The Whole Country Develops a Different World

Chapter 170: An era of coexistence of order and savagery

The emergence of the human coalition government did not cause much turbulence, and even all the people at the bottom felt that this did not change. Because isn't the Human Coalition Government an advanced version of the United Nations? Moreover, the armies of all the previous countries have also been incorporated into the peacekeeping force, and now there is only one more military commission.

There is nothing wrong with this view, and the Human Coalition Government is indeed an advanced version of the United Nations. It's just that the coalition government of mankind has changed from an international organization with great power to a country. Although the country names and systems of each country are still retained, the administrative management He Junquan must completely obey the orders of the coalition government.

The establishment of a human coalition government is beneficial to the vast majority of human beings. Now that human industrial civilization has been hit hard, there must be a strong order that integrates all forces to rebuild human society. Everyone was frightened by this sudden catastrophe, and human ideology also achieved a certain degree of unity in this catastrophe.

This apocalyptic catastrophe destroyed the iron and steel forest that mankind was proud of, and shattered the pride of the overlord of the human world. Humans are aware of their own weakness and realize that the current situation of human beings is very dangerous, so human beings need to become stronger.

The emergence of the same coalition government also touched the interests of some people, and the first to bear the brunt is the Western Continent, or the governors of the Western Continent. As can be seen from the newly promulgated reforms and laws of various countries, this new human coalition government is a central government with a high concentration of power.

This also means that the power of these state governments with a high degree of autonomy will be greatly weakened. Faced with this situation, local bureaucrats are of course reluctant, and some local bureaucrats have proposed to fight the epidemic. However, just after they protested, they were arrested on various charges the next day.

In the past, this situation would definitely lead to riots in the states, but now with the colossus of the Human Coalition Government watching, who would dare to slap to death in a riot.

This is one of the benefits that the heads of states get from the coalition government, and the top leaders of the countries know that the trend of human integration cannot be reversed. This is the interest appeal of the vast majority of people. Even they themselves support the integration of mankind. In the face of alien civilization, the biggest enemy in history, mankind can only survive if they unite.

Since human integration cannot be changed, they become the beneficiaries of human integration. The heads of states took advantage of the righteousness and strength of the human coalition government to take back most of the rights of the states and realize centralization. This is also what the human coalition government wants. Humanity now needs to integrate all forces.

Under the guidance of the coalition government, human beings began to rebuild their homes. Various industrial machines were moved to the surface, and humble factories began to be built. Of course, most of these factories are light industries. The coalition government does not intend to continue to place various important industries of mankind on the surface, but underground.

Due to the performance of this underground city, the human coalition government asked countries to expand their own nuclear bomb shelters, requiring each country to build at least one underground city that can accommodate more than 5 million people.

Finally, in order to take care of the emotions of the people after the war, the Human Coalition Government established a virtual reality experience center in every human gathering place in all countries. People can play with the new currency issued by the human coalition government.

The virtual reality games in it are all leisurely self-healing games, such as virtual travel, virtual Daxia life, virtual ancient Daxia people's life, virtual Daxia school life... When the heads of countries saw these games, their mouths twitched wildly and their faces were speechless.

Although all human beings are integrated now, everyone can say that they are their own people, but this **** can't change to eat shit. Not only physically, but also spiritually.

The heads of countries knew what Da Xia wanted to do, but they didn't stop them, because these seemingly trivial games were the most comforting in this world that had just experienced the doomsday catastrophe. What outsiders see is just a game, but what heads of countries see is a solidifier that can maintain social stability.

At the same time, the heads of countries also played the virtual reality game sent by the Eastern Xia Empire. After playing, they had to sigh at the advanced technology of Daxia's virtual reality.

Especially wearing the most complete virtual reality equipment, such as tactile suits, smell simulators, free-moving cabins..., except that you can't feel the taste, everything else is like reality.

This also reminded the heads of countries of their fantasy when they were young. When their young paper wives walked in front of them, both the sense of smell and the sense of touch were so clear.

snort! Despicable Daxia people, think that this kind of trick can count on me, even if I die, I will not play your vulgar game!

After the catastrophe, all kinds of materials in human society have become extremely scarce, and virtual reality games have become the main entertainment of human beings. Because virtual reality games can bring happiness to the survivors, and the cost of producing happiness is very cheap.


Goblin Slayer World, Base 0, Office.

A silver-haired girl with very delicate facial features in a green cartoon dinosaur costume sat very upright on the sofa. The girl's dazzling eyes, like the Milky Way, quietly looked at the ball of light in the palm of her right hand.

This ball of light is actually a mass of souls, the souls of interstellar explorers.


The next moment, the ball of light in the hand of Support Goddess No. 2 suddenly exploded, turning into countless light spots and dissipating in the air.

Xia Xuan, who was dealing with government affairs, opened the virtual screen in front of him, looked at the silver-haired girl and asked, "How is it?"

"Well." Goddess of Knowledge No. 2 still cherishes words like gold, and the next moment, Goddess of Knowledge No. 2's body slowly floated up, floating in front of Xia Xuan in a dog-crawling posture, and stretched out his right hand.

Xia Xuan also raised his right hand and held the palm that was as delicate as jade.


A flood of memories flooded into Xia Xuan's mind, and images flashed in front of his eyes like a revolving lantern. Now his state is somewhat similar to using the [real self], but it is very different. These memories do not allow him to quickly relive his life like the real self.

The dark side of the universe...high-dimensional energy...the chaos of the gods...civilization war...the land of freedom...planetary life...stargate...

After an unknown amount of time, Xia Xuan slowly opened his eyes. At this time, the Goddess of Support No. 2 was still floating in front of him in a dog-crawling posture.

"It's really a magnificent era. It turns out that the universe is so lively."

