The weird game of the ancient gods

Chapter 155 Pandora’s Gift

Wang Lidao: "Then, others are free to move around and invite a few card drawers to draw your punishment cards."

The three of them walked to the black machine in order to draw cards. Xia Yu and others also gathered around, watching curiously.

The first person to draw a card was Ergouzi. After he finished drawing, he took a look, and his face showed no change.

[Burning (pain card)

Effect: After triggering, your stomach will continue to have a burning sensation for seven days.

Card introduction: Stomach acid will help the body digest food, but it can also cause pain. When the concentration of stomach acid is high enough, it can even cause the feeling of being burned by fire. 】

"It's a burning card. The effect is that you have to endure the burning feeling in your stomach for a week." Ergouzi said nonchalantly with a tough guy attitude.

Xia Yuxin said that it sounded very uncomfortable. He had also experienced heartburn and knew what it felt like. It would be really hard to have heartburn for a week, but in the final analysis, the Pain Card was just about suffering a little sin and was not very dangerous.

The second person to draw a card was the mechanic. After drawing the card, he smiled with interest and said, "Crazy whispers. The effect is that for a week, a terrifying whisper will continue to sound in your ears. Haha, that's it." I thought it was something, it seems like I’m lucky.”

[Crazy Whisper (Nightmare Card)

Effect: After triggering, you will hear strange whispers lingering in your ears for seven days.

Card introduction: Some ancient long-lost gods cannot be truly killed even if they are defeated. The ancient warlocks sealed them. However, even if they are in another dimension, their voices can still occasionally penetrate the boundaries of time and space. , ringing in people's ears, those with sensitive minds are especially susceptible to the influence of this whisper. This strange whisper often brings people inexplicable inspiration and gives birth to amazing works of art, but those with low willpower It is also possible to fall into madness. 】

Xia Yuxin said that for ordinary people, this thing might be quite dangerous, but if the mechanic has been taken over by the mastermind, whispering to a supercomputer can't imagine what effect it will have, so he is still lucky.

The last person to draw a card was the leader. This was the first time for Xia Yu to see someone else draw the hell card. It felt like everyone was more nervous than the leader himself, and everyone watched eagerly.

The leader stepped forward and pulled the lever, beep beep beep - boom! As the roulette wheel stopped, a black card popped out.

The leader picked it up and took a look. His face turned pale. He took a deep breath and didn't know what he was thinking. Then he showed the card to everyone, "Everyone, do you have any suggestions?"

Xia Yu looked at the card.

[Pandora’s Gift (Hell Card)

Effect: After triggering, you will be struck by a terrible disaster every day for seven days.

Card introduction: The gods of Olympus sealed many horrific disasters in Pandora's Box, hoping to avoid fear. However, when the box is opened and the disaster is released, misfortune will also spread among humans. , and now, this unknown gift is delivered to your hands. 】

Everyone looked at the introduction of the card with thoughtful expressions.

Although the leader is not very likable, when facing the test of the hell card, everyone worked together unusually. After all, this is the hell card. If you can master the method of cracking it, you will be able to draw more cards in the future. The means of dealing with it are not.

Fubuki said: "This card seems to have a collateral damage effect. If it is close, it may easily affect innocent people. This should be completely different from Hades' gaze."

Xuanniiao also nodded, "Yes, and I estimate that the disaster triggered should be related to the surrounding environment. If it is in a snowy mountain, it will trigger an avalanche, and if it is on the road, it will trigger a car accident."

Xia Yu pondered for a moment and said: "If that's the case, then I have an idea. Anyway, we only suffer one disaster every day. Why don't you find a way to actively trigger a relatively safe disaster, such as finding a desert and triggering a sandstorm? Or find a plain, trigger an earthquake or something, and be prepared in advance. When the type of disaster is controllable and well-prepared, the disaster will not be so terrible, and there should be a high chance of survival."

