The weird game of the ancient gods

Chapter 183 Weird Vision

Xia Yu squinted his eyes before adapting to the dazzling light. He looked carefully and found that the light all came from the people in the banquet hall. Those heroic warriors exuded a faint blue light, either deep or light, and the women The body of the Martial God was flashing with white light, with a hint of coldness.

The one who shines brightest is Odin, who is sitting on the main seat. He exudes dazzling golden light, mixed with some blood-red colors, like a red sun, which makes people unable to open their eyes.

Xia Yu was stunned for a moment. Needless to say, the situation in front of him was definitely related to the spring water he drank.

He tried his best to appear calm, followed Xuanniao to the banquet table, and sat down in a seat on the player's side. The banquet had reached its climax. Everyone was eating meat, drinking wine, and singing loudly. The players and the heroic warriors Mixed together, there was no distinction between them, and they were all enjoying the feast. However, the Valkyries were still performing their duties, serving food and pouring wine, or standing aside.

"Haha, traveler, you are finally back. I thought you fell into the toilet." Ergouzi had changed back to his human form, holding a bottle of wine in his hand, laughing and patting him on the shoulder, obviously drinking too. After seeing a lot of light, Xia Yu noticed that there was also light on the players, but it was much fainter and mostly covered by the body. The light on the players was more complicated. First, there was a faint red light, and a few people were mixed with light. All other things, Er Gouzi's body exudes light green light, Overlord's body has red light, Xuanniao's body has light white and is continuous, and the leader's body has dark blue light.

And like Kuang Shao, Gentleman, and Fei Hu, there is almost no other light on their bodies, just a faint red light.

Xia Yu secretly thought to himself, it seems that this light should be an external manifestation of energy. The stronger the energy, the stronger the light, and the color is also related to the type of energy. Xia Yu can feel that the color of the light is just an appearance. , is also a red light. The red light on the player carries a sense of life, while the red light on Odin is full of violence and killing. The two are completely different.

It is also white light. The white light on Xuanniao has a very soft feeling, very similar to the breath of life. It should be the true energy in her body, but the white light on Valkyrie has a cold chill.

The golden light on Odin should be the light of the gods, full of majesty and awe-inspiring texture...

I seem to have some kind of energy detection ability. This ability is undoubtedly brought by the spring water. Yes, since the crow is Odin's eyes and ears, it naturally needs to be sharp, so the spring water is used to enhance the crow's perception ability. , but let myself enjoy it.

While feeling excited, he couldn't help but look at Wang Li. He wanted to know what kind of light Wang Li would emit. The strange thing was that Wang Li couldn't see any light, as if he was just an ordinary person.

No, even ordinary people would have a faint red light, but there was really nothing on Wang Li. In this banquet hall where light was everywhere, it was like a black hole.

He didn't know if it was because the surrounding light was too dazzling. He felt his eyes were a little sore and rubbed them subconsciously. Suddenly he felt something on his hands. When he lowered his head, it turned out to be blood.

He was startled and thought to himself, he must have gone blind. Looking around again, his eyes were getting darker and darker. He suddenly realized that it was not cloudy when he was outside before, but the vision changed. The darkened relationship, at this moment, there are only those lights flashing in front of my eyes. Xia Yu quickly closed his eyes and felt a little more comfortable.

But he couldn't keep his eyes closed all the time, and he could feel that the pain in his eyes was still continuing. He patted the shoulder of the dragon knight next to him. At this time, the dragon knight had already recovered, but he still looked wilted. He drank like other people, but sipped a bowl of porridge in small sips. The drunkenness he drank clearly left a big shadow on him.

"What's wrong Traveler?"

"Give me a purification spell."

Although Longqi was confused, he still used a purification spell on him. Xia Yu opened his eyes, but there was no improvement, so he hurriedly closed them again.

It seemed that his eyes were not poisoned or cursed, but were injured. The reason for the injury was probably because he saw something he shouldn't have seen. Seeing the surroundings getting darker, he gritted his teeth and clicked on the watch. On the loading screen, there were still two unused cards in his watch.

One is [Weird Recipe], a junk card.

There is also a [Healing Potion], a prop card.

The eye injury should be cured with the healing potion. However, after hesitating, Xia Yu realized that it was still useless. He couldn't die in the Hall of Heroes anyway, so he had better not waste it and wait until he returned to reality to see the situation.

At this moment, Wang Li suddenly stood up and clapped his hands. The sound was not loud, but it magically made everyone put down the wine and meat in their hands and look at him.

