The Whole Country Develops a Different World

Chapter 290: The arrival of gluttonous civilization

The company of soldiers followed Dukao to the deck, with a serious expression and weapons, ready to fight at any time. However, when they saw the target that was likely to fight, they were all stunned. The target they needed to be on guard against turned out to be a petite, cute-looking red-haired girl.

Xin Zhao touched Ge Xiaolun next to him on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Lun, I feel like I'm in love."

"It's really beautiful." Ge Xiaolun couldn't help but praise.

Although this girl has not been seen by him, the most beautiful is the one with the most special temperament he has ever seen, giving him a perfect beauty. Especially the inexplicably reassuring and warm feeling that makes people want to get close.

"Xin Zhao, pay attention to your words," Reina whispered.

"Now is not the time to brag. Don't look at how petite and cute people are, but this is a real **** who can wipe you to ashes with a wave of your hand. Careful words anger others and beat you to death with a backhand."

"Is it such an exaggeration?" Xin Zhao subconsciously swallowed.

After being reminded by Reina, Xin Zhao didn't dare to stare directly at the red-haired girl. Compared to a beautiful girl, her own life is more important.

Sun Wukong took two steps forward, directly using the channel to transmit the voice into Dukao's mind, and said, "Dukao, this woman feels very dangerous to me, just like a sun."

"And I feel that there may be some connection between this woman and the mysterious powerhouse before. Because both of them store a huge amount of energy into their bodies, I can vaguely feel the huge energy like the sun from the woman in front of me. "

"I see." Dukao's face didn't change at all, he still straightened his back, and walked towards the girl with firm steps.

It is false to say that he is not worried. Dukao is actually very nervous now. He is not afraid that the other party will kill him, but that he is afraid that the giant gorge under his feet will be destroyed by the other party. It took them a lot of hard work to build the Giant Gorge. There are various cutting-edge technologies in it, as well as research on super genes.

Although the Giant Gorge is not a space battleship, it is just an aircraft carrier, but it is equipped with various cutting-edge weapons. If it was just the Giant Gorge, it would be difficult to hit aliens no matter how many weapons it had, but if it was equipped with Rose's ability, it would become the most important firepower on Earth, capable of destroying the firepower of alien warships.

If this were to be destroyed, it would simply make things worse, sending the already crumbling Earth into the abyss.

Two meters away from the girl, Dukao stopped and looked at the girl in front of him, and his inner tension was relieved.

Dukao stretched out his right hand and said, "Hello, my name is Dukao, and I'm the person in charge here."

The red-haired girl in front of her showed a sunny smile and reached out to hold Dukao's hand.

"Hello, my name is Rishi."

Dukao said: "Excuse me, can you reveal your intentions?"

Dukao actually wanted to ask the other party's origin, where he came from, and what the other party's purpose of coming to earth was. Which force does the other party belong to, and what is the relationship with the mysterious powerhouse before?

However, before the two sides are familiar with each other, it is obviously a foolish act to ask the unfamiliar powerhouse to the bottom of it. It's better to cut to the chase and see what the other party wants to do here.

By the way, let's see if we can knock out some information during the conversation. It's better to know whether they belong to the forces.

Rui Xi didn't give a shit, and said straight to the point: "I originally wanted to go directly to Huaxia tourism, but now I happened to be passing by and suddenly wanted to meet someone."

Traveling to China? This is the most bizarre and gentlest reason for Dukao to pass through the earth. Although the purpose of other civilizations coming to the earth is quite different, they are essentially all trying to conquer the earth.

"Excuse me, who do you want to see?" Dukao said.

Rishi raised his hand and pointed behind Dukao, and replied, "I want to see her."

Dukao turned his head and saw Xin Zhao. Everyone looked at Xin Zhao in astonishment, but they didn't expect that this mysterious and beautiful girl came to look for Xin Zhao, the slut.

At this time Xin Zhao was also a little overwhelmed, pointed to himself and said with surprise and joy, "Looking for... looking for me?"

What the hell! What the hell! It turned out to be looking for me, could it be that Lao Tzu's peach blossom luck has finally come? No, no, I can't be too excited, otherwise I'll make the other party think I'm an asshole.

