Book of Yin.

"Soaring Sky Technique." He chanted these words silently in his heart.

There was no wind, only the sound of my breathing and the rustling of pages could be heard.

Very quickly, the book stopped, "Soaring Sky Technique?"

I held the book in my arms and looked at the words.

Eh, it wasn't a Soaring Sky Technique, but a brief introduction.

About a place.

"Wine Pool Meat Forest?"

Isn't that something that used to appear in history books? It was said that King Zhou of Shang was an unscrupulous and unscrupulous man, who had built venison and wine ponds for himself and his beloved concubine Su Daji to enjoy themselves.

What does this have to do with where we are?

I frowned as I read on, word by word.

What I'm looking for is the Soaring Sky Technique, and in the end, a "Wine Pool Meat Forest" popped out for me. The Shadow Book will not make a mistake, so I feel like it has something to tell me!

"There's no need to look. This is the wine pond and the meat forest. This is a trial left behind by this old man. We have to go down."

I held the book, stunned!

"You said this is a checkpoint?" I looked at the "majestic" scene below me and felt a chill in my heart. "Are we going to go down to the mountains of corpses?"

Zi Sang Ming nodded and his cold eyes were filled with disgust.

"Disgusting move."

Once I said that, Zi Sang Ming waved his hand and pulled me into his embrace. Afterwards, the enchantment I had just formed turned into starlight and disappeared.

I followed Zishan Ming and approached the mountain of corpses.


Just a bit down, I couldn't help but retch.

Fortunately, I didn't eat anything when I came out. There was nothing I could vomit now, so I could only retch. Otherwise, I would have vomited a long time ago.

This should not be called "meat forest"; corpses piled up in the valley were like leaves, layer after layer, piece after piece, they had already rotted, some had just started rotting, and some had already turned into dried up bones.

Worse still, the only place we can land now is the corpse, and only the tip of the spike.

However, I don't know if the tip of the spike was weathered or designed to look like this, but the sharpness of the tip was no less than the top of the isolation fence in the middle of the road. Not only was I unable to stay on top of it for a long time, I was even unable to keep my balance.

"Zishan Ming, you, you hurry and teach me how to soar, okay? I … I …"

After a long while, I didn't want to admit it. "My shoes can't step on blood, they can't slide."

Zi Sang Ming replied, "There are some skeletons nearby."

Does this mean that you want to tell me that the thing is anti-skid and can stand?

My vision went dark and I almost fainted from anger, "Zi Sang Ming, did you do it on purpose?"

"Intentionally? Why? Yan Nuo, don't you think that it's you helping me hang in the air right now, and not me helping you? "

She was going to put me down.

Beneath his feet was a man with a half-rotten face. His body was covered in corpse liquids and there was a layer of sticky grease on his face!

I screamed as I tightly grabbed onto Zishan Ming's robe without letting go, "Don't, don't, don't let me down, I, um, you teach me how to use the Soaring Sky Technique, I was just trying to find it in the book but I didn't see it, quickly teach me!"

Zi Sang Ming's expression did not change and his hand movements did not slow down in the slightest.

My toes were almost touching the tip of the dead body's nose!


I was so scared that I almost cried. My feet curled up and folded like a pendulum, right and left on Zishan's hands.

I don't dare to bet, who knows if he'll put me down!

"You know what I want to hear."

Zi Sang Ming's words carried a smile.

I am tearful.

"Hubby, hubby!"

"What did you say?" This King did not hear it clearly. "


These two words were a test for someone who had never used such a soft and soft voice to act like a spoiled child!

The corner of Zi Sang Ming's mouth curled up. It seemed that His Highness was very satisfied with how I addressed him.

My right hand was wrapped in an icy coldness. My five fingers formed an incantation I had never seen before. A wind gradually gathered under my feet.

Zi Sang Ming released his hand, and I was caught by that gust of wind.

Phew — I let out a long breath. Success! It scared me to death!

Zi Sang Ming, you bastard!

He actually threatened me!

After this incident, I finally understood a principle. Ah no, I should have known this principle for a long time. However, there had always been a kind of fluke in thinking that he would always treat me so well and not have any bad taste in it.

But not now.

After I leave, I must find a place with no one to properly study the mantra in the Book of Yin. Also, I need to learn some things from the Taotie.

He was the War God of the Underworld, so his achievements in the arts and skills were definitely not lacking.

The key was that the Taotie was a "proper person"!

"What are you thinking about?"

Zi Sang Ming asked playfully as he saw me awkwardly floating among the corpses while hugging my knees.

"Oh, I'm trying to figure out how to get past this." and then go out and learn how to get away from being bullied.

"Follow me."

After giving out my order, before I could even react, the small piece of wind had already followed Zishan Ming's back and floated towards the only exit in the Corpse Forest.

Floating, originally I was behind Zi Sang Ming, but I did not know why I ran to the front.

In front of him, there were cold gusts of wind, and beside his ears, he could hear the wails of ghosts and the howls of wolves.

The closer they got to the exit of the corpse forest, the thicker the ghostly aura became.

After passing through two mountain passes, the corpse Qi that had rushed out of the mountain passes had already congealed into a figure.

The huge thing that seemed to have gathered all the vengeful spirits lingered in the valley. It was hesitating, as if as long as there was a chance for them to get out of the mountain, they would destroy everything in the "meat forest".

Walking out of the Stone Thorn Valley, a mountain range appeared before my eyes.

The mountain range was covered with verdant and varied shades of dark green.

Clouds and mist surrounded the mountain as they roiled and rolled like the sea. It was boundless yet majestic and endless.

The peaks of the mountains in the sea of clouds were like islands of immortals.

Threads of light carried with them a type of visual immortal aura …

If it weren't for the fact that the surrounding ghost aura was simply too dense and did not have the slightest hint of a living person, this place would not even look like the Nether Realm. This place was simply a paradise!

I was still shocked by the scene in front of me. I turned my head to take a look and change the 'beauty', but the result was that it was my bad luck. I just happened to see the person that we came out of the canyon, 'healing' bit by bit.

Right. Healing.

The gorge had originally seemed like a gash in the middle of a mountain. There was no blood, but it went straight to the bottom of the mountain.

It was a passageway that connected this place to the outside world.

And now, right in front of my eyes, I could see the final inch of the passage being rapidly joined.

The hatchet cut the cliff like a knife, and for a moment there was no sign of a rift.

He couldn't laugh this time.

Exit missing

Zi Sang Ming followed my gaze and looked back. He didn't have any change in his emotions, as if this place was already like this.

"That's the pass, leaving you with a way out. That's nothing, don't worry."

[You make it sound simple, but I am not worried.

The trial Ye Qianqian passed just now was a very small one. It was just the entrance of a villa.

But now, in front of us is a mountain range!

It would take a long time to get out.

Would it take us a year to get out of this?

I was nervous as my eyes turned white. "Zi Sang Ming, we don't have much time left here. When do you think we'll be able to leave this mountain range?"

Zi Sang Ming came to my side and glanced at me, "Don't worry. If you like the scenery here, we can stop here for a few days."


Where did Zi Sang Ming get his calmness?

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