The weird game of the ancient gods

Chapter 326 Brushing Money to Raise Soldiers

At this moment, the fighting in the valley is still going on, but basically only the demolition of homes is left.

The three players not only had to tear down their homes, but also had to defend each other, which was a bit of a waste of time.

Black Cat fled in a helicopter, which did not attract the attention of the three players. In the eyes of these people, the base vehicle was the key to victory. As for a few inconspicuous soldiers, they did not pay attention at all.

As a result, the base vehicle was chased, intercepted, and destroyed by a group of Rhino tanks as soon as it rushed out of the base. However, the Nighthawk helicopter flew back to the Prodigal's base in the southeast corner of the map without any hindrance.

"Sorry traveler, the base vehicle has not been towed out. I'm afraid we can only operate from a single base." On the plane, Black Cat said helplessly.

At this moment, Xia Yu and the leader also began to take a detour to retreat.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you live, if it doesn't work, just ask the prodigal son for a Soviet base car, and maybe you can pick it up again."

As soon as he finished speaking, a box suddenly appeared in the forest ahead.

Hey, you can’t really pick it up, can you?

Xia Yu asked the driver to drive up directly.

With a bang, an Allied base vehicle lay in front of Xia Yu, and he actually picked it up.

A smile appeared on Xia Yu's lips, and he picked up the communicator, "Okay Black Cat, get ready for operation. I picked up another base vehicle."

The leader over there also found a box.

But he got out of the car and walked over to pick it up. A golden light flashed past him, but what he touched was a plus star.

I saw a flash of golden light on the leader's body, and he actually rose to three stars.

Feeling the surge of energy in his body, the leader looked happy. He had picked up more than ten boxes before, but not a single base car. All he picked up were various BUFFs, including star bonus, strength, speed, defense..., this time At that time, he picked up another extra star and was directly promoted to three stars. In Red Alert, once it reaches three stars, the unit will undergo a qualitative change. At this time, he felt that his power had reached an extremely astonishing level, a critical point.

Both the vitality of the vampires and the force in the body became extremely amazing. The leader stretched out his hand and with a thought, a ball of force lightning started beating at the fingertips.

The red light in the leader's eyes flashed away, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Hey Leader, it's time for us to retreat."

"Copy that, I'll come right away." The leader said and got into the car, and the convoy set off on its way home again.

The troops made a long circle and finally returned to the prodigal's base.

Including the base vehicle that Xia Yu picked up.

After such a period of time, the prodigal son had suppressed another wave of troops. Together with the sixty or seventy tanks brought back by the two men, the number of tanks exceeded one hundred. It can be said that he had the capital to fight again.

However, after the three families bulldozed Xia Yu's base, they did not take advantage of the victory and pursue it. Instead, they fought over the gem mines in the valley.

The three of them all wanted to monopolize the remaining gem mines, and each brought a base vehicle over for development. They didn't want to fight at first, but the armed mining vehicle would automatically attack nearby enemies, resulting in a conflict.

Although it was only a small-scale conflict, it still caused a crack in the already weak alliance.

It would not be a big-scale war, but at least they would not dare to send troops to attack Xia Yu and the others rashly.

All three families began to shrink their forces, upgrade their technology, vigorously station troops, and pick up boxes to mine. This gave the four of them time to develop again.

Xia Yu stood in front of the screen in the base. Now the game situation has become a four-point world situation, and it has entered a stalemate for a while.

Xia Yu handed over the base vehicle to Black Cat for operation. Black Cat also rebuilt the mine and barracks, and was building a heavy factory, but the funds were a bit insufficient.

Black Cat said: "Our base still has more than 10,000 funds in total. Although it can explode a wave of troops, I'm afraid there is not much room for development. The key is that there are too few mining areas."

Although the last bit of troops was saved, the four people's sphere of influence was forced to the southeast corner, and they could only mine nearby. Almost all the mine carts sent out were killed by three players. Although those three players were not Dare to launch a full-scale attack, but there is still no problem in sweeping away the minecarts outside.

This also resulted in almost all the mine carts in the hands of the four people being destroyed, leaving only two mining carts in the nearby mining area.

Faced with this situation, the four of them were at a loss what to do. It was better to stay at home. Once troops were sent out, they would surely be under siege.

Black Cat struggled: "What should we do? If this continues, the development of the three players will surpass us sooner or later. Oops, someone has already created a super weapon..."

Xia Yu looked at the two bases standing side by side in front of him and smiled, "Don't worry, I have already thought of a way. Let's build the fog generator first, and then - let's just use the copy center to make money."

There is a money-making mechanism in Red Alert 2, but you must have both Allied and Soviet bases to do it.

There is a building called the Copy Center in the Soviet building, which allows the infantry unit to produce an extra unit during production. That is to say, it costs 100 yuan to build a conscript. If one is produced in the barracks, the Copy Center will also produce one. .