However, just when Xin Zhao was thinking about how to speak more handsomely, the beautiful red-haired girl opposite shook her head, breaking Xin Zhao's peach luck.

"It's not him, what I'm looking for is the woman standing behind him."

Reina, who was standing behind Xin Zhao, looked a little stunned for a moment. She pointed at herself and asked, "Look for me?"

Rui Xi nodded and confirmed: "Yes, I feel that you have the aura of the sun in you."

At this moment, everyone has vaguely figured out the girl's purpose. According to the words just now, the girl may have come to China for tourism. But when I passed the Giant Gorge during the flight, I just felt the light gene of the sun on Leina, so I stopped here.

Although there is no actual evidence for this reason, it is at least a plausible reason. As for whether what he said about traveling in China is true, it remains to be seen, but so far she has at least shown no hostility.

And this girl is the alien powerhouse that is the friendliest to China and China since China has been in contact with aliens for so long, except for Dukao and the others and Reina. Almost all the alien forces that Huaxia came into contact with wanted to invade the earth.

Dukao staggered around and said to Reina, "Reina, since Miss Ruishi is here to find you, it's up to you to talk to her."

"Oh." Lena took two steps forward, stood in Dukao's position just now, looked at the petite and cute red-haired girl in front of her, and asked, "Why are you looking for me?"

Compared to Dukao, Lena seems a little direct. However, with Lena's arrogant personality, Dukao didn't expect her to show modesty.

Mizuki didn't think there was anything wrong with Reina's attitude, and he wasn't a person who paid too much attention to etiquette.

Rui Xi bowed slightly and pleaded, "I want to fight with you. I promise I'll take it lightly, and I won't kill you."

"What?!" Reina was a little confused at first, and then said with obvious anger on her face: "Have you tried solar flares? Do you want to try it, I promise not to kill you."

Reina is clear, this guy is just here to find fault, what does it mean to promise not to kill me, as if you can kill me.

The others present were also a little stunned. They never thought that this girl named Rui Xi would say the most arrogant words with the most modest attitude.

[Lord Ruixi, what you just said can easily lead to misunderstandings, I suggest you explain and avoid unnecessary conflicts. 】 Xiao Ai reminded.

Being reminded like this, Rui Xi also realized her mistake, and quickly waved her hands to explain: "I'm sorry, that's not what I meant, what I meant was that I wanted to learn from you."

"Because I'm in my hometown, I often get in touch with other people, but they asked me to make this guarantee before the competition. So I said it subconsciously, not intentionally provocative."

Although Rui Xi loves peace, it does not mean that she hates fighting, or that what Rui Xi hates is not fighting, but the senseless casualties caused by fighting. Every high-level powerhouse actually does not resist fighting, and even likes fighting, because it is impossible to make progress simply by working behind closed doors.

Therefore, many high-level powerhouses in Daxia actually have the habit of getting together every once in a while to learn from each other. And Rui Xi is one of the organizers, but because of his own strength, he usually does not play.

Even if the people who are on the field to learn from him have to make a promise from Rui Xi that he will never kill him, he will dare to learn from Rui Xi. Over time, Rui Xi unknowingly developed a habit of making sure not to kill each other before the competition.

Mizuki's attitude and explanation successfully appeased Reina, and Reina is not an unreasonable person. Since the other party has apologized, and it was not intentional, he will not pursue it, and he will not suffer too much loss.

"So you want to learn from me?" Lena asked.

Rui Xi nodded again and again: "That's right."

Rui Xi could feel that the opponent had an opportunity for her to break through, but she didn't know what the opportunity was. So I took the simplest and most rude method, let's fight first.

Between the strong and the strong, the best way to promote the initial understanding of the two sides is not talking, but fighting.

Reina didn't immediately agree. Through the communication channel, she asked Dukao behind him: "How about it, do you want to allow him to test her strength?"

Dukaao said: "This mysterious person has too many unknowns. Before, even Morgana's fourth-generation divine body was punched and killed by the male powerhouse. If this girl is related to the previous mysterious powerhouse, I don't If you think you have the ability to resist her attack, find a reason to refuse."

