The Way of the Prehistoric World

Chapter 87: Sparking a frenzy

ps: Thank you to book friend "Lonely? Boy?" for the tip!

Since the premiere of "War of the Gods", the Internet has been filled with discussions related to this. In the newly created "War of the Gods" forum, dozens of posts have been added every second, and this speed is still high. is continuing to increase. %

After entering the Tieba forum, the most popular post was a post titled "When "Battle of the Gods" comes out, who can compete with it?"

The author of this post wrote: ""War of the Gods" is worthy of being the pinnacle work that Mei Zihan and Zu Feng spent ten years creating. It is just the opening scene, the three-minute Pangu appearance scene. It’s enough to shock people. The director spent two minutes showing Pangu’s hair and pores, plus a mysterious soundtrack to express Pangu’s majestic appearance.”

"Let's talk about the plot again. In the first two episodes of "The Prehistoric World", nearly half of the time is spent describing Pangu's creation of the sky. Why? Because this plot is too important. Without Pangu's creation of the sky, there would be no prehistoric world, Pangu's surviving family, The Three Pure Ones and the Twelve Ancestral Witches.”

"In fact, the author believes that many future plots should have been foreshadowed when Pangu opened the sky, such as Tiandao's sneak attack on Pangu and the Five Elements Taoist. Tiandao and Pangu's failure to deal with them should be an important reason for the start of the Conferred God War. "

"After Pangu opened the world, merits descended from heaven, the Three Pure Ones and the Twelve Ancestral Witches were born, etc. It seemed logical. When the prehistoric world was completely formed, these big guys who were influenced by Pangu naturally began to divide the cake. The time was up. , when the three ancestors of the Pangu family were born, the cake was basically divided."

"It's too early to talk about the complete plot at this moment. Let's turn our attention to the soundtrack of "War of the Gods". After consulting a music veteran, the author discovered that all the soundtracks in the film are all original , did not use any existing music. From this aspect alone, the author has to admire Mei Zihan and Zu Feng again. Their musical attainments are definitely at the master level."

"The soundtrack in the film seems to take us into a fairyland. Every piece of music is so impeccable. It is like an ethereal fairy song, and it fits perfectly with "Battle of the Gods"."

"The most commendable thing about "War of the Gods" is its picture quality. The author dares to say: within a hundred years, no movie will be better than "War of the Gods" in terms of picture quality. The quality of "War of the Gods" is The picture is not only impeccable, it can be mistaken for real, but it is also so chaotic that it makes people yearn for it. Compared with the fairyland in the prehistoric world, the so-called scenic spots on the earth are not worth mentioning. I have watched "War of the Gods" After that, I may never visit those famous mountains and rivers again.”

"There must be a lot of people who have the same idea as me. After the "War of the Gods", those tourist attractions that are famous for their scenery may see a sharp decline in tourists. Okay, I am going a bit far."

"All in all, "War of the Gods" truly lives up to its reputation as an epic masterpiece. Through "War of the Gods", Mei Zihan and Zu Feng brought the global audience into the prehistoric world they created. From now on, the prehistoric world , will definitely replace Shangri-La and become the most desirable place in the hearts of stars all over the world.”

The Earth Star audience does not know that the soundtrack for "Battle of the Gods" was created by the Chaos Island Ritual Band in their spare time.

These pieces of music are all full of fairy spirit, and they are perfect for "Battle of the Gods". However, compared to the history of civilization on the earth and star, which is only a few thousand years old, the Chaos Island Ritual Band has existed for more than ten billion years.

During such a long period of time, there are really countless good pieces of music, and it is very easy to come up with some as a soundtrack.

The second-ranked post is not a discussion about "The Battle of the Gods", but is titled: "Who is the most mysterious Five Elements Taoist in "The Romance of the Gods"?"

There are many differences between the contemporary Chinese classical literary work "The Romance of the Gods" and Mei Zihan's previous life. The biggest difference is the emergence of the Chaos Island lineage created by the Five Elements Taoist Ancestor.

Although the appearance of these people did not affect the outcome of the Battle of the Gods, it also changed the process a lot.

If we talk about the most awesome character in "The Romance of the Gods", then it must be the Five Elements Taoist Ancestor. This great supernatural power master who single-handedly opened up the Chaos Island lineage and then taught seven saint-level disciples. Naturally, readers will pay special attention to it.

What's more, each of his disciples still has the innate treasure in his hands, and even some of his disciples have more than one innate treasure in their hands.

It should be noted that Hongjun Taoist Patriarch only had six disciples of saints. Among them, only Sanqing had the innate treasure in his hands. The other three, Nuwa, Jie Yin and Zhunti, had no chance of having the innate treasure.

From this point alone, the Five Elements Taoist of Chaos Island seems to be much more powerful than Hongjun Taoist.

For such a great supernatural being, the description of him in "The Romance of the Gods" is mediocre. It is only known that his dojo is located on Chaos Island in the South China Sea. As for his origin, there is no disclosure at all. It seems that this great supernatural being , suddenly appeared between heaven and earth.

The author of this post asserted: "When Pangu opened the sky, the Five Elements Taoist who helped him support the sky should be the Five Elements Taoist who later appeared in "The Romance of the Gods". When the Five Elements Taoist appeared on the stage, he once composed a verse: 'Chaos is born without knowing anything. Years ago, Yi helped Pangu to hold up the sky, and he lived on the primitive Chaos Island. From this, it can be seen that the Five Elements Taoist once helped Pangu hold up the sky.

"It can be seen that the true body of the Five Elements Taoist should be the giant tree in "The Battle of the Gods". Since the original body of Hongjun Taoist is an innate cricket, the original tree body of the Five Elements Taoist is also acceptable. , judging from its ability to help Pangu hold up the sky, the true mana and supernatural powers of the Five Elements Taoist should be above the description in "The Romance of the Gods"."

