The weird game of the ancient gods

Chapter 134 Open the door

At this moment, Xia Yu and the others were ready and heading towards the entrance of the shelter. "Look, look, it seems like the sky is going to change!" The Storm Dragon Rider exclaimed as he watched the storm approaching in the sky.

Xia Yu was also surprised. Although he had calculated that a change in the weather was likely to occur, he did not expect that the change would be so shocking. A huge sandstorm was approaching from far away. Although it was still very far away, Even at such a long distance, the powerful pressure brought by the sandstorm was still conveyed visually from a distance.

It is not difficult to imagine that once a storm hits the city, the entire environment will become even worse.

The mechanic didn't care so much, "Don't worry so much. As long as we can open the door of the shelter, we will definitely be in the top three. Let's think about how to allocate the rankings."

That's right, Xia Yu thought to himself.

Longqi also immediately changed his face to a happy one: "Haha, I'm so excited! But do we really need to bring this thing?" Longqi looked at the big bomb in the trolley and asked helplessly.

This bomb is about the size of a basketball. Its shell is made of two interlocking stainless steel buckets. The smaller one fits right into the larger one. The outside is also tied with more than a dozen wires, making it look quite ferocious.

"Nonsense, what if the BOSS appears inside that iron door? It took me a lot of effort to build this thing. I originally planned to use it to blow up the water monster in the lake. Since I want to open the door, I might as well bring it with me. Once it’s ready, it will come in handy if you don’t need it.”

Xia Yu quite agrees with this, "According to my game experience, most of the hidden dungeons in the map that require door-opening tasks to enter will have a BOSS, and maybe there will be an entire dungeon to fight."

Dragon Rider said: "Don't think that I haven't played Warcraft before. You think this is Ahn'Qiraj opening the door. If there is someone inside, are we going to be tough or soft?"

Xia Yu: "Then it depends on how many people are inside. Just adapt to the situation and act according to my eyes."

Finally, they arrived at the entrance of the tunnel. At this time, the sandstorm in the distance was also close at hand. The three of them did not hesitate, and laboriously transported the bomb down, then lit the torch and walked all the way to the iron door.

The sound of howling wind sounded from the entrance of the tunnel behind me, which was the sound of the sandstorm finally coming. However, deep into the tunnel, it no longer had much of a deterrent effect. Instead, it seemed that the place was very quiet.

"I'm going to do it, you two are ready."

The mechanic said, took out the TV battery and connected it to the power supply of the console.

Following a buzzing sound, the indicator light on the console suddenly lit up.

"Get ready, I'm opening the door!"

"Come on!" Xia Yu said, holding the saber at his waist tightly.

The dragon knight also held a hammer in his hand. With the sound of mechanical operation and metal friction, the iron door in front of him slowly opened.

The moment the door opened, a stale stench hit your face.

Mechanic: "What a fool!"

Dragon Rider: "What does it smell like!"

Xia Yu: "Quickly retreat!"

The three of them couldn't hold back for a moment. They covered their noses and backed away quickly for a distance before stopping. It wasn't until the stale breath was blown away by the airflow that the three of them leaned forward.

Seeing the scene in front of them, the three people who were already uneasy were all extremely shocked.

Corpses were either stacked or scattered in the passage behind the door. There seemed to be as many as forty or fifty.

These corpses were all severely decomposed, and some even had their bones exposed. They were presented in front of the three of them. This was the first time Xia Yu saw such a tragic scene. He couldn't help but shudder. Before, he also considered the various things that would happen after opening the door. There may be hospitable shelter residents, biochemical zombies, or even a group of soldiers wearing power armor. As soon as they meet, a round of Gatling fire with blue fire will come over. However, I didn’t expect it. Such is the situation.

Holding back their nausea and nervousness, the three of them got a little closer.

"Be careful, what if it's a zombie?"

"It can't be zombies. Look, they're all rotten into bones."

Indeed, these corpses were already very rotten, probably because they were in a sealed underground environment.

So the question is, why did these people die here?

The three of them carefully stepped over the corpses. At the end of the passage was another iron door. The passage between the two doors seemed to be a transit area for entering the shelter.

The operation console of the iron door inside also has no electricity.

"Could they be accidentally trapped here and starve to death?"

"It's very possible to starve to death, but they seem to have deliberately destroyed the power supply." The mechanic pointed to the iron cabinet under the console and said. The iron cabinet was opened, and the cables inside were pulled out and cut. There is a corpse next to it, holding a fire ax in its hand.

This man seemed to have cut off the power supply with an axe. The body had obvious signs of being charred, and he probably paid the price with his life in order to cut off the power supply.

Dragon Knight: "Why did they destroy the power supply?"

Xia Yu sighed: "What else could it be? There must be something terrible behind the door, which forced them to escape into this corridor, and then they were trapped and died here."

Xia Yu looked at the iron gate in front of him and couldn't help but feel a little wary.

These people would rather starve to death than cut off the power supply. I really don’t know what changes happened to push them into such a situation. In an instant, the plots of many science fiction horror movies I have watched in the past appeared in my mind one after another.

Longqi also became nervous, "Then do we still want to open the door inside?"

The mechanic said: "I think we should open it. After all, so many years have passed, and the terrible thing inside is probably dead. That means that what is waiting for us is an empty base full of resources.

Maybe I can get some canned meat compressed biscuits or something to try. "

Xia Yu also said: "I also think we should open this door. You have all seen the storm just now. I am afraid that we will not be able to get through it for a while. We will either be trapped here and wait until the storm is over. We will not be hungry during this period." How many meals are there, or open the door and find out."

"Besides, it is usually impossible to design a certain death situation in the game. In other words, if there is nothing behind the door, it cannot be completely invincible to us. Otherwise, there is no point in adding such a hidden snow area to the map. It will not work. It may just be because the designers want to dig holes for players.”

After hearing this, Longqi thought it made sense, "Okay, then let's drive!"

While he was talking, the mechanic had already taken out his tools and started wiring the cables.

Buzz, with the sound of power being turned on, the console lit up.

The mechanic pressed the switch hard, and the iron door in front of him slowly opened.

Mechanic: "You idiot! Here we go again!"

Dragon Rider: "Sun, it smells like this again!"

Xia Yu: "Back off, damn it!"

The three of them almost repeated their previous encounter. They were forced to retreat dozens of meters by the indescribable disgusting smell, and waited for a while before daring to approach.

This time, the three of them were mentally prepared. The smell was exactly the same as what they had smelled before. There must be a lot of corpses inside.

Sure enough, after walking in, they were greeted by corpses everywhere. Most of these corpses fell towards the door, and many simply threw themselves on the door and stuck to it. As the steel door slowly opened, these corpses The corpse was also dragged towards both sides, leaving black traces on the ground.

The three people who watched almost ran out again. After finally regaining their composure, Xia Yu observed. It seemed that these people wanted to escape to the door but didn't have time.

Longqi said in shock, "Hey, where are the heads of these corpses?"

Xia Yu also noticed that although the corpses on the ground were badly decomposed, the outlines could still be seen, and all of them had no heads.

PS: There will be more in a while

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