"Indeed." Although Reina was arrogant, she was not a fool. The last punch of the white-haired powerhouse before made him see the terrifying aspects of ultimate power.

Although it was still unable to destroy the super gene and resurrect Morgana unscathed, the punch did kill Morgana's fourth-generation divine body. Even Morgana was killed with a punch, Reina didn't think she could take over that kind of power.

Even with the protection of the sun's rays, I won't really die, but it will hurt!

Dukao ordered through the channel: "Everyone is ready for battle."

Dukao wasn't sure if the strong man would attack them in anger because of their refusal.

Reina said: "I'm sorry, but now for some reason, my strength is limited and I can't learn from you."

"Is that so?" Rui Xi smiled and said, "If this is the case, then forget it, but if you are ready, you can release your breath in Huaxia, and I will be there at any time."

Although the opportunity for the breakthrough lies in this woman, it is only an opportunity, not the key and there is no need to force it. And since the other party refused, Rui Xi will not force the other party to do anything.

Then Rui Xi turned around and was about to leave. Upon seeing this, Dukao quickly asked, "Excuse me, where are you going?"

"As I said, of course I'm going to travel to China, but don't worry, I won't do anything harmful to you. On the contrary, I will protect you." Rui Xi clenched her fist and showed a bright smile.

"I'll blow up all the enemies."

The next moment, Rui Xi's figure disappeared, leaving behind everyone who looked at each other in dismay. This mysterious powerhouse is really mysterious. They couldn't understand the girl's words and deeds from beginning to end, so they couldn't figure it out.

Lianfeng said worriedly: "General, what should we do? Let this mysterious powerhouse hide in China, will it become a time bomb?"

Dukaao thought for a moment and shook his head: "All we can do is to send back the appearance of this girl and let the Skynet system monitor it."

Although Huaxia knew that there was a **** traveling in their territory, they did not take too drastic action. It's not that Huaxia doesn't worry about whether this **** will harm Huaxia and whether it will threaten the people. Huaxia is also very worried, but they have no effective means to counteract these gods.

In fact, Huaxia himself knows that many forces have already gathered in his territory, just like Morgana was in the Juxia City Library some time ago. There are so many of them anyway, and there is no harm in having one more, and maybe the entry of this powerhouse can help them balance the gods of other forces.


Ten days later, Juxia City.

At this time, Juxia City was still as bustling as usual, and Ma Ruoyoulong was unusually prosperous.

At this time, there were a large number of tourists in the city than before. They came here to visit the city where the battle of the century circulated on the Internet. However, their trip was doomed to disappointment, because under Tazmi's intentional control, the battle between him and Morgana did not spread to the city below, but the movement was a little scary.

At the same time, because of Tazmi, Huaxia set off a wave of learning martial arts in the city, and a large number of martial arts classes were opened. Even some interest classes like taekwondo have removed their cards and renamed them as traditional martial arts classes.

Wugong belongs to the romance of Chinese people. No Chinese person can resist the temptation of martial Everyone knew that martial arts are not as magical as those shown on TV, and it takes a lot of time to practice. Therefore, few people practiced, but now a strong man like a fairy used martial arts to start a battle with the demon queen that was enough to be written in the historical records.

The huge sword energy ripped apart the sky, and the earth-shattering punch was forever engraved in everyone's heart. Although he lost, in the eyes of most people, he did not lose.

That scene just by watching the video made people goosebumps all over and their blood boiled, I wish I could go up the mountain to learn art now.

It was a very normal day, cloudy and cloudy, everyone got up as usual, showered, had breakfast, and went to work.

However, at this time, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared in the thick cloud layer in the sky, and then the cloud layer was broken open, and a huge steel monster broke through the cloud layer and came over Juxia City.

Everyone raised their heads and stared blankly at the huge steel monster in the sky. At the same time, all over the world, a huge interstellar warship broke through the clouds and descended above the human city.

The fleet of gluttonous civilization came to the earth without warning.

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