The Whole Country Develops a Different World

Chapter 228: New world searched (six thousand)

Eight months later, at the Supreme Biological Research Institute of Daxia, in a white room.

There are no windows on the four walls of the room, and the color is mainly pure white. There is a white oval container in the center of the room. The bottom of the container is connected to pipes. These pipes transport nutrient solution, and some are transporting high-dimensional energy.

Through the glass of the container, you can see a fully developed baby floating in the container. A special umbilical cord is connected to the baby's belly button, and the nutrient solution in the umbilical cord carries a small amount of high-dimensional energy and is continuously transported to the baby.

At this time, more than a dozen researchers in white coats were surrounding the container, and the virtual screen on their hands displayed all the information about the project, as well as the current physical characteristics of the baby.

Zhao Jianxia took two steps forward and looked at the baby in the container, with an expression full of disbelief. He never thought that Bell Kevin had really succeeded in his experiment. A new human with a soul as strong as an elves and a body as strong as a demon.

"Dr. Zhao, look at how beautiful this baby is. It has a soul just after birth, and in just eight months, all the functions of the body have reached the level of a one-year-old baby." With a proud smile, this new human being he has been preparing for nearly ten years.

Zhao Jianxia turned her head and asked nervously, "Kevin Bell, what level of knowledge does this baby have?"

In the New Humanity Plan, the first version of the plan is to let the baby have a superficial connection with the mother's consciousness. Through this consciousness connection, the baby can continuously absorb the mother's knowledge, so as to achieve the level of knowledge from birth. If his mother is a Ph.D., then the baby is born with the knowledge of a Ph.D.

This method will cause great social turmoil. This method, if it sounds good, is to cultivate one young genius after another, but if it sounds bad, it is actually an extreme monopoly of knowledge. If this method is implemented, there may not be too many problems at first, but after a few generations of reproduction, the whole society will be completely solidified.

A child's parents are destined to be who they will be in the future and where they will stand. The children of PhDs will still be PhDs in the future, without any effort, they are destined to become intellectuals. The poor children need to study hard to change their situation, but even if they put their lives on the effort, they may not be able to enter the intellectual class.

The children of the rich are born with Ph.D., plus their Ph.D. parents, grandparents, and various natural resources, giving them a unique advantage. And what the poor's children do with all their hard work may be just the starting point for others, or even the starting point. Even as the base of this new class of human beings continues to grow, ordinary people have no chance to even speak of the intellectual class.

This situation will get worse and worse as time goes on, and in the end it is very likely that a war will break out between the new humans and the old humans, until one of them is completely defeated.

This is also the reason why Zhao Jianxia strongly opposes the New Humanity Project. If the New Humanity Project is successful, it is indeed a great plan, and it is an advance for the entire human race. In just one hundred years, Daxia will have as many as one billion doctors and one billion third-order powerhouses. But this process of purification will sacrifice billions of ordinary people, and it will also break the current social pattern and evolve into a more extreme slave society.

The intellectual class dominates and controls all spheres of society as a whole. Coupled with the fact that a large number of factories have been automated in recent years, human society has higher and higher requirements for labor.

Even now, if the education does not reach the undergraduate level, it is difficult to find a job in this highly developed society. For example, there are cleaning robots in cleaning, and guard robots in security...

Now there are three paths for ordinary people in Daxia. The first is to keep learning and become a top scientific researcher.

The second rule is to fight in an immersive virtual reality dream, climb the level of life, constantly temper yourself, and make yourself a powerful fighter. Those who perform well will generally receive invitations from the army. To put it simply, the game is played well, and it is not a dream to get promoted and get rich.

The third rule is to learn magic to become a magician and to work in a magic factory.

A few seconds later, Zhao Jianxia suddenly found that the baby didn't look like an eight-month-old baby at all! First of all, the body size is one circle larger than the average newborn baby, and the visual weight should reach more than ten pounds. If it is an ordinary baby, it can be called a huge baby, but it is obviously impossible to put it on this baby who is called a new human.

Zhao Jianxia turned to look at Bell Kevin, pointed to the container and said: "The reproductive method of new humans has completely violated the morality and touched the bottom line of human beings. If human beings are born with cold machines in the future, then Daxia's family-friendly society It will be turned upside down and society will not allow this method of reproduction."

The other researchers in the room nodded in agreement. When they first saw the baby in this container, they would be amazed, and then immediately thought of the problem. If new human beings are born entirely by these machines, then the human family will be cut in half.

