The whole world doesn't know how strong I am

I don't know how strong I have

"But the people who practice the swords are actually the three-in-law of the martial arts. Society, I learned to fall in the third-sixth sword, who else can break through the master three?"

At this moment, I have to go back to the lower hinterland, but I discovered the swordsman disciple in the middle. He naturally won't matter.

After all, Jianmen is created in one hand, and I still don't know why my son will break through the big martial arts, and now I can encounter a swordsman disciple, maybe I can solve this unknown mystery.

Nanping Island.

Distance to Yiyi, I have been in the past three days. At this moment, he is in the sea, and the long hair of black and black, and the wind is scattered. The six-foot sword is extremely eye-catching.

At this moment, I have already got his heavy sword. When I am in a coma, let Nanping Island can create this heavy sword.

At this moment, the sun is rising, and the Yizheng is moving. The six feet behind the sword have started, and the sword is shining, and there are more embarrassment.

"Master, I think this is not good, the sword is no cold, I am afraid that the sword is invisible, the knife is not yet."

Jun did away from the side, he didn't have a good way to Yu Yi at this moment. After all, Mr. Liang said this sword theory, afraid that only Yiyi is a pass.

I don't know if I don't know, Jianmen Door is hooked, and she has opened up his sword-free realm under the heavy pressure of the sacred church.

"Yather, your road can only go to you, others can't help you, heavy swords are no longer, this is waiting for you to solve, in addition to the big division, no one is your enemy."

Yan Yi heard some nodded, he did not have any opinions on this, and his 20-year-old man is not satisfied.

After all, you have already reached the threshold of heavy swords, and you can't guide yourself.

However, the sword is no longer, the world can go, this sentence is too fascinating.

This is the biggest master of the masses under the big masters, and Jun is just a three-level in the moment. How do you let him guide the Yi?

Although Yizheng is far from his opponent, it can be the realm of the sword, and Yan Yi is probably thoroughly going to another road, no one is only the end point.

Yan Yi put down the heavy sword, stop thinking, Jun did not leave some inspiration to Yizheng, just on the side of the 36th sword.

No matter if it is used, this is also the only thing you can do, I hope to help Yu Yi.

At this time, suddenly an old man was going to step, Jun did not leave and yeli but did not find out until the old man opened, Jun did not discover him from the two, and the face was obsolete.

"Falling in Ying 36 Sword !?"

Jun, don't leave it, the sword in the hands is almost, he is a three-earth situation, who can pass his awareness?

Only big masters!

Jun not left the horse to see the direction of the voice, can be silent, and those who are not discovered, who can do?

"Well, the teacher !?"

Jun is just caught in the defense state, wait to see the Qing people look, immediately put it down.

"The swordsman abandoned, and he saw the Saman Senior."

After the Jun, he left a teacher and suddenly fell out, he immediately felt that it was unprocted, and he quickly changed his mouth.

After all, he is no longer the people of the sword.

"Abandoning! What happened in the year? Actually, even the martial arts you are in this year."

It's really a bit inexplicable at this moment, like a good night of such a goodness, is actually a sword?

This is a three-level, and the first echelon's premises, the world is afraid, no more than 20.

Most importantly, this king doesn't look at it, but the two talents are amazing.

After asking this question, I hooked and watched it again and said that I was very vigilant. After him, Yu Yi has been with a sword, and I came to the side.


Yan Yi actually is a master of the master, or the apprentice of Jun, which makes the tailor clearly shocked, this junior has left the teacher and the two people, and the talents are so enchanting! ?

"Two future is unityful young masters, they have been swept away from the swords and become abandoned!? What is it doing in the year?"

I really have an angry at this moment. Although he went out of the South China Sea for 20 years, there was no need to manage the sword, but the swordsmen were founded, at this time, how to make him not angry?

Jun did he heard the words, the face was bitter, and then said, "This is what you said, the teacher ... No, the sword is the old man, do you have to listen?"

"Since I have already asked exports, it will naturally know."

I heard this, I'm going to hide, I'm going to tell my story.

I was waiting until I was arrested from myself, and I have been to my own wandering to the South China Sea, and I have a little mess in my heart.

"The fourth big man in the world !? Liang Fan?"

I have never heard of the characters!

Moreover, Jun is leaving to the story, and Liang Fan is a big man, which is almost completely impossible.

After all, I will wait until the period of the century, the world is loose, but why he is a big man in a year! ?

Is it a hundred years ago, it has been survived, until this time is it?

Also, the sword is unintentional, soft sword is impermanent, the sword is no cold, the wood sword is invisible, no sword!

This is completely the swords of the swordsmanship can be said. This person is in the world, and she can't hear it.

Alternatively, this world has finally ushered in the turn, so there is a breakthrough in this century, such as this Liang Fan?

If you really do this, can he still induce the jade hall to break through the masters?

In this case, isn't it? Is it weakened in this world?

Take a lot of time at this moment, but heard the Jun to talk about it, he didn't know where Liang Fan went, and it was very regrettable.

"Jun, don't leave, you are willing to go back to the sword door first !?"


"You have become a martial art, this Qiu Chang Lao's death is still a cause of causing you, you don't remove this from your heart, I am afraid that you can't explain your heart, you should hear I understand my words. "

Yan Yi already knows that the old man is in front of him. He heard that it is not allowed to see you immediately.

"Master, let's follow the sword to see his old man to see the sword."

"it is good".

Jun did not leave the head for a while, this abandoned thing, it is indeed a thorn in his heart. Since there is a sword, will he won't let the original water fall?

The ticking is clearly listening to the Jun, and I will never agree, I can't help but nod.

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