The whole world doesn't know how strong I am

I don't know how many chapters in the world.

"Thank you Xie County respects adults, I must not be cultivated by adults. I will definitely be the first time in the future."

"Do you really think so?"

"Of course."

"If I let you give Mr. Liang? Will you want?"

Xing Fei said.


The king's head is shocked, and what does the county mean?

Seeing the reaction of the king, Xing Fei didn't know what he was in his heart.

"How, can't you do?"

"This ... I don't do it."

One of the king biting his teeth, or prepared to tell Mr. Liang? Jane!

"Ha ha ha, watching Wang Pistach, this official is joking with you, don't be true, the position of the county is more suitable than you."

Xing Fei suddenly laughed, and the atmosphere just swept away, and the king of the pole was relieved. It seems to be joking, but why do you always feel that the county is very serious! ?

"Okay, today's Tuen Mun is nothing, king, you will go back first."


After waiting for the king, Xing Fei is gloomy, it seems that this Wang Yishan has to solve it.

"When I come, let the king in the next day, I will remember to see him, don't let him have the opportunity to accept bribes."



Three days later, Liang Fan is drinking fruit wine at home, looking at novels, as for the book, um, still do not understand, throw it into your own Mi, the eyes are not annoying.

When he went to the old way to eat, this knew that the Wang Pistant actually took the tax in the countryside, corruption and accepting bribes, was big in the new Zhixian.

"Old Zhou, is this news reliable?"

"Mr., when the king is caught, the old money is witnessed. If you don't think that the king, you will be corrupted, you will be aware of the knowledge."

Liang Fan is a bit unfinished. After all, he is the most clearly. He asked the old king's crime.

Old Zhou said that I don't know, Liang Fan can only wait first, and Xing Fei is not a old king.

If Dao Wang is really asking for a sin, you will not be late, now I still have a moment, who knows that the old king will not release it.

Xining County.

Now Wang Yishan has been prison, the officialdom, Liang Fan should have no any assisted, and then you can prepare Liang Fan.


"The subordinate."

"I heard that there is something that is not clean, leading to malaria, which you sent people to Wuyi Lane to check the health of this paper, must not let the people eat unclean food, understand? "

"Yes, my master, I will do it now."

"Also, I heard that there is a student in the county, and the home is in the countryside. She has worked hard to study on the county. One of the two silveres raised by his parents a few days ago, which was stolen, which is a face of the official.

Last spring, Xining County learns sixteen people Qi Qi and high, but now there is such a loss, must be found out.

I heard that the county has a juvenile Lang, a young woman in a Wuyi Lane, and the parents' hands and feet are not clean. You will also see it, give me a murderer within one day. "

"Yeah, is there any other instructions?"

"There is no time, go!"


On this day, Wuyi Lane suddenly came to countless servants, and said to report, some people eat food poisoning in Wuyi Lane, and the county people order them to rectify the street environment.

Their first time rushed into the old-week noodles, the buns of the old money, the teahouse of the old, as long as the place where Liang Fan has been there, is taken care of by them.

"Jiang's call, this time you have to search?"

Jiang Pozzle looked at the heart of the county, and the new county is Ding Li, and immediately agreed.

He is not clean because his hands and feet are unclear, and he likes to bully small traders. After being stunned by the king, now the king call is prison, he temporarily replaces the position of the king.

"Then I will respect the life, Ding Wen, you will take it first, I will come." Said, Jiangjong gave a big hand, and he shouted against the latter service: "Search for me!"

Not much time, old week's noodles, old money bun shop and the old grandson's tea house, a chicken flying dog jumped.

The hearts of the Jiangjong also have some suddens. He is in Xining so long, Mr. Liang is a celebrity, these are all his favorite shops.

However, this is the requirements of the county honor, if you don't follow him, Wang Yishan's next thing is the test of the former car, how can he make silk and county?

Although Mr. Liang is a celebrity, but also a civilian people's reading, for their own future, huh!

"I have given me a closer, don't let go of any details."

The king borders screamed loudly, and these servants were also his heart, they were people who were not taken from the king.

However, a chartered a court, now is not a servant who holds a king catch, but a new official to go to three fires.

The county is the best thing to do with Mr. Liang, only to show his own use, and his status is so steady.

Not much time, with a burst of noisy, the Jiangjun head took a bunch of moldy noodles, tea, and pig head meat.

"Ding Wen, you see, these are different bad foods, it seems that this is black-hearted vendors."

"What is waiting for, don't you seal these shops?"

Instantly, the servants put the old and grandchildren, their shops were posted, and the old Week did not confuse, they were sin, they did not have to defend the officials, why did they fall to themselves?

The people around the Wuyi Lane are also unbelievable. They are in the Wuyi Lane for so many years, and what people are they still?

However, no matter what they say, the Jiangjun head is not moving, but the people who have stared at the speech, they gradually, no one dares to speak.

Old Zhou suddenly saw that the Jiang Card was so stated, and quickly asked him to ask him, "Jiang's arrested head, how is this? I am old Zhou Ben, the moldy noodles are not mine !?"

Jiang catch his face is ugly, "How do you mean that we are framed, do you have that qualification to get strand?"

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