The Whole Country Develops a Different World

Chapter 262: Pioneer Civilization: Again? **** him!

Federal Fleet, Command Ship Chris.

The commander-in-chief of the expedition fleet sat on a silver-white chair, leaned back against the back of the chair, and said in a low voice, "Na'er, what is the response from the domestic side?"

After observing the changes in the cracks, the commander-in-chief of the expedition fleet immediately submitted a withdrawal application to the domestic high-level officials. Judging from the current situation, if the cracks continue to shrink, then they must return to the original universe within a month's time. The longer it drags on, the worse it is for them, what if the crack suddenly disappears?

Now, although they have destroyed an interstellar civilization by virtue of their first-mover advantage, the expedition fleet does not think that they can sweep the galaxy. And the reason why this interstellar civilization is so vulnerable is mainly because their most elite main force has been destroyed, and the military power of civilization is at its weakest period. Facing an internal raid from a civilization stronger than them, the mother planet was captured in one fell swoop. All things added up, even if it was placed on the Federation, it would be beaten and screamed.

Once the rift closes, the combat effectiveness of their expedition fleet will plummet. After all, the war is not only about the strength of the fleet, but also various logistical supplies. A fleet with supply lines and a fleet without supply lines are two concepts. The former does not need to consider too much energy consumption at all, and the firepower will be over. Moreover, if the battleships on the front line are damaged, they can be replaced immediately to replenish new battleships.

And once you lose the supply line, you have to be careful when fighting. Energy can be replenished on the spot in the universe, but damage to the battleship is not something that can be repaired.

A sweet female voice sounded.

[Dear captain, your request was rejected by the Supreme Council, and the Supreme Council let you continue your mission, don't worry about the cracks, the relevant departments will solve it. Finally, the Supreme Council, may the Almighty Lord guide the captain's way forward and bring the glory and majesty of the Lord to this dark world. 】


The commander-in-chief slammed his right fist on the armrest, his face was full of anger, and he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Don't worry about the crack? The relevant departments will solve it? It's all **** bullshit! Now let them solve the crack problem immediately, If it can't be solved, can you let me solve that group of pigs?!"

"Almighty Lord is guiding me, really think I'm those fools!? Let the Lord lead them to presbyopia first, how to find holes in women!"

In the face of the commander-in-chief's scolding, all the personnel in the command room lowered their heads, pretending to be calm, as if they didn't hear it. The commander-in-chief, the general, can scold those congressmen who are like gods, but it is not something ordinary people like them can scold. Even hearing it may be a sin.

In the Commonwealth, a society in which capital completely controls the entire country, although the Constitution stipulates that all men are created equal, in fact they are not equal. Sometimes it's not even one species at all, the rich and the poor are two species.

[The federal society is like a huge machine. Every ordinary person is a screw in this machine. Only with their joint efforts can this machine run. 】

Ordinary people are the screws of the social machine that can be replaced at will, and capital is the person who manipulates the machine. In federal society, ordinary people are just screws, and capital is people.

After venting, the commander-in-chief exhaled a breath, and then ordered: "Send an application to the Supreme Council for the resignation of serious injuries, and let someone else take my place."

At the beginning, this position was a fat man. As long as he won, he could not only obtain various technologies of interstellar civilization, but these technologies were likely to make him a lot of money, and he could also gain a lot of fame. But now there is a problem with the crack, and he may not be able to go back at any time. This is a shit, slipped away.

As for the war command of the expeditionary force? There is not much difference between giving this thing to others and giving it to yourself. There are many people who are better than him in the command of pure warfare. And the reason why he can sit in this position is mainly because his own capital is strong enough to ensure the interests of the soldiers.

At the same time, it also ensures that during the war, all kinds of war materials will not be sent to the front line accurately due to the behavior of some fools. This sounds very magical, and there are still people who dare to deduct the materials of the war, aren't they afraid that everyone will finish the battle?

However, the reality is so magical, unless it really comes to the moment of life and death, the deduction of war materials is not uncommon in the Federation, and it has even become the norm, as the name suggests. In some less important places, the Union army may even lose the war because it cannot get enough supplies.

In the magical country of the Federation, suffocating operations occur every year.


Three days later, the Supreme Council agreed to the evacuation of the expedition fleet, and all the fleets returned to the Federation through the cracks in an orderly manner.

Anyway, the civilization where the crack is located has been destroyed by them, the bone-faced people have fallen into a state of leaderless dragons, and the civilization has also been beaten back to the state of zero-level civilization by them. There are not hundreds or thousands of years now, and the Bone-Yan civilization can't be restored to its original state at all, and may even never be restored due to various reasons.