Longqi said: "Yes, yes, I think you can run into the wilderness. It's a big place to hide. It's best to drive a car. What kind of disaster can happen in the wilderness? It's nothing more than meteorites falling from the sky or earthquake cracks appearing on the ground. Just drive and hide." ”

The gentleman said: "Don't stay in the city, not to mention the harm to others. After all, natural disasters are easy to avoid and man-made disasters are difficult to prevent."

Everyone was talking about the analysis, and they actually analyzed many ways to deal with it.

The key is that unlike Death's Gaze, which is a completely illogical and unreasonable punishment, this Pandora's gift literally feels controllable to a certain extent.

The leader's face improved a lot after hearing this, "Hahahaha, it seems that my luck is really good. Thank you all, so please excuse me. I have to drive out of the city. Let's see you next time in the game." As the leader said, he opened the door and strode out.

Watching the leader leave, Wang Li smiled and shook his head, "Then this is the end of the game. The next game will start in ten days. Please don't forget that the game cabin will open in 24 hours. closure."

Wang Li said and waved his hand, indicating that everyone could do as they pleased.

Seeing that everyone was about to disperse, Ergouzi suggested, "Do you think the leader will die? I don't think the leader will survive. Does anyone want to make a bet with me? How about buying one and losing three?"

No one answered.

Firstly, there is no rough stone, and secondly, it is somewhat unethical to gamble with other players' lives.

As the saying goes, things of the same kind tend to harm others, and it is inevitable that one day I will encounter something similar.

Xia Yuxin said that these two idiots really didn't have any eyesight. They would gamble on this kind of thing and didn't know what to say.

Xuanniao shouted, "Everyone, before I leave, I want to announce something. Next, I want to collect a few skill cards, as long as they are unarmed martial arts, such as Bailie Fist, Cloud Piercer Kick, Tornado Kick, etc. Yes, the probability of this kind of whiteboard skill card appearing is quite high, and it’s useless for you to keep it. If you are interested, you can contact me and I will offer you 10 rough stones to receive each one.”

The price of 10 rough stones for a common skill card is really not bad. Although the value of the skill card among the cards drawn is relatively high, for ordinary people, this kind of martial arts card does not mean much.

What is really valuable are spells and ability cards like meal making and disappearance.

Exchanging useless martial arts cards for some rough stones to continue drawing cards is quite cost-effective for people who don’t want to take the fighting route. It seems that Xuanniao really plans to take the supreme martial arts route. This is enriching her skill library. .

Although everyone nodded, no one could really come up with the goods. There was no way, everyone had too few rough stones. This kind of skill card would be loaded directly after being drawn, and no one would keep it.

But if you get it in the future, you might consider trading with her.

Others filed out, shouting about where to go to have a good meal, or go to the bathing center to take a bath to soothe their nerves.

Xia Yu and Longqi looked at each other and stayed.

After everyone else had left, the two came to Wang Li.

Wang Li didn't seem surprised. While pouring himself a cup of coffee, he asked, "Do you two have anything else?"

Xia Yu said: "Householder, there is something I think I need to report to you."

Wang Li said without looking back, "Are you talking about the mechanic?"

"Well, you already know that."

Wang Li nodded, "Absolutely. I do feel that he is a little different, but you should talk about it carefully."

The two of them didn't hide anything, they told each other what happened in the shelter line by line.

Xia Yu: "I think this mechanic is probably occupied by the mastermind."

Longqi: "Yes, yes, he feels weird. I think he is going to die."

Wang Li looked at the two of them with a smile, "So what do you mean?"

"Aren't you going to take care of it?"

Wang Li asked, "Why should I care?"

"But he is controlled."

Wang Li shrugged, "So what?"

"What if he wants to build a Skynet system, a matrix, or other artificial intelligence, and then destroy humanity?"

Wang Li smiled: "Haha, I think you don't have to worry. First of all, regarding the question of whether the mechanic's body was taken away, you know the story of Arthas becoming the Lich King, right?"

Xia Yu and Longqi both nodded.

"Then do you think Arthas who became the Lich King is the Lich King or Arthas."

There will be more later

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