The weird game of the ancient gods

Chapter 103 Who killed me?

Following a short cutscene, her character appears in a clearing.

Looking at the scene in the North County Monastery, Katlana became more and more convinced that this was the Azeroth she was familiar with.

But why did Azeroth become a game? Her mind was in confusion, and her hands were mechanically controlling the character.

I have to say that this kind of game of controlling virtual characters and hiding behind the screen to take risks is really interesting. It is like observing a world through a screen. She has never considered what it would be like to be a weak mage apprentice, but Now she knows.

A first-level mage only knows one fireball spell, and her enemies are the minions of Kobolds and Defias. Katlana quickly completed several novice tasks, looking at the upgrade light on her body and the increasing number of skills in her skill bar. Skill, an inexplicable achievement came out. Is this how human mages enhance their strength and learn magic? It feels quite convenient.

After completing the task of the North County Monastery, Katrana headed towards Goldshire.

This Goldsmith Town was obviously much smaller than what she remembered, but the general terrain was still the same, just much simplified. A bold idea suddenly came to her mind, 'If there was a Goldsmith Town, would it be possible? Will there be Stormwind City? So in Stormwind City, will there be another self? ’

I tried to open the map, and sure enough, there was Stormwind City, and it wasn't far away.

She did not continue to level up and controlled the character to run towards Stormwind City. She wanted to confirm her guess.

Stormwind City looks somewhat familiar, but also very unfamiliar. Some gorgeously dressed adventurers are walking up and down the streets, or riding leopards, goats, or even death knight horses, speaking completely incomprehensible words.

She ignored those inexplicable adventurers and their inexplicable prophecies, and went straight to her goal.

Five minutes later, she looked at the majestic Stormwind Fortress in front of her and walked in nervously. To her surprise, the Stormwind City guards did not stop her at all - they were indeed a bunch of trash, as always. Katrana thought disdainfully.

Walking all the way to the palace hall, a woman wearing a purple robe suddenly appeared in front of her—Countess Katlana Presto!

Is this me? Looking at the expressionless woman in front of the screen, Katlana felt dizzy.

She tried hard not to scream, and clicked on Katrana in front of her, wanting to communicate with her, but the task was not triggered, only one line of words.

[Katlana Presto is glaring at you. 】

Katrana was speechless (what a bitch).

At this time, a group of people suddenly walked in aggressively outside the palace door. She actually recognized the leader, Marshal Windsor. Behind him were five adventurers in different costumes. Their equipment looked very different. Not to be trifled with, Katrana has already realized what these people are here for.

"Friend, stay alert. The dragoness won't give up unless there's a fight."

Marshal Windsor shouted: "As it was ordained long ago in Karazhan. I come, monster, with justice!"

The expressionless Countess Katrana Presto finally spoke, shouting: "Seize him, seize this despicable criminal and his accomplices!"

Looking at the dialogue on the screen, Catlana had an ominous premonition in her heart. Unexpectedly, this Windsor was quite capable, but no, this plot was clearly not in her memory. No, Windsor It should have been a year after I was sent to the Burning Plains to die. Yes, it was said before that [four years] had passed since the Alliance and the Horde united to fight against the Burning Legion, and my last memory was clearly [three years], so That is to say, this should be a prediction of what will happen in the future?

She was thinking blankly. At this time, the battle had already begun, and a group of dragons rushed in.

Watching Windsor fall on the screen, Onyxia revealed the true form of the black dragon, then fluttered her wings and flew away. Katrana did not move from the beginning to the end. She sat there with a complicated mood, so His conspiracy will eventually be discovered and he will escape from Stormwind City, but it is better than being killed in Stormwind City.

However, before he had time to rejoice, he saw several more adventurers walking in and coming to Duke Bolvar.

The leader, a human thief named I Love***, said: "Everyone, hurry up and get the BUFF online. I want to hand over the leader."

Dragon head? What faucet? The answer came quickly, Katrana thought.

Duke Bolvar: "Great, brave adventurer, I love Mr. ***, you actually succeeded in killing the female dragon of Onyxia and brought back her head. Now the Alliance This nightmare can finally end, for the glory of the Alliance! Hang this head on the gate of Stormwind City!"

Katrana was so angry that her whole body shivered. She was actually killed, and her head was hung on the city gate. Bolvar, you heartless bastard, it’s a shame you were so attentive to me...

There was a hint of bitterness at the corner of Katlana's mouth, so she would be killed anyway and end up with such a tragic end?

At this time, another piece of information appeared on the screen. She didn't pay attention to it before, but a word in this piece of information caught her attention.

World Channel: Fed the alliance's pesticide: "Onyxia's lair G group is formed, tanks are in place, various DPS and treatments are coming, and the one who joins the group is YY33265243."

Onyxia's lair? Katrana was immediately interested.

Opened YY and joined that channel.

There are many people in the channel, and the leader is shouting for people to come online.

Katrana hesitated and pressed the button of the microphone, "Hello brave adventurers, can we chat?"

"Wow, there's a girl!"

"The girl's voice is so nice."

"Miss, do you want to ask me if I have a girlfriend? I can tell you responsibly, I don't."

Katrana had a black line on her face. Who are these people? She resisted the urge to yell and shut up, and continued to speak in her slightly seductive voice, "Can you tell me about Onyxia's lair?" ?”

ten minutes later--

Katrana felt that her mind was even more confused. All her thoughts were about taking a deep breath and not climbing up the wall, drinking fire resistance potion after the dragon ascended to the sky, dwarf priests getting subsidies, and no gold splitting below 60% DPS.

"How is it? Is the game fun?" A voice rang in her ears. Katlana was startled. When she turned around, she saw Xia Yu looking at her.

Katlana felt guilty for a while, but she immediately thought that there was definitely a reason why the other party introduced this game to her.

"So what exactly is this? What is the relationship between the world of Azeroth and the world you are in?" She asked calmly, without any emotion for the first time.

Xia Yu smiled happily, knowing that now the two of them could finally communicate normally.

He had expected such a question, and he had already prepared an answer.

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