The whole world doesn't know how strong I am

I don't know how many chapters of Chapter 107 in the world.

Arrived at the realm of the sword, the world can go, the wood sword is already a big man, the , is Mr. Liang himself?

"Right, General, we are not to pack the homestead of the hospital, the imperial court, the imperial test, should arrive at Zhongfu,"

"You look at the arrangement, right, you told me that last time, Mr. last, has temporarily in Xining County for a while, remember that the brothers underworld, and the students are very polite. "

"This don't have to worry, I have already arranged."

"That's good."


Xining, Inn.

Mo Zhao is sitting on the edge of the table, pressing the knife on a rivers and lakes.

"With the knife to me!"

"Mo Ten, I don't dare!"

"Come, you don't dare to cut you with a knife."

The man can only tremble with his hands, pick up the knife, and trembled to see Mo.

"Very good, talk!"

"Ah? Mo Ten, really want to say?"

"Don't say, die!"

The person is in the heart, since it will be hacked by Mo Hao, it is worse than gambling!

"Mo Mo Feng, you will die today!"

"Well, I will see that you are dead today!"

If someone doesn't know the truth, I am afraid I will force it.

The threat is shaking, and the truth is frightened. The threat is alive, and it is calm.

This is related to Mo Zhao's disciple, the knife God has once, every battle, has experienced thousands of times in my heart, before making a hand, you have died a thousand times in my heart.

However, the realm is not enough, the acting is coming, find a substitute, take yourself in, and then drill in my mind, use the whole body to simulate everything.

This is the most peak method of stimulating yourself, and it is also the horror of the scorpion!

The disciple of the knife knows this habit of Mo. But these Sharmen can scare a half of death, wait until Mo Qi to eat and drink, and then recover his knife in an indifferent, go to their room, they are loose A breath.

The rivers and lakes that threatens to meet, sitting on the ground on the spot, it's terrible, why do you have this hobby!

Others are also an awkward, but no one dares to say a sentence, the front car is in front of you, and he is still a little better.

But in addition to this matter, Mo Qiang meets these people, he will not have any expressions to them, he is like the knife, cold, frustrated, unauthorized!

After returning to the room, Mo Xiangshi wiped his knife. Today, he has completed the storm of war in his own mind.

And the last drill has been completed, and the war has been almost completed, just waiting for the peak to challenge the jersey.

Liang Fan looked at the thundering war, could not help but smile, although this person was more than Pon Tingwen and others, but it was also equal to it.

However, compared with this war, now the jersey is left, but it can't be compared to it.

Liang Fanbo fought the movement of the rivers and lakes, and finally slammed the truth from their words.

Yes, this is a challenge to you? Is it the most important thing in the world?

This is a bit a bit, but I looked at Mo Mo. He is ready to hit the peak.

Jun don't leave this guy but just busy teaching apprentices, nothing to prepare, this can't.

Yan Yi is rapidly sword to sword in the yard. He has repeated this movement is two thousand times, and the muscles have formed memories, but he did not stop because Jun did not shout.

"Mr.'s sword theory is really powerful, Yi Chin has become more and more stable, no inner gas, the sword speed is fast, very good!"

Jun is not very satisfied with the progress of Yi Yi, this child is tough, cultivated, and it makes him very satisfied.

According to this progress, it is not in a month, he should reach the entrance to the Sword of the gentleman, and you can arrange some actual combat.

At this moment, Xining's rivers and lakes are so much, just let them feed the Yi children, and do the sharpels of Yi children, arrange the perfect.

Just when Jun is divided into the progress of the Ji Yi planned to practice, his ear came from Liang Fan's voice into the secret, and immediately stood up and prepared to see Liang Fan.

"Yi children, you continue, don't be lazy!"

"Yes, master!"

Jun is gently knocking on the door into Liang Fan, very respectful: "Sir, what do you find me?"

"Jun, don't leave, I have a little lax by you recently, your apprentice is so hard, how can you not be as good as him?"


At the realm of the masters, a relaxation and cultivation, but the gentleman said, there is some of his truth, what is the arrangement for himself?

"Ah, what do you listen?"

"Of course, don't leave for the sir to go to the fire, don't speak,"

"That's good, today, keep the spirit, restore the peak war, don't ask why, it is good to achieve your strongest state."

Although I don't know why Liang Fan is arranged so, I still nod.

"Yes, sir!"

Very good, all the best, only owe Dongfeng!

The younger generation is the most important battle, a bit look forward to!

The sixty-ninth chapter, my mother asked me why I looked up, it was a master master! [Subscribe]

Yan Yi still continued to go out, the sword, did not pay attention to the expression of a face.

I don't know if I will leave it all. Why is Liang Fan to keep him the most peak, what happened? do not understand!

However, although I seem to have become a family running leg, in the bones, he is still a war.

Since Mr. want to see, let Mr. see the best state.

Jun is ready to calm down the moment, slowly put all the spirit gods to the peak, not just the idea, the whole body state, the whole body, the whole body, the sword, the sky.

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