It's just that they are so similar. Apart from the difference in temperament, the appearance can be said to be 80-90% similar. Add in the makeup, and I thought they were Fubuki.

"Aren't you Fubuki?"

"I am Lin Chuixue's sister, Lin Chuyun, do you know my sister?"

Xia Yu covered it up: "Haha, it's just a friend."

"What did you mean by nightmare just now?"

"Oh, she has been having nightmares a lot recently and has complained to me several times." Xia Yu waved his hand, looking like it was no big deal.

Lin Chuyun did not doubt that he was there and nodded, "I haven't asked you yet, sir -"

"Xia Yu, currently runs a bar, and a friend invited me here for a wine tasting."

Cao Cao was about to arrive when he said that an elegant voice suddenly sounded behind Xia Yu, "Oh, traveler, you are here. Hey, Chui Xue is here too - no, you are not Chui Xue."

The earl looked at Lin Chuyun with some surprise, and Lin Chuyun also saw the other person. The earl's elegant and charming appearance made her slightly shocked, "Yes, I am Lin Chuyun, Chui Xue's sister. It seems that Chui Xue has a lot of friends." She seemed to smile. asked non-smilingly.

Xia Yu and the earl looked at each other and felt the subtlety in these words.

If this is said about a man, it can be regarded as a compliment, but if it is said about a girl, especially a girl from a wealthy family like them, it probably won't be so positive.

Xia Yu wasn't sure, but he was careful and couldn't dig a hole for his friends.

"Just ordinary friends, met by chance."

"Yes, yes, ordinary friends, let me introduce myself, Wang Yongqiang, chairman of Earl Wine Company."

Lin Chuyun chuckled after hearing this, mainly because the name Wang Yongqiang was so different from the image of 'Earl'.

The earl smiled helplessly, still looking graceful.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, ordinary friends of Chui Xue. By the way, is your bar called 'Mystery Bar'?" This question was asked to Xia Yu.

Xia Yu nodded, thinking that Chuixue was probably being spied on by her family, and even knew the name of the bar.

"I will visit Mr. Xia another day. Please excuse me now." He turned around and left.

"I didn't expect Fubuki to have a sister," the earl said with emotion.

"Why, you have thoughts about her."

"How is it possible? I'm just admiring her. This woman is much more feminine than Fubuki, that silly girl."

Indeed, in terms of appearance alone, the two sisters actually look similar, but their temperaments are very different. Although they are about the same age, Fuxue feels like a young girl who has not grown up, but Lin Chuyun feels very mature and stable. , there is a feeling of being a lady.

"Since you think she is feminine, why do you say you have no idea?"

The Count sighed, "After becoming a vampire, I felt like I was a completely different person. There was even a period of time when I wasn't sure if I was still the same person. You know, my first reaction when I saw that woman was , this man’s blood must be delicious.”

Xia Yu was stunned, "Isn't it? Such a beautiful woman, this is what you think."

"People will change. Many times, people's consciousness is determined by their body. I didn't know it before, but since I became a vampire, I have become very aware of this change.

Take the matter of women as an example. Men want to find women mainly because of the hormones in their bodies, just like cats going into heat. Vampires have no such thing as hormones. At least I haven’t felt it yet, so ——”

Xia Yuxin said, "Maybe you can't get hard."

The earl did not realize Xia Yu's thoughts and continued: "On the contrary, it is blood. Every time I see it, it makes me feel like I am losing my mind. I need to work hard to restrain myself to stay calm. Vampires have very sensitive senses, so When you see a woman wearing less clothes, you will feel a little impulsive, but it is not for the woman itself, but for the blood in their body. I suspect that there must be some kind of hormone in vampires that stimulates our desire for blood. A friend of mine is Help me research, maybe I can find a solution by then."

Xia Yu was thoughtful after listening. His words were somewhat similar to what Wang Li had said before. Human self-awareness and everyone's behavior patterns are actually affected by various external environments. and caused by the influence of body hormones.

