The weird game of the ancient gods

Chapter 166 Stranger in White

Xia Yu was stunned, "Can you really not remember?"

"Sorry, I really don't know what you're talking about."

After hanging up the phone, Xia Yu was filled with doubts. Could it be that Wang Li could modify people's memories?

No, memory is just memory. That ancient house is not fake. Could it be said that he can travel through the past and the future? Change history directly!

That's not right. If he traveled to the past and left that ancient house behind, then this process would definitely produce a butterfly effect. There would definitely be countless subtle changes in the development of history, and even end up completely changed beyond recognition. Three hundred years are enough to change A lot of things.

So this is definitely not something that can be achieved by simple time travel.

The more Xia Yu thought about it, the more confused he became. Who is Wang Li? How did he do all this? What is that huge monster like a mountain of meat?

Xia Yu was puzzled by so many questions and full of curiosity at the same time. He suddenly regretted choosing those 20 rough stones. It was only 20 rough stones and he couldn't even draw a blue card.

Forget it, what if I knew it, it might cause disaster, Xia Yu comforted himself as much as possible.

When returning home at night, Xia Yu stopped by the bookstore and bought a copy of "Sleepwalking".

He was a little curious whether there would be any clues in the book.

Xia Yu didn't play games the next day, but hid in his room and read a book.

This book is written in classical Chinese, half text and half white. The writing style is very similar to that of a Chinese fairy tale, and even the format is very close to that of a Chinese fairy tale. It contains many independent short stories.

What’s interesting is that these stories are all recorded based on Mr. You’s actions while dreaming, and each ending ends with him waking up from his dream.

According to the introduction on the title page of the book, this was because of the rise of literary inquisition at that time, and Mr. You had to rely on dreams to avoid being over-interpreted.

As he watched, Xia Yu suddenly sat up. One of the stories caught his attention.

This story is called "The Stranger in White"

"Dream Travels" Volume 7: "The Stranger in White"

You Gong taboos that Bai Fang is from Songjiang Prefecture. I like to travel and try to visit the countryside. Encountering a tea shop on the road, a man in white clothes invited him to drink with him and gave him a cup of tea. Yousheng drank it and became drunk. He felt as if he was walking in a busy city. He saw a wine shop named Shenwei Pavilion. It was extremely luxurious and packed with guests. . There was a strange smell in the building, and the visitor was curious about it. Then he entered, and the owner of the shop treated him with several meat eggs. Suddenly I heard a strange noise downstairs, so I looked down and saw a strange beast. It looked like an earthworm and was several feet long. It was hidden in the soil. Its flesh stretched out and stretched. Even if a hundred or ten people ate it, they couldn't eat it all.

You Sheng saw that it was very evil, so he asked the owner of the shop what it was. The owner of the shop smiled and said nothing, but asked him to eat it. You Sheng asked him forcefully, and the owner of the shop replied: "This is the Xilong, also known as the Great Wilderness. Pangu sneaked into this world when he opened the sky, and Pangu killed him with an axe. His body lay lying on the ground for tens of thousands of years before he could recover. Its shape. Its flesh is like living soil, which is inexhaustible. It is also very delicious, so you can eat it quickly."

When you are very hungry, you smell the strange fragrance again, and eat it in a big way, and then it will be gone in a short time. The owner of the shop was shocked and angrily scolded him: "Who are you, destroying my sacred thing!" He looked back and shouted, and all the diners attacked in groups, vying to eat the fish. They all had red eyes and exposed teeth, and looked like wild beasts. Very scary. You Sheng was horrified and staggered away. He touched the candle and fell to the ground. The fire suddenly ignited and the entire building was on fire.

When the fire reaches the body, you wake up with a start, just like a dream. Double vision left and right, still in the tea shop, it was already dusk. The man in white smiled and asked, "Have you returned?" You Sheng knew that he was a stranger, so he told him why.

The man in white replied: "This is a strange dream, which can give a glimpse of the past and the future. Now that you have seen what happened, you should respond within ten days and go. One more thing, please tell me, don't forget the appointment in ten days, and make it early Go ahead, delay will lead to failure.”

