The weird game of the ancient gods

Chapter 125 Great Harvest

Xia Yu was speechless for a while. This black bird was a bit fierce. He went to the wild area to develop alone. Bai Ye's emotions seemed to be fake, but why did he feel that it didn't seem real? As the saying goes, a woman's mouth is deceiving. Forget it, being yourself is the most important thing anyway.

Without saying anything else, he went back outside with the potatoes and threw them into the car.

Longqi looked at Tudou in a daze, "What is this?"


"What does a potato look like? I don't know much about books, so don't lie to me."

"Have you mutated? Let's go to the next family."

Now only the Bawang family is left.

Overlord is the farthest one among them all. It is located in the ruins on the north side of the lake and near the edge of the city. The buildings there are also the most severely damaged. You can hardly see a single intact building everywhere. They are all ruins and broken walls.

When the two of them arrived nearby, they saw a puff of green smoke coming from a ruin in front of them from a distance.

There was still a faint smell of burning flesh in the air.

What did Xia Yuxin say? He and Longqi looked at each other, signaled to Longqi to wait, and walked towards the direction of the smoke.

After walking through the rubble and rubble, and climbing through the window of a collapsed broken wall, Xia Yu came to a two-story building with only half of it left. All the upper parts of the building had disappeared, and only one corner remained. Some roofs, leaving large open spaces.

Seeing the scene in the open space, Xia Yu was immediately shocked. He saw a huge animal skin quilt spread on the ground, and an old sofa was placed on it. It looked like a mountain king's throne.

A ferocious head covered with barb-like teeth was hung on the wall. It was hard to tell what kind of animal it was, but it looked very scary.

A corner of the room was filled with scrap furniture, with a fire ax stuck on top.

Hooks hung from the beams on the roof of the only remaining corner of the building, which were actually bent from scrap steel bars. Huge pieces of meat hung on them, including whole thighs, whole ribs, and strips. strips of meat.

The largest piece probably weighed twenty or thirty kilograms, and the smaller one weighed ten or eight kilograms, hanging like a forest of meat.

Under the meat, there was a fire, which was made of broken wood chopped from furniture. The smoke continued to rise, turning the meat strips black.

This kind of bacon obviously won't taste good, and may even cause cancer, but it should be able to be stored for a longer time. There is no refrigerator and no salt in the world, so this seems to be the only easy way to preserve meat.

What really surprised Xia Yu was the amount of meat.

This overlord is crazy. How did he get so much meat? He thought again of the monster's howling that night. Could it be the guy in front of him? Feelings are what kill the overlord.

He looked around for a few times, and it seemed that the Overlord was no longer there. He thought to himself that he might as well just take it. He stretched out his hand to hook it, but there was a sound of heavy footsteps behind him.

Xia Yu hurriedly retracted his hand, pretending to look at the scenery, and turned around to see Overlord walking in carrying a desk. The Overlord only wears a vest on his upper body, and his muscles are bulging. Combined with the several ferocious scars on his body, he looks really domineering.

As soon as he saw that there was a bully in the room, he immediately threw the table aside and picked up the axe.

"Traveler, what do you want to do?" He asked with his eyes widened, as if he was about to be struck by an ax the next second.

Faced with this reckless man, Xia Yu really didn't dare to fool him, "Don't be nervous, I'm here to do business." He said and hurriedly raised the plastic bag.

The Overlord then softened his expression, and suddenly laughed again, "Oh, come as soon as you say you're going to come. Why are you so polite? You're even bringing a gift."

"Stop, stop, stop, let's not do this. Didn't I come to make a deal with you? Since you're not at home, I just looked around. Would you like to change it? Two apples and one piece of bread. How about a change? Give me the meat?”

"Okay, how much do you want?"

Xia Yu thought that this guy had a strong family background, so he couldn't afford less.

"How about a leg?" He pointed to the smoked hams on the roof.

The Overlord was happy, "Okay, I can't eat all the meat anyway." After saying that, he untied a large ham from the top. It looked like it weighed twenty or thirty kilograms.

Xia Yu didn't expect this overlord to be so happy. Looking at the ham full of muscles and fascia and the barb-like claws, he wondered, "What kind of meat is this?"

"Where did I know? It seemed to be some kind of mutated lizard. It crawled out of the lake in the middle of the night and attacked me. It almost disemboweled me. Fortunately, I am more alert and I killed it with one combo. There happened to be nothing to eat, so they were smoked."

In the lake? The mechanic also caught fish from the lake before. It seems that there is a lot of food in the lake. We can think about it later.

Xia Yu carried the meat and left the Overlord's shelter, thinking that if he ran out of food in the future, he would definitely start with the Overlord first.

Overlord picked up an apple and took a bite. Yes, it was quite sweet. When I get tired of eating meat, I just change my mind.

Looking at Xia Yu's leaving figure, I felt a little uncomfortable. No, this kid is very sneaky. He was a thief in the last game. It's not a good thing for him to see so much meat. You have to take some precautions. Don't be afraid of thieves or thieves. I miss you.


Back outside, Xia Yu threw the thigh directly onto the cart. Now the cart was completely full.

Longqi was surprised when he saw it, "I rely on so much meat. What the hell is this? Why are the legs so big?"

Xia Yu chuckled, "I don't know. Overlord said he killed a big lizard. He has many more there. He also said that the monster crawled out of the lake. We can try it later and see if we can get one. .

If we can get it, one will be enough for us to eat for half a month. Now it seems that the overlord is the one with the most advantage. "

"Our advantage is not small," Longqi said, pointing to the harvest on the car.

Xia Yuxin said yes. After this round of transactions, they exchanged at least 50 kilograms of food, and mixed it with some magic food, which was enough for the two of them for ten days.

The two pushed the cart back home and immediately started processing the food.

Although there is a lot of food in exchange, a lot of it cannot be eaten directly. The mice need to be peeled and gutted, the two mutated fish also need to be processed, the potatoes need to be cleaned, and how to process them needs to be considered.

The large ham was quite solid, nothing superfluous.

In addition, all food needs to be purified. If there are no conditions, forget it. With the humanoid anti-virus device of Dragon Rider, of course it is better to eat with confidence.

Originally, the biggest problem was that food was not easy to preserve, but Dragon Knight's purification technique could also solve this problem. Once a day, the purification technique would basically ensure that the food would not spoil.

After a while of busy work, when all the food was cleaned up, the portion of the food was reduced again, with only more than thirty kilograms left. It seemed a bit difficult to eat for ten days, but it should be no problem to eat for a week.

Although there is a lot of food, this kind of windfall can usually only be made once, and there may not be such a good opportunity next time. The two felt that a long-term and stable source of food was still necessary.

The two of them also began to make calculations about this.

Now it seems that everyone has their own abilities.

Bai Ye dug up potatoes and wild vegetables somewhere. Although they didn't have much calories, they were more stable.

The Overlord can hunt ferocious beasts and ensure food for a long time in one go. Who knows if he will succeed again during this period. If he can continue to succeed, he may become the final winner.

Ergouzi is good at catching mice.

The mechanic can catch both mice and fish.

The leader and the doctor also catch mice, and can exchange water for other people's results. However, everyone can make water now, and the advantages of these two people have been offset a lot.

If this continues for a long time, the two of them will still be at a disadvantage, so they must have a stable source of food.

"Why don't we try catching fish tomorrow," Xia Yu said.

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