The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Chapter 420: Unlucky Shen Family

? Taihu Shenshi, destroyed in a day!

The news spread, the whole south shook!

To be more precise, the entire elite group of scholars in the south was shocked.

When they react, it will naturally be all kinds of dissatisfaction and anger.

"I thought it would be great to become Wu Hou. No clan came to help, and there will be times when he will cry!"

"Well, the dignity of the clan cannot be violated, Wu Hou will have a hard time in the future!"

"Did Wu Hou dare to offend the clans completely, let's wait for his follow-up!"


The clans were boiling, but Thunder Tiger remained intact and unaffected.

He really didn't intend to use the clans to govern the locality. If the 500,000 people could not be easily settled, wouldn't he have been in vain for his first assistant career in the past few years?

Right now, I will be disobedient, and the gentlemen who want to secretly troubleshoot are dealt with cleanly, and then slowly treat the place no later than now. The people under Wu Hou's jurisdiction are mainly rest.

Fortunately, both the Taihu Lake area and Qiantang County are rare places. The water network is dense and fertile, and most of them are plain and hilly terrain, which is very suitable for development and cultivation.

However, the limited fields that have been developed, most of them are concentrated in the hands of local tyrants and clergy. Even if there is a field in the hands of ordinary people, they are basically dry land with poor production.

More ordinary people have no land and can only become bitter tenants. They endure hardships of local tyrants and gentry, as well as government officials, and live a life that is bitter.

It was said that the Tai Lake Shen who had just been smashed to the defense of Wubao by his sword and his men guarding the benefits collected from the Shen family was shocking.

There is a Shen family in every district, with a hidden population of three thousand, and most of them are young men and women, with only less than one tenth of the elderly and children.

This is nothing, the famous family of gatekeepers is so powerful. Whether it is in the history or in the world of the Tang Dynasty Shuanglong story, Taiyuan Li valve is 100,000 troops. Where did these people come from?

As long as my brain hasn't broken down, I know that these 100,000 troops are all hidden by Li valve.

In terms of quantity alone, the gentry in the south is far worse than the gatekeepers in the north.

The collected fields are also based on hectares. There are hundreds of hectares of paddy fields in the Shens of Taihu Lake alone. The hidden acres are not included, as well as the islands in the city's shops and Taihu Lake. The number is quite staggering enough to support a thousand-man army.

After breaking the Shenshiwu Fort in Taihu Lake, Thunder Tiger did not launch a killing ring.

When the Shen's Dock was breached, Shen's several defensive soldiers died. After Thunder Tiger's men swarmed in, no matter if they were second-class masters or ordinary soldiers, they all dared to fight and did not dare to resist. Read, otherwise Thunder Tiger's guards would not mind sending them to the west.

The number of young and trained males alone, whether from the Shen clan or hidden Qingzha, is more than five hundred. The number, including mature women, is at least close to one thousand.

In Thunder Tiger's eyes, this is a labor force with considerable potential. He doesn't want to waste it, and kills it by hand.

Not to mention that he is not so murderous, with the amazing martial arts of Thunder Tiger, and not worried about the retaliation of these captives in the future, it is better to squeeze the residual value of these captives clean now.

To get rich, build the road first!

This principle applies no matter where it is placed.

Thunder Tiger's previous life was the boss of the Ministry of Industry in the Red Mansion World. At the same time, he also had the title of "Infrastructural Madness". At this time, he became Wu Hou, and he was in charge of such elite places as Taihu Lake and Qiantang County. Infrastructure, develop these two places in advance?

The development of the South was not fully developed until the Southern Song Dynasty. By the time of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the South was already an empire's food production and fiscal and taxation center.

In the Taihu Lake area and Qianchi County alone, as long as they are properly developed and rely on their own advanced agriculture and technology, they can feed more than 20 million people without effort, and their living standards are much better than the people in the north!

Since Thunder Tiger wanted to take up its own land in the south, he has liked both the Taihu area and Qiantang County. Not to mention that both places are available. As long as one place is obtained, it can develop 10 million people, becoming a pivotal place in the south. Powerful forces.

As for the strategy for local governance and construction planning, he had already figured it out for a long time. At this time, it was time to implement it.

Sure enough, horses have no nightgrass and fat, and people are not rich!

Just winning the not-so-famous Taihu Shen's, Thunder Tiger's money, food, cloth, population, and land and other materials and resources is enough to provide the initial funding for the large-scale development under its jurisdiction. Can last longer.

If the crops in the field start to be harvested, it will last longer.

That is to say, Thunder Tiger's mind is very clear, otherwise he may not be able to stand the temptation and raise a massacre to the home of the powerful family of scholars under his control.

