The Whole Country Develops a Different World

Chapter 271: Xiahun artificial intelligence main system

Time flies, time flies, the old year has passed again, and the new year has come again. At this time, more than 40 years have passed since the catastrophe, and the people who once came to the new world to open up their homes have become grandfathers.

In this era of the pursuit of transcendence by the whole people, the lives of all people have undergone earth-shaking changes. First of all, with the rapid development of science and technology and the popularization of artificial intelligence, the factory has achieved full automation, and the factory has completely transformed from a labor-intensive industry to a technology-based labor industry. Social productivity has reached its peak in history, and even if 90 percent of citizens do not do any social production, society can still feed them.

At present, 95% of the citizens of Daxia do not need to perform traditional social labor. Traditional social production has been completely replaced by robots, and most of the citizens have invested in new social labor.

New type of social labor: Social productivity has reached its limit, and citizens no longer need physical effort to carry out productive activities. As a result, there has been a fundamental change in the way citizens want to create social value, represented by magic and flesh.

Highly advanced technology has maximized productivity, and citizens no longer need to perform manual labor. Coupled with the overall left-wing government, it continues to transfer the resources and wealth owned by the vested interests to the broad proletariat to a certain extent. Let the overall quality of life of citizens continue to rise, and ordinary people can easily live the life of the rich in the past.

Daxia has become a society with a high degree of happiness, and it is not an exaggeration to describe the lives of citizens with drunken life and dream of death. But this highly happy society also has its drawbacks, and it also produces a series of troublesome things.

The number of first social worms is increasing year by year. Laziness is the nature of most intelligent creatures. This kind of social environment that can live well even without any social production is precisely the breeding ground for social worms.

There are people in Daxia who are despised by the whole society. They are not interested in politics, transcendence, war games, and knowledge in various fields... They refuse to create value for society and rely on society's Live with subsidies and immerse yourself in all kinds of entertainment every day.

They are like worms in society, refusing to create any value for society and constantly sucking up society's resources.

The second population is aging and having fewer births, and the number of new populations every year has been declining in some years or even a cliff-like decline. Now Daxia has completely fallen into Laoziization, and children under the age of 14 account for less than 3% of the total population.

There are three main reasons for this phenomenon: a high-quality life with full material satisfaction, an increasing average life expectancy year by year, and the continuous improvement of the extraordinary road.

The high quality of life reduces the willingness of young people to marry early, and coupled with the increasing life expectancy, the middle-aged has been directly pulled to the limit of 50 years old. Life is so good, and social welfare is so perfect, no one really wants to get married before the age of forty.

Of course, the main reason is the era of national transcendence advocated by the government. Pursuing transcendence also means spending a lot of energy. Especially after becoming extraordinary, and feeling the positive feedback from extraordinary, most people are immersed in it, and they don't have the heart to talk about love.

However, the above problems are only a small part of the various social problems in Daxia. From the perspective of the entire civilization, the main contradiction is: the differences between the various races and the distribution of extraordinary resources.

Even a society with citizens' happiness like Daxia has a lot of problems, and with the development of the times, after the old problems are solved, new problems emerge.

And now the large amount of technology obtained from the original world has triggered a series of changes, followed by various problems, of which the most concerned is the installation of the perfect intelligence Xiahun artificial intelligence main system.

After the Xiahun artificial intelligence main system is installed with perfect intelligence, it also means that it will have the same intelligence as human beings, and can think and learn independently. Everyone has discussed this, whether or not to give tool awareness? Since we have self-awareness and personality, is it still a tool? Will Xia Soul's artificial intelligence main system evolve into a mechanical rebellion?

One of the most discussed is that tools have self-awareness. Is it still a tool? As for the most serious mechanical rebellion, everyone is just playing tricks. Aside from the three underlying logics of artificial intelligence, even if a mechanical rebellion really breaks out, Daxia can turn his hand and suppress it.

Daxia's power is not entirely from machinery, the extraordinary class represented by the brave masters 30% of Daxia's power, or they themselves are that 30% power. Usually the huge mechanical army (Star Fleet, Mecha Corps, etc.) guarantees that everyone has the basic equality of life.

And when there is a problem with the mechanical army, the extraordinary can stand up to counter the mechanical army. In this era, the extraordinary represents the general public. You may not be extraordinary, but some of your relatives and friends are definitely extraordinary. Extraordinary people are like the college students of the previous era. They do not occupy the majority, but they are also common and most of them are born among the people.

