The weird game of the ancient gods

Chapter 410 A Horror Movie That’s Not Scary

Back home, Catlana looked at Xia Yu in her hand with a wicked smile on her face, "Haha, you really turned into a frog. What should you do next? Do you want me to give you a kiss of true love?"

Although he thought it was unlikely, Xia Yu decided to give it a try.

Kissing a woman in frog form feels strange, especially when the other person can swallow you whole.

Katrana also deliberately found the same position in the movie and kissed her passionately, but nothing happened.

Xia Yu was not surprised.

Although his relationship with Katlana has gradually warmed up, he doesn't really believe in true love. In the final analysis, the relationship between the two determines that their relationship cannot be so pure.

Katlana was mostly loyal to her master, with a hint of love for him.

It's probably not that easy to achieve the kind of true love that can break the magic in cartoons.

"It doesn't seem possible." Katlana said awkwardly.

"It doesn't matter, it should be fine until tomorrow."

Xia Yu asked Catlana to make a habitat for him using mineral water and a plate. There was no way, the frog's skin was inseparable from the moisture of water.

"So what's next? Do you want to watch something more?"

Xia Yu thought for a while and decided that it was a must-see. Since he watched Frog Prince yesterday and ended up having a dream about becoming a frog, it meant that there was no problem in guiding the idea of ​​​​dreams by browsing videos. It was just that he had overlooked a problem before. Many The plot in the cartoon is nothing in the cartoon, but once it is put into reality, it is actually quite scary.

The reason why I feel so relaxed when watching it is because the cartoons are all fake, and the audience can clearly realize this. If it were a real person, it would be completely different.

Fortunately, what I watched was the Frog Prince, not Tom and Jerry. Think about Tom and Jerry in which Tom was sliced, sifted, roasted in the stove, and crushed by a car. If what I watched was Tom and Jerry, I'm afraid it's not the end of the world today.

So he didn't plan to watch cartoons. Since he would definitely have nightmares, he might as well take the initiative to watch some horror movies, as long as he controlled the level of horror.

Better to find a horror movie that isn't scary at all.

Xia Yu recalled the movies he had watched in the past, and he actually found one, "Have you ever seen a zombie movie? Let's watch a zombie horror movie."

"Zombie horror movie? Wouldn't that be scary?"

Xia Yu said confidently: "As long as you find the right movie, it will be no problem. Help me find a movie called "Shaun of the Dead"."

The movie Shaun of the Dead is more of a black humor than a horror movie. The zombies in it are slow-moving and have low IQs. The protagonist and others can even walk in and out of a group of zombies by imitating zombies. After being discovered, if it weren't for the fact that the protagonist team collectively made a fool of themselves and ran to a dead end to be trapped, there would have been almost no threat.

And the final outcome was that these zombies were easily wiped out by the arriving army.

So if the nightmare can be transformed into a group of brainless zombies, it feels very easy to deal with it.

However, before watching the movie, there were still some preparations to be made. Xia Yu asked Katrana to prepare all the weapons and props she had accumulated in the past, and then started watching the movie.

Xia Yu squatted in front of the computer desk and watched the movie. After becoming smaller, there was an advantage. The ordinary computer screen looked as cool as the large screen in the cinema.

I watched this funny zombie movie several times in one sitting.

The sky gradually became dark.

Xia Yu felt a little tired, so he closed his eyes and fell asleep on the plate.

Without any suspense, Xia Yu dreamed again. In his dream, he dreamed that the streets were full of zombies. These zombies were unusually stupid and limped around slowly. Xia Yu held a handful of loose powder. Shotgun and kill all the way, just like the protagonist in Resident Evil.

Xia Yu was quite happy at first, killing very happily, but as he continued to kill, these zombies suddenly changed. Their faces turned into strange faces, with exactly the same appearance, and they all turned into Shaun in the movie. Their faces looked at him, which made Xia Yu feel panicked.

Then suddenly, his gun could no longer fire bullets, and the zombies became more and more numerous.

Xia Yu became more and more frightened and could only run away. He was blocked in a building for no apparent reason. Xia Yu ran up the stairs and knocked on the door desperately for help, but no one opened the door at all. In the end, Xia Yu was chased After getting on the roof and standing on the edge of the rooftop, there were endless zombies below. A large number of zombies rushed towards him. Xia Yu jumped up and was suddenly awakened by the fright.

It was already getting dark, and the first thing Xia Yu did when he woke up was to check his body.

What makes him despair is that the curse on his body has not been eliminated! He is still the same frog.

Xia Yu looked at his body that was still a frog and felt like crying. Could it be that the next six days would be spent like this?

And there is likely to be a new crisis today, the zombie crisis.

The daily nightmares keep adding up. This fucking feeling is scarier than the hell card. Maybe I drew the wrong card.

No, the curse must be removed, otherwise there is no way to cope with the next crisis.

Xia Yu thought to himself that fortunately, he could still ask for help from his brothers. The dragon knight's purification technique could remove the curse, but he didn't know if the curse of turning into a frog could be solved.

"Katlana, Katlana, wake up."

"You haven't changed back? What do you need me to do?"

"Get my phone, I need help."

Xia Yu took out his cell phone and dialed Longqi's number directly.

"Dragon Rider, are you there? Gua."

"What are you? Who are you? Hey, why is it a traveler's number? Are you a traveler?"

"It's me, I'm cursed, come and save me."

"Sorry, I can't leave now. Overlord and the others are here with me. I have to help them first."

"What do they want from you?"

"What else can I do? Break the curse. I really don't have a lot of free time today. Why don't you come over too? I'll help you break the curse. But you have to be careful on the way. Something happened here and it's a bit dangerous."

"Danger? What danger?"

"You'll know when you come here. Remember to bring the guy with you. I came here again relying on those things. I have to die..."

Listening to the blind voice on the other end of the phone, Xia Yu's heart sank, maybe it corresponded to his nightmare.

"Katlana, I think we need to take a trip."

Ten minutes later, the two set off.

Katrana put on a black tights, a neat outfit with long boots, a saber, a pistol, and a doomsday survival device, and she brought everything she could use.

There was also a suitcase in his hand, which was of course used to carry Xia Yu.

Now that Xia Yu couldn't move easily, he could only rely on Katrana.

Driving her newly purchased Land Rover, she sped along. After more than an hour, she approached her destination, but she was stopped at an intersection.

Xia Yu looked outside through the gap in his suitcase. Roadblocks, armored vehicles, soldiers with live ammunition, and the entire street was blocked.

A soldier ran over.

Katrana asked, "What happened?"

"There is some commotion ahead and no one is allowed to pass."

Xia Yu looked at the scene in front of him, but his heart sank. He thought that Chuixue and the others were just playing Dafa. Could it be that the scene in his dream really appeared.

He asked Katrana to move the car back a certain distance and find a place where no one was around to park. This time he dialed the leader's phone number.

"Hey, I came near you, but I was stopped. What on earth are you doing? The army has been dispatched."

"It's the Sinner's Mask!" The leader's urgent voice came from the other end of the phone, "That thing is a little trickier than we thought."

boom! The sound of explosions came through the phone, mixed with weird roars.

Obviously, there's a fight going on over there.

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