The whole world doesn't know how strong I am

I don't know how many chapters I have striped in the world.

Say he is a child, he also seems to know, you say he is sensible, he sometimes is a child.

Difficult solution!

"Chenghai, you want to calm, this is practice, quit!"

Chenghai breathed a few mouthfuls of breath, forced yourself calm down, but turned around, he saw that Xiaobai watched the eating of small vendors, and was exporting water.

At this time, all of his calm, everything is so-called practice, instantly breaking.

"Xiaochie, have you already gone to the valley?"

"Yes, but, is this related to what I want to eat?"

Chenghai heard this, there was no words.

Yes, why can't you eat a secular food?

Just like the wine Tianzun wine, the gods and other Tianzun, can they not discharge?

They are not the desire of the abdomen, and those who cultivate immortals, almost all know their hobbies.

At this time, I couldn't help but sigh, looked at the eyes around the people, and there were some helplessness in Chenghai.

I really didn't abuse my little brother.

In the end of Chenghai, I still succumbed, "Xiaochie, go, let us go."

Xiaobai robe heard this, the eyes are bright, "Is it the chemical of Hui Neng uncle?"

Chenghai does not know why Xiaobai is so excited, but it is just a chemical life, it is so excited?

Hui Can Master can't explain the trend?

Since the heart of Chenghai has made a decision, it is no longer hesitating. With a small white robe, you will go to a high door home.

The relationship between Chenghai is very smooth, this is also a good family, not only promised Cheng Haohuayuan, but also enthusiastically invited Chenghai into the internal weight, but unfortunately rejected by Chenghai.

Family, the success of the chemical edge is the biggest gratification.

They insisted on Chenghai, nor did they persuade, not much, I prepared a lot of vegetarian food to Chenghai.

"Let's go, Xiaobi."

"Brother, this is it?"

Xiaobao robe stared at your eyes, suddenly flashing, and a face of a face.

"What's wrong with you?"

Chenghai can't help but weird, but still pulled a small white robe, he is ready to find a land temple, then let the small white robe eat these Suzhai.

Xiaobai has not spoken, but the heart is dark, how is this unclear that Hui Neng is not the same, don't you tell the pace?

The monk is most afraid of the tiger clip welcome.

However, Xiaobai robe thought of the tiger that was captured last time, he was full of doubts, he felt that the cat is quite cute.

What are you afraid?

At this time, there is no attention to the small white robe. Since the rancinate has already got it, he can finally don't have to see the small white robe that does not fight for the water.

Xiaobai robe is sitting in the land temple, looking at the fasting rice in front of him, it can be happy.

"Brother, you are so good."

Chenghai heard this, his face couldn't help but raise, and then quickly recovered serious.

No, you can't let Xiaobai praise you like to do this.

After all, the road is still long, who knows how many moths will be made in the small white robe.

I have to keep my own brothers.

At this time, Chenghai suddenly frowned, looking at the sky in the distance, how did this suddenly have a gloomy weather?

This land temple has been lost for a long time, although there is still an incense, but this look is almost broken.

Chenghai looked at the roof of the land temple, even if the rainstorm is coming, this land temple should also make ourselves and small white robe's dangers.

Little white robe can, no matter how the weather is, it is the only one in front of you.

"Brother, why don't you eat?"

"Teachers are not hungry, eat it yourself."

Looking at the happiness of the small white robe, there is some helplessness in Chenghai.

Hosting yourself so much with a small white robe, I don't know how the small white robe is going to practice, can you grow smoothly?

But you said that you will leave, secretly protect the little white robe, and who will happen to what will happen?

After all, he is reborn, and it is growing with his uncomfortable Hui Neng.


At this time, the land temple outside the temple, the rain drops of the yellow bean said, and the sound of is already in the rain.

Just then, suddenly came from a hobbag, then a few rivers and lakes, with weapons hiding into the land temple.


Chenghai is a little strange, this is in the city, these Jianghu customers do not find the inn, run to the land temple?

Jianghu passengers came in to see two people in Chenghai, and they were somewhat strange in their hearts. After all, they did not expect that there were still people in the land temple.

The rivers and lakes and Chenghai nodded, and they had a greeting and then took their group and took a break in the land temple.

Fortunately, they came in time, so the clothes were not wet, but the people took the lead or carefully wrapped a bag of bags. After carefully checked it, they were confirmed, and they were relieved.

"Big Brother, you said in Kyoto, Liu Daren will not do something?"

"Shouldn't, now we are ten horses, you should catch it."

"I am mad at me! When the traitor is said, how can this day can't see it?"

"Forbidden voice!"

The person took the lead carefully looked at the brothers of Cheng Haishi and found that they didn't care about the movements of themselves. This is loose.

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