The whole world doesn't know how strong I am

I don't know how strong the 496th chapter of the world.

Who knows that Liu Fa actually arranged the temporary life of the people in the first time during the flood.

Under Liu Fa, the people will gradually began to have hope, and they are in a heart, and the floods are gradually returned.

This is that when the people will be played in the ex-state, the Dam of the State is suddenly finalized again. This time, millions of people immediately did not ship so good.

At the time of the dam decisions, it was flooded by the flood to 10,000 people, and the state has become hell.

Liu Fa is even sin, but the read is in the flood and natural disasters, the court is finally decided, and Liu Fa will return to Beijing.

The next plot has some gods, Liu Fa is after entering Beijing, suddenly, the decissete is human.

All of this is the danger of the National Master to use the danger of departure from the state and reach its own purpose.

In this case, it can be said that the stone is shocked. Liu Fa is pressed into the Tianlun, but the rumors have been out, and the court can't press the news.

This only has Wang Cheng and others, with thousands of books from the people from the state, and go to the capital to rescue Liu Fa.

However, these people of the National Master, they did not want Liu Zhong to arrive at Kyoto, which has the land temple.

In this case, Chenghai is not a king. It is true. He is strange, Qingyunmen is not a Tianchai, why do they involve the arrogance of the world?

Moreover, if this is really Haiping, they have an email, causing a disaster in the state, I am afraid this, Haiping is rooted at the same time.

However, if it is not a sea and lifting control, why should he send people to hunting Wang Cheng and others? Is there any other secret?

The little white robe didn't think so much. Although he had some understanding after reborn, he did this so clearly.

Since he has already knocked with Haiping, no matter what other, he only needs to fight in Haiping, and there is naturally lifting.

He doesn't have to consider how the prior Wang Cheng's so-called Liu Fa is now, but it is just that he and sea rose.

There are still some secrets before Liu Fa, but this solves the causality on him, there is no major relationship.

"Brother, let's go."

"Ah? Where are we going?"

Chenghai suddenly heard the small white robe opening, some strange, this is the first time, the first time, it means that you have to go.

Xiaobuo raised his hand at this moment, pointed to the north direction: "Where!"

Chenghai looks at the direction of the small white robe, but it is clear.

"Let's go directly to Hai Pingheng?"

Xiaobaipi nodded, "Yes, brother, since we are for him, then, no matter what, others are fine branches."

Chenghai heard this, couldn't help but sigh, his own brother is really a contemporary Buddha.

Although he sometimes doesn't know the so-called, in fact, it is extremely transparent, even it is better.

"Okay, let's go."

Chenghai, they took a small donkey to the city, and he heard Wang Cheng called behind.

"High people, you wait for me."

Chapter 265 Liang Fan is planning, the world! ? [Three more words Subscription]


After night, all villagers have hid into their own room, leaving only Xu Qinglang and Luo Guan outside.

But until now, the two are still a little confused, what is going on?

In the afternoon, the two were talking about what they were afraid of the long life of the ancestral hall.

They just say that they are terrible, they are terrible, they can't go out.

In these sixty years, they have not dared to go out these sixty years. They don't know what will happen in the evening.

It's just the old age, leaving the last words, only waiting until the two foreign people come to the village, they can freely, the foreign people are the savior of the Village.

So the current situation, after dark, all the villagers of all the villages hid in the room, leaving only two people and Luo Wei, wandering in the village.

For the old man of the village, although they don't know what this is used, they have not refused.

They are now very simple, maybe this is the test questions left by the angry, just waiting for them to undeve it.

"Xu Qinglang, do you feel some strange now?"

Xu Qinglang shook his head, he did not detect strange, Luo Wei said: "This is the strangeness I said.

After the night of Ming Ming Village, there is no abnormality at all, but why do these villagers do not dare to go out at night? "

Xu Qingliang nodded, Luo Wei said, it seems to have some truth, this situation is indeed uncommon.

"Whether, tonight, let's inspect again, if there is a problem, then we can solve it directly."

Xu Qinglang is now in the air. After the nourishing of the wind and thunderstorm, he and Luo Wei can be described as half a foot to enter the goldenan realm.

Although they are not Jin Danzhen, it is not strong to fight with Jin Danzhen.

Luo Guanzhi nodded, this Xu Qing is really a bit notes, saying that he is, but also has a heart, saying that he is gloomy, but acting is a hit.

No matter, let yourself see tonight, what is the name of this village.

The two strolled through the village, but did not find any abnormalities in addition to the night.

What exactly is going on?

Xu Qinglang and Luo Guan be more uneasy, not because the outside world is abnormal, but it is too quiet in the house in the village.

"Do you find it?"

Luo Guanzhi died, Xu Qinglang nodded, he nature knows what Luo Wei said.

When the moon rose to the positive center, Luo Wei and Xu Qinglang have changed, and then quickly came to the door of the villagers.

The two paired the eyes, then nodded, and directly opened the door of the residents. After the two entered, the face was ugly.

At this time, what is the villagers in this house?

The two did not hesitate. After going out, it quickly turned to another villager's house. The situation is still the case, there is no one in the house.

When two people spread all the villagers of the village, after coming, the two faces have been difficult to see the extreme.

I can't think of silent, all villagers in the Village are missing, which makes the two people who have a little cold.

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