The Whole Country Develops a Different World

Chapter 149: National Security Agency

After reading the various situations in China, Xia Xuan turned his attention abroad.

The re-emergence of the imperial power of the Eastern Xia Empire was like a boulder falling on the long calm water of Yunxing, setting off a stormy sea. The world situation became tense in an instant, and all countries entered a state of preparation for war.

Countries around the world have begun frequent live-fire exercises or joint exercises to promote their muscles. Preparations have also begun to gradually improve, and the military has also begun to review battlefield knowledge.

While countries around the world are frantically expanding their armies for live-fire exercises, they continue to preach the importance of peace. At the same time, in just a few months, various anti-war film and television works emerged one after another. The Internet is instantly filled with all kinds of criticism of war and praise of this beautiful era of peace.

To put it simply, during this period of time, people all over the world have known a piece of information, that is, after the start of the Fourth World War, everyone will die.

During this period of time, everyone on Yunxing had a feeling that the storm was about to come, as if the 4th World War, which was originally out of reach, was only one step away from them.

Under the influence of this environment, even the Eastern Xia Empire and the Southern Xia Democratic Republic have expressed their opposition to war. Now the society is still in the rising stage, the life of all people is so beautiful and peaceful, and now peace is the mainstream of the world.

Seeing this situation, all the countries in the world are very happy, what they want is this effect. As long as peace occupies the mainstream thinking of the Daxia people, it will be extremely difficult for the Dongxia Empire to start the 4th World War, and a war without the support of the people cannot be fought.

But the countries of the world did not relax their vigilance, because these public opinions can only cause some trouble to the Dongxia Empire at most. But if the Dongxia Empire is determined to start a war, the Dongxia Empire still has a way to get the people to support this war.

There are two political correctness in Daxia. The first emperor of Daxia is the pillar of the sky in Daxia, and the emperor lives in Daxia. The next day in Datong, if these two things add up, no one can stop it.

The Eastern Xia Empire and the Southern Xia Democratic Republic did not take any measures against these anti-war remarks, and even allowed the official media to report. This makes all countries in the world very puzzled. The officials of these two countries don't care about it, but it makes them a little flustered.

The calmer it is, the more countries in the world suspect that they are brewing some conspiracy. Due to the fact that the Da Xia Dynasty led by the Da Xia Emperor has been hanged and beaten in history, all countries in the world are now very vigilant about this Xia Clan Emperor, and even a little paranoia.

Once bitten, twice shy. Not to mention being beaten for thousands of years, it's not enough to be vigilant.

The Southern Xia National Republic is still surging, with the anti-corruption campaign launched by Situ Ming, the head of the Southern Xia National Republic. Every day officials are found to be corrupt and large numbers of officials go to jail.

As for this anti-corruption campaign, even the people know that the main purpose of this anti-corruption campaign is that the head of state is eliminating dissidents. However, the Fuhrer's actions made it impossible to find any faults, because every arrested official was searched for various actual evidences.

The amount, time, and object of corruption by these officials are clearly recorded, including audio recordings, photos, and even video. Some people with relevant knowledge have verified these evidences, and the results are true.

Although the Führer's action of eliminating dissidents looks disgraceful, the Führer uses rules to bring down the opponent's people. Everything is within the rules and everything is allowed as long as it doesn't violate the rules. Even if it is disgraceful, the other party has indeed violated the rules and harmed national interests.

Regarding the actions of the Fuhrer, other parties immediately united to confront the Fuhrer. The Southern Xia Democratic Republic is different from the Eastern Xia Empire, where the royal family can only dominate. It is impossible to secretly hold the entire country in the hands of the Dongxia Empire, and destroy other opponents in the blink of an eye.

The other parties first proposed that the head of state must be white? If you want to carry out a nationwide anti-corruption operation, please work with the family to conduct a thorough investigation.

This proposal of other parties immediately won the support of the general public. Just when other parties thought they could take advantage of this opportunity to stabilize their pace, the next action of the Fuhrer directly surprised them.

Situ Ming began to attack his own people. One by one, officials from the head of state went to prison for corruption, but the number was smaller than that of other parties. The other parties are speechless about this. At the same time, they are completely panicked. The most afraid of playing politics is this kind of lunatic.