"From the verses written by the Five Elements Taoist, the author can also conclude that he is indeed the Chaos Demon God. However, as the Chaos Demon God, why did he help Pangu to support the sky? There must be a huge secret hidden in this."

"You know, before Pangu opened the sky, he slaughtered three thousand Chaos Demon Gods. As the Chaos Demon God, the Five Elements Taoist Ancestor actually helped Pangu to support the sky. If there is no hidden secret, even the author himself would not believe it."

"For a long time, the question of which of the two Taoist ancestors, Five Elements and Hongjun, is stronger and which is weaker, has been troubling fans of "The Romance of the Gods". This should bring an end to it."

"When the Five Elements Taoist ancestors helped Pangu to support the sky, Taoist Hongjun should still be an innate cricket. His magic power and supernatural powers should be very weak. According to the description in "The Romance of the Gods", Taoist Hongjun should be in the After the opening of the sky, compared with the Five Elements Taoist ancestor who had infinite magical powers when he opened the sky, he is obviously weaker than him."

"Even if Taoist Hongjun advances by leaps and bounds in the future, it will be difficult to surpass Taoist Five Elements. At most, he will be close to him. From the number and quality of his disciples alone, it is not difficult to see that Taoist Five Elements' foundation is obviously more powerful than Taoist Hongjun. Because he is so profound and has such a profound foundation to help him, there is no reason for him to be surpassed by the other party."

The explanation of this post has been recognized by most netizens. The dispute over the identity of the Five Elements Taoist Patriarch and the battle over which of the two Taoist Patriarchs is stronger has come to an end since this post appeared.

Another netizen named "Photography Home" posted: "There are countless descriptions of the prehistoric world in online novels, but the only one that can really show the prehistoric world in front of the audience is this "Cover" "War of the Gods", after seeing the scenes in it, and then reading the words describing the prehistoric world, I feel very boring, all the gorgeous words are not enough to describe what is going on."

"As an amateur photographer, apart from the plot of "The Battle of the Gods", what I am most concerned about is the visual effect. The entire "War of the Gods" can be regarded as a film, composed of countless A collection of classic photography.”

"If the subsequent "War of the Gods" can achieve this level, then Mei Zihan and Zu Feng have spent ten years to create this TV movie, and the time it takes is not too long, but too short, only ten years The result is "Battle of the Gods", and the talents of the two are indeed unparalleled."

"Finally, as a lover of Internet literature, I am also very much looking forward to the emergence of novels that ignore "The Battle of the Gods". It is unknown whether the future Honghuangliu novels will be based on "The Battle of the Gods"."

A post titled "Two People's Movie" wrote: "In the entire "The Great Desolate World", there are only two characters: Pangu and the Five Elements Taoist. However, it is these two chaos demons who work together to carve out a magnificent world. The magnificent prehistoric world.”

"After watching it, I kept thinking: 'Is there really a prehistoric world?' Later I figured out that it was Mei Zihan and Zu Feng who brought us into the prehistoric world and into that world that is all over the place. The world of Shangri-La, the prehistoric world, has always been in our hearts, it was just painted by Mei Zihan and Zu Feng."

An animation and game enthusiast said: "I strongly request that the couple Mei Zihan and Zu Feng work together to create animations and games. After watching "War of the Gods", it feels very boring to play those shoddy games. It is strongly requested that future animation and game works also adopt the technology of 'computer perfect real-person shaping'."

Another hotly discussed topic on the Internet is why Pangu wanted to open the sky? Why do you have to open the sky when you are seriously injured?

Regarding this question, neither "The Battle of the Gods" nor "The Romance of the Gods" gave much explanation, so the controversy caused was the most heated.

A netizen named "Brother is a legend" wrote: "There has always been a big loophole in the Chinese mythology, and that is Pangu himself. Why did he choose to open the sky when he was seriously injured? If Pangu chose to open the sky If the sky is because of great love, then opening the sky under severe injury is undoubtedly contradictory to this great love."

"After all, everyone knows that only when oneself is intact can a better world be opened up, and all living beings in the world can develop better. From this point of view, Pangu's move to open the world was probably not done voluntarily."

"In this regard, "The Battle of the Gods" only explained one sentence: 'Because of Heaven's calculation, Pangu was forced to open the sky despite being seriously injured!' But why did Heaven calculate Pangu? And how? We don't know any of this. Known.”

"If we don't solve this first mystery first, then all our understanding of myths may be one-sided, biased, or even completely wrong."

In addition to these, the hotly discussed topics among Chinese people on the Internet include whether Pangu died? How high is Mount Buzhou?

Netizens have their own opinions on all these things. Since the epic movie "War of the Gods" can no longer be praised enough, it is understandable to discuss these myths and legends.

Compared with people in China who focus on myths and legends, foreign audiences are mainly concerned about the legendary "computer-based perfect human shaping" technology.

The Pangu and prehistoric worlds shaped by this are almost the same as those in reality. Although "Avatar" is not bad, the audience can still easily tell which ones are natural and which ones are man-made.

But in "Battle of the Gods", although it is known that all the scenes in it are virtual, its realistic pictures make it impossible for the audience to notice any trace of artificiality.

It seems that the entire "War of the Gods" was filmed in a world called the prehistoric world, and Pangu really opened up the prehistoric world.

For ordinary viewers, this may just be surprising, but for those in the film industry, especially those who are professionals in computer stunts, it is no longer enough to describe it as shocking, it is simply stunned.

To this end, all members of the Motion Picture Association of America have unanimously stated that they must obtain "computer-perfect human-shaping" technology at all costs. Without this technology, the decline of Hollywood movies will not be far away. (To be continued...) ()

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