The weird game of the ancient gods

Chapter 400 Black Dragon Demon Suppression Map

Although the game is still going on, Xia Yu no longer thinks much about winning. With less than two days left, it is basically impossible to win. As long as he is not at the bottom, he can accept it.

In fact, all his energy at the moment was put into practicing the "Illusion God Art".

The more he read about this mystical book, the more excited he became.

Cultivating a god and becoming a god may seem realistic, but in fact they have completely different meanings.

The biggest difference between the two is that one is autonomous and the other is involuntary.

God cultivators can self-identify and set their own priesthood, divine domain, and spiritual incarnation.

This point is vastly different from ordinary gods, and can be said to be an improvement in realm.

You must know that the self of ordinary gods will be affected by the believers' beliefs. The believers' belief in God determines the God's ability.

But the cultivators found a perfect solution, which was to bureaucratize the gods.

Most of the gods in the Dayan Immortal World belong to the four divine courts, which are equivalent to imperial courts composed of gods. Each divine court has its own bureaucratic system.

The Divine Emperor is the emperor, and the gods of the Divine Court are all conferred by the Divine Emperor. They are divided into civil and military officials, which are equivalent to civil and military officials. Each divine position is linked to the corresponding official position.

There are also some minor gods who are mountain gods, servant gods such as heavenly soldiers and generals, and even the maids and attendants who serve tea and water are theoretically considered gods.

In this bureaucratic system, the levels of gods are not fixed. They are also linked to official positions. Official positions can be changed. If you do well, you can be promoted. If you do poorly, you will be demoted or even demoted. In the meantime, he was demoted to a mortal. For example, today you are the Night God, responsible for patrolling at night, and the divine realm involves the realm of darkness and protection.

Tomorrow you will be promoted to the God of War, and your divine domain will automatically change to combat and war-related domains.

Even the God Emperor can theoretically be replaced, which avoids the subjective impact of the power of faith on the gods.

The more Xia Yu watched, the more surprised he became. Originally, he was worried that after his magical power became stronger, he would gradually lose himself. Now that he has this method, it is naturally a perfect solution.

Xia Yu decided to start building his own divine court after returning.

Of course, for a god with such insignificant divine power, even if he established a divine court, it would only be a grassroots team.

There are really wandering little gods in this world who do this. They can build a small temple and mold some clay bodies, and they can also be called kings and saints. However, once they are discovered by the four great divine courts, they usually end up being killed. Is it a crime? It's just like in ancient times. Like the mountain king who claims to be emperor and rebels, he must be a thorn in the side of the court and deal with it quickly.

Fortunately, there is no divine court in the real world.

Xia Yu continued to look down, and after some research, he discovered a problem. In order to establish a divine court, there must be a clear relationship between superiors and subordinates. He, the god of luck, is the follower of Loki because of the mark of the Chosen One. This is not good.

Do you want Loki to be the king and himself to be the second king?

This is not possible. If the mark of the Chosen One is erased, his illusion ability will be affected. The best way is to seize the throne and directly seize Loki's priesthood. This is much simpler.

The Art of Illusion God also records the method for gods to seize the throne. Since the Divine Court is a deified court, it naturally has internal political struggles like the court. Just like the replacement of human dynasties, superiors and subordinates can be replaced.

He can summon Loki into reality, defeat him, and seize his priesthood.

Of course, with his current strength, it is still a bit difficult to do this.

Xia Yuxin said that it would be better to settle the matter at hand first, as those fog beasts still need to be dealt with.

But after reading the Illusion God Art, he also thought of a way to deal with the fog beast.

This book of Illusion God Art also records some application methods of illusion, the most important of which is illusion.

Things created by divine power are essentially illusions, but they are 'real' illusions that can exist for a long time.

Even the "Heavenly Palace" of the four great divine courts is essentially a space like an illusion, independent of reality. In the "Heavenly Palace", the God Emperor has powerful power of control, and even the Twelve True Immortals cannot Dare to break in because the Heavenly Palace is essentially an illusion controlled by the God-Emperor, who has the highest control authority.

The principles of various illusions in the Taixu Realm are the same, but they are much smaller due to restrictions on materials and spell levels.

Xia Yu learned the method of creating illusions from the book.