Seriously speaking, this has touched the bottom line of human beings. This kind of human beings who use cold machines to do business is simply treating human beings as commodities that can be mass-produced by factories. No matter how powerful and perfect the new human beings are, they cannot appear in this form, and society will never allow the emergence of such new human beings.

Bell Kevin explained: "This new human is actually an experimental product, and we are not sure whether it can be conceived successfully. Obviously, it has succeeded now. The prevention method of the new human in the future is no different from that of normal human beings. It is also conceived by the mother."

A researcher asked: "According to the data, a certain amount of high-dimensional ability is required in the process of nurturing new human beings, so if there is a mother's gestation, how to ensure the transmission of high-dimensional energy to the baby."

"After all, not every mother is a high-level powerhouse. Ordinary people can't store the high-dimensional energy that babies need."

Kevin Bell replied: "Don't worry about this. In the future, there will be a high concentration of high-dimensional energy in the human birth room. Every breath of pregnant women can replenish the high-dimensional energy in the body."

A female researcher asked: "The size of this baby has obviously exceeded the limit that the pelvis can pass through. It is impossible for ordinary women to give birth naturally. Do all new humans need a caesarean section?"

"That's right, the gestation of new human beings is based on planing, which not only shortens the birth time, but also avoids the mother's pain." Bel Kevin nodded.

"With your current technology, caesarean section will not cause much harm to women. It only needs to rest for a while. There is healing magic, and even scars will not be left."

"Isn't this baby very beautiful, everyone?" With a smile on his face, Bell Kevin introduced to everyone present: "Officially introduce the first new human being, this cute little guy has a soul just after birth, and at the same time All the functions of the body have been fully developed, whether it is sight, smell, perception, it has reached a three-year-old baby."

"Even if you are just born, you don't have to worry about dying. You can even eat fluid food without breastfeeding. New humans no longer need milk in their infancy, because the nutrition provided by milk cannot keep up with their consumption."

"The various bodily functions of the new human beings are more than five times that of ordinary human beings, especially the brain. Because the soul needs to be stored at birth, the new human brain is generally more developed than ordinary human beings. Of course, this also brings extremely terrible consumption."

"According to current calculations, the daily intake of nutrients for new humans should be more than five times that of ordinary people, and it can even reach ten times in the developmental stage. It is difficult for ordinary food to keep up with their consumption, so the best way is to take ordinary Nutrients."

Nutrients: The military rations of the new era can meet all kinds of dietary fibers needed by human beings. Even if you simply fill your stomach with nutrients, there will be no problems, but the taste is a bit touching. A five-centimeter piece of common nutritional supplements can provide an adult male's nutritional needs for a day, and high-concentration nutritional supplements are generally used by high-level powerhouses who exercise their bodies.

Kevin Bell looked at the baby in the container with his eyes closed and shrunken into a ball, his expression gradually became frantic.

"This will be the first step in human evolution. With the talents of these babies, as long as they become adults, most babies can become third-order life forms. The third-order life forms will have a life span of more than two hundred years, and human beings will also break through themselves. life limit.”

"If human beings want to live longer in the future, they don't have to climb the illusory level of life, and they don't have to take a thousandth of the risk to accept genetic evolution. The powerful soul gives them super learning ability, and each All become knowledgeable bachelors.”

Kevin Bell realized the danger of parents' genetic memory. Memory inheritance sounds very wonderful. As long as he is born, he can get a doctorate. But this will lead to huge social contradictions, and eventually even form a new slave society.

The most important thing is that this method is very likely to obliterate the desire for knowledge and exploration of human beings. Since knowledge is readily available, why should I pursue new knowledge? The laziness of human beings is beyond everyone's imagination. The easier it is to get things, the less cherished they are. Since they cannot be cherished, how can they pursue them?

Even with Daxia, the research on the soul is progressing faster and faster, coupled with the biological neural network technology, the transmission of memory can indeed be done with the current technology. But at present, there is no relevant technology in the society. Even if the benefits contained in memory transmission are great, no capital dares to make a move, and even they dare not use it. How can they sell it?

Under the laws of Daxia, privately conducting memory transmission will be subject to criminal punishment, with a minimum of ten years in prison and a maximum of life imprisonment.

Memory transmission allows people to easily remember a huge amount of support, but it is just memorization, and most of them cannot understand. At the same time, this readily available knowledge is also obliterating the desire for knowledge and exploration of human beings, and the harm caused by it is dozens of times higher than that of drugs.

What is the purpose of learning knowledge? The purpose is to know more and know more, hone your scientific research ability and creative ability, and make contributions to the society, rather than simply memorizing knowledge.