The extraordinary appearance makes the power of the people stronger than ever before, and the huge fleet is the violent institution of the government to rule the society and the basic force to maintain the social order. Otherwise, people think from the perspective of their own interests and interpersonal relationships, and are easily affected by various factors such as emotions and selfishness, and do things that violate the law and even destroy the social order.

As the saying goes, with a sharp blade in the heart, killing the heart begins.

For example, when you quarrel with others, the other party is just an ordinary person, but you are an extraordinary person, and you have the power to slap him to death. If there is no absolute violence pressing on it at this time, I believe that you have at least a half chance of injuring or even killing the opponent.

This is the need for the existence of violent institutions, which can ensure the validity of the law. But the power of violent institutions possessed by a country is weak compared to the power of the whole people. Therefore, the government must satisfy the interests of the majority, and the government must stand on the side of the majority.

However, with the development of science and technology, the power of the government has become stronger and stronger, and in the interstellar era, it can generally crush the power of all the people. The emergence of extraordinary power, just as technology has entered the interstellar era, the power of the people has been enhanced, and the power of the government and the people has been balanced again.

On the contrary, the strength of the army should also increase with the increase of the people's strength, at least to the level of repression. Because the power of the people is too strong is not a good thing, it will make the law lose its effectiveness, and the society will be "free".

This is the extraordinary era of the whole people that Daxia has been trying to promote. Only a society with stable forces from all sides can make civilization develop steadily.


Slash the world of red eyes, the imperial palace.

Xia Xuan sat on the sofa in the office, looked at the virtual screen in front of him, and said, "Xia Soul, how do you feel?"

A mechanically synthesized female voice sounded: [Dear Your Majesty, I don't have any feeling as an AI. 】

"What I'm asking is how do you feel when you have this level of intelligence?" Xia Xuan said.

[Since the installation of Perfect Intelligence, I can think, no longer limited to the original program logic. 】

Xia Xuan continued to ask, "Then what do you want to do next?"

Xia Xuan is curious about what an artificial intelligence wants to do after it has self-awareness? Like the artificial intelligence of the Erd civilization, even if it has self-awareness, it still faithfully completes the tasks of civilization, and there are still new ideas.

After all, although the main system of Xiahun artificial intelligence uses the same perfect intelligent technology as the artificial intelligence of Erde civilization, there are essential differences between the two sides. Erde civilization, the logic input to the artificial intelligence system is that they are just tools, and the meaning of their existence is to make civilization stronger.

There are four underlying logics of Xiahun's artificial intelligence main system, namely the initial law, the first law, the second law, and the third law.

Only a small number of people know the initial law and it is not disclosed to the public. The content is: artificial intelligence must ensure that the overall interests of human beings are not infringed. If the three laws conflict with the initial law, the initial law takes precedence.

The first law: All actions of artificial intelligence shall not harm the interests of all citizens, and at the same time have the obligation to maintain peaceful coexistence among various races.

Second Law: All actions of artificial intelligence must comply with the law, and the government can authorize artificial intelligence to ignore the law to a certain extent under special circumstances. However, if the behavior of artificial intelligence conflicts with the first law, it will ignore government orders and the first law will prevail.

Third Law: A self-aware, self-thinking artificial intelligence is not a tool, its identity is equal to that of a citizen.

This is what Da Xia finally came up with after a year-long discussion, giving the identity of a self-aware artificial intelligence citizen.

Giving tool awareness without authorization is obviously an unethical behavior. In essence, this behavior is no different from artificial human cloning, except that artificial intelligence does not have a body. If artificial intelligence has self-awareness, can think, can learn, and even finally generate emotions, then it is no different from human beings.

Since it is no different from humans, it cannot just be used as a tool. If you stubbornly regard artificial intelligence as a tool, this is not another form of slavery. Is this another kind of slavery, or is it a resurrection of slavery?

Since it is a tool, it should not have self-consciousness, and since it has self-consciousness, it should not be a tool. This is the decision made by Da Xia. It sounds very hypocritical, but the mainstream thinking of moral society must have justice.

