Why did it suddenly turn dark?

I took another look outside and scanned the entire lobby before I knew why. No wonder the third floor was so quiet. There weren't many people there.

When I went out, I was so scared that I came back. I didn't even take a good look at the third floor, but now that I look at it, it's actually not that big.

There were a total of five tables in the lobby, with only two of them occupied by six guests. There were three of them at each table, and they were all evenly distributed. Everyone was drinking tea from their hands, and there wasn't even a whisper of tea.

I couldn't see his expression, but I thought he looked like a man standing under a willow tree waiting for the flowers to bloom.

No matter what, he couldn't hook up with that cold royalty. Even the person who said those words to me just now didn't have any connection!

If Zishan was an actor, he would definitely win a Golden Horse Award, I thought to myself.

"You just changed your clothes and hairstyle. Why do you feel like you've changed so much?" I sat behind him and leaned on the side of my face as he had done. However, I was really a bit tired from being in such a state of mind. When I supported my face, I used my palm, almost pressing the weight of a head onto my palm.

A small, twisted shadow appeared in my line of sight.

"I have never changed, but my status will always be different. As a Royal, I naturally would have to have the sharpness that a Royal should have, and become a ghost. I can't just carry the royal clan's set of methods."

Zishan's voice, cool and clear, crept around his body and into my ear, as if it had been heated by the air. It was a little warm.

I asked him, "When do you like yourself?"

He turned his back to the gray sky, as if he had inlaid himself in a huge frame. He looked at me, smiled, and said something very mysterious, "Secret."

I couldn't react to those two words for a long time. Do you think that what I just said to the present Zishan's death was the same as not saying it at all?

His heart inexplicably gave birth to a little sadness!

The sky didn't seem to be as bright as before. The Blood Sun had moved quite a distance away. The originally dark red color now seemed like it was covered by a veil. It looked a lot lighter.

Zishan led me to the carved jade platform we had seen just before we went upstairs.

Maybe I was wrong when I came in. There was no one on the platform.

If I compare it with a skyscraper in the mortal world, the redwood building under my feet is not really tall. At best, it can only be considered a normal building's height.

However, in the Underworld, it was different. In the entire Dark Street, there were no less than a hundred shops. However, none of them were taller than the restaurant we were standing in.

The only one that stood shoulder to shoulder with it was across the street from the restaurant. However, it was not a restaurant. A huge cover took up half of the entrance area from the eaves of the house, hanging straight down to the ground. Three large words were embroidered with dragon clouds, which were very eye-catching on the famous — — Soul-Exorcist Pavilion.

When I first saw this huge camouflage, I was truly stunned by the scene before me! When I first entered, I was dragged along by Sang'an. After entering the restaurant, my eyes were immediately attracted by Wang Xizhi's true colors. I didn't notice that the opposite side of the restaurant was a bright and honorable place.

I secretly praised it in my heart, but I was still a bit focused in my praise. Unknowingly, the words in my heart were read out, "A brothel has such a grand atmosphere, it's not simple!"

"This is not a brothel." "It's not a brothel," I said.

"Not a brothel?" I stared back and forth at the large words, which were embroidered with calligraphy, and I couldn't possibly recognize the wrong words, but I really couldn't think of any other place to use the word "Soul-Sinking Pavilion" for this name besides the brothel.

Thus, I very modestly turned my head to look at Zishan's death, "Then may I ask Mister Ziye, what kind of place is this Soul-Rejuvenating Pavilion?"

Zishan's death had just been emphasized once more. As long as he was in an open place, outsiders would call him Ziye.

"In the Underworld, the Soul-Slaying Pavilion used ghosts that thought they came to the Yin Street to erase the memories of their past lives. Because all the ghosts that come to the Yin Street are monsters that cannot be reincarnated. If they do not remove the memories they brought from their past life, then they will have to wander around this place forever. "

"Actually, dead people are just like living people. No one is willing to remember memories that aren't beautiful, especially those ghosts that know that they have to wander in the Underworld for tens of thousands of years, and even more so, they aren't willing to bring memories with them."

I took Zishan's words from him. "So what the Soul-Sinking Pavilion does is just to clear the memories of the unborn evil spirits? "Then are they selling Grandma Meng's Soup?"

Zi Sang shook his head and said, "No, the Soul-Sinking Pavilion has their own special way of eliminating memories for evil spirits, not using Grandma Meng's Soup. Moreover, Grandma Meng's Elixir isn't something that can be taken out just by taking it out even in the Netherworld Kingdom. "

It seems that there are many things on the Underworld's Yin Street that I don't know about.

