Catching a werewolf was not an easy task, and everyone was well prepared. Not only did they bring their own weapons, but they also had ropes, rattan nets, and chains all ready, except for a dog cage.

Black Cat also thoughtfully prepared a collar made of fine steel - which she paid for and commissioned Dragon Rider to make.

After getting ready, everyone went straight to the mine, passed through the dark forest, and arrived at the ore storage yard outside the mine. What surprised Xia Yu was that at this moment, the miners did not go down to work in the mine, but instead surrounded them. We are discussing something together.

Seeing the arrival of a group of people, the miners immediately stood up vigilantly, each wielding a pickaxe or shovel, etc., and stood together, vaguely on guard.

A bearded miner in the lead came forward.

"Father? Why did you bring these people to the mine?" the bearded man asked, looking at everyone warily.

The leader said calmly: "We want to find William and understand a little bit about the situation. Are there any questions?"

Before the bearded man could say anything, a miner couldn't help but cursed, "Get out of here, this is not the place you should come to."

The Overlord suddenly became a little angry, "Oh, I'm still pretty cool. Damn, do you know who I am?"

"Aren't you the most decent butcher in the village?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was tense, the bearded man waved his hand to signal his men not to be too impulsive.

"Excuse me, Father, what do you want to ask William? We are all brothers who worked in the mine together. You can tell it here and let us listen."

"It's about dark creatures, I want to ask -"

The bearded man sneered: "That's enough, do you still want to pretend? Do you think I don't know what you are going to do? You just want to steal the gems from our hands, you bunch of lackeys of the village chief!"

Everyone looked at each other, and Xia Yuxin asked why he was involved with the village chief again?

Black Cat whispered, "I probably know what's going on. I discovered some things during my investigation in the past two days."

She quickly introduced everyone.

There are mainly three types of residents in Blackstone Village. Farmers are among the earliest settlers. Most of them have their own fields and live the most comfortable lives.

Hunters mostly live in isolation and are independent. Unless they are hunting large beasts, they are alone. These hunters are all somewhat capable, so the village chief tends to win over them.

Finally, there are the miners. Strictly speaking, these miners are not locals. They are hired by the village chief from outside to mine. They have no skills and rely on their own efforts to make a living. The village chief signed a contract with them, and they For mining, the village chief paid monthly, but the village chief was too greedy and deliberately sold them food supplies at high prices, deducted wages, and confiscated all the black gems they dug, so the miners have always been somewhat dissatisfied with the village chief. of.

Now it seems that these miners are not stupid. They probably have some black gems in their hands and are ready to cash them out. I am afraid that not all the gems in the hands of the businessman from other places were bought from the miners.

Now they are looking for William. In the eyes of the miners, it is obvious that the village chief is going to attack them, so how can they be willing to hand him over.

Hearing Black Cat's analysis, everyone suddenly understood. They didn't expect to be involved in a power struggle for no reason. It was a bit outrageous that such a stupid thing could happen in this small village.

Xia Yu said: "William seems to know about the value of black gems. Maybe he is the key person in selling the gems. I think they are probably going to protect William to death."

The leader nodded and said lightly: "If that's the case - then just kill them all."

What! Several people were shocked, are they all going to be killed? There were seven people opposite.

The black cat said coquettishly: "But won't you be reported in this way?"

The leader sneered: "What are you afraid of? As long as you don't leave any survivors, it doesn't matter. You can just frame it for the dark creatures later."

The leader said it casually, but Xia Yu felt that there was something wrong with it. It was normal for the leader to kill decisively, but why did he kill these villagers for no reason, just to catch a werewolf? Can't we use other methods?

The leader didn't give him any room to think, "If you don't want to do anything, you can go back. Don't just watch if the ones left behind are fighting. Don't forget, you can get killing points for killing people."

Xia Yu was stunned, could this be what the leader wanted?

Killing a villager will give you 1 point, killing a dark creature will give you 3 points, and killing the Inquisitor will give you 10 points. In the end, the person with the most points will get the MVP reward. Although I don’t know what the effect of that reward is, it’s worth it. It's definitely not low, maybe even better than the reward for victory.

Xia Yu killed Chui Xue and gained 1 point. The ghoul killed two villagers. The dark creature behind him should have gained two points. Bai Ye stabbed Xuanniao to death and gained 1 point. But in general, players The gap between them is not big.

At present, it seems that the inquisitors and dark creatures are difficult to kill, but the villagers should still be very simple.

Feihu asked in surprise: "Can we also kill villagers?"

The leader said: "Since dark creatures can be killed, why can't we kill them? The rules only say that killing will give you points, but it doesn't say that killing in the same camp is not allowed."

This makes sense, and everyone is eager to try it after hearing it.

Overlord said: "Haha, that makes sense, so I'll take it. I will definitely take first place in this game."

Xia Yu said: "Let the hunter attack the monsters. Flying Tiger and Gentleman, kill the two with hammers in seconds. The Overlord will be the main tank, and the others will follow. Is there any problem?"

The flying tiger gentlemen said in unison, "No problem."

No one else objected.

The leader said: "OK, let's do it!"

The Flying Tiger Gentleman raised his hunting crossbow and pulled the trigger at the same time.

Whizzing! Phew. Phew.

Hunters are worthy of being a powerful combat profession. Two crossbows fired by the two men killed two miners in an instant. These miners had no armor and wore at most a waistcoat. One arrow pierced them directly.

The bearded man stared angrily, "Fight them!" He roared and rushed forward, and the remaining miners also rushed forward brandishing their picks and shovels.

The players were not false at all. The Overlord took the lead, waving two swords and axes and rushed towards the bearded man, bang! The knife and ax blocked the opponent's axe. A headbutt hit the bearded man dizzy, and he struck the head with an axe. The meat-chopping ax struck the bearded man's head, and red and white things came out all at once. Where could there be more? Lively.

Others also joined the battle with the remaining miners. Except for Black Cat, who had no fighting power, he could only shout 666 from behind. The leader's ability was unknown and he looked on coldly. The remaining people had some skills. Xia Yu had a sharp dagger. His movements were vigorous, and he also deliberately slowed down to avoid revealing his identity as a vampire. He still easily toyed with the miner in front of him, stabbing around the back in one go.

The dragon knight waved his sword and cut a miner in half with one strike.

The gentleman used a thin sword with extraordinary sharpness and stabbed it into the chest of a miner twice.

Bai Ye flailed the flying knives around, and a miner was hit by several flying knives. He groaned and fell down before he even got close.

Everyone wanted to grab more heads, and the seven miners were slaughtered in the blink of an eye, leaving only the young man named William.

"Stone! Mike! Tom! No!" The black-haired boy named William watched his companions being killed one after another. He screamed in fright and anger, and suddenly let out a shrill wolf howl. His body It began to expand rapidly, growing thick black hair, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a wild werewolf nearly two meters tall.

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