In other words, if you like women, it does not necessarily mean that you really like women, but the hormones in your body tell you that it is time to reproduce, causing a chemical reaction in your brain. Many behaviors can be deduced in this way.

However, he has always been somewhat repelled by this statement. If that is the case, what is the difference between humans and beasts?

It may have some influence, but the reason why humans are the spirits of all things is because humans can overcome their instincts and do what they really want to do. Only people who lack self-control will completely rely on instincts to act.

Xia Yu was still very confident in his self-control, as if he clearly wanted to eat Katrana completely, but because he knew that doing so would lead to a loss of loyalty, he could always remain rational.

The earl did not expect that his words would arouse so many thoughts in Xia Yu, "Have you found Wang Kai?"

"Not yet, any suggestions?"

"I can't say what I would recommend, but I have been around this kind of situation for a long time, and I still have some experience. Although these people are all rich, they also tend to flock together. Look at those old men with beer bellies over there, they all develop real estate.

A group of people wearing glasses over there are engaged in the technology industry.

The few people over there holding a glass of liquor are all wine industry bosses.

Those beautiful women over there are all rich second generation daughters.

Those not-so-beautiful women over there are strong women from the rich generation.

There is a basic logic here. Although there are many handsome men and beautiful women at this cocktail party, the most awesome people are always those who are ordinary or even ugly. "

Xia Yu asked curiously: "How can I say this?"

"Think about it, if you are pretty and you can make a living just by looking good, why do you want to start a business? If you are a very rich billionaire and your family is worth billions, then when you are looking for a partner, do you have to find someone pretty? Yes, when you give birth to a child, you will definitely not be ugly. Your child is the second generation of rich people. When looking for a partner, you must find someone with both talent and beauty. After all, you are the most ordinary.

So at the cocktail party, you will find that those who are particularly ugly, regardless of gender, must be awesome. "

Xia Yuxin said that it seemed to make sense.

"If you want to find Wang Kai, don't look at those handsome guys and beauties, just look at those nerdy-looking people."

Xia Yu nodded. Not to mention, after more than ten minutes, he really waited.

Sure enough, it was Wang Kai, who looked exactly like the one in the photo. He was a successful middle-aged man in his forties, wearing glasses, with an ordinary appearance and a bit of a homebody.

The person has been found. The problem now is how to say that paragraph without leaving any trace. You can't just go up and directly slap him in the face.

Xia Yu took out the note and read the content on it again, thinking about it.

"Earl, please cooperate with me and pretend we are talking about movies."

"Copy that," the two of them pretended to chat while approaching Wang Kai.

"By the way, Earl, have you seen any good movies recently?"

"No, there haven't been any good movies recently."

"I'll recommend some classic old movies to you. I guarantee they'll all be good to watch."

"Let's talk about it."

"Potatoes, Trains, Rust, Coke, Disappointment, Blue Sun, 2019 - all good movies, guaranteed to be classics."

The voice of this sentence is not too loud or too small. The key is that it is not far away from Wang Kai, so the other party can definitely hear it.

After saying that, Xia Yu breathed a sigh of relief. This matter is quite simple. Is this considered completed?

Just as he was about to get out of the way, Wang Kai suddenly looked over.

"Excuse me," he said to a few people next to him, and walked towards Xia Yu.

Just as Xia Yu was about to leave, Wang Kai greeted, "Hey, little brother, can we chat?"

Xia Yu had no choice but to stop and said, "Hello, of course."

Xia Yu shook hands with Wang Kai and was suddenly startled. Wang Kai was wearing a black watch on his wrist. Different from the various famous watches worn by people around him, the watch on his wrist looked more like some kind of electronic product.

The most important thing is that the shape of the watch is very familiar to Xia Yu, and it is very similar to the one he pulled off the corpse in the wasteland world.

Xia Yu's mind was agitated. He finally remembered why he felt so familiar when he walked into this building. This was clearly the same building where he caught cockroaches in the wasteland world!

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