People often say that waiting is the hardest thing, and this is absolutely true. Xia Yu looked at the quiet darkness on the bridge in front of him, but his heart was filled with thoughts.

He had a hunch that things might not go well today, and someone might have to answer for this.

Longqi has used purification techniques to dispel the toxins on Bai Ye's body, and the skin burned by the flames of the mythical beast has also been cured with golden sore medicine.

But Bai Ye's state was obviously a bit sluggish, and the player's terrible impact on morale had also been left behind.

The enemy this time is very powerful. This kind of power is illogical and illogical. Xia Yu once read an article about the "Fourth Natural Disaster" on the Internet. At this moment, he felt that he was in a "Fourth Natural Disaster". In natural disaster novels, the most terrible thing is that he is not the protagonist of the story. Not only is he not the protagonist, he is also the victim.

Xia Yu really couldn't think of any way to deal with this kind of unknown creature that is neither afraid of death nor able to communicate, but only wants to kill you and explode its equipment.

Now we can only fight to the death.

"Overlord, what's under that bridge?" Black Cat suddenly asked, as if wanting to relieve the tense atmosphere.

"Under the bridge?" Overlord glanced at the dark abyss under the cliff, "Who knows, and no one has ever been down there. This game is 2D, and the abyss is just a texture."

"But we are in the real world now. Didn't the legendary background story mention what is in the abyss of the Zombie Cave? If we jump into the abyss, does that mean those players can't find us? Then We won’t be safe.”

Overlord was left speechless by what Black Cat said, "Well, if you want to jump, just jump. Remember to shout if you don't fall to death after jumping."

Xia Yu also looked at the pitch-black abyss. The deep darkness gave him a very ominous feeling - he would never jump in.

But Black Cat's words gave him an inspiration, "Overlord, are there any places in this game that other players can't go to? Just like the abyss in front of you?"

Overlord thought for a while, "Hey, it really is possible. Let's go to the sea. The Marfa continent is surrounded by sea. If we can find a beach and swim out for a distance, the players will probably have nothing to do with us. Damn, why didn't you warn us earlier? I."

Xia Yu was even more speechless, "You are an old player and you didn't even think about how I knew."

"Here we come!" The leader suddenly said in a deep voice, looking into the darkness ahead.

Xia Yu glanced at the leader. His eyes were emitting a strange red light in the darkness. Having had the experience of playing a vampire, he knew that it was the unique dark vision of vampires.

Xia Yu's eyes could also see through the darkness and see the arrival of those players, but in another form. The spring water he drank in the Hall of Heroes allowed him to see the energy fluctuations emitted by the matter. Originally, it required Wang The pair of glasses Li gave him protected his eyes, but since he gained divinity and possessed the body of a god, he no longer needs them.

At this moment, he could clearly see a dazzling light getting closer and closer in the darkness, which was the energy fluctuation emanating from the player.

So powerful, so dense, it looks like there are quite a lot of them.

The color of red blood, blue magic energy, and white natural aura. Players of the three professions showed completely different colors in Xia Yu's eyes, but they were equally dangerous.

"Everyone, get ready!" Xia Yu raised his hand, and everyone raised their guns and pointed them at the wooden bridge.

It is impossible to fight in close combat, and it is impossible to throw magic at each other. Only by using guns and bullets to eliminate these players out of sight can the safety of everyone be ensured to the greatest extent.

As soon as a row of guns was set up, I saw a warrior taking the lead and running onto the wooden bridge. These people were almost all wearing the same look. The warrior Yi Shui's green armor, the mage Yi Shui's beggar's uniform, and the Taoist Yi Shui's robe. Only the name above the head can be used as a distinction.

Xia Yu did not see the World Lord in it.

boom! The AWM sniper rifle in the prodigal's hand was the first to fire (picked up from Feihu's corpse). His marksmanship was quite accurate. A ball of blood burst out of the warrior's head, and his health bar dropped a lot in an instant.

This shot was like a signal. In an instant, all the bullets were focused on the warrior. Almost instantly, his health bar bottomed out, and he died before he even had time to drink from the blood bottle.

Long Xingtianxia: Damn it, I’m dead! I was killed by a monster.

Awesome: How did you die?

Long Xingtianxia: I don’t know. Those monsters seem to be able to attack from outside the screen, just like the old demon Chi Yue’s thousand-year-old tree demon. They killed people before I saw them, which hurt Lao Gao.

Angry Fengyun: How about we all rush together! If you take it quickly, others will beat you to it.

Riding the wind and waves: Up, up, up! Go together!

They are all here to find the legendary hidden BOSS, so naturally they can’t spare their lives at this time.

A dozen people rushed towards the bridge, and they were greeted by a barrage of bullets.

Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump!

Everyone opened fire, and all the firepower hit the wooden bridge.

In such a narrow terrain, there is no way to hide. In the face of the fierce firepower, even a great warrior in his thirties could not resist for a few seconds. The warriors in the front row fell one after another, and the mages held up their magic shields. , the Taoist priest kept brushing blood, but it was of no use. They couldn't see where the monster was at all, they could only see the blood bar falling down. Some turned around and ran away, and some simply flew away with a hiss. trace.

The attack ended in an anticlimax.

When Liu Jianguo arrived with a large group of brothers, he happened to see several people running back from the bridge. One person was about to run to him when he suddenly lay down with a sound.

Liu Jianguo was shocked. What kind of monster is so powerful?

Proud Dragon King: "What's going on?"

Long Xingtianxia: "Monsters, the old ones are really powerful - there are more than a dozen of us, there are only a few of us left, form a team, brothers, let's fight together."

Proud Dragon King: "Let's form a team. The more people, the better. Let's fight the BOSS together and we will be brothers from now on."

In Liu Jianguo's opinion, this is the best thing about Legend. The interpersonal relationship is simple and direct, and those who kill people together are brothers.

He brought these people closer to the group and looked around. There were twenty or thirty brothers, and all of them were above level 35. They had learned ultimate skills. With such strength, no BOSS could be defeated.

After listening to the introductions of several survivors, Liu Jianguo said that this monster was indeed a bit strange. He had never encountered this kind of enemy before.

But the more this happened, the more excited he became. He had played all kinds of legendary private servers, but this was the first time he encountered an enemy like this who could use a gun.

Open the mall and buy the most powerful piece of equipment - the Demon Armor.

Put it on directly, now it is stable.

The Proud Dragon King: "Brothers, let's not charge directly, let's just fly."

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