The weird game of the ancient gods

Chapter 344 Ignorance is Blessing

This voice made Xia Yu feel vaguely familiar. Xia Yu suddenly remembered where he had heard this voice. It was the voice of the Cthulhu statue encountered at the bottom of the sea during the scene of the Azeroth Celebrity Project. It turned out to be this Guys, so this time it becomes the master again?

Thinking of this, the fear in Xia Yu's heart suddenly subsided a lot. The fear came from the unknown. Once he found out that the other party was an old acquaintance, he would naturally not be so afraid.

"Shut up you piece of trash, be careful and I'll tell the landlord."

"Resisting... is in vain... obey me..." That voice was directly transmitted to Xia Yu's mind.

At this moment, he was completely unable to move. The tentacle finally touched his face, and his intermittent consciousness immediately became clear.

"Hmph, do you think Wang Li is a good person? Wang Li is scarier than you think. Don't worry, you will serve me, you will release me, I have foreseen everything, you will see that book, You will understand everything, you will..."

Xia Yu felt a chill in his head. The consciousness kept transmitting bits and pieces of information, as if to invade his brain. Xia Yu's scalp was numb. Damn it, he had to find a way to break free. A sunshine gun or the remains of a hotbed would be fine. Even a thunderbolt or fireball would do. No, now is not the time to despair. I still have illusions - I have mastered the illusion. As long as -

He concentrated, and a water ball gradually condensed in front of him, getting bigger and bigger. This was created by him using the art of transformation. There was no way, he had never eaten fire and lightning, but he drank it often during the day. , this was the only attack method he could think of, and he didn't have much hope for it. He was completely treating a dead horse as a living horse.

"Go to hell!"

A stream of water suddenly shot towards the monster, and then - there was a burst of fire, the computer screen instantly went dark, the big head on the screen disappeared, and the surroundings regained light.

Xia Yu's body still kept standing, so that he suddenly leaned back and fell on all fours.

He quickly got up and looked around. There was nothing unusual around him. It was as if nothing had happened, except that his computer monitor was completely destroyed by the water.

Is it an illusion? Or is he said to be cursed? Xia Yu rubbed his head in shock, thinking not to be careless and report to the landlord quickly, this thing is too scary.

Xia Yu thought, turned around and walked towards the door.

Half an hour later he was back in the game hut.

Wang Li had already returned to his tea room. Xia Yu entered the tea room. As soon as he entered the room, he immediately felt a comfortable and leisurely atmosphere, and the vague feeling of anxiety disappeared.

Wang Li was sitting at the tea table in the tea room, as if waiting for his arrival.

"So what's the matter with you coming back?"

"Householder, I met that monster again."

Xia Yu said anxiously, telling Wang Li everything in a few words.

Wang Liting rubbed his brow.

"I see, he is really a troublesome guy." He said to himself, looking a little helpless.

"So what is that thing? Why do you keep pestering me?"

Wang Li did not answer Xia Yu's question, "Did it say anything to you when it was pestering you?"

Xia Yu hesitated for a moment and then told what he heard, "It said it had foreseen the future and said I would release him and so on. He also said you were not a good person - of course I didn't believe it at all, so first It’s time to report to you.”

Wang Lidao: "You did the right thing. This matter may be more serious than I thought. I won't tell you what it is. In fact, you'd better not know its existence and forget it. Just as I As mentioned before, sometimes ignorance is the best protective color. Some things that ancient humans cannot understand exist in a form that humans cannot understand at all. When you know its existence, it will It can invade your world more easily and erode your will. Even just a thought may attract the other party's prying eyes.

The more you know, the easier it is to attract danger.

I set up a protective mechanism between the game and reality. When you exit the game, you will naturally forget its existence. Unfortunately, you think of it again. If you did not think of it, the previous things would not have happened. . "

Xia Yuxin said he was so powerful? Can’t even think about it?

"But I have remembered it, what should I do now?"

Wang Li smiled slightly: "Don't worry, that thing does have the ability to predict the future. If what it says is true and you are really the key person to release it from nothingness, then it shouldn't hurt you. , at least not until it’s freed.”

"What? This guy can really predict the future?" Xia Yu was shocked when he heard this. He thought it was just bragging. Generally, bosses in online games like to say such high-level lines. But under normal circumstances, you don't need to take it too seriously. Unexpectedly, Wang Li personally certified this.

If what this guy said was true and he would really release it, wouldn't he become a villain? Wang Li shouldn't kill himself to silence him, right?

"Then should I do something to prevent this from happening in the future?"

Wang Li smiled, "It's not necessary. The future is unpredictable. What it foresees may not be the real future. Generally speaking, predictions are always vague. It may be an ambiguous sentence or a vague picture. , people often mistake the reflection in the sea for the bright moon in the sky, thinking they have a trick, but eventually fall into the trap set by themselves.

I also have a little ability to predict the future, and in the future I predict, all troubles will be solved, so you don’t have to worry about the future. Come on, have a cup of tea and let go of those troubles. "

Xia Yu took the tea cup, drank it all in one gulp, and blinked, with a look of confusion on his face.

The image left by 'it' in its mind suddenly disappeared, and the words it once said also disappeared.

But Xia Yu still remembered that there was something that had posed a great threat to him, but once he got to the specifics about that thing, everything became blank.

"I erased all your knowledge of it, so that it can no longer project images and sounds to you through your mind. At least for the time being, you are safe."

Xia Yu nodded, feeling a strange feeling in his heart.

But I can finally feel at ease.

When he got home, looking at the water stains on his computer, Xia Yu suddenly realized something. His ability to transform seemed to have improved. The transformed water was almost indistinguishable from real water.

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