Therefore, the second edition of the New Humanity Project directly removed the memory genetics and changed it to strengthen the learning ability, so that each new human being has an effect similar to hyperamnesia.

Today's society will not allow a group of new human beings who are known by birth and stand at the top of society from birth, but society can allow a group of geniuses to appear.

Half an hour later, the shock, confusion and worry of all the researchers turned into admiration. This new human plan is very feasible both in terms of experiments and at the social level.

Especially at the social level, Bell Kevin's first version of the plan would not have been allowed by society, but this second version of the plan cleverly avoided all the minefields. Although this plan cannot get the support of the whole society, it is at least plausible on the surface and can be supported by the state.

Just when everyone was discussing the new human plan with great interest, an exclamation suddenly caught everyone's attention.

"He opened his eyes!" Zhao Jianxia pointed at the container with a horrified expression.

When everyone turned their heads to look at the container, the baby in the container had already opened its eyes and looked at everyone with **** eyes.

Kevin Bell was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly came to the container, rested his head completely on the glass of the container, and looked at the baby inside.


A crisp and tender voice reminded everyone in their minds.

A lich looked at the baby, with an ugly smile on the dry face, and said, "It's incredible that such a weak soul can make a sound."

"You... hello!" Bell Kevin responded hurriedly. At this time, he was a little overwhelmed, his expression became very nervous, and at the same time, the thirst for knowledge ignited in his eyes.

This child was able to wake up early, and he also sent out a spiritual voice to them, all of which exceeded his expectations.

"Child, when did you wake up?"

[Just now, can I go out from this strange place? My body is fully developed and I want to go outside and see. 】

"What are you doing in such a hurry to go out?"

【I want to find something called love】

After this short conversation, everyone's eyes on the baby changed, and they found that the baby was more special than they thought. Just from the conversation just now, we can tell that this baby is not ignorant.

The baby understands the Daxia language, speaks clearly, and thinks logically.

Bell Kevin continued to ask with full of doubts and curiosity: "Do you know what love is?"

[I don't know, but I heard them say that love is a very warm and sweet thing that can make people feel happy, so I want to find love. 】

them? Bell Kevin immediately captured the key to what the baby just said, and continued to ask, "Who are they?"

【Tell me the people in the outside world】

"Then where did they tell you? I remember that you have been in the incubator all the time and have never been out. I am with you most of the time."

[They are not here, but in a golden world, a very warm world]

"Then can you tell me about that world?"

[Of course, that world is full of golden light, very warm and reassuring. There are all kinds of people there, who told me about the outside world, but they all only existed for seven days before they became light and merged into the world]

[And the place where I just woke up stood very big, very tall giants, and one of the giants with long hair woke up and left there, not knowing where to go. 】

The baby's tender voice resounded in everyone's mind, telling them about the warm golden world like home.


A month later, the new human baby was released from the incubator, and the first new human was born. The New Humanity Plan has also begun to be announced to the whole society. In an instant, the major social platforms and media of the whole society are full of news of the New Humanity Project.

This new human plan can ensure that most of the human newborns are geniuses, but the society did not praise this plan, but condemned it, thinking that it was trampling on the bottom line of human beings.

Among them, the most criticized of the first newborns of the New Humanity Project is the use of machines to conceive babies, which is almost like the production of commodities.

But fortunately, the New Humanity Project clearly pointed out that since the project is still in the experimental stage, they are not sure whether the baby will be born successfully, so they will first use genetic programming technology to simulate a human placenta, and the new humans in the future will be born from the mother. This explanation has calmed down most of the public opinion, and voices of support gradually emerged.

If someone opposes, someone supports it, and no plan will be supported by everyone. As long as there is no unanimous opposition and the plan is beneficial to the country, the country will support it.

Gene programming technology has brought an innovation to biology-related technology. The most troublesome is the New Humanity Project, and the most advanced is the genetically modified technology.

The major research institutes in Daxia have successively developed a variety of foods that are harmless, have high nutritional value, and are easy to grow, and even foods containing high-dimensional energy have begun to be developed.



After Xia Xuan dealt with Xia Wushuang's affairs, he returned to the world of Zhanhong Eye, all the way back to the palace. When he was about to come to the office, Xia Xuan saw a white figure looking around furtively.

"Goddess, what are you doing?" Xia Xuan asked.

"Ah!" The goddess of knowledge suddenly turned her head, her face became extremely nervous, and said quickly, "It's nothing, I'm just watching the ants here!"

"Ants?" Xia Xuan scanned the surroundings with his mental power, and there was not even a single ant within a radius of fifty meters, but there seemed to be some kind of barrier in his office, blocking his spirit.