And his method to deal with the fog beast was based on this illusion.

Xia Yu's plan is very simple. Create an illusion and then introduce the fog beasts into the illusion. In the illusion, his magic power is extremely powerful. He is not afraid of being unable to deal with a few fog beasts. If it doesn't work, he can also seal them. Out of sight is pure.

Xia Yu originally wanted to use a mirror as the carrier of the illusion, but he gave up decisively after checking the materials. The materials required to make a golden illusion mirror required at least tens of thousands of spirit stones, and the process was complicated. It was not something he, a beginner, could do. Did it.

So he settled for the next best thing and decided to paint a painting as a carrier of the illusion.

I bought materials at Jubao Pavilion, including ten pieces of white paper made from the Fuso Sacred Tree, a writing brush made from the fox demon's hair, an ink block made from the soil and the ashes of the sacred tree, and a bottle of spiritual spring water.

After one set, another two thousand spirit stones were thrown in.

Xia Yu felt a little sick, but he had no choice but to cherish and use them as much as possible. He didn't know if he would be able to find a replacement after returning to Earth. These ten pieces of fuso paper must be used to the fullest extent.

Xia Yu found a deserted Guanyun Pavilion and began to create an illusion.

The first thing to do is to draw the spirit gathering circle, which is necessary to make the illusion last, just like the battery of a mobile phone.

Xia Yu directly drew the Giant Spirit Array on the surrounding frames of the white paper, making it look like a picture frame.

Then he began to paint.

Xia Yu's own painting skills were very average. Fortunately, he learned everything quickly after becoming a god. Xia Yu first used illusion magic to create the appearance he wanted to draw on paper, and then just traced it.

With a splash of ink, a landscape painting appeared on the paper in a short while.

The painting shows a valley with steep mountains on both sides, a demon-suppressing stone tower in the middle, and a black dragon circling and flying in the sky, which is quite imposing.

This painting is just a painting at the moment. Xia Yu puts his hand on the painting and pours his divine power into it.

Close your eyes and overlap the various things that are about to be transformed with the scenery in the painting one by one. You will see ripples of mist appearing on the painting, and the scenery in the painting faintly seems to be alive.


Xia Yu was heartened, raised his hand, and hung the painting vertically on the wall. This hanging painting was one meter high and half a meter wide. It looked no different from an ordinary hanging painting, but if you look carefully, you will find that The scenery in the painting is like a 3D painting, with a very three-dimensional effect.

Xia Yu walked towards the painting, drive! A wave of ripples suddenly appeared on the screen, and Xia Yu stepped in. After passing through a layer of black mist composed of ink and wash, my eyes lit up and I had already entered the painting.

Success! Xia Yu felt excited and looked around. The illusion he created was a bit crude because it was painted in the style of ink and wash. There were only black and white between the sky and the earth, but it looked quite interesting.

Everything around him was made of ink. Xia Yu walked into the valley along the mountain road covered with ink, and the Demon Suppression Tower suddenly appeared in front of him.

Xia Yu put his hand on the wall of the Demon Suppression Tower and added several features to the tower. He then brought the fog beast in and locked it here.

Then he looked at the sky again. The black dragon was circling and flying in the sky. Although it was just a black dragon drawn in ink and wash, it was quite imposing.

Xia Yu waved, and the black dragon landed and entrenched himself at his feet.

Xia Yu gently stroked the dragon's head and injected a trace of spiritual thought into it. When the dragon's eyes turned, it suddenly became more agile.

"Let's call you Xiao Hei. I'll bring the fog beast in later, so don't get in the way."

The black dragon nodded, as if to indicate that there was no problem, jumped up, and circled into the sky again.

This black dragon, like the bear transformed by Xia Yu, is also a creation of illusion, but due to the existence of this space itself, it can live for a long time.

After walking out of the portrait, he took a look at the scroll and felt that only one black dragon seemed a bit too thin, so Xia Yu drew more than a dozen heavenly soldiers and generals around the Demon Suppressing Tower, which should be fine.

Xia Yu named this painting Black Dragon Suppressing Monsters. As for the monster to be suppressed, it is naturally the fog beast.

Next, we just wait for the game to end, and then return to reality to fight the fog beast. As long as we can lure the fog beast into the illusion, everything will be ready.

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