Situ Ming said: I started going crazy and even cut down my own people.

However, not everyone is embezzled. For some people at the top, money has no meaning to them. And Quan has reached the point where they violated the rules, not only will it not bring any benefits to themselves, but will leave a reason. At the same time, those in power standing at the top also know the terrifying aspects of Xia Hunwei's artificial intelligence system.

Everyone is under the surveillance of Xia Hun's weak artificial intelligence system, satellites hanging high in planetary orbits, all domestic cameras, mobile phones from them... Anything connected to the Internet is Xia Hun's eyes. Nothing can be seamless, as long as they do a good job breaking the rules, they will eventually leave clues.

At the same time, although the Eastern Xia Empire and the Southern Xia Democratic Republic are still dominated by paper money, the main currency in circulation is digital currency. Coupled with the ubiquitous Sky Eye system, the risk of corruption has increased dozens of times.

Decades ago, it was possible to launder black money into white with the help of various methods of wool parties, gambling websites, and empty orders. But now there are thousands of weak artificial intelligence systems in various fields with Xia Soul as the main body, and these methods will explode as soon as they are checked.

Situ Ming also understands that it is difficult for him to get the leaders of other parties down. His actions this time have two main purposes. The first one made a statement to the emperor, and the family was still the shadow of the emperor.

The second is to increase the voice of the four of them to occupy an absolute position to prevent those capitalists from jumping out and doing things at a critical time. Although he doesn't know what kind of miracle the emperor will bring to everyone this time, the benefits contained in it will definitely make the whole world change upside down. The human heart is always greedy, as long as the interests are huge enough, there will always be some lunatics who do things that others cannot understand.

Situ Ming wanted to take the lead and prevent some fools from doing unreasonable things. Situ Ming and leaders of other parties held talks for up to 10 days. After exchanging various interests, everyone basically reached a consensus.

The art of politics lies in compromise. Although Situ Ming’s actions have dealt a great blow to their power, they can still talk about it as long as the interests are sufficient.

There are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests.

They are also very much looking forward to what kind of miracles this Daxia emperor will bring to Daxia civilization, such as controllable nuclear fusion technology and technology that can support interstellar navigation?

"Since the matter in Daxia has been completely settled, it is time to stabilize the country." Xia Xuan opened the [United Nations draft].

[United Nations draft]: The Eastern Xia Empire initiated the United Nations Declaration, inviting the Southern Xia Democratic Republic, the Northern Alliance, the Western Continent Alliance, the Tianyuan Kingdom, and the Qi Kingdom to become permanent members. At the same time, all countries on the cloud star are invited to join the United Nations.

To maintain world peace, ease international tensions, and resolve regional conflicts, coordinate international economic relations and promote economic, scientific, and cultural cooperation and exchanges among countries around the world. Avoid meaningless wars and conflicts, work together to build a community with a shared future for mankind, and contribute to the early departure of the Yunxing civilization from the planet.

The corner of Xia Xuan's mouth was slightly upturned, looking at the various anti-war propaganda released by various countries, cherishing the propaganda of peace, and said coldly: "Don't you want peace? I will give you peace, as for accepting or not, it is up to you.

Once this draft of the United Nations is issued, the pattern of the entire world will undergo earth-shaking changes in an instant, and the long-split cloud stars will slowly become a whole. During this period of time, the calls for peace laid by the countries of the world will become the help of the Eastern Xia Empire.

Now, the public opinion of the whole world is secretly fueled by various propaganda and Daxia civilization from all over the world. People in all countries believe that after so many tragic wars, human beings should understand each other and develop peacefully.

At this time, the Dongxia Empire suddenly issued a United Nations declaration, and the situation would be reversed in an instant, and the Dongxia Empire would directly occupy the high ground of public opinion.

Don't you want peace? Now I have directly presented a system that can maintain peace and reduce wars and regional conflicts. I will ask you whether to join?

Dongxia Empire: I, love peace, and make money, do you want to join?

At present, the Eastern Xia Empire and the Southern Xia Democratic Republic will definitely join the United Nations, and the Tianyuan Kingdom and Qi Kingdom in the first world will most likely join. Coupled with the peaceful trend of thought during this period, the United Nations system is simply prepared for this trend of thought.