And the troops that make up the expedition fleet, even in the Federation, are among the best, and the elite of the elite is not worth ignoring the changes in the cracks in order to reach the earth as soon as possible. The most important thing is that even if the fleet reaches the earth and successfully obtains special energy, the Federation will not get it even if the crack is closed.

Since this is the case, it is better to let the fleet return to the Federation to rest. Even if the cracks are closed, they will only lose the opportunity to obtain special energy and a few star systems that are riddled with holes.

As the last battleship returned to the Federation, the fissure that had been shrinking suddenly stopped shrinking. Before the researchers were happy, the fissure disappeared instantly in the next moment.


After the Federal Fleet left, the crack also disappeared. However, within a few seconds, the huge crack reappeared, and a huge steel fleet flew out from it.

Looking at the tattered and tattered planets in front of him, the surface of the colonized planets being bombed with craters, Da Xia strongly condemned the barbaric actions of the Federation. To even smash Daxia's booty into tatters, this is destroying other people's property.

However, as a civilization with profound cultural heritage, a state of etiquette, and a country of all nations, Daxia forgave the barbarity of this ally. And also generously began to help him clean up this mess, clean up some uneasy factors, cut grass and roots, and collect a little hard work by the way.

For the sake of these two allies, Da Xia was heartbroken. Not only did he have to open the portal for them inside the enemy, so that they would have the first mover advantage. And find a reason for them to go to war, and give them courage.

After doing so many things, even if there is no credit, there is still hard work. It is not too much to take a little hard work, right?


At the same time, another civilization, the third space coordinate collected by Daxia.

Inside a prosperous colonial planet, a huge black crack slowly opened on the surface of the planet. Looking at this black crack running through the sky, all the intelligent life forms on the planet were stunned, not knowing what action to take to respond to this sudden change.

The next moment did not wait for everyone to come back to their senses, monsters with terrifying features like a tide gushed out from the cracks, and the entire planet was instantly caught in the flames of war. This planet, which was extremely prosperous and peaceful just a second ago, has instantly become a paradise for monsters.

The interstellar civilization to which this planet belongs responded quickly, and the garrison fleet continued to carry out precise strikes on the planet's orbit, killing one monster after another. However, in the face of the constant flow of monsters, this level of casualties is negligible for the monsters.

Finally, the garrison fleet began to use weapons of mass destruction, orbital bombardment of its own city. A terrifying energy beam descended from the sky, and mushroom clouds slowly rose, engulfing the monster and the city.

At the beginning, the orbital bombing of the garrison fleet did knock back the monsters gushing out of this mysterious crack, but as time passed, they suddenly found that these monsters were getting stronger and stronger, and simple orbital bombing could no longer suppress them. Even the surface layer of some special monsters has extremely high energy resistance. To kill them, more than five orbital bombings are required.

As the strength of the monsters continued to increase and the number of monsters poured out more and more, the entire planet was completely lost, all the cities were trampled by the huge monsters, and billions of intelligent life forms died.

At this time, the only safe place on the planet is the space station and garrison fleet in the orbit of the planet, but it will soon become unsafe here.

After the fall of the entire planet, the garrison fleet no longer had any scruples to fire all the monsters on the planet's surface for a violent orbital bombardment. Countless huge monsters, their bodies were bombarded by orbits that fell from the sky, they were blown apart, and blue blood floated all over the surface of the planet.

The ecological environment of the planet has deteriorated sharply, and even the lucky one who survived was poisoned to death by the monster blue poison.

The garrison fleet, inside the main battleship.

A brown-skinned alien looked at the planet below which had become a monster Those three fist-sized eyes were bloodshot.

"What the **** is going on?! What is this black crack? Why can you ignore the solidification of space?"

Like Gu Yan Civilization, they were confused about this crack. How could they not understand how the crack that could obviously transmit things from another place to this place ignored the space? It is obviously a thing with the nature of space, but it can not be space, which obviously violates the laws of the universe.

Compared with this interstellar civilization, the pioneer civilization has more doubts. After all, this crack appeared in front of them three times in total, and each time the situation was different. If it were replaced by a normal civilization, it would definitely not launch an attack rashly, but first investigate the crack, but the pioneer civilization would not think too much when there were enemies.

Pioneer civilization: This crack that suddenly appeared is very strange, and it is likely to contain some kind of technology or mysteries of the universe, but before that, let me kill the civilization that follows, and then study it slowly.

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