The Villain

Chapter 188 - Surprise Party For Killian

Emma was busy on her phone when the doorbell rang. 

"Yeah. I will see you tomorrow. Make sure you teach on time," Emma said as she stood up to open the door. 

"Of course not!" She quickly added. "Although we are on friendly terms, it still doesn't change the fact that he and I are exes. And I will not make my husband uncomfortable by inviting Marinos. Isabelle and I were on cordial terms earlier. We still are but now she is his wife. I am avoiding exes as much as I can." 

The doorbell rang again and she increased her speed. "I will call you later, Lily. And no I am not inviting Scuderi's for my housewarming party. Sophia hates my guts. Nico is Persephone's ex. Don't want them to be awkward, do we?"

"Then who the hell is even coming to your party, Emmaline?" She heard her best friend yell in frustration. 

"I have more than twenty guests, Lily. They will come," Emma said while disconnecting the phone. "And goodbye." 

She ran to open the door as once again the doorbell rang. When she opened the door, she was surprised to find Santiago standing outside. He seemed to be panting as if he had just run a mile. 

"Mr Vitello?" Emma smiled although she was afraid to see him at her doorstep. Don't get her wrong. She just felt weird seeing him and Killian pretending to be unfamiliar and nasty to each other. 

"Please call me Santiago," Santiago offered her a polite smile. His body language showed her that he seemed to respect her. She had no interaction with this man before then why the heck was he giving her such treatment? Whatever, she would just take it. After all, gentlemen were hard to come by. 

He further added, " And I will take the liberty of calling you Emma only if you don't mind."

"Not at all," A smile formed on her face as she welcomed him. " Please come in."

Santiago nodded and came inside. He seemed to be searching for someone inside. He asked her with knitted brows, "Is Killian not at home?"

Hearing him calling Killian with a hint of familiarity, she furrowed her brow and kept her questions to herself. However, she was not as confused as she initially thought about how they all were acquainted with each other. 

She believed that she needed to be patient and trust her husband. If he wanted to share something with her, he would when he was ready. There was no point in forcing him. It would make her appear mistrusting. 

"He called earlier and informed me that he can't come home tonight," Emma told Santiago with an apologetic smile. "He is busy with an important task. If you have something urgent, you can tell me and I will inform him whenever he calls at home. You can call him too but right now his phone is out of reach."

"It's okay," He said as he turned to leave. He seemed to be in a hurry. " I will tell him one call if my call goes through. But if he calls you, just tell him Santiago dropped by. " He paused for a moment and then asked, "Any idea when he will be back?"

"Perhaps, until tomorrow evening," Emma replied. Killian had told her that he would be back before the party but if he didn't come before evening, he would inform her first. 

He didn't tell her what task made him so busy to even keep his phone switched off but if he could share the information, she assumed he would have. 

He only told her that it was a confidential task and he couldn't disclose the information. And as a supporting wife, what could she do instead of nodding her head? 

How could she question him when she didn't even know his job? 

Sometimes, she wondered why her husband was so mysterious. 

"Emma?" She heard Santiago calling her. 

She came out of trance and looked at his face. "Do you hear me?"

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" She didn't hear what he just said 

"I said please ask him to call me as soon as possible," Santiago answered. He was worried that if he didn't tell Killian about Alicia as soon as possible something might happen and all their progress might go back to square one. 

And he didn't want that. They had unexpectedly found Alicia Palmero this time. As soon as he informed Killian about the newly found information, the better it would be. 

Until Killian came he would increase security around Alicia. This way he would be able to keep track of location as well as keep her secure. If Persephone could get to know that Ellison was Alicia, so could Don Marino. That man had his ways. And he wasn't the one to be underestimated. 

"Santiago, everything is alright?" Emma was getting scared seeing the expressions changing on Santiago's face. 

She wondered what might have caused him to be so worried. It couldn't be a simple matter if he was so nervous and anxious. 

" Of course, "He forced a smile on his face but it was so damn fake that he wasn't able to convince her. "It's just work-related. Nothing too serious." 

He didn't know if Killian had told Emma about his past. And what would be the implications if he did. Not wanting to dwell on it, he turned on his heel to leave for his next destination. 

"And Santiago, don't forget about the party tomorrow night," Emma said when Santiago was exiting the door. " Ask Persephone to remind Valencia once again. And please bring your friends and the handsome boys who gave us apple pie this morning." 

Santiago chuckled at Emmanuel's action at making friends with their new neighbours but nodded his head in the end. 

He just hoped that Killian would return soon and his attempts to have a conversation with Ellison Salvatore aka Alicia Palmero goes successfully. 

And if it went successfully, this housewarming party might transform into a surprise party for Killian.

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