Yousheng didn't know what was going on, so he returned home. After ten days, I heard that there was a fire in the county, which destroyed several wine shops and houses. Watching its actions was like a scene in a dream. When you saw something different, you bought the land and ordered you to dig it ten feet deep. There was blood like a spring, and it took three days to extinguish it. At that time, everyone was surprised and went to tell the county magistrate. The county magistrate summoned You Sheng and told him about the man in white. The county magistrate visited him but could not. Later Yousheng built a mansion on the land and named it "Youfangzhai".

You Sheng said: "I made an appointment for ten days, but I still don't know. His words were not meant for me, but someone must have heard them. I should be prepared to wait for him."

Xia Yu read with fascination. Although the content in this book seemed absurd, it still revealed some clues. Could this strange man in white be Wang Li? So he can really travel through time and space. After learning about the monster from himself, he went to the Qing Dynasty to destroy the monster?

It's just that the way he destroyed the monsters is a bit unclear. He found a storyteller to kill them in his dream. Is this the author's distortion and exaggeration, or does it have another deeper meaning?

Why not just do it? Did he think it was more interesting, or was he unable to do it directly?

What does this ten-day appointment mean?

While he was thinking about it, the watch on his hand suddenly rang.

[System prompt: The next game will start in 24 hours, players please be prepared. 】

Xia Yu was stunned. Could this ten-day appointment remind him not to forget to participate in the game?

If this is the case, I can only say that this Wang Li is really a very evil person.

No, no matter how hard you participate in a game, you will never forget it. This reminder may not be a simple reminder, but a message conveyed.

Xia Yu thought too much and had a headache for a while. He had a feeling that Wang Li's abilities were probably beyond his understanding. It was like primitive humans couldn't imagine living on a big ball, and there was nothing they could do about it. Use the existing knowledge to analyze what Wang Li did.

I woke up the next morning and had breakfast. I originally planned to wait until after ten o'clock before setting off. However, I thought of the sentence I read in the book yesterday: "You must not forget a ten-day appointment. You should leave early, otherwise you will be late." ’

I felt a little bit in my heart, so I thought I'd better set off quickly.

I went out at 8:30, but I didn't expect to encounter a traffic jam when I entered the city. Fortunately, I left early, and I didn't arrive at the game cabin until 10:30.

As soon as he entered the lobby on the second floor, he saw the gentleman talking to Ergouzi Longqi, and calculating numbers with his mobile phone in his hand.

Dragon Rider: "Hey, traveler, you're here. I thought you couldn't come. I heard that there was a big traffic jam in Beihe District, which lasted for more than ten miles. Didn't you encounter it on the way?"

Xia Yuxin said that it was thanks to Wang Li's reminder, otherwise he would have been too late today, but he could even predict when he would read a book and when he would be stuck in a traffic jam. This fortune-telling ability was probably worthy of being called a semi-immortal. .

His heart was in turmoil, but there was no change on his face. He said calmly: "I came out early and I wasn't stuck for too long. What are you doing?"

Ergouzi said: "Divide the spoils. The gentleman has sold everything and is dividing the money with us." He picked up the phone and took a look, "I have received the money here."

The gentleman said: "Traveller, your share minus my share is a total of three hundred and thirty-six thousand. Can I pay it to your account?"

"Only more than 300,000 yuan?" Xia Yu was a little unbelievable. The best one among his watches cost more than 200,000 yuan and less than 300,000 yuan.

The gentleman shrugged, "No way, these watches of yours are all black goods without certificates and invoices. If you can sell them at this price, it's good. I have something to do with it. Anyone else would never be able to sell them at this price. If you If you don’t believe me, I can show you the details.”

Xia Yu waved his hand, thinking that more than 300,000 would be more than 300,000, which is quite a lot.

He felt that the gentleman must not have lied. He would definitely discount this kind of black goods, but he was a little speechless when he thought about how much money he made after just walking in the apocalyptic wasteland.

However, he quickly adjusted his mentality. He still had gold in his hands, and the bar's receivables were stable. Money would always be saved.

Besides, money is nothing. I now have seventy rough stones. If I can win one more game and get enough one hundred rough stones to exchange for an orange card, it will be extremely unpleasant.

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