The weird game of the ancient gods

Chapter 194 Not willing to be lonely

Speaking of which, this guy must have a net worth of hundreds of millions. What does it mean to ask for help?

"Nice to meet you." Xia Yu said and put away the business card, "But what do you mean by asking me for help? You are a big boss and an immortal, what else do you need my help for?"

"Oh, forget it. When I was playing the game, I drew a vampire blood card. I thought about what else I could pursue since I was immortal, so I quit the game. But guess what, this vampire deserves it. I'm really boring, I don't dare to eat anything, and I have nothing to pursue all day long. Although it is very popular with women, the young model in the club can't do it every day, and it will become boring after a long time.

Right now, I just want to have a decent meal. I met Fubuki at a cocktail party two days ago. She said you have an idea. How about it? Brother, can you help me? "

"You can't eat anything but blood?"

"Either way, it's boring. I can't eat anything. I'll vomit after eating it, and I can't digest it at all. I've eaten it several times to the point of death. Let's not mention the consequences."

Xia Yuxin said that's what happened. Now he understood why he met this person in the Shenwei Pavilion in the first place. He probably could only eat the food in the Shenwei Pavilion. The creature buried underground was not from this world. Species, so it is not restricted by the vampire dietary rules, but the Shenwei Pavilion allowed him to report it and wiped it out. This person probably has no memory of the Shenwei Pavilion, which is quite sad to say.

"You've never eaten fairy meat or anything?"

"Fairy meat? What is that?" The earl looked confused, as if he couldn't remember it at all.

Xia Yu thought to himself that it seems that players who have retired are like ordinary people and cannot remember these changes.

"It's a simple matter. Just tell me what you want to eat, brother."

"It doesn't matter. I can do anything, as long as it's not blood. By the way, can you make old Beijing's bean sauce coke rings?"

Xia Yu's face turned dark and he thought to himself, "You are just kidding me."

The earl laughed loudly: "Hahaha, I'm just kidding, don't mind, just do whatever you want, and I'll eat whatever I want. Everything tastes delicious now."

"Okay, just wait."

Xia Yu said as he went into the kitchen and used his meal-making skills to create five feasts: Tomahawk Steak, Baked Lobster, Truffle Foie Gras, Strawberry Cake, and Buddha Jumping Over the Wall.

There are fish, meat, desserts and soups, everything is ready.

They were all put on the tray and brought to the dining table outside.


The count took a deep breath of the aroma on the tray, with a look of intoxication on his face, "Can I eat all of these?"

"Of course, feel free to eat it. These are not real foods. There will probably be no reaction after eating them."

"Then I really eat it? Are you sure it's okay?"

"Eat it, it'll be absolutely fine."

The earl was also greedy. He picked up the tomahawk steak and took a bite. He chewed it for a few times and shed tears.

Xia Yu looked sad. After all, he was a veteran player, and he had obtained vampire blood. He opened his own company and became the boss. He could be regarded as a successful and retired person. He didn't expect it to be so miserable.

"How's it going? Is it delicious?"

"It's delicious, it's so delicious!" The count said and started to eat big mouthfuls, truly explaining what it means to devour. This vampire's eating ability is obviously a little abnormal. He can open his mouth as wide as possible. This guy is completely starved to death. Reincarnated as a ghost, it's terrifying to eat a picture, without any elegance at all.

In a short while, the five large portions of food were swept away, and even the bones were chewed and swallowed.

After eating in one go and satisfying his appetite, the count wiped his mouth with a napkin and resumed his elegant and noble posture. The elegant feeling he gave people seemed to be a passive skill of the vampire, and there was no pretense at all. The feeling was very natural, but after seeing the way this guy ate and the way he spoke, Xia Yu was naturally not confused and looked at him with a smile.

"Brother, you saved my life. To put it shamefully, I won't let you eat anything. I really want to die."

"It's easy to talk about. We are all players, and we should take care of each other."

"Well, how much does this meal cost?"

"Money doesn't matter. When we first meet, we treat them as friends."

Rather than charging thousands of dollars for a meal, he would rather sell a favor. After all, he is a billionaire and the owner of a wine company, so he can use it in case of emergency in the future.

The count said quickly: "How can you be so embarrassed?" He said he wanted to pay.

Xia Yu waved his hand quickly.

Seeing that Xia Yu refused to accept the money, the earl nodded, "That's fine. I won't thank you for your kindness. If you have anything to do in the future, just ask. Brother, I will never say a word if you are angry or angry. Oh, please give me more if you can." I’ll pack a few copies to take away.”

The count and Fubuki were sent away.

Katlana and Xia Yu were the only two people left in the store, because it was not yet business hours, the two waiters hadn't come yet, and there weren't any customers.

Katlana stepped forward gracefully, helped Xia Yu clear the table, and asked curiously: "Master, what happened these days, you look a little - different."

It was indeed different. Xia Yu himself could feel it. After seven days of hard training with Brother Shao, not only did his fighting skills become stronger, but his will also became more tenacious. However, there were some things that he couldn't explain. Yu smiled slightly, "It's nothing. Oh, by the way, I have developed some new dishes these days. I'm afraid our bar menu needs to be updated."

"Oh, are they the ones you made for him just now?"

"Yes, and that's just part of it. There are more. They are all the best delicacies. How about it? Are you interested in trying it?"

Katlana's eyes lit up, "Of course." She is actually a woman who likes to have fun very much. When she was in Stormwind City, she would hold banquets every now and then, eating and drinking with public funds. Since she was reduced to being a follower of Xia Yu, Although the food was not bad, it was completely incomparable to the treatment in the past.

Especially after being exposed to more and more information and learning about the various luxuries in this world, she felt nostalgic for her original position of power.

Xia Yu would not treat his subordinates harshly. He changed the dishes he had memorized one by one and let Katlana taste them as she pleased. He also helped set the price. This person has enjoyed all the good things and can be regarded as a professional. A suitable pricing can be given.

The two chatted while eating. Katlana tasted the various delicacies that Xia Yu created, and the more she ate, the more excited she became. The taste of these delicacies was even better than what she had eaten in Stormwind City. It was the best she had ever tasted. of food.

As they ate more, they talked more, and the two chatted about their daily lives.

Xia Yu was also curious about what Katlana usually did.

In addition to running the bar at night, she is still playing World of Warcraft, and even established a guild in the game. The scale is not small. With excellent leadership skills (Katlana claims), this guild has successfully entered the top level of the server. One of the guilds, but her father was getting tired of playing the game every day, so Katrana was also planning to do something else.

Xia Yu also talked about some things he encountered in the game, which Katlana was very interested in, and the two chatted quite harmoniously.

System prompt: Because the chat with you is very pleasant, your follower Katrana's loyalty to you has increased and is now 85% (trustworthy).

Xia Yuxin said that this was an unexpected surprise.

After eating a piece of cream dessert, Katlana was finally full. She licked her fingers covered with cream, wiped her hands with a tissue with satisfaction, and asked seemingly unintentionally: "By the way, Master, do you have anything in this world?" What goal do you want to achieve?"

"Target? What do you mean?"

"Build your own business empire! Or make achievements in politics, or you want to gain some rights from the dark field, just like the Defias Brotherhood. If you are interested in anything, please feel free to Just ask me and I can help you start the layout at any time."

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