The Villain

Chapter 190 - Send Me Home

"Please come in," Persephone asked him to come inside. She couldn't just make all the conversation on the door, could she? She took his coat and bag and asked, "Would you like to freshen up?"

Callum shook his head. He didn't need anything else but some good food. He was famished. "I would love some nice food that doesn't include sandwiches, burgers or worse vegetables."

He wasn't shy at all. He believed that one must not be shy in matters involving food. Or he would remain a starving man all his life. 

"Ah…" How could Persephone tell him now that she didn't know how to cook? 

She could see her in this man. Moments ago, she was starving and couldn't think straight. She wondered how she would ask him to wait for a few moments until someone wakes up and cooks him a meal? Or maybe, she could order something. But who would deliver her food at 5.30 in the morning? 

As if Callum could read the dilemma he had put her in, he said next, "You don't have to worry about cooking. Just hand me your kitchen for a few minutes and I will be okay." Seeing how her expressions didn't ease, he added, "It's okay if you don't want to. I don't want to sound imposing."

"No. No. Please go ahead." Persephone would be born a supervillain in her next life if she stopped a hungry man from eating. And if he could cook for himself, wouldn't it solve her problem? 

Callum offered her a smile and went inside the kitchen to cook himself breakfast. No, he wasn't feeling embarrassed at all. This was Santiago's house and here he couldn't be awkward in asking for food. All four of them could cook and so it wasn't a big deal where they ate their meals. Sometimes, it would be at Santiago's house or other times at Killian's. Nash was lazy and he was just too busy with work that they would starve to death if not for Santiago or Killian. 

When Callum was cooking, Persephone was staring at him with her elbows placed on the winning table.. She practically had stars in her eyes. How could a man be so perfect? Handsome. Check. Gentleman. Check. Polite. Check. And ridiculously sexy. Double checked.

And then there was her husband. It was hard for him to say something sweet. He had never cooked for her. Never asked talked like a gentleman to her.

"Are you close with Killian like Santiago?" Persephone skillfully started the topic. She knew Santiago and Killian were somehow acquainted but didn't know how. She was gathering information on Santiago as she wanted to know what was his weakness. What could make that man fall on his knees? 

Callum nodded as he didn't find her question suspicious. "Santiago, Killian, Nash and I had been together for more than fifteen years. We spent more time together with each other than with anyone had spent with their families. So, you can say we guys are tight as a pack." 

It could be deciphered from the fact that they used to have three meals a day almost together at least thrice a week. 

Persephone laughed at the choice of his words. "A pack of four with Santiago as Alpha?"

She could literally imagine Santiago as the alpha of the pack with three boys following him. 

Calllum shook his head in laughter. He didn't know she had a merry personality. People living with Santiago usually ended up depressed or dark but she was a unique gem. "You can say it like this. He matches the personality of Alpa, doesn't he? Brooding, furry, grumpy all the time."

"Absolutely," Persephone agreed without any qualms. 

Callum, who had finished cooking, came with two plates full of food. He placed before Persephone and took another for him. 

"Won't you have coffee?" He noticed that she came with only one cup of coffee. 

Persephone pouted and then pointed at her belly,"Little guy here doesn't allow his momma to have coffee."

Callum's eyes widened for a second before he masked his expressions. "Congratulations. Well, I didn't know or else I would have come with a gift."

Well, what the hell was happening with these guys? 

First, Santiago dropped the bomb that he married Persephone Marino. Yes, the same woman he had stolen from a church. 

Then, he found out that Nash was in love with a girl and Santiago was raising hell for some reason. 

As if it was less of news for him to digest, Killian informed him that he was married in Vegas. And that woman was no one else but Emmaline Palmero. 

And now Persephone just told him that she was pregnant with a mini villain in her belly. 

Was it what they call retribution? 

He didn't want to stay in New York any longer now. He wanted to go back home. What if he was hitched here with someone too? 

No. No. He didn't want to get married or worse become a dad. 

Dammit, he should have believed that Karma is a bitch. 

"Don't be so polite," He heard Persephone say. "Your heavenly breakfast is more than enough."

It might be heavenly for her but it wasn't edible for him anymore. 

He wanted to go home badly. 


When both of them were laughing and joking like some long disconnected friend reuniting, a brooding and grumpy Alpha was staring at them, his eyes flaring with furry.

As if Callum could feel constant glares thrown his way, he glanced up to discover Santiago standing away from them, his posture suggesting that he wasn't happy with the scene unfolding before his eyes. But Callum mustered up to give out a tight smile. 

Why was God so callous? 

How could a sweet girl like Persephone be bound to this asshole? 

She could have any man begging her to choose him but look at the twisted play of destiny. 

Persephone followed Callum's gaze and swallowed the piece of bacon that got stuck in her throat when she noticed Santiago's piercing gaze settling on her face.

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