Wang Li glanced at everyone and said with a smile: "Everyone, the time for this banquet has come. I think it's time for us to leave."

Odin said dissatisfied, "Are you leaving now? Wang Li, I haven't drunk enough yet."

"Next time, Your Majesty Odin, we will meet again sooner or later."

Odin sighed, "Okay, okay, I know I can't convince you, so let me send you away."

Wang Li nodded and said to everyone, "Everyone, please be prepared and don't leave anything behind."

The players nodded and stood up, drinking and fighting with the heroic warriors. Several people had won trophies. They had just had a party, so they quickly checked to see if they had it with them.

Xia Yu also walked towards Tiana, "Where is the food I packed?"

"Here they are." Tiana handed her two fast food bags. These fast food bags seemed to have the properties of some kind of space props. One of them contained hundreds of kilograms of roast pig, and the other contained thousands of kilograms. roasted moose, but it is only the size of a normal fast food bag in your hand, and the food inside seems to be abstracted, which is very magical.

Xia Yu was carrying two packs of meat with dragon teeth hanging around his waist. He felt like he was walking home after a banquet and carrying leftovers, but it was a bit unclear when he walked.

Tiana asked in surprise, "Your eyes?"

"It's okay, it should be fine when we go back." Xia Yu said and had to close one eye, and squinted the other eye, leaving only a gap, and walked into the crowd.

Xia Yu gained a lot, and everyone else also gained a lot, especially Overlord and Xuanniao. Later, he defeated several heroic warriors and took a lot of trophies.

Everyone else also gained something, except Kuang Shao and Fei Hu. They had no ability and could not be said to have gained anything except a meal.

Feihu was fine. For him, this magical trip had already opened his eyes, not to mention eating many delicacies that he would never dare to think about.

Kuang Shao watched other people carrying things back in large and small packages, but felt very uncomfortable. He glanced around and suddenly noticed a fast food bag lying unclaimed in the corner.

Huh? Isn’t this a traveler’s snack bag? Why didn't you take it away?

He walked over and picked it up and took a look. What was in the bag was a grilled fish. It looked quite big. The young man looked around and saw that there was no one around. He picked it up and stuffed it into his windbreaker. Anyway, the windbreaker was quite wide. No one will see it.

"Hey, let's bring something back too."

The players quickly gathered together, and Valkyrie came behind them and carried the players towards the outside of the Hall of Valor. Odin and Wang Li were walking at the back.

Odin suddenly grabbed Wang Li, "So we won the last battle?"

Wang Li smiled, "Of course, I remember you have asked."

"I just want to confirm again. After all, time is always changing."

"No, time has never changed, it's just that you haven't seen it clearly yet." After Wang Li finished speaking, he nodded in greeting, and his figure gradually disappeared into the air.

Odin watched Wang Li's figure disappear, with a hint of loss in his one eye.

When the Valkyrie sent them back to the other side of the Dragon Bone Bridge, Wang Li was already waiting there. He led everyone back along the original path, passing through the misty woodland, and soon returned to the empty land. On the grass, without the dazzling light around him, Xia Yu felt that his eyes felt much better.

"Now, let's return." Wang Li said and snapped his fingers. Everyone immediately felt their bodies sink. The ground under their feet instantly turned into a phantom, and the whole person fell towards the endless void.

Seven-colored lights flashed around, forming a tunnel of rainbow-like light due to passing too quickly. This feeling of falling downwards makes people's hearts beat faster, their brains are dizzy, and they can't help but want to scream to vent their fear. It wasn't until their bodies sank suddenly that everyone found themselves back on the chairs in the game room, and then they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Phew, I'm finally back, it feels like a dream." Feihu sighed.

Kuang Shao laughed dryly and secretly touched his arms. The fast food bag was still there, and he felt relieved.

Xia Yu had a similar feeling. He found that his eyes no longer hurt at all, and he felt much relieved. He reached for his waist and found that the red flame dragon tooth was still there and that he had brought the things back.

In addition to the Red Flame Dragon Fang, there are also two fast food bags. The harvest from this trip is really quite big.

Everyone else was also checking the harvest this time. In addition, they had just enjoyed a luxurious feast that lasted 24 hours. They were all very satisfied. Isn't this a game that is fun to play? It is so much fun compared to the starving game. too much.

Wang Li looked at everyone's expressions with a smile, "Okay everyone, the game is over. Now let's settle the game."

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