"What the **** are you doing?" Xia Xuan looked at the goddess of knowledge with suspicion.

"This...this..." The goddess of knowledge became more and more flustered, as if she was thinking of an excuse, and then she asked, "Your Majesty, did you have dinner? It's a rare opportunity, how about we go to the restaurant for dinner together?"

Xia Xuan twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "It's a rare opportunity. We've been eating together for more than ten years. Hurry up and tell me what the **** are you doing, and why is there something in my office that blocks my spirit?"

With that said, Xia Xuan walked past the goddess of knowledge to his office, came to the door, twisted the handle, and pushed in.

The originally simple and clean room was filled with all kinds of strange decorations, and there was a picture of "Happy Birthday" on the wall in front of it. At the same time, Xia Xuan saw a cartoon dinosaur floating in the air, holding a cake.

The cartoon dinosaur slowly turned his head, his delicate face looked at Xia Xuan, and said indifferently, "Happy birthday, Xuan."

The harem group that was preparing all kinds of things was also stunned. They were not ready yet, why did they come back? Didn't the goddess say that she would definitely hold back her majesty?

A few minutes later, Xia Xuan sat on the sofa. He roughly understood what was going on. Today was his birthday, and the goddess of knowledge came up with an idea to surprise him. But now that he came back early, he gave them a surprise instead.

Originally, his birthday was held every summer in the summer, but due to too many recent events, as early as a month ago, he changed it to a virtual world. And now the virtual world has fallen into a carnival, where artificial intelligence participates in his place.

Xia Xuan looked at the women with different looks around, and at this moment, their beautiful faces were a little uneasy.

"Although I'm not interested in so-called birthdays. After all, I can live for a long time. If I have a birthday every year, I feel annoyed myself. But I'm very touched by your thoughts."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's original nervous expressions disappeared, and they all showed a sincere smile.

"But although I'm very moved, but..." Xia Xuan glanced at the strange decorations in the room.

The heads of various monsters are hung on the wall, and the aura emanating from these heads is not weak when they were alive, generally reaching the fourth rank, and some even reaching the fifth rank.

There was a crystal lamp on the ceiling, and the crystal emitted a faint light. Xia Xuan could feel the huge high-dimensional energy contained in the crystal. This should be a highly concentrated energy crystal.

"Who made this decoration?"

Chi Tong put down the thigh meat in his hand, and said proudly: "How is it? Is it full of food, and looking at the heads of these monsters, is it very appetizing?"

"These monsters are all returned from hunting in another continent during my vacation. The reason is that this monster that looks like a pig has strong meat and is especially suitable for barbecues."

Xia Xuan said speechlessly: "I can only say that it is you, but the aesthetics are different."

Next came the gift-giving session, Xia Xuan received all kinds of strange birthday gifts.

Chi Tong gave a piece of thigh meat of a fifth-order dangerous species, Esdes gave a two-meter-long chain, Elena Queen Elena gave a Fruit of Life, and Stephanie, Queen of Succubus gave a piece of energy. A dream crystal that aids sleep.

After everyone put their gifts on the table, Xia Xuan turned his eyes to the goddess of At this time, the girl who was originally carefree began to squirm a little, and her beautiful face turned reddish. .

The goddess of knowledge took out a small plate from her dimensional square, on which was a fist-sized cake. Carefully placed the cake in front of Xia Xuan and whispered, "Your Majesty, this is the cake I made with my own hands."

Xia Xuan glanced at the goddess of knowledge in surprise, but did not expect that the gifts from the goddess this year would be so normal.

Under the expectant gaze of the goddess of knowledge, Xia Xuan swallowed the cake in one bite.

"Your Majesty, how is it? Is it delicious?" The Goddess of Knowledge asked expectantly.

Xia Xuan smiled and nodded, and said, "It's delicious, but a little salty."

"Then next time I'll put less salt." The goddess of knowledge had a bright smile on her face, obviously she didn't realize that there was something wrong with the cake.

The cartoon dinosaur floating above Xia Xuan's head slowly lowered its height and came to Xia Xuan.

Looking at the silver-haired girl in front of him, Xia Xuan asked, "What's your gift this year? Let me guess if it's the same as in previous years, it's all one hair?"

The silver-haired girl didn't answer, her body slowly floated forward, and Xia Xuan got closer and closer to that beautiful face.

The goddess of knowledge realized something and reached out to stop it: "Wait..."

However, it was already too late, the silver-haired girl's lips were on Xia Xuan's lips, and her lips were touching each other.

[The new world has been searched, please confirm the world information as soon as possible. 】

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