If that is the case, not to mention whether there are serious consequences, the looted money, grain, and supplies, as well as the land of acres of mountains and forests, are estimated to be sufficient for the development of the entire Wuhou jurisdiction.

Unfortunately, the number of people under the management of Lei Hu is too small. Those clans who have taken root for many years are not talking about fun. Once they want to fight against trouble, the entire territory may be chaotic.

By that time, Sui Jun, who had freed his hands in the south, had completely calmed down, and might have taken advantage of it, and the self-reliance of Leihu in the name of helping calm the place became empty talk.

On the prisoner list of Shen's in Taihu Lake, Thunder Tiger was surprised to see an unfamiliar familiar name: Shen Faxing!

This name is no stranger to the history of Sui and Tang dynasties, and it is the place where Yang Guang started in Wu Jun after being killed. However, his general strength is limited, and he is easily killed by other rebel forces.

However, the existence of a name in the history books, even a cat and a dog, is not a simple role.

At this time, Shen Faxing was just a 15- or 16-year-old boy, still a rookie who couldn't be tender anymore. Thunder Tiger naturally didn't need to worry.

The captured members of the Shen clan and their dependent personal soldiers were soon formed into several labor teams, and under the supervision of the guards began to work hard to build roads and bridges.

I have to say that the world here is rich in aura, and the physical fitness of the pregnant creatures is quite good, especially the strong laborers who have trained in different martial arts such as the Shen clan and the clan soldiers. The efficiency of working is quite amazing. It is comparable to three to five ordinary martial arts in the Red House World.

In other words, the captives of more than five hundred young men of the Shen family and the clan soldiers were worthy of more than two thousand and five hundred strong men in the Red House world.

This is amazing!

Especially the captives of the rivers and lakes among the captives, although the strongest is only the peak of the day after tomorrow, there is still a step away from the innate, but let them build roads and bridges as helpers, there are too many things that can be done by one person. Than modern construction machinery.

As long as the organization is properly used, the captured Clan members and soldiers alone can completely repair the official roads in several counties in the Taihu area, all of which are paved with gravel and rolled back and forth by rolling stones.

The captive Shen clan members and clan soldiers have a clear division of labor. The ordinary Shen clan people and clan soldiers are responsible for repairing and expanding the official way, and the work of quarrying and crushing stones is all performed by the influx of good people.

Hundreds of pounds of stones were nothing in their hands, and the acquired masters who reached the second-class standards of the rivers and lakes took the big stones and cracked them into small stones.

As for the bouldering stones that weighed thousands of pounds, in the hands of these second-class masters of rivers and lakes, they were not heavy. They could not only be lifted easily, but they could also pull their faces for several miles without flushing and panting.

It's very easy to piling piles when encountering rivers and bridges. Those second-tier masters of rivers and lakes don't need to shoot. The captive Shenjia rivers and lakes third-tier masters can pierce thick wooden stakes into the mud with a few feet. As long as Xiaohe has enough materials, he can lay a solid wooden bridge in half a day.

For the infrastructural projects with good participation from rivers and lakes, the efficiency can hardly be said. It is almost the same as the efficiency of modern construction machinery. Simply building roads and bridges is easy and simple.

The captive Shen clan members and clan soldiers were still unsuited at first, or they could not let the clan face do the work of these chin people, but they were thoroughly honest after several lessons learned by Wu Hou ’s guard with a whip. Nothing else.

Fortunately, Wu Hou, who is in charge of the supervision, is not harsh. As long as he completes the tasks on time and on volume, there is absolutely no problem in filling them, and finally the hearts of the Shen clan's middle and high levels are finally relaxed. ,

As long as they are not fools, they all react at this time.

The Shen family of Taihu Lake became the first bird, and was killed by Wu Hou Leihu to admire the chickens and monkeys. I have not seen that since the Shen family was unlucky, the scholars in the Taihu area and Qiantang County were strong and honest. The Shen clan who is undergoing 'labor reform' is simply not so.

Later, ~ ~ the captives of the Shen clan's hatred for the other powerful families of the clan under the rule of Wu Hou even exceeded the hatred of Wu Hou.

In addition to Wu Hou Leihu's strength is too strong, they know that there is no chance of revenge, but it is another example of ‘just suffering from widows and suffering from unevenness’!

At the time when the Shen family was in trouble, a gentleman family under the rule of Wu Hou had helped to stir up the flames.

The co-author Shen family is out of luck now, and was punished by Wu Hou for ‘labor reform’. Every day has endless work schedules. Compared to ordinary people ’s hardships, I still do n’t know when it is head.

The rest of the family who secretly moved their hands and fanned the flames, how could they have to suffer after suffering? Is this fair?

So soon, through the latent forces, the Shen clan fought with a powerful family of gentlemen under the rule of Wu Hou.

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