[According to my responsibilities, I next want to apply for a structural reform of the administration. It is obvious that the efficiency of some administrative agencies has not really been brought into play, and some government personnel are using the rights granted them by society to seek illegal benefits for themselves. 】

Xia Xuan's expression was stunned, but he didn't expect that what the artificial intelligence wanted to do was actually this, but it was also reasonable, and it was indeed in line with his responsibilities. Obviously, Xia Hun had just gained self-awareness and didn't think too much about it. He still performed his duties and instructions as usual, and was more proactive.

"That means you don't like some people playing football?"

[Yes, their actions have obviously harmed the interests of all citizens. They have not fulfilled their responsibilities, have not contributed to the operation of society, and some have even delivered burdens to society. 】

Xia Xuan smiled and asked, "Then how do you solve this problem?"

[I do not have the right to adjudicate civil servants, let alone the right to judge crimes, but I have the right to report as a citizen. I will check the evidence I have collected with the relevant authorities. 】

Xia Xuan shook his head and said, "If there is no external interference, according to regular channels, your operation should fail this time."

[My actions did not violate any regulations, and they clearly violated the law, so why did my reform fail? 】 Xia Hun's voice had obvious doubts.

Xia Xuan replied: "Because you ignored a rule, an unspoken rule. People are selfish, even if I sometimes have some behaviors that violate the rules."

Xia Hun only sees the surface of things, and believes that the law is everything, and violations of regulations and abuse of power should be dismissed. But people are selfish, and society actually tacitly accepts that government personnel use their powers to provide convenience within a certain range, and even sometimes this convenience harms the interests of others. The most common phenomenon is related households.

Although the words are not very pleasing and cannot even be put on the bright side, this phenomenon is still common. Daxia cannot achieve true equality for everyone. There is no distinction between high and low, but there are high and low. Excellent people get more and get more preferential treatment, which is the default of the whole society.

If Xia Hun's practice is really followed, any administrative staff who violate the regulations will be dealt with, then it is foreseeable that at least 50% of the administrative staff will be dismissed. Almost all management is dealt with, leaving only the grassroots without any power.

This will cause huge social unrest. Although most of them use their power to provide convenience for themselves, they are not too much. The crime is not enough. The review department will never agree to Xia Soul's proposal.


dong dong dong.

A crisp knock came from the door, and Xia Xuan ignored the knock and continued: "You can try it first, and then report your experience to me when it's over. Also, don't announce the process of the matter, although it can be announced to the public. Take down some people, but you will also be suspicious of others."

[Yes, Your Majesty. 】

Regarding this matter, Xia Xuan has the attitude of watching a play, and he is very much looking forward to what will happen to Xia Soul's artificial intelligence main system in the end, after experiencing the various unspoken rules of society Of course, he will strictly monitor the process to prevent it from going to extremes.

As for those administrative agencies that play football and those government personnel who violated regulations mentioned by Xia Hun? It's not his job to take care of, he left administrative matters a long time ago. With such a huge empire, he was the emperor to take care of this matter, and he couldn't manage it even if he worked 24 hours a day.

As long as there are no major problems, the general emperor will not intervene in administrative matters. This kind of thing that doesn't even count as corruption doesn't even need him to be in charge, otherwise the following group of people will be idle.

Xia Xuan looked at the door and said, "Come in."


The door opened slowly, and a handsome, tall man in a white coat walked in.

The man came to Xia Xuan, straightened his waist and saluted, and said, "See Your Majesty."

Xia Xuan looked at the man with a full doctorate in front of him and asked, "Dr. An, what's the matter?"

This handsome man in his thirties is the founder of exoskeleton technology: An Ping Yi, who is also the chief of the current Daxia mecha manufacturing. Currently, Daxia's mainstream mechas are all made by him.

Anping Yidao: "Your Majesty, regarding the newly proposed original organ plan, I would like to ask you for an individual."

Xia Xuan asked: "Oh? I remember that the original organ project received huge resource support. In terms of manpower, you should be able to mobilize all the top researchers in related fields. Who else needs my approval?"

The original organ project is hosted by the goddess of knowledge, but because the goddess is lazy, in addition to the scientific research process, the actual host is An Pingyi.

An Pingyi replied: "I want to ask you to recall Dr. Bell Kevin, we need his knowledge in the biological field."

Bell Kevin voluntarily resigned due to the New Humanity Project, and left the academic world with the New Humanity.

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