The Villain

Chapter 202 - The Kiss Of Seduction

"I told you once that you don't need to dress up to seduce me…" Santiago said, his voice abnormally hoarse. Sweat trickling down his forehead. 

"Of course, you do not remember."... He scowled at his choice of words. 

She glared at him. "Whose fault is it?"

She was frustrated, not with herself but at him. He could either take the step or get the hell out of here. 

She was twenty weeks pregnant woman with sexual needs. And her husband/ baby daddy's aloof attitude didn't help her urges. 

She was dying of frustration now. 

Lord help her. 

"Of course, mine." Santiago sighed. "Wear some thick clothes first, okay?" He went to bring her an oversized thick sweater but she threw it at his face.

"Santiago Vitello, you can either kiss me or fuck off," She yelled at him. 

Santiago looked at him with wide eyes. For a second, he was struck. He didn't know what to day or do. 

It was only when he saw her standing on the edge of the bed, dragging her by his collar, slamming her mouth on his, did he know what just happened. 

She bit his lips to have his attention. His arm wrapped around her waist and another pulled her closer as his lips moved in sync with his. 

She leaned as her body went pliant against his chest. He sucked the moan escaping her throat. 

Her nails dug in his back as she felt his mouth sucking on her neck and collarbone. 

This time, he initiated the kiss. It started slow but in the midst, it turned heated, powerful and intense. She felt the rush soared through her blood, through her belly, and all the way to the tips of her toes. 

A throaty moan left her mouth and he responded by sucking hard and calming her tender boobs. 

Her hand reached to play with her hair but as she felt her bralette peeling off bed body, she gulped and moaned simultaneously. She pulled his hair when his hot tongue licked over her nipple. 

It was supposed to be a simple kiss, nothing more but a drunk Persephone was reminded of it when his finger had entered her core. 

She was drunk on him. This energy that passed between them. 

And now she believed it was too late to stop him. 

He would stop if she asked him to but by God if did, she was going to bury him in her backyard. 

She bit her lips when another finger accompanied the first one to stifle the moan escaping her throat. 

His mouth was working on her boobs and fingers in her core. 

He was ruthless. He wanted her to ask him not to stop. He knew how badly she wanted him, yet he wouldn't give him what she needed. 

As she was on the edge of coming, he suddenly stopped. 

"What?!" She barked at him. 

Was he even serious? 

Pulling out when she felt a bit relieved? 

He opened his mouth to speak but he heard her yelling at him,"Don't you fucking say that it was a mistake. It shouldn't have happened at all. I am telling you if you said this,I'm going to bury you in our background and marry the man who would give everything what his pregnant wife wanted." 

Santiago suddenly laughed at him. Pregnancy was a weird experience even for him. 

"How would I know my pregnant wife wants me to make love to her?" He asked with amusement. 

"Who the hell wants you to make tender love?" She narrowed her eyes at him and burst out. "I want you to fuck me. Simple." 

"Whatever, you say, Signora," He whispered and pulled her leg gently. 

And Persephone knew from his tone that she got what she wanted. 


Santiago glanced at the woman sprawled on his naked chest with her eyes closed. Her soft breasts were rubbing against his chest and her wild curls were covering her bare back. 

"What's the time?" She murmured, not wanting to open her eyes. She was too comfortable and didn't want to move. 

"It's almost time for dinner," Santiago murmured back, removing a lock of hair from her face. 

"What?!" She moved up with a jolt. "We spent whole day rolling in sheets?"

Santiago pursed his lips at the choice of her words. 

"Wear something. We will have dinner first," He moved and helped her dress up. 

"I want sea food for dinner," Persephone demanded. 

"How about we have sea food tomorrow? Boys will have already cooked for the dinner," Santiago tried convincing her. But only if it was this easy. 

"How can you be so ruthless?" She glared at him. "Do you think being pregnant and hungry at the same time is easy feat?"

"Of course not," Santiago said. He caressed her face and pecked her nose. "We can order take out if you are craving sea food." 

"Why can't we go out?" She asked instead. 

"Persephone," Santiago groaned. "If you're demanding seafood I hopes that you will be allowed to leave house in such severe cold, you overestimated yourself." 

She pouted expressing her dissatisfaction. 

"I don't like staying inside all the time," She told him. "I feel suffocated and restless here." 

"Then, how about you accompany me?"Santiago suddenly asked her. 

Persephone turned her head to look at him in a proper way. She pinched his chin and asked," Accompany you where? Santiago Vitello, were you planning on leaving me alone on the bed in the morning after taking away my virtue? 

Santiago gaped at her. This was not what he meant. He was just called by King Leonardo to come back as soon a possible as he had something to discuss with him which couldn't be discussed over phone due to the confidentiality of the matter. 

"I swear I wasn't. I was called by my boss to come back for some confidential task." 

"Your boss? How come I never know you have a boss too? What on earth is your profession?"

"Just think I am special assistant of my boss. All the sensitive missions are completed by me."

"Before you think something wild once again, it's completely legal. I have an official job and title." 

"Title?" Persephone asked him with furrowed brows. "What the hell?"

"My grandfather had a title before he came to USA." 



"I need some time to digest all the new information."

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