From these memories, Xia Xuan has a clear understanding of the current situation of the universe society. The current social structure of the universe is neither the law of the dark forest, nor the order and the wild universe.

It is a universe where order and barbarism coexist.

A long time ago, the entire universe was still in a wild age, and no civilization had established order. All civilizations were exploring this vast and boundless universe. At the same time, due to the vastness of the universe, even if some civilizations have discovered their own existence, the distance between the two parties is hundreds of light-years apart, which makes their communication extremely difficult.

But suddenly one day, the dark side of the universe suddenly became active and was closely connected with the physical universe. Some civilizations use the dark side of the universe for interstellar travel after understanding the characteristics of the dark side of the universe.

At the beginning, due to the distorted characteristics of the dark side of the universe, in the early stage of exploration, many fleets would accidentally get lost in the dark side of the universe. Only later, as civilizations studied the dark side of the universe and higher-dimensional energies, a device called a beacon appeared.

Beacon: Provides a direction and location to a warship navigating the dark side of the universe.

With the help of the dark side of the universe, the originally vast and desperate universe shrank a lot in an instant. The time and space of the dark side of the universe are distorted, which greatly shortens the time and difficulty of interstellar travel.

All civilizations have entered a state of rapid development, and some of the civilization's fleets even encountered another civilization's fleet on the shore of the universe, and the two sides conducted friendly exchanges. Because the home planets of the two sides are too far away, there is not much conflict of interest, so this period is called the era of peace.

However, with the appearance of the first Stargate, everything changed. The originally peaceful universe was instantly ignited by war, and countless civilizations fought for the Stargate.

If the dark side of the universe is the highway that lays out the universe, the main road that all civilizations must pass through, or the transit station. The usual dark side of the universe, space and time are distorted, and the position of the material universe is also distorted and constantly changing.

For example, an interstellar fleet is conducting interstellar voyages in the dark side of the universe. The position of the parent star is 1 at the time of departure, but this position may become 2 or 3 in the next second. The coordinates of the dark side of the universe and the physical universe are not relative, but distorted and constantly changing.

But where the star gate is located, the position of the dark side of the universe is fixed, and the coordinates of the material universe and the dark side of the universe are relative. This stable dark side of the universe can travel over long distances without being affected by the high-dimensional energy storms in the dark side of the universe.

Simply put, as long as you control the stargate, it is equivalent to controlling the galaxy where the stargate is located. Using a stargate, a civilization's fleet can reach any location in the galaxy within a day, and at the same time, it can travel through the stargate to reach other galaxies at extremely high speed.

Every time the stargate appears, it will set off a war that affects dozens of interstellar civilizations, and sometimes even hundreds of interstellar civilizations.

All interstellar civilizations began to wage wars around the new alliance at the Stargate. The interstellar warships in the sky fired huge energy beams at each other, and smashed planets one after another with star strategic weapons. After thousands of years of war, countless civilizations were destroyed. Some of these shattered civilizations were destroyed by other civilizations, and some were destroyed by themselves, by their own civilizational figurines.

The same brutal war has also completed the transformation of some civilizations, and this part of the transformed advanced civilization realizes that even if they continue such an endless war, one day even they will collapse. So the three third-level civilizations began to reduce conflicts as much as possible. After decades of running-in, the three civilizations signed a treaty with each other to establish a star alliance.

At the same time, the three major civilizations require that all interstellar civilizations must join the Covenant, and it is forbidden for civilization to believe in chaos, even if it is the chaos of the birth of its own civilization.

After the establishment of the Covenant, the universe entered an orderly society, and all civilizations began to develop peacefully under the guidance of the Covenant. However, this peace is short-lived, and only war is the eternal theme in the universe.

After the cosmic society has experienced peace for hundreds of years, the dark side of the universe has changed again, the active range of the dark side of the universe has expanded again, and one stargate has appeared one after another. A large number of civilizations from distant galaxies have entered the cosmic society guided by the Covenant under the connection of the dark side of the universe.

The strength of these newly added civilizations is not weak, and there are also several advanced civilizations. Given that the strength is not far behind, these newly added civilizations will certainly not obey the leadership of the Covenant.

The war broke out again, and this time the battle spread to a wider range. The war broke out between the galaxies that were originally thousands of light-years apart under the connection of the dark side of the universe and the star gate. This war is not only a confrontation between military power, but also a confrontation between cohesion, economy, logistics, and a collision between civilizational ideologies.

Carbon-based biological civilization, life-machine civilization, AI civilization... Humanoids, Zerg, Eldar, Orcs...

There even appeared one after another super life form, and came to the cosmos society through the dark side of the cosmos.

The current stage of the cosmos society is an era in which order and barbarism coexist. Order is because each civilization has established its own status after going through a great war. All civilizations no longer start wars as recklessly as they did in the early, but quietly digest the various resources they have obtained through cosmic warfare.

Wilderness is because a civilization does not need any reason to wage war against a non-aligned civilization. As long as the benefits outweigh the risks, the war is bound to come. As for why there has not been another organization like the Covenant? Because no civilization has this qualification and strength, and at the same time, the ideologies of various civilizations themselves have great conflicts, and some even reach the level of life and death enemies.

The most important thing is that the active range of the dark side of the universe is still expanding, and more interstellar civilizations and super life forms will join in the future. If they were evenly matched, they would not be willing to listen to other civilizations.

This is an era where order and savagery coexist, an era full of infinite possibilities. War is the only theme, and weakness is the original sin.

And the strange crack that appeared in the solar system at this time was a star gate, a strategic location that countless civilizations dreamed of and desperately desired. This stargate is extremely precious, and its value is tens of thousands of times higher than the entire cloud star. However, such a precious thing is in front of human beings, which is not a good thing for human beings.

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