The weird game of the ancient gods

Chapter 210 The decisive battle is coming

When the convoy returned to the camp, it was already evening. The sun was setting, and the afterglow of the setting sun reflected on the tents in the camp, casting long shadows.

When Xia Yu, Long Qi, and Er Gouzi walked into the headquarters, they saw a solemn atmosphere.

Everyone in the headquarters looked serious and were arguing about something.

He nodded to the lieutenant colonel, found an empty seat and sat down, then asked Xuanniao next to him: "What's wrong?"

"Lieutenant Colonel Sanchez just launched an air raid."

"Let me guess, it didn't turn out so well?"

"A miserable failure, three drones were lost."

Xia Yu was a little shocked now. There were only four attack drones in total, and three of them disappeared at once. The air strike force was almost completely wiped out. "What's going on?"

The leader used the Force to crush one, Byakuya shot one and Fubuki shot down one with lightning bolts.

Xia Yuxin said, Damn it, these guys really have hidden a lot of trump cards. Forget about Bai Ye, these girls are very vicious. Unexpectedly, even Fuxue hid a trump card, which was Lightning Bolt. It was probably from the World of Warcraft scene. You must have drawn it, but you never knew it.

"The leader still has the force?"

"It looks similar, or it's some kind of magic. This guy can resist the hell cards, so he's definitely not weak. What's your result?"

Ergouzi interjected: "Haha, it's so cool. The beatings left corpses everywhere." This guy was as heartless as ever, not paying attention to controlling the volume at all, which made Lieutenant Colonel Sanchez, who was discussing with his subordinates, frown.

He coughed and said, "During this attack, we discovered an enemy with supernatural abilities. What do the consultants think about this?" Lieutenant Colonel Sanchez said, motioning to the technician to bring up the previous battle screen.

The camera on the drone completely recorded the fighting process. Looking at the above picture, Xia Yu nodded, "They should be believers of the Dark Goddess. As far as I know, in this world, God does exist. Although they have not shown any miracles for many years, these people are probably the priests of the Dark Goddess. They should use some kind of dark magic. But it doesn't matter. Judging from the clothes on these people, they should belong to the highest level priests. There are definitely not too many such characters, and although they have certain supernatural powers, they are not very strong. If you look carefully, you will find that the priest with one hand can barely resist the attack of a micro-missile. , if a cannon is used to bombard him, this man will never survive."

"There are two other people. Didn't you notice? Each of them only took action once. In the end, a drone withdrew. This means that their abilities have a long cooldown time, and The range shouldn’t be too far, so there’s nothing to worry about. If you encounter them on the battlefield, just let the snipers take care of them first.”

Sanchez nodded. This analysis made sense. He ordered the technician: "Print out the photos of these superpowers and send them to the snipers. Tell them that these people are very dangerous. If you encounter them, please do so as soon as possible." Kill him without any hesitation."

"In addition, we must understand the dynamics of this enemy and send out all drones. I require 24-hour uninterrupted monitoring of it.

The next morning, Xia Yu was woken up early by the messenger. When he opened his eyes, he saw the messenger looking at him nervously. "Mr. Advisor, the Lieutenant Colonel asked you to go to the headquarters immediately. Action is underway."

Xia Yu nodded, struggled to get up, and dressed neatly. When he walked out of the tent, he found that it was just dawn outside. As soon as he went out, he heard the noise of soldiers outside. The soldiers were eating breakfast, sorting out their equipment, and loading ammunition into the tent. On the transport vehicle, it seemed like something big was going to happen.

Xia Yu walked into the headquarters and found that all the officers above the second lieutenant were here, enjoying the sandwiches and coffee sent by the orderlies. Of course, there were also a few players present.

Xuanniao and Feihu were both in good spirits. Black Cat rubbed his eyes sleepily and sat in the corner dozing off.

Xia Yu did not disturb him and said hello to the people who were having breakfast. Naturally, an orderly brought coffee. Xia Yu took a sip and grinned. It tasted so damn bad.

The lieutenant colonel looked at a few people helplessly. From a military point of view, most of these consultants were unqualified. The one named Feihu had a more military temperament, and the rest were too undisciplined, especially that one. The little girl looked exactly like a college student, and she couldn't figure out what use it could be put to.

He knocked on the table, "Everyone, the drone detected some situations last night, and we must make a decision."

He asked the technician to connect the monitor, and what was displayed on the screen was an aerial view of the huge camp of the Dark Empire Army.

The first thing that appeared was a night vision video.

Some white human figures left the military camp and headed towards the Holy City.

