The weird game of the ancient gods

Chapter 215 When the war is going on

Lieutenant Colonel Sanchez placed the headquarters on the roof of the bunker, where the view was better, and considering that the enemy did not have air force or artillery, there was no need to worry about being attacked.

"Attention all units, attention all units, the battle is about to begin, please be prepared for battle." Lieutenant Colonel Sanchez's voice came from the communicator. Xia Yu took a bite of bread. He really had no use in this kind of battle.

So he simply decided to watch the show. In addition, the twenty special forces he brought back could also do the job of filling in at critical moments.

The soldiers rushed to their combat posts. On the front line were two infantry platoons, scattered in dozens of foxholes, quietly waiting for the enemy to approach. Although the enemy was unlikely to have long-range artillery fire, But foxholes were still dug, and I have to say that this unit still had some tactical prowess.

Soon, an infantry phalanx appeared in Xia Yu's sight in a neat formation.

Xia Yu was stunned for a moment, thinking to himself, are they all lined up neatly to give away their heads?

"What are they doing? Going to death?"

Lieutenant Colonel Sanchez shook his head and said: "No, they are testing our firepower! These five hundred people are just a stepping stone."

Xia Yu, who has played real-time strategy games, immediately understood. They are just cannon fodder to explore the map. However, the soldiers in the game who explore the map are just data. These are living people. Five hundred people are used to listen to this Manu. Ke is really a decisive master of killing.

The infantrymen in this phalanx didn't know whether they understood their mission, and they moved towards the position without hesitation.

The lieutenant colonel picked up the communicator and said, "Fire team, no fire is allowed without my order. Front-line position, prepare for battle."

When the enemy approached a distance of 200 meters, the infantry in the foxholes opened fire decisively.

Explosive bean-like gunshots rang out densely, and the phalanx infantry suffered a devastating blow almost instantly. The shields in front were useless against bullets and were easily shot through. The soldiers fell down in rows. The dense formation further increased the speed of casualties, and after two-thirds of the casualties were taken, the rest dispersed in a rush.

It's not that the enemy's morale was so high that it could withstand such high casualties before it collapsed. It was because the casualties were so fast that by the time the people behind them could react, all the people in front were almost dead.

Manuk looked at the soldiers who had retrieved them with a gloomy expression. The enemy's weapons were indeed very powerful. A single soldier's weapon could actually shoot two to three hundred steps, and the rate of fire was so fast and the power was so powerful.

But this was still within his expectations. With a wave of his hand, another phalanx of infantry pressed forward, still 500 people. This time, they brought a dozen catapults and dispersed the formation.

The soldiers in front also pushed rafts made of logs to block bullets.

"Lieutenant Colonel, they have heavy weapons, request fire support."

"The fire team is not allowed to fire. Repeat, no fire is allowed. Fire platoon, are your mortars just decorations? Kill them!"

Each infantry company has a fire support platoon, equipped not only with heavy machine guns, but also with light mortars.

It is said to be a light mortar, but its range is still several thousand meters, and its rate of fire is extremely fast. It is naturally like a joke to deal with a few slow-moving catapults.

Boom, boom, boom! There was a burst of artillery fire, and the dozen or so catapults were blown into a piece of burning wood before they even got close, and soldiers fell into pieces around them.

The wooden platoon was not spared either. Once a shell hit, it exploded into pieces instantly, mowing down the soldiers behind in pieces.

The phalanx collapsed instantly.

Manuk took a breath. It was such a powerful weapon. It was several thousand meters away from the battlefield. Manuk was still a little scared. If it was further away, it would be able to explode to his position. The enemy's weapon was really powerful. .

"Enter the cavalry!" With a wave of his hand, a team of 500 cavalry roared onto the battlefield. They formed a scattered formation and rushed towards the position like a gust of wind.

"Put in more and then fire. Wait until the enemy breaks within 300 meters before firing! Heavy machine guns are not allowed to fire."

Da da da da da, a burst of intensive gunfire rang out. The firepower of the automatic rifle was obviously not enough. Then the general machine gun also opened fire. The tongue of flames swept across the cavalry team. The cavalry fell off their horses one after another, and in an instant they fell off their horses. There were two to three hundred casualties, and the rest dispersed in a rush, no longer having the courage to charge.

Several attacks failed, but instead of being angry, Manuk showed a confident expression. It is indeed a very powerful weapon, but unfortunately, it is not unsolvable for me.

Stones that can explode, projectiles that can be fired continuously, these weapons described by the angels appeared one by one, which made him feel that he had figured out the details of the enemy.

It's time to launch an all-out attack.

"The entire army is pressing forward, ten phalanxes—attack!"

Five thousand troops were dispatched at once, including infantry and archers. They formed scattered formations and began to advance on a wide front of more than a thousand meters.

As soon as these five thousand people formed their formation and pressed forward, Manuk immediately gave the order again! "Go up to ten more phalanxes, this time bring the crossbows and catapults, prepare ten more phalanxes, and pick them up at any time."

At this moment, on the earth castle, Xia Yu also saw some signs.

Now that the enemy is done testing, they should prepare for a massive attack.

As soon as he finished speaking, a dense line of soldiers had appeared in the distant wilderness, scattered like ants. He couldn't see the edge at a glance. He took out his telescope and looked into the distance. He could see more and more soldiers starting to form formations. , is the opponent going to have an extreme troop flow, a troop stacking tactic?

The lieutenant colonel also reacted immediately, "The first-line position opened fire with full force, and I used all the machine guns and mortars from the second-line position to cover the first-line position.

"Fireteam, your mortars are absolutely not allowed to attack! Wait for my order."

"Aerial reconnaissance team, observe the enemy's position for me and find the enemy's headquarters."

"Mobile team, don't let your tanks stall. Your tanks are ready to join the battle at any time. Be careful of the woods on the left wing. The drone has detected cavalry ambushing there."

A series of orders were issued, and the front-line positions also began to engage in battle.

Explosive bean-like gunshots kept ringing out, and the light infantry in the foxholes opened fire wildly, shooting down any enemies who came within range like target shooting. These enemies didn't know how to cover and dodge at all, and were completely overwhelmed by the automatic rifles. It's as simple as fighting zombies, but the bulky armor has become a fatal drag.

The sniper rifle specifically selects those officers to kill. This is easier than modern warfare. Those senior officers all wear gorgeous armor and decorations, as if they are afraid that they will not be recognized, and they often like to show bravery. Stand in the most conspicuous position and shoot accurately.

But it was the machine guns that really caused the most damage. They could maximize their effect in the face of a sea of ​​​​people. The intensive firepower swept across the open field like a storm, forming a line of death in front of the position. No one could break into 100 within meters.

Enemies fell in pieces, and their corpses spread all the way forward. There were so many that they even formed a wall of corpses in some areas.

However, the enemy's determination was extremely firm, and the heavy casualties did not stop them from approaching. Some people shouted while charging, and staggered and fell on the charging road under the bullets.

Some used the cover of corpses to slowly advance forward. Some soldiers even discovered the secret of crawling and crawled forward slowly while lying on the ground.

A large number of catapults and ballistae were pushed up, hundreds of them. Because there were so many, even those light mortars firing at full strength could not stop them.

A stone bullet was fired, flew over the front line position, and landed in a wheat field behind the position, hitting nothing.

This alone still startled the soldiers in nearby foxholes.

"Lieutenant Colonel, we are under heavy enemy fire and we need support!"

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