The Whole World Does Not Believe That I Am the Director

Chapter 130: The long-awaited press conference finally...

The latest website: October 31.

The last day of October was also the first day Xu Mu made headlines again.

No one thought that he would make headlines for helping the police unwittingly break a case.

And no one thought that Xu Mu would actually solve the case!

The lobby on the third floor of Hengcheng Hotel.

Inside, it was crowded with media reporters who came to interview.

It is estimated that people in the entertainment industry never dreamed that someone in their circle would hold this press conference because of the words of thanks in the police announcement.

They have met quite a few people who held press conferences after being criticized by the police. It was the first time they met in Xu Mu's situation.

So everyone is looking forward to this press conference.

The press conference started at 9 o'clock and Xu Mu arrived just after 8 o'clock.

When he saw that the audience was full of reporters, he was dumbfounded.

He remembered that there were only a dozen media that called, but there were probably dozens of media that came to the scene.


However, Xu Mu thought about it for a moment, anyway, the numbers are the same.


Xu Mu's personal press conference officially began.

What's different from the past is that the press conference held by Xu Mu was broadcast live.

Because he has his own plan.

"Director Xu, Director Xu, I want to ask, how did you participate in the 10.24 major serial theft case?"

After the press conference officially began, a male reporter wearing glasses took the lead to stand up and ask questions.

"Um, well, I was invited to the Criminal Investigation Bureau to take part in the shooting of a legal propaganda film, and then overheard the case. I analyzed it by the way and everyone saw the final result."

For the first question, Xu Mu answered the other half truthfully.

After all, if everyone knows that someone told him, then it might cause Xiao Wu trouble.

Although Xu Mu's answer seemed to be an understatement, everyone was surprised after hearing it.


You overheard it, and then analyzed it by the way to help the police solve the case?

Good guy, you are so awesome!

"Director Xu, you mean you have helped the police solve the case by analyzing the clues you heard, without looking at the specific files, or going to the crime scene to investigate the situation. You just analyzed the clues you heard?"

Sure enough, after Xu Mu answered the first question, another reporter immediately asked the question.

After Xu Mu heard it, he nodded slightly and admitted.

Suddenly, everyone at the scene was shocked again.

The netizens who watched the live broadcast on the Internet were all stunned after seeing this scene.

"Fuck, he's so powerful, he can solve the case after analyzing a wave of what he heard?"

"No, how does it feel like bragging?"

"The police have already notified and thanked them, indicating that this situation does exist. And the police will definitely not tell Xu Mu about this case, so what Xu Mu said is likely to be true."

"My God, if that's the case, then he is really terrible!"

"Good guy, he used to be a director and a master of Wing Chun, and now he has another detective status. You guys, what does he do?"


After being shocked, the netizens who watched the live broadcast raised the barrage to express their opinions.

As a result, everyone's thoughts were the same, Xu Mu is really amazing!

Moreover, everyone is also puzzled by Xu Mu's so many identities.

What the **** does he do?

Here, the press conference is still continuing to ask questions.

"Director Xu, your movie "Manslaughter" helped Tyrande police successfully catch the murderer, and this time helped our police solve the case. What I want to know is, why are you so powerful?

Is it because your reasoning ability is strong as posted on the Internet, or is your thoughts at the same frequency as the suspect's thoughts? "


After the third reporter talked about Chase, Xu Mu was speechless for a while.

You have said so much, what do you want to express?

Why do I think your question is unkind?

"Ahem, I also read the comments on the Internet. It happened that this reporter friend also raised this question, so I will take this opportunity to explain it to you.

To be honest, I didn't expect these things to happen either. Really, everything is a coincidence.

Moreover, I want to make one point. Those my thoughts and the suspect's thoughts are at the same frequency. These are all jokes made by netizens. Don't believe it.

And my reasoning ability is also average. It is just luck to help the police solve the case on our side.

As a director, I have watched many suspenseful reasoning films and movies.

So, isn't it reasonable for me to create the "Manslaughter" movie script?

It makes sense to unintentionally put forward an idea to help the police solve the case here, right? "

Because now, whether it is the netizens on the Internet or the reporters in front of them, they have more or less interpreted Xu Mu too much.

And it's getting more and more outrageous!

Before Tyrande's case, many people thought Xu Mu had committed a similar case.

Now he unintentionally helps the police solve the case, and is said to have the same thoughts as the suspect.

If it continues at this rate, Xu Mu feels that he will go to jail before the New Year.

Therefore, it is necessary for him to clarify to everyone here.

This is also the purpose of this press conference today.

However, although Xu Mu explained this with a serious face, the netizens who watched the live broadcast directly laughed.

"Hahaha, Xu Mu explained it earnestly. It's okay if he doesn't explain it. Once I explain it, I believe the analysis on the Internet even more."

"Good guy, it's reasonable? The plot of the filmed movie comes true. You call it reasonable?"

"A case that the police can't solve for a while, you can analyze the clues you hear and help the police solve the case. You call it reasonable?"

"Really, it's okay if you don't explain. Once you explain, I think you really have a problem."

Xu Mu's serious explanation did not dispel everyone's suspicion and curiosity about him, but it aggravated it a lot.

If Xu Mu knew the result, he wouldn't know if he would cry.


For the next questions, the reporters still asked about Xu Mu's recent weird points.

After all, there is no such a coincidence in this world.

And the last reporter's question directly made everyone's eyes shine.

"Director Xu, you said these are all coincidences. Then I want to ask a question, if this happens again in the future, how will you explain it then?"

To be honest, after this reporter asked a question, Xu Mu was immediately stunned.

He did not think about this problem.

There shouldn't be such a coincidence in this world, right?

After this question is raised, both the reporters in the audience and the netizens watching the live broadcast are looking forward to Xu Mu's Yes, if there is such a coincidence in the future, how would you explain it?

"Uh, this kind of coincidence shouldn't happen again.

It really doesn't work. You will see if there is such a coincidence after my new movie "Detective Chinatown" is released.

Of course, you don’t need to wait too long, you will know the result on the first day of the new year.

Because my new movie "Detective Chinatown" is expected to be released on New Year's Day. "

When everyone was expecting his answer, Xu Mu suddenly thought of a perfect answer.

Yes, he ran an advertisement.

After Xu Mu said this answer, the eyes of those who had expected so much were all staring.

Boy, did he put up an ad?

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