"This is a picture taken last night. The enemy dispatched more than 2,000 people and left the camp. Their target should be Kalai City, and they should have arrived by now."

The screen switched to an early morning scene, "This is a picture taken this morning. The enemy is carrying out a large-scale operation, and the dynamics are unknown."

In the picture, you can see groups of soldiers leaving the camp, divided into four groups, and heading in different directions. Each group has thousands of people.

"They must have gone to attack those four city-states!" Ergouzi said suddenly.

Lieutenant Colonel Sanchez looked at him in surprise: "How do you know? Why do they attack those city-states?"

"This group of people must have captured the common people as cannon fodder. When the time comes, they will push the common people forward. If we are soft-handed, we will give them an opportunity to take advantage of them. Even if we are not soft-handed, at least it will be able to consume the firepower. "

After saying that, he muttered to the people next to him, "This damaging move was probably thought up by the leader."

Black Cat was surprised: "Isn't that true? How do you know?"

"Hey, if I definitely do the same thing, wouldn't the leader think of it? He is severely disabled now, and he is just counting on winning this comeback. He can do anything."

Black Cat was a little hard to accept for a while. The little girl was obviously not in the state yet and only had a rough idea of ​​the battlefield.

Lieutenant Colonel Sanchez nodded after listening to Ergouzi's words and continued to switch screens.

"This is the current picture. Large-scale operations have begun at the main entrance." In the picture, thousands of soldiers are packing their bags, carrying supplies, and forming a strict formation. Because the scale is too large, the front army has already set off, and the rear army is still on the road. While having breakfast, Xia Yu was reminded of ants inexplicably when he saw the dark crowd of people, which looked spectacular.

Dragon Rider asked: "Are they going to attack the Holy City directly? Or are they coming to fight with us?"

"It's all possible, but no matter which one it is, we must start taking action. Our target is the core of the Holy Spirit, so we must reach Kalai City before them. We can launch defense at the foot of the city."

Dragon Rider: "Aren't you going to enter the city?"

The lieutenant colonel shook his head, "The city wall will not help our firepower. On the contrary, it will restrict the range of fire. The best option is to fight the enemy outside the city and rely on the city wall to fight. This can avoid being attacked by enemies on all sides.

We've found a suitable preset position via drone, and it's right here.

The screen switched to a static picture, which should have been taken yesterday.

It is a river south of Kalai City. The river is not deep, but it is enough to form a shelter. To the right of the river is a slope. Below the slope are open farmland and a few scattered residences. There is a small earthen fort, which seems to be some kind of military manor.

"We will use this small earthen fort as a command center, set up positions on the surrounding earth slopes, rely on the river as a barrier, and face the enemy head-on. As long as we deal with this enemy force, we can safely enter the city to recover the Holy Spirit core. Advisors, do you have anything to say?"

A few people didn't care about other people's gazes and just gathered in a circle to discuss.

Feihu: "Everyone, it seems that today is the time for the decisive battle. What do you say?"

Xia Yu said: "I have nothing to say. How to fight this battle? It still depends on Lieutenant Colonel Sanchez. We can't help much."

After yesterday's battle, Xia Yu had realized that the role of these players on the battlefield was really not that great. They might not even be able to keep up with an ordinary soldier. At least ordinary soldiers' marksmanship was better than theirs.

But that doesn't mean they can't play a role.

The victory condition this time is to capture the core of the Holy Spirit. Although according to the game settings, that thing is sealed and takes thirty days to open, but what if there is a way to open it in advance? Besides how to turn it on and where to turn it on, we have to figure it out clearly.

Xia Yu expressed his thoughts, "So I think we need to divide our troops now. One group will fight with Lieutenant Colonel Sanchez, and the other group will go directly into the city to find the core of the Holy Spirit."

Feihu: "Let me take action with the Lieutenant Colonel. If anything happens, I can notify you as soon as possible."

Ergouzi and Longqi also said, "Let's stay and fight too."

These two guys are obviously addicted to shooting.

Xuanniao said, "Let me go with you. There may be danger in the city, so I can protect you."

Black Cat: "I'll go with you too."

Xia Yu glanced at her in surprise, "Are you sure? It should be safer to be with the army."

"Since that holy city is where the Church of Light is, there might be some mysterious existence. As an investigator, how could such a thing be left out of me? Moreover, the method of opening the core of the Holy Spirit definitely needs to be studied. I might not It can also be of some help - by the way, are you sure you won't really die if you are killed in this world?"

Xia Yu smiled: "Don't worry, I haven't died before, so I won't really die."

"That's no problem, I'll go with you!"

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