If all the countries in the world say no to join, then the Eastern Xia Empire will give them a label of deliberately waging war. At that time, countries around the world will come to an embarrassing position of being in a dilemma, and the previous actions are simply shooting themselves in the foot.

When the Eastern Xia Empire and the Southern Xia Democratic Republic unite, they will be able to suppress and fight all countries in the world, not to mention the two powerful countries Tianyuan and Qi as helpers.

Under the dual oppression of force and public opinion, it cannot be opposed by all countries in the world. Not to mention their national government, which has no authority at all, and people parade every year.

The dog died, and the Animal Protection Society marched.

Male footballers are paid more than female footballers, Women's Protection Association marches.

A company planned to cut down some trees to make a forest park, and the Environmental Protection Association paraded, and by the way, there was a lot of garbage on the ground.

people are dead...

The above is commonly known as the beautiful scenery of freedom of speech, freedom of parade, freedom of human rights, and a high sense of democracy.

Xia Xuan planned to wait until the state banquet to completely take back the Southern Xia Democratic Republic, so that the Daxia civilization could be united again. After that, the UN Declaration was issued.

If countries in the world want to break their heads, they will never think that this mighty civilization, which fights all countries with one country and controls the world with one family, will change its previous warlike behavior. He even followed them in calling for peace, and he also took practical actions.

[Countdown to the beginning of summer: 15 days]


Imperial Capital, National Security Agency.

In a semi-circular room with a total area of ​​3,000 square meters, hundreds of inspectors from the National Security Agency sat in their seats, constantly typing on the virtual keyboard, and quickly reading the information of suspected suspicious persons transmitted by the Sky Eye system.

At this moment, the door was suddenly opened, and several people walked in.

The staff of the National Security Agency turned to look at the door, and everyone was stunned when they saw the pioneers' futuristic sense of technology.

Did the Empire's ultimate individual soldier plan succeed? !

The director of the National Security Agency, who was at the forefront, introduced to the people sent by His Majesty to assist in this operation: "This is the main monitoring room of the Sky Eye System, responsible for checking the situation sent back by the Sky Eye System."

Speaking, the director of the National Security Agency's mung bean eyes have been staring at the first-generation exoskeleton armor. This armor is really cool, and it completely matches the violent aesthetics of the Daxia people.

As usual, the pioneers wore the first-generation exoskeleton armor that had been eliminated this time. The magic mecha cannot be exposed for the time being, unless a new generation of armor is developed.

At this moment, the director is thinking, how much ammunition can be loaded with the weight of this armor? How much firepower?

Wu Feng nodded and said, "In this operation, our main duty of the guards is to assist the National Security Agency's operations. The director only needs to give an order, and we will do our best to complete it."

Hearing this, the director of the National Security Agency breathed a sigh of relief. Before, he was a little worried that the troops sent by His Majesty would want to lead the operation. After all, this operation has been arranged by the National Security Agency for ten years, and they already have a detailed plan. This matter is best directed by professionals like them.

"Then I will first send all the target information of this operation to the capture team."

Next, the director of the National Security Agency began to explain the policy and detailed plan of this operation to Wu Feng.

Under the authorization of the director of the National Security Agency, the pioneers who were secretly traveling to all parts of the country received the targets of this operation one after another.

The targets of these suspected spies are not big figures in film and television works, and even most of them are ordinary people who are inconspicuous.

There are ordinary office workers, factory workers, restaurant services, chefs, singers who sing on the streets...

Most of them have lived in the Dongxia Empire for more than ten years, and some are even natives of Daxia. These materials show that the native Daxia people have all gone abroad without exception and lived abroad for a period of time.

Many of them have complete families, wives and children, and some even have grandchildren. If it wasn't for the eagerness of countries in the world to inquire about the changes in the Dongxia Empire, they might never have been exposed, and they would continue to enjoy a good life as a Daxia person.

Of course, there is also a big man among them, the boss of a virtual reality game company.

The owner of this virtual game company, the National Security Agency has long been eyeing him. Since 6 years ago, the virtual reality technology of the West Continent has suddenly advanced by leaps and bounds. The investigation of the Dongsha Empire found that the virtual reality technology used in the Western Continent was the technology that was eliminated by the Dongsha Empire a few years ago. After a series of investigations, the blame was directed at the boss of the virtual game company.

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