At the same time, it also has a second function, troop recovery. Of course, it can only recover infantry units, and the recovery price is only half of the cost.

If there are only Soviet bases, recycling the army will only make a profit, but when recycling Allied units, they will be recycled at full price. This allows players to earn money by manufacturing Allied infantry units and then recycling them. Spending 1,000 yuan to build a spy can actually make two, and then recycle it directly into 2,000. It can be said to be the most brainless way to make money.

Therefore, in normal battles, the money-spinning function is usually prohibited. Even if players pick up two bases, they cannot use this trick. However, Xia Yu and the others are not players and do not have to abide by this rule.

When he explained his thoughts, everyone's eyes lit up.

"This plan is good, but will bystanders see it and remind those players?"

Xia Yu nodded: "It's possible, but now we don't seem to have any other choice, right?"

The four of them all had solemn expressions. It was true. If they lost this game, their journey would end here. Each person would only be rewarded with 10 rough stones. This reward was not that big at all. Value, the only solution for now is to take a chance.

The leader said: "Then we must seize the time. We must explode a large army in the shortest possible time without giving the enemy a chance to react. Otherwise, once they start to spend money, we will definitely lose."

Just do what you say, and the four of them took action separately.

Xia Yu and the leader led the troops to guard the border and constantly dispatched mobile troops to bluff, while Black Cat and the Prodigal Son also began to develop crazily, using money to raise troops.

The fog generator was quickly set up, and the fog of war covered the entire core area of ​​the base, thus preventing players from detecting their actions.

The Prodigal Son's replication center had already been built. After Black Cat built the technology laboratory, the barracks began to produce spies like crazy. Black Cat filled up seven or eight barracks in one go and started producing spies in a row.

Spies were produced one by one and then sent to the recycling device of the replication center.

1 turned into 2, 2 turned into 4, and the funds started to grow wildly in an instant.

Now they no longer have to worry about running out of money. The next step is to attack with all their strength. The four must send out enough troops before the enemy discovers what they are doing.

The black cat and the prodigal son spread out their heavy factories one by one, with the barracks one next to the other, producing at full capacity.

Having money means getting things done easily. Seven or eight heavy factories and more than a dozen barracks were started at the same time. The production speed was extremely fast. After the money reached five or six million, the two stopped producing spies and started to produce flying soldiers. , as the most mobile air unit in the Red Alert, this thing is better than a tank when used properly, and rocket pilots are produced as densely packed as mosquitoes.

Xia Yu looked at the copy center in front of him. On a huge strange instrument, there was a huge tank filled with suspicious liquid, with many cables connected to it. There was also a person soaked in the tank, whose facial features were blurred and could not be seen clearly. He looks like a giant—it gives people a very evil feeling.

A spy stood in front of the recycling center's door, trembling with fear, but not daring to escape.

Xia Yu looked at the spy in front of him, and suddenly felt an inexplicable familiarity. The spy is a functional unit in Red Alert 2. It has no combat effectiveness, but can transform into the enemy's infantry unit. It sounds very similar to illusion.

This spy's transformation skill is quite interesting. Not only can he transform into a human, but he can also transform into a dog.

However, it only imitates the appearance and does not have its actual function. Even if it becomes a rocket pilot, it can only walk on the ground.

"Hey, come here." Xia Yu shouted to the spy, and the spy walked over as if he had been granted amnesty.

"Commander, please don't send me into that machine. I don't want to die. I can go on a mission!" The spy looked very excited.

Xia Yu was speechless. Brushing money was just a simple operation in the game. He made a bunch of minions and recycled them. He didn't think there was any problem while playing the game. But seeing this with his own eyes, it was a bit crazy to think about it.

But there is no way. In the end, this is just a game. You can't take it too seriously. I don't know what Wang Li was thinking to come up with such a crazy design.

"Don't worry, you can stay, show me your abilities, and try to become like me."

The spy did as he was told, and his original 007 look in a suit and leather shoes instantly transformed into exactly the same look as Xia Yu.

Xia Yu touched the spy's body. It was not just an illusion, even the clothes were exactly the same.

He turned on his psychic vision again, and it was suspiciously obvious that the energy response in the spy's body had not changed.

"It's really magical."

Xia Yu made the spy change several times, into different shapes, and even a dog once. He tried to analyze the principle of this transformation ability, and it felt very similar to his illusion, but more simplified and more concrete. Transformation, mana directly acts on the surface of the body, has reached the level of transformation, and has reached the point where the fake can be mistaken for the real one, but it can only turn into a biological unit of similar size, and it does not seem to be that advanced. Although it cannot copy the target's ability, it still has certain abilities. Merit.

"How did you transform into a body?" Xia Yu asked curiously.

The spy looked confused, "I don't understand what you are talking about. We spies are just like this. There is no reason why."

Xia Yuxin said, why should he compete with a game unit?

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