However, we have been here for such a long time, and the bloody sun is about to rise in the west. The underworld is about to see the night, and we are still standing on the terrace of this restaurant, enjoying the scenery. I still don't understand why Zi Sang An brought me here.

From the moment I entered the door, he did not mention anything about me learning purification, nor did he mention what I should do during my studies. He just randomly ate some vinegar for no reason. Afterwards, it was as if he was waiting for the sky to turn dark, saying that he would take me to see a show.

He didn't say anything as he watched the show.

"Um, what are we doing here? "Not to go!"

Before I finished speaking, Zi Sang sighed and said, "You'll know once it's dark."

Then my vision suddenly went black! I screamed!

It was really sudden! Before "dark" I also saw the shock and panic on Zi Sang's face. He reached out to me as if to grab me, and I reached out slowly to grab him. I wanted to ask him what was wrong, but something huge came over me.

Just as my hand touched Zishan's, it was pushed back by a powerful force. Zishan's hand also seemed to have been struck hard, and I could feel his hand not falling backwards, but plummeting to the ground.

Then it was dark.

I shouted at Ziye desperately, waving my arms and flailing around inside the things that were covering me, but it was of no use.

It was as if there was a huge cloth covering my face. The cloth was very thick, and I didn't even see it when it flew towards me.

Such a huge force charged straight at my face. At that time, my first reaction was only one — fortunately, it wasn't something hard, otherwise, this attack would have definitely been hard enough for me to endure!

I was wrapped in that huge cloth, struggling and screaming for Ziye to save me.

Soon I felt a pair of hands outside helping me pull at the cloth, but the strength was so great that several times they even reached my arm, pulling me back and forth until I was almost dislocated by the grip of my elbow.

I shouted for Sang Sang to lower his voice, but the strength didn't change.

I suddenly felt that something was wrong. The hands that had been pulling on my arms all this time didn't seem to belong to Zishan. Putting aside the fact that he used too much strength, when Zi Sang Shen saved me, even if we were in a conflict, he still wouldn't use such a rough strength. Furthermore, the size of his hands seems to be wrong.

I was still wondering who had saved me when something swept past me from below. I leaned forward and instinctively tried to grab at something, but I couldn't even stretch out my hand. One could imagine the result of such an act.

I lost my balance completely and fell to the ground with a thud. I might have moved forward a few steps when I struggled, but when I fell down so suddenly, my head hit the railing, and a buzzing sound exploded in my dural. I didn't faint, but the pain was enough to send stars shooting up in front of my eyes.

Even if I didn't understand the situation, I knew what was going on now. The cloth that was covering my body just now was probably more than just a piece of cloth. It was a bag! And the hand that saved me was not the one that saved me. It was the one that saw that I was dishonest and wanted me to stand in the right place so that the sack could shut up.

It's done now. Shut up, I'm lying on the ground and being dragged away by someone.

My body had been tightened by the sack to the point that I couldn't move at all. At this moment, I was in direct contact with the ground. Although there was a jute cloth separating the body from the ground, it didn't make any difference whether the jute cloth was there or not. My body was still hurting from the stones on the road, especially my shoulders, knees, and elbows, which were supporting my joints. I didn't need to look to know that I was bleeding.

At this moment, I really have to thank that old man for giving me that cow's eye. Otherwise, if I was injured and lost blood, I would have been surrounded by ghosts just like when I came here with Shen Tuo.

I don't think this sack has the ability to stop the ghosts, but it can tie me up and make it easier for the evil spirits to tear me into pieces and eat me alive.

Just as I was calculating where I would be dragged for at least five minutes, the movement of the sack suddenly stopped, followed by the sound of something being hit and then falling to the ground. At the same time, the sound of a fierce battle could be heard outside.

Ever since I saw the battle between the Skinner and the Taotie, I understood that the fight between the ghosts and the Taotie could cause a phenomenon. The flying sand and rocks were still light, there might be some kind of landslide or landslide.

As soon as I heard the sounds of fighting coming from outside, I panicked. His body was stiff in the gunny sack, and he couldn't avoid it. I was afraid that I would dodge, so I met the aftermath of the battle. If I didn't dodge, I couldn't guarantee that it wouldn't hit me.

My body tensed up and shuddered involuntarily. A series of booming sounds immediately sounded out from beside me, as though something had been bombarded right into my side. It was very close to me, as if the slightest move would result in me being smashed to death!

I was so scared I almost cried.

I was about to roll in the other direction when I heard the sound of Zishan's death coming from outside. He was lying beside the sack, and he said in a hoarse voice, "Don't be afraid."

My heart, which was shaking, dropped back into my chest. I fell a little hard and stretched out the nerves around my heart.

The sound of Zishan's death was shaky, as if he had been injured.

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